Jibei, in a compound of the King of Jibei.

This courtyard is very luxurious. It is not only the place where King Jibei receives martial arts heroes, but also the place where King Jibei uses to research and manufacture the flying electric artifact giant balloon.

Ever since he obtained Lin Beifan's method for making large balloons, King Jibei summoned many skilled craftsmen and invested huge manpower and material resources to develop large balloons.

After more than half a month, good news finally came.

Military strategist Zhuge came to congratulate:"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty! Our first flying artifact, the large balloon, has been manufactured, and we will be able to conduct flying experiments in the near future! Your Majesty, we are one step closer to your great cause!""

"Flying into the sky and becoming an immortal, immortality is just around the corner!"

"good! very good!"The King of Jibei was overjoyed.

The development of the flying artifact, the large balloon, not only means that he is one step closer to the throne!

It also means... becoming an immortal!


This is something that no king can refuse. Temptation!

So, King Jibei couldn't wait to say:"Now the imperial court has created 20 flying artifact balloons, time is not waiting for me! How about a test flight tomorrow?"

"Yes, Your Majesty! The subordinates will pass this matter on!"

So on the second day, the prince and his entourage came to the compound early.

The heroes who joined the prince also gathered here to watch this rare flying experiment.

The prince stood Under the big balloon that was being filled with hot air, he exclaimed:"This is the big flying artifact balloon! I can't believe that such a weird thing can fly into the sky!"

A martial arts hero laughed and said:"Your Majesty, if it hadn't been for the secret spy, my subordinates wouldn't have believed that this thing could fly into the sky! It can only be said that Zhuangyuanlang is really a great talent. He is worthy of being a Wenqu star from heaven who came down to earth to invent this magical weapon!"

After hearing this, the prince nodded with a smile on his face, and there was a sense of pride on his face.

Now, the number one scholar, Lin Beifan, is considered his.

When others praise the number one scholar, it is like praising himself.

"However, I am still a little worried. Can this thing really fly?"The prince was worried.

He was always unsure about things he had never seen with his own eyes.

Mr. Zhuge smiled and said,"Don't worry, my prince! This flying artifact is exactly the same as the one made by the imperial court! It’s the one who provided the manufacturing method, so there is absolutely no problem with Feitian!

The prince was very happy:"Okay!" If this test flight is successful, everyone will be rewarded!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"Everyone present laughed.

As the big balloon was filled with hot air, it finally expanded into a huge sphere, as high as 3 or 4 stories. Standing outside the yard in time, you could see it clearly, which attracted the attention of many people.

However, the prince did not hide it at all.

Now, all the major princes and major countries are developing large balloons.

Even if the court finds out, what will they do to me?

I am not as sinful as everyone else, so I can only hold my nose and admit it!

Thinking of this, he I admire Lin Beifan who is far away in the capital even more.

A small trick helped him solve the troubles in the future!

This is a great talent!

The prince stood under the big balloon, looking at the inflated balloon, his ambition also expanded.

"This time... we must fly successfully!"

At this time, a soldier reported:"Your Majesty, the heat is enough for the first flying experiment!"

Everyone's eyes became hot.

"Your Majesty, let me be the first person to fly to the sky by my subordinates!"

"Your Majesty, please leave this task to your subordinates!"



Seeing the martial arts heroes vying for the upper hand, as well as the generals and soldiers who were eager to try, the prince laughed loudly:"Heroes, there is no need to fight, everyone has a share! Liu Shaoxia is young, it is like having Liu Shaoxia as the first man!"

Liu Shaoxia, whose full name is Liu Zhenyun, is a young hero who has just taken refuge with the King of Northern Hebei.

He is less than 20 years old, young and energetic, passionate and impulsive, and wants to accompany the prince to do something great.

This move can just win over the other party's heart.

The situation was as expected by the prince. When Liu Zhenyun heard that the prince had given him this precious opportunity, he was immediately overjoyed:"Thank you, prince! The little one will certainly live up to his trust!"

Then he couldn't wait to jump into the hanging basket and wait for the big one. The balloon takes off.

Others looked at it and were too lazy to fight. Anyway, they would have a chance in the future.

At this time, the big balloon had slowly lifted into the sky, more than one meter away from the ground.

Everyone is very excited

"It's flying!"

"It really took off!"

"Going to fly!"


The King of Jibei was overjoyed:"It really flew. It is indeed a flying magic balloon!"

As he said this, the big balloon was already three or four meters above the ground.

Seeing everyone makes me even more happy

"It's already three or four meters taller than the building wall!"

"Fly higher!"

"Fly to the sky!"


Amid everyone's expectations, the big balloon continued to slowly rise into the sky.

Before I knew it, I was already more than 30 meters above the ground.

Coupled with the original height of the big balloon, the maximum height has reached 50 meters, and almost everyone in the city can see it.

I was very happy to see everyone dancing and dancing.

The prince shouted from below:"Young Master Lin, how is the situation?"

Lin Zhenyun, who was standing on the hanging basket, was very excited:"Okay, everything is fine, please rest assured, prince!""

"good!"The prince laughed

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty! Mr. Zhuge raised his hands and said loudly:"This flying experiment can be said to be basically a success!" With this flying artifact, why worry about failing to accomplish great things?"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"Everyone said in unison

"Ha ha ha ha……"The prince laughed wantonly, realizing for the first time that he was so close to his dream.

But at this moment, only a pop was heard.

The big balloon actually no longer rose into the sky, but slowly descended.

The prince was a little confused:"What's going on?"

Everyone looked at the old craftsman who was in charge of developing the big balloon.

The old craftsman wiped the sweat from his face and said with some panic:"Your Majesty, it seems that the airbag of this big balloon has burst?"

The Lord asked:"What will happen if it bursts?"

"According to the manufacturing method, the large balloon is lifted into the air by the heat in the body! If it breaks, it will leak, and the hot air inside the big balloon will leak out! Without the heat, the big balloon can't fly!"

Just as he was talking, the big balloon flying in the sky slowly fell down amidst everyone's shocked eyes.

Looking at it again, he found that there was an extra hole in the sky of the big balloon, and the hot air overflowed from it.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"The craftsmen immediately knelt down tremblingly.

The prince's face was a little ugly.

The first flying experiment happened like this!

And it was in full view of everyone. Isn't this ridiculous?

Military advisor Mr. Zhuge immediately said:"Your Majesty, this is the first flying experiment. , it can be said that it has been successful! The reason why air leakage occurs may be that the craftsmen are making it for the first time and lack experience! Give them more opportunities, and they will definitely create a flying artifact that will satisfy you, the prince, and fly thousands of miles across the mountains and rivers!"

The prince's face softened slightly. After all, he still relies on these craftsmen to help him build the big balloon.

If they are punished, their enthusiasm will be shaken.

Thinking of this, the prince showed a pleasant smile:"The military advisor is right, this flying sky It can be said that the artifact giant balloon has been successfully developed, but there is a small problem in the middle! Fellow craftsmen, don’t worry, I won’t blame you! Please get up quickly, the ground is too cold!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"The craftsmen were flattered. They breathed a sigh of relief and burst into tears of gratitude. The other martial arts heroes seemed to see this scene and nodded one after another.

This is the broad-minded and unparalleled benevolence in their minds!

This is the one they swear to death. O wise Lord who follows!

"Next, I will continue to trouble all the craftsmen!"

The prince smiled kindly and said:"Please be sure to get a large number of flying artifact balloons as soon as possible! After the deed is accomplished, I will be rewarded heavily, and promotion to a higher rank will not be a problem!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The craftsmen looked ecstatic.

At this time, in the land of Jiangnan, a large balloon slowly rose into the sky, but fell down within forty or fifty meters.

A group of stunned people stood below.

One of them, standing in the middle, He looked a little majestic and a little fat.

This person was King Jiangnan. Looking at the big balloon falling in front of him, his eyes were blank:"This flying artifact... is it a success or a failure? Who can tell me? Wang

Fugui, who had done business with Lin Beifan, said bravely:"My lord, of course it is a success!"

King Jiangnan turned around and asked,"Why do you say that?""

"Your Majesty, you have already flown more than ten feet into the sky. Isn’t it considered a success? In the past, which magical object could carry people more than ten feet into the sky? Not at all!"Wang Fugui said with cupped hands.

"Okay, okay, what you said makes perfect sense!"The king of Jiangnan was overjoyed.

"According to the manufacturing method, there are strict requirements for manufacturing the airbags of large balloons, and there can be no mistakes at all! It may be that our craftsmen are developing large balloons for the first time and lack experience, so some problems occurred! If you do this a few times, there should be no problem!"Wang Fugui continued to report

"What you said makes perfect sense, so let’s continue making big balloons! Make him 50 first... no, 100!"Jiangnan Wang said loudly.

Wang Fugui was startled:"Your Majesty, is it too much? It takes a lot of money!

King Jiangnan shook his head:"Not much at all!" Now, the imperial court has developed 20, and I have none. How can I compete with the imperial court? After a while, there may be forty or fifty of them! Therefore, we must seize the time and create hundreds of large balloons as soon as possible in order to defeat the imperial court!"

"Let’s talk about money……"King Jiangnan said proudly:"I am short of money? I am poor and only have money left! Call a large number of skilled craftsmen to me immediately to make 100 big balloons!""

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

At this time, other princes and countries all held the first flight experiment of large balloons.

But in the end, without exception, they all fell after flying less than 50 meters.

But they all thought they succeeded, but there was something wrong with it. It was just a small mistake.

After all, it was the first time to give birth, so it was understandable.

So they all went to full speed to produce large balloons, not wanting to fall behind others.

This situation quickly gathered in the palace.

The empress smiled proudly:"It is just as Lin Aiqing said. , the large balloon they developed had a big problem. It fell down after flying less than 20 feet! What threat does a large balloon less than 20 feet above the ground pose?"

The big balloon, which is less than 20 feet above the ground, is simply a big eye-catching lantern. It can be shot down with just one arrow. It cannot fly up to 70 to 80 feet high, so it cannot pose a threat at all.

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