I Am A Boss Mommy That Wants To Slack

Chapter 598: Iron Triangle!

Shen Ruojing was at a disadvantage, took a deep breath, and gestured to Chu Cichen.

She said to the man: "Brother, all of you are dead, are you sure you want to be buried here with them? I know, you definitely don't want to die, otherwise, you would have been shot just now. wrong?"

This Doom organization is a bit evil, the words that the butler yelled just before his death seemed to be their belief.

People with faith generally have a hard heart.

But this person should have just entered, and his loyalty is not enough, so he has been hiding behind and did not rush forward, which is why he can survive to the end.

Shen Ruojing grasped this point, so he persuaded him to stop: "As long as you put down the pistol and let me go, we promise to let you go."

The man took a step back in a panic, and looked at Chu Cichen with evasive eyes. When he was distracted, Shen Ruojing stepped forward and tried to snatch his pistol, but he quickly noticed it and immediately Turning back, and shouting: "Stop, don't come over!"

Missing the opportunity just now, Shen Ruojing didn't panic.

She raised her hands: "I have no malice towards you. Really, we mean what we say. As long as you put down the pistol, you will be killed. Don't you want to go home?"

Hearing this, the man sneered: "I want to go home, but I know that if I leave today, I will not let you go if you stop me, so I will still die. Since it is a death no matter what, then Wouldn't it be better to grab you and accompany me to die before dying?"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of the means of punishing the betrayers in the organization, and he was frightened immediately, without any hesitation, he raised his pistol, aiming at Shen Ruojing to rob him!

at this time!


The gunshot rang out, but Shen Ruojing was not shot. Instead, the person holding the gun in front of him was pierced through his forehead, and fell straight to the ground.

Then a voice of Xie Ning came: "We are the Iron Triangle, how can I be missing?"

The two turned their heads together, and saw Dugu Xiao coming.

He held a pistol in his hand and was still panting.

Shen Ruojing asked hesitantly, "Why did you come?"

She actually sent a text message just now to ask for help from the Hongmen people, reminding them that people here have guns, and Chu Cichen's people are also outside, and they are ready to rush to rescue at any time. In order to prevent the housekeepers from being suspicious, so They are far away.

Therefore, after asking for help, it will take time for those people to rush over.

Dugu Xiao said: "I watched you come in here, and thought that this guy and Song Chen must have changed back, and the whole manor was terribly quiet, so I thought something must have happened. Fortunately, I came. if not……"

Dugu Xiao immediately looked at Chu Cichen: "Otherwise, 518 would be dead! 527, you can't do it, that person was obviously upset by what 518 said just now, and you didn't shoot?"

After saying this, Chu Cichen immediately pointed the gun in his hand at him.

Dugu Xiao was shocked: "What are you doing, you are so angry that you can't tell me that you want to kill someone?"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Chu Cichen shoot, but there was no bullet in the gun.

Dugu Xiao: "..."

Shen Ruojing: "..."

Shen Ruojing twitched the corners of her mouth. She was thinking about what was going on just now. Chu Cichen was usually very decisive in his actions, but he didn't shoot in time just now. It turned out that he was out of bullets just like her!

Chu Cichen was really sluggish, even though he was out of bullets, he just acted like he was full of energy, which made Shen Ruojing believe him.

Dugu Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief: "Good guy, you dare to pretend to be a tiger if you run out of bullets, but this time, both of you should thank me."

Shen Ruojing and Chu Cichen looked at each other, and then they suddenly stepped forward, put their arms around his neck from left to right, and hooked him out the door together.

Dugu Xiao: "...Hey, let go!"

The two did not let go.

Dugu Xiao didn't struggle anymore.

At this moment, he felt as if he had returned to six years ago. When he was doing missions with them, the three of them were always carefree together. No matter what danger they faced, they could tease and encourage each other...

Back then, he did something wrong and was forced by his mother to betray 518. He originally thought that he might not be able to go back in this life, but today, he knew that Shen Ruojing and Chu Cichen accepted him again.

Dugu Xiao's eye circles turned slightly red, but he quickly covered it up.

Afraid of being laughed at by the two.

The three of them left the gate of the Chu family together. At this time, the people from the Hong family and the people arranged by Chu Cichen finally arrived late.

A car drove in and stopped quickly, and then a group of people rushed down and came to the two of them.

Chu Cichen directly asked his people to finish the work. Since Lu Cheng was not here, he had to explain many things in person.

However, Shen Ruojing looked at Senior Brother Hongmen and asked, "Where is Song Chen?"

The elder brother said: "Don't worry, our people escorted him to Hongmen, I saw you and Mr. Chu came here, worried about your safety, so I brought a few senior brothers here to meet you. "

Shen Ruojing frowned.

She clenched her jaw and asked, "Who escorted Song Chen? Brother, call quickly."

The big brother didn't answer, took out his mobile phone, and called the other party.

But the call from the other party was delayed.

The big brother immediately understood what was going on: "Something went wrong!"

Shen Ruojing also knew that something had happened, and her heart was raised. At this moment, her cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number, but she knew sensitively that it must be Song Chen!

She answered the phone immediately, and Song Chen's voice came from the opposite side: "Jingjing, I've been testing you all, but I didn't expect Chu Cichen to have no amnesia, but do you think I'm not prepared to fight back?"

Shen Ruojing subconsciously asked, "Where are you?"

Song Chen gave a low laugh. He didn't know what he said, but Chu Xiaomeng's voice sounded from the opposite side: "Mom, Dad said to take me abroad for two days to watch..."

Shen Ruojing suddenly mentioned it!

Little Meng was kidnapped by him! !

See you tomorrow~ Saturday and Sunday will be updated later

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