I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 37 The Sacrifice Conspiracy Of Flesh And Blood Believers!

"Lu You, remember your mission is to protect Ye Ren first."

Before boarding the transport plane, Lu You once again received instructions from Colonel Lin Shuang.

Lu You nodded, his expression serious:

"I will do whatever it takes to ensure his safety."

In fact, he didn't need to be too nervous. After all, Wang Ping'an and Yu Linglong were hiding in the dark and taking turns guarding Ye Ren.

Afterwards, everyone took a transport plane to fly to Haigang City.

When the transport plane landed at the temporary airport on the edge of the city, Ye Ren and the members of the Lantern Bearer team quickly got off the plane.

The sight before them was shocking...

More than half of the city's ground was covered in abyssal silt, and a suffocating stench filled the sky.

"Everyone, please be careful, we don't know what kind of situation we will face, so stay vigilant."

Lu You's voice sounded in the team, and his eyes scanned everyone.

The members of the Lampbearer Team quickly dispersed in groups of ten, and they began to search for any suspicious clues in the city.

During this period of training, everyone moved quickly and orderly, and their tacit understanding reached an unprecedented high level.

"Hey, can you really summon the Lord of Dreams?"

During the mission, Jiang Sui asked Ye Ren in a low voice, with curiosity in her eyes.

After all, in the dream world, everyone has witnessed the terror of the Dream Lord.

How shocking would it be if He could come in reality?

Ye Ren pouted:

"It should work, but I heard from Xingzhi that summoning people requires sacrifices. According to my experience, it's probably a lot of blood, human flesh, and other disgusting things."


Jiang Sui couldn't help but shudder.

Ye Ren and the others in the team moved forward cautiously on the streets of Harbor City, taking every step with heavy and careful steps.

The hustle and bustle of the city has been swallowed up by the shadow of the abyss, replaced by dead silence and depression.

Investigator Lu You's eyes scanned every corner vigilantly, looking for any possible clues.

However, they did not know that an unknown conspiracy was quietly brewing beneath the city.

Deep in the sewer system, the walls are covered with granulation spores that emit a faint yellow light, and several figures are busy in the dim light.

They are followers of [the Lord of the flesh].

These people have strange symbols composed of scars on their faces. They are wearing robes made of human skin. The tentacles extending from under the robes are building a huge altar.

The altar was made of twisted steel bars and rotten brown wood, covered with blood and flesh, and exuded a disgusting stench.

In the center of the altar, a corrupted giant baby was nailed there, screaming silently.

"This day is finally coming..."

Archpriest Morgan murmured in a low voice, with a fanatical light flashing in his eyes, "The Lord of Flesh is about to come, and we must be prepared to welcome His projection."

"Yes, Lord Morgan, the great Lord will come and bless our world." A female priest lowered her head in response, named Alina, with the same enthusiasm and trembling in her voice.

Their movements were quick and methodical, and everyone knew their tasks.

They dragged the corpses wrapped in abyssal silt to the altar and began cutting and arranging them. Every movement was full of ritual.

"Praise be to the Lord of flesh and blood..." Morgan's voice echoed in the sewers.

Alina and other members responded in unison: "Praise the Lord of flesh and blood!"

At this moment, the granulation spores on the wall suddenly burst.

Tentacles like buds sprouted from it. High Priest Morgan frowned and grabbed the tentacles, establishing flesh-and-blood induction.

His expression suddenly turned gloomy.

"It seems that we have to speed up the process." He turned to Alina and said, "Those from the Dragon Kingdom... what are they called? Lamp-bearers, they came really fast."

After Morgan and Alina learned that Ye Ren and the others had entered Harbor City, they decided to send two cult members who had been corrupted into abyssal creatures to stop them.

The two cult members were named Crassus and Nyog.

They were once ordinary people, but everyone abroad understood that after being bewitched and brainwashed, they were voluntarily corrupted. Under the influence of the power of the abyss, their bodies underwent horrific mutations.

Crassus' body became extremely large, his skin turned a sickly gray color, and his eyes protruded and swollen like a frog.

Niyog has a lanky body, his limbs are twisted like vines, his fingertips are covered with sharp claws, and his body is covered with pustules.

After receiving Morgan's order, they all showed cruel smiles.

Crassus held his stomach:

"I'm so hungry...I can finally eat again..."

Niyog kept poking the pustules on his body with his twisted fingers. Judging from his expression, he couldn't wait!

The two walked through the sewers, each step accompanied by dirty splashes and echoes of decay.

Water droplets dripped from the walls of the sewer, and the air was filled with a suffocating stench and the unique fishy smell of abyssal creatures.

Where they passed, even rats and cockroaches could not avoid it, and only the sound of running echoed in the empty tunnel.

on the ground.

Investigator Lu You discovered some suspicious footprints and traces that had been deliberately covered up.

Suddenly, a cold breath came over, and Niyog appeared from the darkness like a ghost and launched a sneak attack.

Niyog's movements are cunning and swift, and he is as nimble as a fish in the abyss mud.


Lu You blocked Niyog's claws with a bronze dagger, and their pupils shrank into needle shapes at the same time.

"So fast!"

The thought crossed each other's minds.

the other side.

Crassus' body was surrounded by a black mist, which expanded with every breath he took.

The black mist silently enveloped the members of the lampbearer team, and the flesh sprouts squirmed in the mist, emitting a disgusting stench.

Crassus began his killing game.

He seemed to be invincible in the black mist. His seemingly bloated body could move at high speeds silently, and any attack was like a heavy hammer. A slight bump would cause serious injury!

And even if he is hit by the lantern holder, a large number of granules will grow from the wound, and he will recover as before.

The squirming flesh buds and walls seemed to be mocking the powerlessness of the lampbearer team.

However, everyone remained calm despite the disadvantage and did not lose their rhythm.

"Control it first and then focus the fire."

"I need it to read my book!"

"Understood, leave it to me."

The members of the lampbearer team exchanged glances with each other, and then someone deliberately exposed a flaw to induce Crassus to attack.

At the moment when he was hit by Crassus, Crassus saw a book.

Then he couldn't help but stood there and opened his mouth:

"The late emperor was not halfway through his business, but his middle path collapsed. Today, he is down three points..."

Suddenly, two crossed sword energies cut through the black mist and cut its body into four pieces.

And a lollipop appeared silently inside his head.


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