I Am A Boss Mommy That Wants To Slack

Chapter 585 Reconciliation

There is another reason why Chu Ciyuan believed that Madam Chu did not love him.

The entire Chu family moved from Haicheng to the capital. Everyone was notified, only Chu Ciyuan was not notified... He was the one who came after him. He was very depressed and bought a house in the capital. He wanted to prove it to Mrs. Chu, etc. people watch.

He's doing just fine without them.

So when he heard that Chu Cichen had placed Mrs. Chu under house arrest at the Chu family, he rushed over immediately.

Even at that time, he was faintly excited.

He could finally prove him to Mrs. Chu.

Few people know this kind of childlike thoughts, but seeing Chu Ciyuan's aggrieved look on the verge of crying, before Mrs. Chu could speak, Chu Cimo couldn't help but said, "You're so smart. Is it? Let’s not talk about how stiff you were with your family at that time, just say that my mother called you, can you get through? "

Chu Ciyuan was taken aback.

Only then did he remember that Mrs. Chu kept calling him, and he blocked the other party.

Chu Cimo continued: "Do you think we moved, why did we make a fuss and let Haicheng know? We even publicized the address of our home in Haicheng, just because Mom asked me to do it, I'm afraid you When I came to Kyoto, I couldn’t find my home!”

"Also, do you think we don't know, has your home network been hacked? The cameras are all under surveillance, but the firewall has never been updated at home, and they pretend not to know, just so that you can get home news in time! Otherwise, why did you know that Mom was under house arrest just now?"

Every time Chu Cimo said a word, Chu Ciyuan couldn't help being stunned.

Until the end, his eyes were frighteningly bright, and there was no longer the gloom of the past, only surprise and found.

Yes, lost and found.

In the eyes of Mrs. Chu and others, it was the ignorant child who finally figured it out.

But in Chu Ciyuan's view, it means that the relatives who love him have returned...

As for Chu Yuan...

Chu Ciyuan didn't even give him a look!

Since this father has never paid anything for him, then he has no feelings for this father.

Chu Ciyuan's tears dripped down the corner of his eyes, he stepped forward suddenly, hugged Mrs. Chu, and shouted: "Mom!"

In this sound, Tao made so many grievances and mistakes.

She acted like a baby again, hoping Mrs. Chu would not argue with him.

How could Mrs. Chu care about this with the children at home? What's more, I originally concealed the truth from him because I was afraid that he would be sensitive, but I didn't expect that the child would still think left.

Seeing that Chu Ciyuan didn't feel sad when he knew the truth, Madam Chu was also relieved and patted him on the back hastily.

Everyone present looked at the two of them and couldn't help but sigh.

Chu Cimo next to him curled his lips: "Slug, crybaby."

Chu Ciyuan let go of Mrs. Chu in embarrassment, and looked at him: "You are the slug! When I was young, who chased me every day and called me brother?"

Chu Cimo:?

His first reaction was to turn his head to look at Bai Shanshan, and then said shyly and angrily: "Chu Ciyuan, let me tell you, don't talk nonsense, especially in front of my wife..."

Chu Ciyuan sneered: "Sister and sister, I have a lot of black information about him here, if you want to hear it, I will tell you one by one another day..."

"Chu, Ci, Yuan!!"

Chu Cimo roared angrily, and rushed towards Chu Ciyuan directly.

The two brothers fought together.

After a while, Chu Ciyuan looked at Mrs. Chu, and he strode over: "Mom, if that's the case, then what's wrong with Big Brother?"

Madam Chu's face darkened.

Chu Cimo also sneered: "That's not our elder brother!"

Chu Ciyuan was afraid that Mrs. Chu would be sad, so he immediately said: "Yes, that's not our eldest brother! Mom, you will not have that son in the future, and I will be your boss!"

As soon as Chu Ciyuan finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill coming from the side.

He turned his head in doubt, and saw Shen Ruojing looking at him leisurely.

But the person who expressed the coldness was the man standing next to her.

That inexplicable man was wearing a peaked cap, a black mask, and black sunglasses. He couldn't tell what his appearance was at all, but the coldness radiating from his body made Chu Ciyuan feel the danger.

He gave that person a hard look, didn't take it seriously, then turned around and looked at Mrs. Chu.

Madam Chu smiled.

Chu Cimo looked at the stinky second brother, and decided not to reveal the identity of the eldest brother, and let him regret it later!

When the few people were all thinking about each other, Chu Yuan beside him couldn't help but said: "Sister-in-law, why are you and Ci Chen doing this? And it was Ms. Shen who cheated first, right? She kept a pretty face outside, first The one who betrayed Ci Chen, he should be furious..."

After Chu Yuan finished speaking, he also took a look at the man standing next to Shen Ruojing: "It's really..."

He shook his head angrily, feeling ashamed!

The matter of Jing Zhen cannot be announced to the public, so the less people know the better, so Mrs. Chu did not explain anything, but said: "During this time, the Chu Group needs you to take care of it."

With Chu Yuan in the Chu Group, at least Song Chen would not mess up the Chu Group.

Chu Yuan nodded, couldn't help but glance at Chu Ciyuan again, and then saw that the son didn't have any curiosity about him at all, but instead looked at Shen Ruojing: "You just said, I will tell me when I apologize, Where is my master X?"

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