Luosha pointed at Shen Ruojing: "If she's not a servant, then who is it?"

Shen Qianhui frowned, glanced at Shen Ruojing, and then said: "She is the private doctor that Jing Zhen specially hired for me!"

Before Shen Ruojing came, she made an agreement with Jing Zhen and Shen Qianhui not to reveal her identity after coming to Country A.

Because she thought that the person who secretly trained Song Chen in the palace to scheme against her must know her, but the rest of them probably don't know her very well.

When she was in China, she was relatively low-key, and all the articles that had been in the news were basically released. Except for the people at the scene who had seen her, not many people knew that she was Jingzhen's daughter.

Now among the three forces in the palace, whoever doesn't know her can rule out that the other party is not the person who cultivated Song Chen.

Luosa was so rude to her, and looked at her like a superior looking at a slave, so Luosa seemed to be able to rule it out.

The reason why it seems to be used is because it cannot be ruled out that this is all performed by Rosa.

After Shen Qianhui introduced herself, Shen Ruojing immediately observed Luosha and Yan Rushuang.

Luosa's focus was obviously not on the private doctor, but elsewhere: "You actually called His Majesty the King's name? You are simply offending His Majesty the King!"

But Yan Rushuang's eyes fell on Shen Ruojing, with a vague look in her eyes, but she quickly averted her eyes, looked at Luosha and said, "Sister Luosha, after all, sister Shen is here. Growing up in Huaxia, it is normal to not understand the rules of our country, His Majesty the King doesn't care about it, so don't care about it here."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Shen Qianhui kindly and said, "But Sister Shen will live in the palace forever, and she still needs to learn the rules, otherwise, how will she manage the palace in the future?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Shen Qianhui.

Luosa shouted angrily: "What qualifications does she have to manage the harem?"

Yan Rushuang said: "Sister Shen has the oldest qualifications, I think the candidate for queen must be Sister Shen."

Luosha sneered and said, "She is the queen? Let's ask the Yan family and the Luo family first if they agree!"

Yan Rushuang frowned: "I am very content to be able to enter the palace and become a princess. I don't have any idea about the position of queen. The Yan family is His Majesty's uncle's family and will definitely support His Majesty the King."

Luosha was furious, stomped her feet and looked at her again: "Okay, even if your Yan family agrees, our Luo family does not agree, and neither do I!"

After finishing speaking, she gave Shen Qianhui a vicious look, and then left with a group of servants in the palace.

Since there is a royal family in the palace of country A, there must be servants.

But the servants here are different from those in Huaxia.

The servants in Huaxia's current wealthy families are all contractual. The servants have human rights. They can break the contract and leave at any time, just like going to work.

In King A's palace, there is a slavery system.

Therefore, most of the servants in the palace are slaves and serve in the palace all their lives. However, their treatment is much better than before, and they also have official positions. They even have a more stable life than those outside, but their status is indeed very low.

After Luosha left, Yan Rushuang brought Shen Qianhui and others to the palace where Jingzhen lived, and enthusiastically asked the servants in the palace to help them pack their things, and finally looked at Shen Ruojing and said politely: "This... Doctor, you offended Rosa today, so you should be more careful in the future. Our palace is different from your Huaxia, you made a mistake here, and she can deal with you at any time."

The attitude is kind, polite, with some flattering meaning.

Obviously, they should know her identity.

Shen Ruojing glanced at her and said lightly, "Thank you for reminding me."

Yan Rushuang was very cautious in advancing and retreating. After sending the person to him, he explained a few more words and left.

Shen Ruojing looked at the palace.

As expected of Jingzhen's residence, the decoration is very luxurious, and the resplendent decoration makes this place look very luxurious.

Shen Qianhui was supported by Shen Ruojing into the bedroom.

This palace is also in a modern architectural style. The bedroom is decorated in a typical palace style, full of money.

Shen Qianhui smiled after seeing it: "Ono must like it here!"

Shen Ruojing also lowered her eyes, missing her son a little.

She helped Shen Qianhui sit on the bed, and then helped her feel the pulse, Shen Qianhui also became a little nervous: "How is it?"

Shen Ruojing's face remained unchanged: "It's nothing serious, you'd better rest more."

Shen Qianhui's eyes dimmed a little, and she said to Shen Ruojing after she lay down: "Jingjing, why don't you disclose your identity to the public? It stands to reason that apart from the queen mother, your father, you are the highest in this palace, and you have made it public." They won't dare to bully you."

She has always kept things about Song Chen from Shen Qianhui and Jing Zhen, and she doesn't want them to worry about her.

So hearing this, Shen Ruojing said: "It's too troublesome."

Shen Qianhui just laughed: "I knew it, but your father said that when the enthronement ceremony will be held, your identity will be announced directly, and then you will not be able to be lazy."

Shen Ruojing nodded.

Shen Qianhui said again: "Jingjing, do you feel that everything here is strange?"

is strange.

It is obviously a modern society. After coming to country A, they live in a modern house, but suddenly it seems that they have returned to ancient times. People are very uncomfortable. No wonder the four major Chinese families are unwilling to send their daughters to the royal family.

Thinking about Shen Qianhui, the big white rabbit being sent here, if it wasn't for the protection of Shen Ruojing and Jing Zhen, it would probably be wiped out soon.

Just as she was about to say something, an old woman in her sixties came over. She was dressed in a decent dark blue maid outfit: "Princess Shen, I am Mother Rong, the wet nurse of His Majesty, and the housekeeper in charge of this palace." , you can find me if you have something to do. His Majesty the King has told me to take good care of you."

Shen Qianhui heard Jing Zhen mention this person, he is a trustworthy person.

Over the years, Jing Zhen has been in touch with her, and it is Rong Mu's mother who has been passing on news to Jing Zhen.

From Huaxia's point of view, these are Jingzhen's very close elders, so Shen Qianhui nodded to her very gently, and just when Mother Rong was about to say something, suddenly footsteps came from outside the door.

Several people turned their heads, and saw four women in dark blue suits striding over. They all looked very fierce, and the visitor said unkindly: "Princess Shen, the queen mother heard that you don't understand the rules of country A, so I specially sent you The four of us are here to teach you, lest you lose the face of the royal family on important occasions."

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