Everyone is even more confused!

We were obviously invited to see the ship, but there was no ship, and there were a few trucks filled with goods.

But everyone didn't ask any questions and just watched quietly.

Then, under Lin Beifan's command, the students began to get busy.

One of the trucks was filled with long and short wooden sticks, which were quickly spliced ​​together by the students to form a huge wooden frame, somewhat similar to the keel of a ship, but spread out flat.

Another truck was actually filled with airbags used to make large balloons.

It's just that these air bags, after being blown open, are much smaller than the big balloons, only as big as two people hugging each other.

The students quickly filled the small air bag with air, then sealed the hole, stuffed it into the wooden frame, and tied it securely.

Inside each wooden shelf, there is a small air bag, like a neat bubble.

Then, a wooden board was placed over it.

This scene made everyone confused.

It was said to be shipbuilding, but it didn't look like a ship at all.

If it’s not a boat, how can it be launched into the water?

Someone couldn't help but ask:"Lin Siye, what on earth are you doing? Why can't I understand after watching it for a long time?"……"

Lin Beifan smiled mysteriously:"Mr. Zhao, please be patient, I will understand soon!"

So everyone could only watch patiently.

In this way, about an hour later, Lin Beifan directed the students to create a huge flat plate 5 feet long and 5 feet wide, then pushed it into the river and floated on the river.

Lin Beifan reported loudly:"Your Majesty, this is the hovercraft, a powerful water weapon developed by Weichen. Please take a look at it!"

The empress was dumbfounded, and all the officials were dumbfounded!

Looking at the huge wooden board floating on the river, everyone was stunned!

After a long time, the empress pointed to the huge wooden board on the river and said:"Lin Aiqing, is this the weapon you call a water weapon?"

"Exactly! Lin Beifan smiled slightly.

Qian Yuanshen, the Minister of Household Affairs, pointed to the big wooden plank on the river with a confused look on his face:"Lin Siye, didn't you say you wanted to build a giant steel ship?" Is this what you call...a giant steel ship?

Lin Beifan's face straightened:"Master Qian, you may have made a mistake!" What I have always said is a powerful weapon on the water, and I have not promised to build a giant steel ship! Besides, it’s only three months. The time is so short. I can’t even afford the steel for shipbuilding. Where do you want me to build a steel ship for you?"

The Minister of Tohoku was speechless!

It seems that the other party has been emphasizing on water weapons and never mentioned building giant steel ships!

But when it comes to water weapons, everyone can't help but think of giant steel ships!

Because only giant steel ships can be called It's a powerful weapon on the water!

But now another problem arises

"Lin Aiqing, you said this is a weapon on the water, but how can it look like a weapon on the water? What can it do?"The empress was very confused.

It was said to be a hovercraft, but it didn't look like a ship at all.

It looked like wooden boards spliced ​​together, and a few big waves could wash it apart.

The officials couldn't help but nodded.

Lin Beifan smiled and said:" Your Majesty, don’t think he is humble! But it’s actually very good at carrying cargo and people! I can guarantee that this hovercraft will not sink even if there are hundreds of people on it!"

"Is this true?"

"Your Majesty, you can give it a try! The empress immediately waved her hand:"

Let 10 people take a look first!""

Suddenly, 10 soldiers stepped onto the hovercraft, safe and sound.

"10 more!"

Ten more soldiers stepped onto the hovercraft, but they were still safe.

"Just add 20 more!"

20 soldiers stepped on the hovercraft, but they were still fine.

In this way, the number of soldiers continued to increase, but the hovercraft still floated steadily on the river.

Until it reached 100 people, there was still no tendency to sink.

This time, everyone finally looked at it differently

"This small area can actually accommodate hundreds of people!"

"These are all grown-up men. If each one weighs 150 kilograms, then the load is 150,000 kilograms! Scary!"

"This doesn't look like a ship. Why can it carry so many people?"

"What is the principle? Could it be those air bags?"


Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Your Majesty, there are still many places up there, why not send some more soldiers up there to see how many people can stand!"

"What I love makes sense!"The empress waved her hand.

Then, 10 more soldiers stood on the hovercraft.

In this way, the number of people continued to increase.





Until the end, there were almost 200 people standing.

Everyone was shoulder to shoulder, there was no place to stand, and the hovercraft still didn’t sink.

"This... is truly a miracle!"

"A boat built with just a few wooden planks can actually carry more than 200 people!"

"Its load-carrying capacity is already comparable to that of an ordinary large ship!"

"How is this done?"


Everyone was shocked

"As you can see! Lin Beifan smiled and said:"One of the biggest advantages of my hovercraft is that it can carry things!" Even if there are twice as many soldiers, it may not sink! Here, I would like to ask your Majesty and all your Lordships a question: How much silver do you think is needed to build such a hovercraft?"

Everyone couldn't help but fell into thinking.

Among them, Wang Rushui, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, was the first to speak:"To build a large ship that can carry 200 people, judging from the expenses of our Ministry of Industry, a total of more than 1,000 taels are needed! If it is handed over to a private shipyard, the price will be higher, about 1,400 taels! Taking a middle number, I guess it will take 1,200 taels!

Lin Beifan smiled and shook his head:"No, guess again!"

Qian Yuanshen, the Minister of Household Affairs, stood up and said,"This hovercraft looks so simple. It shouldn't cost so much!" So Weichen guessed that it would take about 500 taels! Lin

Beifan shook his head again:"No, there are too many, guess again!""

"500 taels is more?"Everyone was shocked.

An old minister stood up and said:"I guess it will take 300 taels to build this ship!

Lin Beifan shook his head again:"It's still too much!""

"Lin Aiqing, stop being so pretentious and tell me the amount of expenses!"The empress couldn't help but ask

"Yes, Your Majesty! Lin Beifan smiled proudly and said:"It cost less than 100 taels in total to build this hovercraft!""

Everyone was shocked

"Such a hovercraft that can carry more than 200 people cost less than a hundred taels?"

"It’s less than 10% of the cost of an ordinary large ship!"

"Lin Siye, are you kidding?"

"How can this be?"


"It is indeed true! Lin Beifan explained in detail:"This hovercraft looks ordinary, but it is mainly made of wood and airbags!" The wood used to make the ship frame and planks cost less than ten taels of silver in total!"

"The most expensive ones are those airbags! Because those airbags are made from the same airbags used to make large balloons! The airbag is tough, waterproof, airproof and fireproof, so it costs a lot, costing 80 taels!"

"Therefore, the total cost of building this hovercraft is about 90 taels!"

This time, everyone finally believed it!

It really only cost less than a hundred taels to build this hovercraft that can carry more than 200 people!

"Your Majesty, and all your lords, I would like to ask you another question! Lin Beifan smiled and said:"How long does it take to build such a hovercraft?" Wang Rushui, the Minister of Industry, was the first to say:"

According to the information of our Ministry of Industry, it takes three months to half a year to build such a large ship that can carry 200 people!""

"It should take a month!" Gao Tianyao, the Minister of Civil Affairs, said.

He played a trick, because Lin Beifan delivered the goods within one month.

So obviously, the shipbuilding time cannot exceed one month.

Everyone also agrees with this time period.

"In less than a month, a large ship capable of carrying more than 200 people was built, saving more than 60% of the time! Lin Siye, good job!"One minister gave a thumbs up.

Lin Beifan shook his head and raised a finger:"My lords, you all guessed wrong! In fact, it only takes a week!

Everyone was shocked again:"Can it be done in one week?" Lin

Beifan explained:"The wooden frames used to build hovercrafts all have standard specifications and are easy to manufacture!" Leave it to a few skilled craftsmen and it can be built within a week! Those airbags also take exactly one week to make! Once these two are built, as you can see just now, they can be set up within an hour and float steadily on the river!"

This time, everyone finally believed it!

In one week, a hovercraft capable of carrying more than 200 people was built!

This achievement moved them!

"Your Majesty, and all your lords, you can build a hovercraft that can carry more than 200 people in less than a hundred taels and less than a week. Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?"Everyone has actually thought about it, and their hearts are beating loudly.

"mean……"Lin Beifan's eyes were wild:"We can quickly create a batch of hovercrafts in a short period of time and sail onon waterways, even coastal areas! Rapidly increase the strength of our water army and dominate all major water systems!"

Everyone is short of breath.

"In wartime conditions, logistics support can also be strengthened!"

"The battle is all about logistics. As the saying goes, before the three armies are moved, food and grass go first! How to transport a large amount of food to the front line in the shortest time is a question we have always been considering!"

"And our logistics transportation mainly relies on water transportation! In the past, due to ship restrictions, transportation volume could never increase! But now it’s different with the hovercraft. More grain can be transported in the same time!"

"In this way, wouldn’t the logistics be stable?"

Everyone's breathing became more rapid.

"In addition, it can also promote economic development and increase the court's income!"

"You know, we have water systems extending in all directions in Dawu! Our transportation mainly relies on water transportation! However, due to the impact of shipbuilding capabilities, the transportation volume is not large!"

"Nowadays, as soon as the hovercraft is launched, it can transport more goods and promote economic and trade development! As the economy develops and everyone's life improves, won't the court's income increase? Lin

Beifan pointed at the hovercraft and said in a sonorous voice:"Everyone, this hovercraft has so many benefits!" If this isn't a water weapon, what is it?"

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