I Am a Big Player

Forty-seven, get up!

At 12 o'clock in the evening, it was already a little cold in late autumn. Duan Xiaolou was standing in the shadows in the distance wearing a corseted sweater. The sweater and jeans clearly outlined her beautiful figure.

And she was watching Ren He seriously doing warm-up exercises downstairs in his family, what is Ren He going to do?

At the next moment, she suddenly saw Ren He's body move, like a night bird in the dark, Duan Xiaolou didn't see what was going on, and saw Ren He's muscles burst out , almost kicked his legs, and put a little force on the anti-theft window with the palm of his hand, and the whole person had already jumped onto the anti-theft window on the second floor!

too fast! It's too thrilling!

In the blink of an eye, Ren He had already reached the third floor...

While Ren He's dangerous movements continued, Duan Xiaolou almost exclaimed, she covered her mouth in surprise and watched Ren He climbing up in pursuit of speed like desperately, it was more than ten meters away The height is too high, what if one accidentally falls down? Isn't Ren He afraid?

Duan Xiaolou suddenly realized what Ren He said before, everyone has different life choices. She didn't expect the other party to choose such a dangerous road! This was completely unimaginable to her before. When she watched videos of foreigners playing extreme sports, she only felt that this group of people was so boring, but when someone was so desperate in front of her, her whole blood became hot. My hands are wet with sweat!

When she came back to her senses and looked up again, Ren He had just completed the last movement, and her hands were already tightly clasped on the window sill on the fifth floor!

The windows on the 5th floor had been opened long ago, and Ren He's arms suddenly exerted strength, and he had already jumped in. Duan Xiaolou seemed to be able to hear the rustling of Ren He's clothes being blown by the cold wind.

In the whole yard, she was the only one left standing in the shadows in silence for a long time.

Ren He wiped the sweat from his brow in his room. He had a thrilling moment on the 4th floor just now. The anti-theft windows of this house showed signs of rust. When he was bearing all his weight, he could hear the screws The sound of snapping, it seems that when I do this kind of exercise in the future, I must not trust these things that look very strong.

Heavenly Punishment System: "The host completes the task of climbing the 1-5 floors of the family building within 5 minutes, and rewards physical fitness 1.0!"

Ren He was overjoyed when he heard the rewards for physical fitness. Sure enough, as long as the first of these three tasks is completed, everything after that will be solved easily!

"What is my physical fitness now?" Ren He asked.


Hey, it was 4.12 before, and it should be 5.12 after adding 1 point of physical fitness. It seems that 0.11 is my own growth in the recent period. Before the Heaven's Punishment System intervened, Ren He's physical fitness was 1.6, so if he didn't consider rewards in the future, how could he have a natural growth attribute of around 1.3-1.4.

He tried the task of doing 100 push-ups in one minute, but he didn't succeed because he had consumed a lot of energy just now. But Ren He is not worried at all, the amount of exercise just now was too much, especially in the process of bursting out, his arms have already lost strength, so as long as he takes a good rest, this task will definitely not be a problem. He can already start to look forward to what rewards the next two missions will give him!

The next day, Ren He went out early, and when he went downstairs, he admired his giant Raptor for a while with an upstart look. In his previous life, he would not have dared to make money to buy such a luxury car with his own ability.

He doesn't mind others saying that he is a nouveau riche, and I am proud of being a nouveau riche.

Ren He originally thought that he would be the first to enter the class. He didn't want to do squats and push-ups with a desk in front of his classmates when he got up so early... When he arrived in the classroom, the sky had just brightened ,

The days in winter are always so short.

However, when he was about to take out the key to open the door, he suddenly found that Li Luohe was already sitting on the podium!

"Mr. Li, good morning," Ren He greeted with a smile.

Li Luohe seemed to be thinking about something just now, when he heard Ren He's greeting, he turned his head and looked at him: "It's quite early, if you put your mind on your studies, you might be able to get into a key university."

"A key university? That's impossible. My goal is Tsinghua University and Peking University. The goal I set since I was a child," Ren He said cheerfully, "It's actually Mr. Li, your grief yesterday infected me. Seeing you crying so emotionally , I really feel sorry for you if you don’t study hard!"

This is really a pot that can't be opened... Li Luohe's eyebrows immediately stood up, and he felt that his chest was burning with anger...

"A poor student like you will be a moth in the society in the future," Li Luohe reprimanded angrily, "Can you make any contribution to society?"

"Don't tell me, I can just take care of myself, why do I have to make any contribution to society? Have you studied Das Kapital? As long as everyone does their own thing well, it is a contribution to society," Ren He walked into the room with a smile seat.

It is not that Li Luohe has never met a student who dared to talk back after teaching for more than 40 years, but Ren He was the first one who was so eloquent. He even felt that his authority was being challenged. He reprimanded: "Then you should be your own student. Is it your duty?"

"I think you may have misunderstood this society... what society needs is not just intellectuals, I can still move bricks with my physical strength," Ren He couldn't help laughing: "moving bricks Have you ever heard of this industry? It’s migrant workers who contribute to socialism. What do you think of my technology?”

Just as he was talking, Ren He directly picked up the desk and began to squat extremely quickly in front of Li Luohe. The muscles all over his body suddenly tensed up, full of explosive strength!

Li Luohe was obviously shocked...

What's going on here, aren't you talking well, why did you suddenly start doing squats? ! Who wants to watch you squat? !

"Get up!" Li Luohe roared angrily, "What are you doing? Demonstrating against me?" He suddenly wanted to pick up the pointer and whip Ren He, but he looked at Ren He's tense muscles. Like steel, Li Luohe suddenly didn't dare to make a move.

There are not many people in the school now, if Ren He is as wild as he is, he might even beat him up... Li Luohe knew very well in his heart that he had no way of expelling the other party, and what he was thinking about just now was how to use tricks Wo can not touch the interests of the school.

So at this moment, he had insisted on his authority as a teacher for more than forty years, and it had no effect in front of Ren He.

Ren He looked at Li Luohe's expression and smiled. The purpose of the so-called exercise is to enable idiots to talk to you well, and now it is reflected...

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