I Also Dress Up As Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 76 Jiang Yan's Secret.


Jiang Yan snorted coldly: "Go back to the house! I'll talk business with Mr. Su."

"Understood, is it okay if I don't make light bulbs?"

Jiang Ting stuck out her tongue and went back to the bedroom.

"Is there anything serious to talk to me about?"

Su Ru was cleaning the teacup.

"Let me do it!"

Jiang Yan sat opposite.

She boiled water, took out the tea leaves, and made tea for Su Ru.

Her craftsmanship is extremely professional, and she is extremely familiar with each process.

After a while, the kung fu tea field furnace was introduced.

She gave Su Ru with both hands.

Su Ru took it, took a sip, and couldn't help nodding.

This tea is still very flavorful.

"Young master Su, you said that asking me for something is considered a deal. I wonder what it is?"

Jiang Yan asked.

Su Ru didn't hide it either, and told Jiang Yan.

However, some key details have been concealed in good faith.

"You mean this sister Ye has been looking for her son."

"But his son is dead?"

"In order not to make her sad, a fake paternity test?"

"Let her have an adopted child as her son?"

Jiang Yan frowned slightly.

It's somewhat against her work ethic.

Although it is a white lie.

650 "I'm afraid I can't help you, Mr. Su, for everything you do. I thank you very much, but I really can't do this kind of thing."

Jiang Yan actually refused.

She is a person with professional ethics and absolutely cannot do such a thing.

"Is there no room for negotiation at all?"

Su Ru asked.

Jiang Yan shook his head.

There is really no room for it.

"Master Su, all you did was for this matter, right?"

"Give me arsenic therapy, save my grandma, restore my honor, everything."

Jiang Yan stared at Su Ru, with a look of pain on her pretty face.

She didn't expect that Su Ru approached her for a purpose.


"Otherwise, why do you think I found you?"

"Is it all because of kindness?"

"I'm afraid I'm not a good person at all."

Su Ru did not lie.

At this time, there is no need to lie.


Jiang Yan laughed at himself, (cacj) lowered his head without a trace.

A tear fell.

"Do you want to know the truth?"

Su Ru suddenly asked.

Jiang Yan was stunned, but nodded anyway.

"The truth is often cruel.

Su Ru picked up the teacup.

Jiang Yan bit her lip, laughed at herself and said, "Is there anything more cruel than what I just encountered?"

"I'm a bad guy."

"Sister Ye's daughter died because of me."

"I'm not protecting Sister Ye, not at all."

"I am her enemy!"

"The fake paternity test is just to keep her from taking revenge on me for the time being."

"Because she's too strong."

"If she knew that I killed her only son, she would use all her strength to kill me by any means.

Su Ru told the cruel truth in a very flat tone.

Jiang Yan shook his fingers, the teacup shattered and the tea splashed everywhere.

A few drops of scalding hot tea splashed on the back of her white hands, and the soup turned red instantly.

But Jiang Yan only felt cold hands and feet, and didn't care at all.

"Did you kill her son yourself?"

Jiang Yan calmed down for a long time before asking a little tremblingly.

"of course not."

"how to say!"

"He killed himself because of me."

Su Ru told the story of Ye Xiaotian's suicide.

After listening, Jiang frowned slightly and said, "Isn't he too extreme?"

She obviously didn't like Ye Xiaotian very much.

Su Ru took a sip of tea, but did not comment on Ye Xiaotian.

"If Ye Xiaotian's biological mother knew about this, she would definitely take revenge on you, right?"

"Your life is in danger?"

Jiang Yan asked.

Su Ru nodded.

In fact, in the original book, Ye Xiaotian's mother is also a ruthless character who must take revenge, if you stare at me, I will kill your whole family.

"I'll help you."

Jiang Yan said suddenly.

"you help me?"

Su Ru was a little surprised.

"Yes, I can help you and give you the most professional help.

"Let the opponent not see any flaws.

Jiang Yan said.

She has expertise in this area.


Su Ru became interested.

Just now he refused to help, but now he agrees.

"No reason, just a deal."

Jiang Yan held out his hand.


Su Ru held her hand.

"You've helped me a lot, so it's a deal."

Jiang Yan's eyes dodged.

She didn't want to see Su Ru get hurt.

She wants to protect Su Ru.

However, she absolutely cannot say such words.

Only with this kind of indifference.

"I hope Mr. Su can help me heal my scar as soon as possible."

"That's part of the deal.

Jiang Yan continued to remain indifferent.


"I'll get the herbs as soon as possible."

Su Ru stood up, buttoned up the buttons, took her leave and left.

"I'll see you off."

Jiang Ting ran out when she heard the door opening.

The two went downstairs together.

"Brother-in-law, do you still want to know my sister's secret?"

Jiang Ting jumped up and down.

"Say it!"

Su Ru laughed.

He was not disgusted with the little girl.

"that is..."

Jiang Ting lay beside his ear and said a few words.

Su Ru was slightly stunned.

About Jiang Yan's secret, I really don't know.

This is also interesting.

"How is it? You don't lose money for a meal, right?"

Jiang Ting said proudly.

"You're such a clever little ghost."

Su Ru smiled and drove away. .

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