"You honest officials combined, your contribution is not as big as mine, so why should you teach me how to do things? What qualifications do you have to teach me how to do things?"Lin Beifan asked loudly again

"well!"Yao Zheng sighed and drank in a low voice. He seemed to have aged several years!

He was indeed not qualified!

All the upright officials in the dynasty were not qualified!

Although Lin Beifan was indeed greedy, he did do his best for the court and the people. Real good deeds have been achieved!

These honest officials don’t even have the chance to serve the court or ask for orders for the people!

They have made no contribution, so what qualifications do they have to accuse the other party?

Do they just rely on their reputation and integrity?

This thing Sometimes it works very well, but sometimes it doesn't work very well!

Just like now, when the country is surviving or dying, whether the country can be preserved or not is a question. What's the use of these good reputations and integrity? What's the use of having an upright official?

Otherwise, Your Majesty will Corrupt officials will no longer be re-employed!

"No, honest officials are still useful!"

"As long as we cultivate capable and honest officials, your Majesty will definitely reuse them, and the court will definitely reuse them!"

"Therefore, I must cultivate capable and honest officials!"

"Not only is he honest, but he can also do practical things for the people and solve problems for the court!"

"By that time, when the entire court is filled with capable and honest officials, then the face of the court will inevitably take on a new look, the lives of the people will inevitably be improved, and our Dawu Dynasty will be saved!"

Yao Zheng's spirit was shaken, he found a new faith again, and was filled with new vitality!

Lin Beifan smiled:"Congratulations, Master Yao, for your enlightenment! As you said, it is only useful to cultivate capable and honest officials! When the entire court is filled with capable and honest officials, Dawu will be saved!"

"However, it is very difficult to cultivate capable and honest officials! Lin

Beifan sighed:"You know, the reason why honest officials cannot defeat corrupt officials is because honest officials have etiquette and integrity, but corrupt officials don't!" Honest officials are self-denial and serve the public, but corrupt officials are not! Honest officials care about the world, while corrupt officials only protect their own interests!"

"Under such restrictive conditions, it is very difficult to cultivate capable and honest officials!"

"No matter how difficult it is, I am still willing to try it!"Yao Zheng looked firm.

"good! I give you a chance! Lin Beifan said loudly:"Now in our Imperial College, two officials are vacant!" Therefore, I plan to promote you to the position of Secretary, responsible for the education of students' academics, moral cultivation and other aspects. I wonder if Mr. Yao is interested? Yao

Zheng's body trembled and he said in shock:"Lin Jijiu, you……"

I have been dealing with him before, but I didn't expect that the other party would ignore the past and want to promote him to the position of Secretary!

Let him once again enter the officialdom and realize his lifelong ambition!

He asked:"Master Jijiu, why is this so?"

Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Since I became the Jijiujiu, my official duties have become more and more heavy, so I want to find someone to help me share the burden! Mr. Yao, you have been an official for many years and have experience. Rich! I have been in the Imperial College for a while, and I am familiar with the business of the Imperial College, and my work is also excellent, so I want to bring you up to share my worries!"

Although these words were said lightly, for Yao Zheng, who has been an official all his life, it is useless. It's like giving him a second life!

My heart was filled with emotion, and thousands of words came to my mind, but I didn’t know what to say!

He could only hold up his hands and said with some choking:"Thank you... Lord Jijiu!"

"You're welcome, this is what you should thank! However, I won’t do good deeds in vain! Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Look, I have promoted you and made you rich. Shouldn't you...mean?""

Yao Zheng was stunned!

Good guy!

What do you mean?

Aren't you just asking for benefits from him?

This Lord Jijiu actually asked for benefits from his former official!

"Master Jijiu, you can't be so greedy. My family really has no money.……"

"Who said I'm going to be greedy? I've searched your house, don't you know how much money you have? I asked you to bribe me first, and then I would sternly refuse!"Lin Beifan shouted.

Yao Zheng:"Fuck!"

You bribed yourself, and then the other party refused?

I was the only one who made the mistake, but you are still innocent?

Didn't you deliberately trick me?"

"Look, if I help you do such a big thing, you can't just let me have a good time? Lin Beifan said dissatisfied.

Yao Zheng:"Fuck!""

How cool! He clearly wants to base his happiness on my pain!

You know, he has been an official all his life and is innocent!

Let alone bribing others, he has never done anything like accepting bribes. Yes!

He has always been proud of this!

But now, you asked me to bribe you, and you still refuse...

Isn't this a trample on my dignity?

This is so stupid!

How could you come up with such a disgusting trick?

"Master Yao, is that okay? If it doesn't work, just say something. If it doesn't work, I'll find someone else! After all, the Imperial College Secretary Ye is still a sixth-grade official, and many people are rushing to take the position! Lin Beifan said

"Wait, give me some time to think about it! Just a little time……"

Yao Zheng was very troubled in his heart and his expression was uncertain.

Should I do it or not?

If you don't do it, you will miss out on the position of Si Ye!

In the future, I may never have the opportunity to step into officialdom and realize my ambition!

If he does it, it will violate his lifelong principles and beliefs!

So, is he still him?

This decision was too difficult for him!

Lin Beifan was happily drinking wine and enjoying Yao Zheng's face-changing performance.

Finally, Yao Zheng made up his mind.

Somewhat tremblingly, he walked to the bookcase, took out a slender box from it, came to Lin Beifan, and said with great pain:"Master Jijiu, these are the calligraphy and paintings of Master Fuzhang that I have always treasured, and now I will give them to you." It’s up to you! I’ll leave you with the position of Director of the Imperial College!"

After saying these words, his whole body seemed to have been drained of energy!

I finally became... the person I hate the most!

God, why are you doing this to me?

And the person in front of me is simply a devil!

Lin Beifan smiled proudly and said:"Master Yao, look, aren't you very adaptable now? As long as you have the official position, as long as you can still realize your ambitions and ideals, what does a small sacrifice mean? If you fall into the trap of a corrupt official, In your hands, no matter how much you regret or save it, it will be of no use!"

"please remember……"Lin Beifan said sincerely:"Don't give your most beloved things to the people you hate the most! Because they will only waste it and not cherish it!"

After listening to Lin Beifan's words, Yao Zheng suddenly brightened up and regained a lot of life.

This is so damn reasonable!

Don't give up what you love most to the person you hate the most!

Then they will only waste it and not cherish it!

Therefore, even if you violate some conscience and make some sacrifices, it is completely worth it!

"Thank you for your advice, sir. I understand!"Yao Zheng handed over his hand.

Lin Beifan took a look at the calligraphy and painting and said:"This thing is not worth a lot of money. You can take it back and wait for my good news!"

"Thank you, Master Jijiu!"Yao Zheng sincerely thanked him.

After drinking a small drink, Lin Beifan went back.

In the morning of the second day, Lin Beifan wrote a letter

"Your Majesty, since I have been serving as a sacrificial wine minister, I have been working diligently, working hard, and not daring to slack off! However, Wei Chen's official duties were too heavy. Not only did he have to manage the affairs of the Imperial Academy, he also had to go to the Ministry of Works to supervise the work! Moreover, the two offices of the Imperial College are vacant at the same time, which seriously affects the normal operation of the Imperial College!"

"For fear of letting down the emperor's favor, Wei Chen proposed to add an official to serve as the director of the Imperial College!"

"Please allow your majesty!

The empress said distressedly:"Thank you for your hard work, Aiqing. Is there a suitable candidate?""

"Yao Zheng, the former public official, can hold this position! Lin

Beifan reported loudly:"Master Yao has been an official for thirty years. He has sufficient qualifications and rich experience in officialdom!" Moreover, he is upright and his virtue is admirable! Now, I have been teaching in the Imperial College for several months, and I am familiar with the business of the Imperial College, and my work is very good!"

"Therefore, Wei Chen proposed to promote Yao Zheng to the position of Secretary of the Imperial College!"

The officials are a little confused.

Yao is not easy to fight with you, and you actually want to promote him?

Aren't you afraid that the other party will continue to cause trouble to you?

However, these are the affairs of the Imperial College and Lin Beifan's territory. They are too lazy to interfere.!

The empress said:"Yao Zheng really has nothing to say about being an official, but sometimes he is too upright and hates evil, and has caused a lot of trouble, so I asked him to resign and reflect!" It’s almost done now, so I agree with Lin Aiqing’s suggestion! Re-employ Yao Zheng and promote him to the position of Secretary of the Imperial College!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"Lin Beifan clasped his hands.

Then, he took out another memorial

"I have another copy!"

"Present it!"

At the same time, Lin Beifan said loudly below:"In order to reflect the mighty emperor's grace and convey His Majesty's care, I would like to propose that all officials of fifth rank and above and their children of school age will be admitted to the Imperial College!"

The empress sitting on the dragon chair was stunned, and all the officials were stunned!

"My dear, why do you say this?"

Lin Beifan clasped his hands and reported loudly

"First, it can reflect the mighty emperor's grace and solve the children's education problems of officials! Where is education anywhere as good as the Imperial College? We provide them with this precious opportunity. Officials from all over the country will definitely feel deeply moved, burst into tears of gratitude, and become even more loyal to His Majesty and the court!"

"Secondly, the children of officials are taught by their fathers' words and deeds, and they have good blood. Most of them are excellent in character and learning! If you come to the Imperial College to study, you can get a more complete education, improve your abilities, and better serve the court!"

"Thirdly, it can enhance the cohesion of the dynasty! The children of officials from all over the country are scattered in various places, and it is difficult to communicate with each other! Give them priority and give them a chance to gather together, learn together, work together, and feel the emperor's grace together! In the future, if you become an official, you will definitely be more loyal to the court! In this way, the cohesion of our dynasty has naturally been greatly improved!"

"Come four……"

Lin Beifan brought up a few more benefits, and then said:"So, this strategy will benefit the country and the people. There are too many benefits! The ministers came up with this strategy overnight and were extremely happy. They will report it immediately and ask for your Majesty's approval!"

Everyone was numb. The corners of his mouth twitched.

I believe you!

You're such a bad bastard!

It's so high-sounding!

So plausibly said!

After all, isn’t it just about making money?

Wouldn't it be easier for you to make money by gathering all the school-age children of officials of fifth rank and above to the Imperial Academy in the capital?

Good guy!

I can think of all these ways!

The capital city can no longer satisfy your appetite, so it has reached out to the whole country?

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