"Something has happened! In the Federation...!"


Me and Siam turned their heads at the same time.

"The Federation has notified all of the world guilds of the re-evaluation!"


I smiled and ruffled my bangs.

The Federation enforces a re-examination of the qualifications of the World Guild. That means that during this period, the World Guild's investigative rights and other benefits will be nullified.

'You bastard Albert. He pretended to be calm in the world.'

Truly a certified first-class hunter. It wasn't just that he was good at it.

Judging from the fact that they crossed over to Malta and attacked the horse tower, every move was fast and unconventional.

I hit the player from the other side first.

* * *


World Federation Headquarters.

"Yes, there is no overturn. Ignore whatever comes out and proceed."

Once again, the general secretary of the Federation, who gave the order to re-examine the qualifications of the World Guild, put down the receiver and sighed deeply.

"Are you really going to do this?"

As the secretary-general said so, he looked away and saw a winged man perched on the window sill.

Without a word, he put his hand into his arms and took out one of his bottles and threw it.


The secretary-general jumped in panic.

He managed to catch the bottle before he fell to the floor, but fell on the floor.

"What is this!"



The arm of the secretary-general holding the glass bottle trembled once.

"Why, can't you believe it?"

Albert came down from the window and grabbed the secretary-general's arm. His body was lifted up like a paper doll by the immense power of his majesty.

As Albert rolled the sleeves of his robe, his veins were stained as black as bruises.

"It's been pretty good."

“… 👑!”

"Drink. It's a drug that slows down the progress of the drug. You'll be able to get through it safely for about a month."

"The promise is different! The antidote!"

"I'll give you the antidote after this is over. Like you, I can't fully trust you yet."

Albert took another bottle from his arms and held it in front of the table.

"This is the share of the wife who promised."

The secretary-general shuddered.

"Heaven's Lord! Genga is aware of what you're doing!"

"Of course."

Albert walked towards the window.

He looked up at the scorching sunlight and said in a voice with a strange afterglow.

"Someone has to do it."

* * *

- These fucking bastards!

I was receiving a call from Yoon-Jeong Han inside the shelter.

When she visited the headquarters of the Federation in Switzerland, she was trembling with anger.

- No matter how much the heavenly lord explains that it's a black screen, he doesn't even listen! Insufficient evidence or anything, all of those geeks put the 'Oh, I don't know that' mod!

I let out a bitter laugh.

"Alber has already used his hand."

She contacted Yun-Jeong Han and told him all the facts related to Seong-Ju in Heaven.

She, who was at her headquarters, went up to the top and protested, but no matter how harsh she spoke, the Federation had no intention of overturning their position.

[The rule is to conduct the World Guild audit twice a year, and the reason for the audit has nothing to do with the current situation.]

[There is no solid evidence for the claim that Heavenly Seongju is the culprit of this incident. The Federation will send an appreciation to the castle and take action.]

[During the audit period, the World Federation's investigative powers cease to be effective.]

Well, these are the stories

- No, Albert, who is that bastard! How can even a certified 1st grader control the Federation this much?

"The antidote must have taken advantage of the weak points of the upper classes. Originally, the demons created an antidote to use it like this."

Even if it is not you, there is a high possibility that at least one of your family, relatives, or acquaintances is a victim.

The upper echelons of the Federation were no exception, and Albert made good use of that point.

"There's no need to be so angry. It's not going to change the situation."

I calmed Yoon-Jeong Han.

"Even from the other side, we hit the player because we were afraid that we would come with our backs on our backs. Regardless of whether the investigation authority was neutralized, we just have to attack Albert together and block his plan. After that, if we reveal our innocence, there will be nothing in the Federation. I can't speak."

- Okay. And everything is fine, are you talking as if you have already joined the World Guild?

"Didn't you come in?"

- Yes, no.

Oh, I tried to sneak in, but I failed.

“Anyway, are you going to come to catch the Cemetery Prayer?”

- Let's go. I'm on a disaster attack right now, so I'll have to convince my grandpas, but I'll do it anyway.

The 'grandfathers' she was talking about were the Egyptian Senate. It seems that it is difficult to have a force inside to keep you in check.

"Tell me that the lives of hundreds of millions of people depend on it."

-Then those idiots will say what's wrong with Egypt's 100 million people? Anyway, okay.

"Yeah, I'll call you later."

I finished the call and put my phone down. Meanwhile, Siam was enjoying a cup of tea.

“Conversations among young people these days are difficult.”


"I just contacted the ghost squad."

"What do they say?"

She shook her head across.

"The answer came back saying that I would think about it. They didn't seem very interested."

"Um, isn't it cold in winter in Mexico too? There must be some victims of cold medicine there too."

Siam stirred the teacup with a spoon.

"Because it's a very conservative group. You might think that it's better to sacrifice a few people to take the risk of fighting Albert."

"Well, it's worth being cautious. For now, let's keep an eye on the situation."

Next, I also contacted Marcello of the Holy Knights.

-If there is any problem related to mine, I will go.

Marcello readily agreed. He expressed his intention to participate in the war.

This resulted in a 4:1 composition.

The ghost squad is highly likely to return to neutral after seeing the lukewarm response, but our side's power is overwhelming enough that there is no problem even if one force is missing.

“Now, I have to go back soon.”

"Where can I look down?"

"Oh, thank you for your words, but it's okay. I just ride the warp like I did when I came."

"Wizards are convenient."

As Siam brought the teacup to her mouth again, Ea's voice was heard.

- Top owner. Mana has run out on the tower. Please wait while the mana to open the warp is restored.

'… … Ugh, you finally hit the floor.'

This is also a problem.

Even if we find the celestial fortress, a considerable amount of mana is consumed to 'transfer' from the bottom of the Mediterranean to the area.

Warp magic has the characteristic that mana consumption varies depending on the distance. Opening the warp in front of the tower is simple, but the amount of mana required to move the entire tower is astronomical. Coming from Korea to Malta was actually quite unreasonable.

'I'll have to figure out a way.'

* * *

I boarded the warp straight to Korea without going back to the horse tower.

My destination is the Wizard's Guild New Headquarters in Sanggye-dong. There is an important event today.


As soon as Shin Nara saw it, she grabbed my hand and jumped.

"Thank you for coming! Aren't you busy these days?"

"Thanks to the CEO's help with Maltile, I became more spacious. Oh, did anyone around you have any problems?"

Her expression suddenly darkened.

"Fortunately, me and my family are fine... There are quite a few of the employees who have taken cold medicine. I will not be able to concentrate on work anyway, so I gave them a paid vacation and made them spend time with my family."


"Still, I'm not too worried. This time, the World Federation will definitely take care of it. Right?"

Her eyes were so dazzling that she decided not to say that the League is now being swayed by the one who made it happen.

"of course."

"Ah, this is not the time for melancholy. Come on in!"

Today, along with the ceremony to commemorate the completion of the new building, a briefing session for my new wizard guild 'Arcane' is held.

Simply put, Arcanes are the 2nd Army of Magic Tower. Basically, it operates like a guild, but puts a greater emphasis on cultivating wizards. If your achievements go up or you get good results, you will have a chance to enter the 1st Army Horse Tower.

It was sure to be a topic of discussion. Even before opening, interest is exploding from around the world.

In particular, the UK and the Netherlands, where the magic boom occurred, are pouring in requests to build 2 and 3 arcanes in their country, as all funds will be provided.

"Hunter Kim, this is it!"

I entered the auditorium where the presentation was held. You can see people crammed into each seat.

Shin Nara explained that the audience for this briefing was selected from among the wizards of one circle or more. Everyone, from camcorders to notebooks for taking notes, was hot.

Now, where should I watch... .

"Excuse me for a second!"

Shinnara held up a wig and put the microphone around my neck. I blinked in embarrassment.

"What? This?"

"Oh my, did you come all the way here and just have a look? Of course, the chief executive has to say something!"

"...I'm not ready at all?"

"It's okay! I think it's okay to say a word to the juniors and come down without feeling burdened!"

Without any time for me to respond, the broadcast PD ran downstairs.

"CEO Shin! Let's start now!"

"Yes. Then I'll go! Hunter Kim's turn will be the last, so please prepare!"

"...Ah, yes. Let's go."

Shin Nara followed the producer up the stage, and I was left alone.

"CEO Kim!"

All of a sudden! I looked back, startled by the hand holding her shoulder.

A woman in her 40s with dark makeup was looking at me.

she is an acquaintance Makeup artist team leader 'Isabel Kim'. She is the one who took care of my hair while filming the video of the magic lecture.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up!"

"Who, who?"

She toughly grabbed my hand and dragged me to her chair. Then she said in a clear voice.

"Children~! It's urgent here! Let's start with CEO Kim!"


Somewhere my sisters flocked to me and started putting makeup tools on my face.

"No, this is all of a sudden... oops!"

"I won't open your mouth. I'll go inside."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

“I’m going to tone up.”

Five seconds was enough for me to be subdued. Isabelle Kim said, putting a lot of mousse on her hair.

“CEO Shin asked me to take a simple look at my styling.”

"...I don't think this is simple makeup."

"Because I'm a pro. My dictionary doesn't have a rough idea!"

In the end, I gave up everything and put myself in their hands.

His gaze turned towards the camera. Just then, Shin Nara was coming up on stage.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Shin Nara, the representative of Garam Management! I'm also an advisor to Arcane!"

Shinnara explained about the arcane system.

Indeed, is Garam’s representative different no matter where they are? The narrative technique of explaining only the important points at a glance is impressive. Even when I hear it, it feels like it's stuck in my ear.

So, after her explanation was finished, my next turn came around the time my hair was finished. He is a friend who came to Korea with me.

"I, my name is Dae-Yong Na!"

Na Dae-yong also became famous. I passed the interview the other day, became my direct disciple, and became the first certified hunter of a magician, earning the envy of everyone.

He set a very good precedent. There are quite a few people who learn magic with the aim of becoming a substitute for me.

By the way… … .

'Dae-yong is completely frozen.'

Perhaps this is the first time he has spoken in front of so many people, his voice is trembling.

He looked at the writing on the palm of his hand to see if he had forgotten everything he had memorized, and then continued the conversation with difficulty.

Clap clap clap!

"cheer up!"

The audience applauded and cheered for Na Dae-yong's appearance. Dae-yong Na shed an awkward laugh, but soon found the courage to tell his story.

He wasn't as adept at speaking like Shin Nara, but the audience and I were gradually drawn into his story by his strangely sincere voice.

"My provisional license period was such a series of hardships. It was Hunter Kim Yoo-shin who appeared in front of me like that!"

… … Huh?

I'm coming out at this time?

"My teacher gave me the courage to do it! The training was harsh, but the words that if you follow me, I'll make it to the top, came to me very impressive!"

… … Why are you talking like this all of a sudden? As soon as my story came out, it was Na Dae-yong, who returned to his usual over-tension and sputtered saliva in front of everyone.

"Follow me, everyone!"

As Dae-Yong Na stretched out his arm, his sparks fluttered and bounced.

"Now I have my identity. Let's feed a world that ridicules us for being non-combatants and having no market value! This time our days will come!"

"Waah ah ah ah ah!"

As I watched, I smiled bitterly.

It's not a company briefing, but a weekend worship service for fanatics.

"Ah! CEO Kim is here!"

The broadcast PD approached me.

"Please prepare for the next turn right away."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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