"Right now, Master Chen Xiaoxiao is the strongest True Monarch of Xinzong, the most honorable monk in the entire Ten Kingdoms!"

"Although you are not geniuses with high-grade spiritual roots, don't underestimate yourself. You should regard Sir Sword Lord as an example. If you are good at swords, you may have the opportunity to worship under the name of Sir in this new selection."

The fairy said to the newbies.

"The fairy mountain where Lord Jian lived is called Jianfeng. Even if you can't worship under Lord Jian, you can still enter Jianfeng!"

At this time, on the top of Jianfeng Peak, on a huge stone square on the edge of the cliff, there was a heroic woman practicing sword.

Wearing silver armor and holding a sword in her hand, she was obviously delicate and quiet like a virgin, but the moment she picked up the sword, she looked full of heroism, and she did not give way to a man.


At this time, a young girl came bouncing from behind, holding an envelope in her hand.


The girl was clumsy, walking on flat ground and suddenly fell down, her chin touching the ground intimately.

In the distance, the heroic woman put away her sword, walked over ten meters at a step, and scolded:

"Why don't you look at the road? At least you are a master in the late stage of Qi training. You can wrestle while walking, so you are not afraid of outsiders' jokes?"

"There are no outsiders here except Master." The girl giggled, got up quickly, patted her clothes, and then said crisply:

"Master, this is your letter from home. It seems that the sender is in a hurry."

Chen Xiaoxiao glanced at the other party, took the envelope, and opened it to read.

Immediately afterwards, her face changed slightly, and she said in a deep voice: "I'm going to Cang Kingdom, you are good at practicing swords, and I will test you when I come back!"


Then, her figure flashed and disappeared in place.

"Master!" The girl shouted loudly, frowning.

"Go to Cang Kingdom to play, at least take your precious apprentice with you!" She complained.

Cang Kingdom, Duke's Mansion.

In the lobby.

"Sister, why did you call us back? I'm dating the daughter of the Minister of War." A handsome young man said dissatisfied.

"Father asked us to come back. There must be something urgent. Don't complain." Opposite was a woman in her twenties, who was quite pretty.

The great-grandchildren gather together, and there are not only the two siblings here.

"It seems that the old man is dying. It seems that everyone is summoned this time to determine the successor."

Another young man spoke up.

"Heir? The old man has always been taken care of by the uncle's family. Of course, the heir belongs to the uncle's family. We will make up a number."

A young man who looked more gloomy curled his lips.

However, these words aroused the dissatisfaction of the handsome young man who spoke first, and the other party said in a deep voice:

"Since the grandfather is critically ill, we, as the younger generations, should come to visit. How can we just keep thinking about the heir? Is the heir so important? All this is a gift from your aunt. Without that, you can live in such a chic way. ?”

"I didn't say that I was not grateful to my aunt, nor did I say that I didn't want to visit the old man. It's just that the old man is critically ill. Of course, he will choose an heir, and the candidate is not from your lineage? It's just telling the truth, why are you in a hurry."

The gloomy young man smiled and said.

"You..." The handsome young man's face darkened, and he was about to take a step forward, but was stopped by his sister.

And the rest of the people didn't speak, just watching the fight between the uncle and the second master's family.


While the young people were arguing, a young woman in plain clothes came in.

"What a beautiful girl!" Everyone's eyes lit up.

The woman who appeared had a good appearance, her skin was far smoother and crystal clear than that of secular women, and she had a good temperament.

"You are?" Many people questioned, but soon, everyone's face was shocked, because they had seen the portrait of this woman.

It is the legendary figure of the Cang Kingdom, the pride of the Chen family, the number one true monarch of the Ten Kingdoms, and their invincible aunt/aunt.



The young masters and ladies who were originally somewhat strong, now trembled and saluted one after another, not daring to show their air.

However, their legendary elder just glanced at them coldly, without saying a word, and directly crossed the lobby.

"Please don't talk too much, my aunt must have heard these words." Someone complained in a low voice.

Chen Xiaoxiao came to a spacious room, and the room was full of people, all of whom were relatives.

"Little!" Almost everyone was overjoyed when they saw the person coming.

But thinking of the identity of the other party, even some elders don't know how to speak.

Neither is saluting, nor is not saluting.

"Hurry up and save your grandfather, he is dying soon." Chen Xiaoxiao's mother quickly pulled Xiaoxiao over.

On the hospital bed, an old man was lying on the verge of death, dying, his eyes could not be opened.

The old man lived to be more than a hundred years old, which is considered very good. All the officials in the same dynasty have passed away for many years, so he is still alive until now.

"Little." The old man shouted with difficulty, trying to raise his arm, but found that he couldn't do it no matter what.

But he was happy all his life, and he also gave birth to such a great granddaughter.

"Shouyuan is approaching." Chen Xiaoxiao murmured inwardly, she took out a elixir and asked her mother to take it for her grandfather.

"Xiao Xiao, what is this?" An elder asked cautiously.

"It increases lifespan by twenty years." Xiao Xiao replied calmly.

It is said that several old people are greedy, and who would not want to live another twenty years.

"Huh~?" After the old man took it, Chen Xiaoxiao found that there was no slight change in the other person's body.

After a long time.

"Why do I feel that Grandpa hasn't changed?" A middle-aged man of the same generation asked strangely.

"Go, go, the small pill is an elixir, an elixir that increases lifespan, how can it be so easy to digest with the body of my father-in-law."

It was an old man who scolded the middle-aged man.

Chen Xiaoxiao didn't speak, she was very strange in her heart, why didn't the perfect elixir that she refined didn't work?

After thinking about it, she took out another pill and asked her mother to take it, which made the rest of them very eager.

However, to Xiaoxiao's disappointment, there was still no change.

"Grandma, uncle, aunt, you all take one pill." She took out several pills and gave them to her closest relatives and elders.

After a long time, there is still no change.

"Uncle, are you coming too?" Chen Xiaoxiao looked at the old men again.

Several people on the other side stepped forward one after another, a little impatiently waiting.

After a while, there was no fluctuation.

Chen Xiaoxiao didn't move, frowning slightly, thinking about something.

"Why does the elixir have no effect on grandpa, uncle and mother, and even uncle?" She wondered in her heart.

Unless they have taken it before!

As a True Monarch cultivator, his thoughts turned quickly.

"Did the sect give the pill? No, if it was given to my mother, they would definitely let me know."

"Could it be that fairy grandpa?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly raised her head, recalling the fairy she met in her childhood decades ago.

Later, I also understood that the other party was a monk, who gave her the great repair of immortal fate.

She reached out, took out a few pills, and gave them to her siblings.

"That's right, it was the old man who gave me the elixir. When I met me, all the relatives in the family had their lives extended. Only the child born after the old man left did not receive the elixir."

Chen Xiaoxin thought carefully, and he was sure that it was the grandfather who gave them the same pill.

I saw a few people's bodies changed, and they suddenly looked younger by several years. They were all children born after the immortal grandfather left.

"However, the immortal gave me the opportunity to extend the life of my family. It's great." Chen Xiaoxiao was slightly puzzled.

When a monk sees someone with a predestined relationship, he will bestow a fairy fate, such as her precious apprentice, who was collected during her travels, but she will not do this to the relatives of the other party.

"Xiao Xiao, why is your grandfather still not getting better?" Xiao Xiao's mother interrupted her thoughts and asked hastily.

The whole room was also surprised, they all took the pill, only the youngest junior changed, none of them had any effect.

Does the elixir still depend on people?

Chen Xiaoxiao had no choice but to tell the truth.

After a long time, the family was full of sadness and could only face the truth that the old man was about to die.

"Don't be sad, I'm satisfied." The old man opened his mouth with difficulty and said hoarsely.

A few days later, the old man was dying, and the family fell into great grief, and the funeral preparations began.

The new emperor of the Cang Kingdom found out, and came to ask in person.

In fact, knowing that Xiaoxiao is here, he had to come over to say hello.

"It's not too late, is it?"

On the clouds, two stalwart figures suddenly appeared.

Chen Shen traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally came to Cang Kingdom again after a three-day journey.

"I didn't expect Master Chen to be born in such a remote and backward place because of his extraordinary talent." Li Wu's spiritual consciousness covered ten countries and hundreds of countries.

The aura here is thin, and the strongest is only at the fourth level of Huashen, so I can't help being a little surprised.

"Heroes don't ask where they come from." Chen Shen boasted in a rare way.

A few days ago, he suddenly became restless and had a nightmare. He felt that something bad was about to happen, but he couldn't figure it out more specifically, so he had to ask the Golden Scale Master in the end.

Master Jinlin is not only good at Qi Luck, but also deeply involved in Tianji, all of which come from Shanhe Technique.

The other party told the truth at a glance, it was not that Chen Shen had a bloody disaster, but that his relatives were about to die.

Chen Shen hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to come back.

And Master Jinlin also saw that he was going out of the city.

If it is an ordinary strong man, it is fine to go out of the city at will, but Prince An's Mansion is about to be robbed, and the Luck Master has long been the leek of many strong men, and he will definitely be targeted.

Jinlin cherishes his talents, so he asks Tianzun, whom he has befriended, to accompany him and protect Chen Shen.

Along the way, relying on the prestige of Tianzun, there were no accidents.

"That's your father? Is it going to die after twenty years of life extension?" Tianzun's spiritual sense swept across the Duke's mansion and said.

"It seems that there are many talents in the master's family, and there is a true emperor who looks good." Li Wu found Chen Xiaoxiao, and praised him casually, not paying attention.

But Chen Shen didn't take much time, just took out a elixir, and put the elixir into the mouth of his comatose father without anyone noticing.

The power of the medicine dissipated instantly in Father Chen's body, and his whole person began to change.

"Prolonging life for a hundred years, but for us monks, it is a blink of an eye after all. Why do we have to do it to such an extent."

Tianzun sighed.

A monk has a long lifespan, and the life and death of his relatives should be treated lightly.

Asking for longevity is a boring and lonely road against the sky.

"This is the best I can do, at least I can't let myself have any regrets." Chen Shen explained.

In the Chen residence below, everyone's eyes were red and swollen, and they were in sadness.

"If there are no accidents, the old man won't survive tonight." A young man sighed softly.


The family waited beside the old man who was still in a coma, not speaking, each immersed in grief.

"I want to eat chicken!"

A powerful voice sounded, which shocked everyone including Chen Xiaoxiao.

Because everyone found that Old Master Chen woke up, his withered body tightened a bit, and he even got out of bed by himself.

"I'm so hungry, I want to eat chicken!" The old man just woke up and felt very hungry.

"Haunted?" Someone rubbed his eyes vigorously.

But Xiao Xiao didn't say anything, and was still in shock, so it couldn't be haunted.

The next day, the news of the old man's resurrection spread throughout the capital.

"At least a hundred years of life!" Chen Xiaoxiao looked at the middle-aged man on the dining table, who was eating meat and drinking in a big bowl, still in shock.

Not only did the old man come back to life, he was also alive and well, younger than his own son.

what's the situation?

"Who in the world can do this?" She asked herself, but she couldn't figure it out.

However, what happened next shocked Chen Xiaoxiao for a whole year.

All the relatives in the family kept getting younger, and the mother who had begun to age became thirty years old again.

Most importantly, her own lifespan has also been extended.

Not a hundred years, but a full five hundred years!

The lifespan pill is for monks, and she can understand that mortals will take a hundred-year lifespan pill.

But who is doing this? Who is helping the entire Chen family prolong life?

The Centennial Lifespan Pill is already priceless, so many appear at once, who is so rich and powerful?

As for the lifespan pill of five hundred years, it might not even be worth it if Xinzong was sold.

Chen Xiaoxiao had a lot of associations, and soon she looked up again.

"It's that fairy grandpa?" When she came to this conclusion, her jaw dropped in shock.

However, only this mysterious overhaul who had appeared before can have such abilities.

"Why? If this old man, why would he take such good care of my Chen family and prolong everyone's life all at once?"

Chen Xiaoxiao was thinking.

"If it is a highly respected overhaul, you should face it calmly. Even if it is because of me, it is impossible to achieve this level? Besides, that fairy grandfather has left many years ago, why did he suddenly appear? When the old man is about to die."

After thinking a lot, she suddenly widened her eyes again, and had an idea that she couldn't believe.

"Dear ones! Only those who are far away from my Chen family, and at least close relatives, would they do this?"

But the Chen family gave her a true monarch, and I have never heard of anyone stepping into the realm of cultivating immortals before!

Chen Xiaoxiao thought about it and decided to ask her mother.

It's late, and I still haven't finished writing. I have to eat full time, and I can't exceed twelve o'clock. Otherwise, I can polish the content. See you tomorrow

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