However, they far underestimated Lin Beifan's lower limit.

At night, Lin Beifan led a group of soldiers over and set up a tent in full swing.

The martial arts people became curious

"What is this dog officer doing?"

"It looks like a tent was set up. Could it be set up for us?"

"Is this dog officer so kind?"


After the tent was set up, Lin Beifan faced the martial arts people and said with a smile:"Dear heroes, this is a wilderness, the weather is cold, and there are many mosquitoes. It is unavoidable and inconvenient to stay outside!"

"Therefore, after careful consideration, I feel that I cannot neglect all heroes! So I ordered people to come and set up a tent. There were quilts, towels, water, etc. in the tent! The conditions are relatively simple, I hope you heroes don't mind!"

"Damn it! It was actually a tent set up for us!"

"Could it be that the dog officer’s conscience discovered it?"

"Ok, Ok! It seems that I saw the wrong person before!"

"This dog official is a nice person!"


Everyone was excited. If there was a chance to sleep in a tent, who would want to sleep outside?

"Dear heroes, please be patient, I have one more thing to say!"

After listening to Lin Beifan's words, everyone calmed down.

Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Currently, a total of 100 tents have been set up, and each tent can accommodate 20 people! Since the number is limited, whoever pays first can stay in the tent, and it only costs 500 taels per night!"

"Damn it! Need money again! Sure enough, he is still the same corrupt official and has not changed at all!"

"It only costs 500 taels a night, how dare you say that? I stayed at the most expensive inn in Beijing, and it cost less than ten taels a night! How dare you ask for 500 taels?"

"I can buy a big yard with 500 taels!"

"He is simply taking advantage of the situation, this dog official!"


Everyone was excited again.

I was a little moved before, but this time I wanted to kill Lin Beifan!

"Everyone, don’t speak so harshly!"Lin Beifan said slightly dissatisfied:"I am very reasonable, we clearly mark the price, no kidding! If you want to live there, just pay, if you don't want to live there, forget it!"

"We won’t live here anymore, so what do you do?"

"That's right, we won't live here anymore, and we will never let you, a bitch, succeed!"

"If you want to take money from me, no way!"


Everyone shouted one after another, sharing the same hatred.

Then at this moment, a young man with a fair face and white clothes came out, raised his hands and asked:"Excuse me, Mr. Lin, can I rent a tent?"

"sure! As long as you can afford it, you can pack up all the tents without any problem! Lin Beifan smiled.

The other party immediately took out a stack of banknotes:"Mr. Lin, these are 10,000 taels of banknotes. Please keep them!""

"Um! Lin Beifan accepted it with satisfaction, and turned his fingers around the rows of tents behind him:"You are the first guest, pick any one you want!""

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"The other party looked back at everyone, as if looking at a poor man, with a look of disdain.

Then, he went to choose a tent with a proud look on his face.

The current martial arts people were dumbfounded. They could actually sell it?

And once they sold it, a tent was sold!

Lin Beifan took the opportunity He shouted:"Heroes, 20 beds have been sold, and there are 1980 left. The sales are very hot. There is no such store after this village!" If you don’t want to live with others, you can rent it yourself!"

This time, many people were moved.

Another rich young man jumped out:"Mr. Lin, I also want to rent a tent, can I? Lin

Beifan responded affirmatively:"If the money is in place, everything will be no problem!""

"Mr. Lin, this is ten thousand taels!"The other party paid the money immediately.

He looked back at the martial arts man, opened the folding fan in his hand, and went to choose his tent with a proud look.

The third rich young man quickly jumped out:"Mr. Lin , I want to pack the next one too!"

Then the 4th, 5th... everyone was dumbfounded!

Such an expensive tent is actually so popular?

What the hell is this?

Lin Beifan looked at all this with a smile, and it seemed that nothing was as he expected.

Because it was People like to compare, especially rich people!

They regard face as more important than money!

No matter whether the thing is good or not, they can buy what others can't afford, and they can buy what others can't, and their hearts will rise. A huge sense of superiority!

Don’t seek the best, but seek the most expensive!

To put it bluntly, it is the mentality of showing off! There are not many opportunities to show off in front of martial arts people. If you don’t show off now, when will you wait?

So naturally, the tent It sold well!

In the end, 90 of the 100 tents were contracted by private parties

"Dear heroes, there are only 10 tents and 200 beds left. Does anyone still want them? If there is no one, I will remove it without delaying everyone’s rest time!"Lin Beifan said very comfortably.

"Wait, I want one too!"

A graceful-looking woman about 30 years old fell in front of Lin Beifan.

She was an innate strong person, and she was also a very clean person. She couldn't stand the environment in the suburbs.

Seeing that there were only 10 tents left, she felt that she couldn't No more waiting.

It’s not like she can’t afford 10,000 taels a night.

Instead of staying outside and looking sloppy, she might as well spend the money to live in a tent, sleep well, wash up, recharge, and watch A shocking battle two days later!

Lin Beifan accepted the opponent's money:"This heroine, please!"

The other party nodded and chose a clean tent to stay in.

There are only 9 tents left. It will be too late if you don't start!

Some people watching can't help it!

"Mr. Lin, I also want a tent!"

"Mr. Lin, give me one!"


They are all innate-level experts.

Strong people are not very short of money.

There were only 9 tents left. It would be bad to be reserved any longer, so we took them all down.

Just like that, 100 tents were sold out!

One million taels, easily obtained!

Lin Beifan counted the money with a smile, then looked at the dumbfounded martial arts people and said:"Dear heroes, the tents have been sold out, but there is still a chance tomorrow! By the way, I forgot to tell you that I watch the sky at night. I found that it might rain tonight, so all heroes, please be prepared to protect yourself from rain and wind!"

With that, he patted his butt and left.

I don’t know if it was Lin Beifan’s crow’s mouth. At night, when everyone was almost asleep, the weather suddenly changed.

The clouds were thick, the wind was howling, and then it started pouring rain.

All the martial arts people are confused

"Damn it! That dog officer was right, it will rain tonight!"

"This guy surnamed Lin is not good at being an official, but his curse is quite accurate, he has a super crow's mouth!"

"What should we do now? There is no shelter here!"

"What else can be done? Salad!"


As a result, this group of martial arts people were soaked in the heavy rain and turned into drowned rats.

The people living in the tents were also awakened by the rain.

They stuck their heads out and looked at the warriors outside shivering in the miserable wind and rain, and their hearts were filled with joy.

Fortunately, I bought the tent, otherwise I would be like them.

There was a huge sense of superiority inside, and I glanced disdainfully at the people outside, then lay back in the tent, sleeping more peacefully and sweetly.

On the morning of the second day, Lin Beifan, with a smile on his face, asked people to come over with bowls of porridge to entertain the distinguished guests in the tent.

"Unexpectedly, it rained heavily last night! This is a fragrant porridge specially prepared for you. This porridge is added with a variety of Chinese herbal medicines. It is not only delicious and sweet, but can also dispel cold. Please use it with caution!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"The distinguished guests took the warm porridge with smiles on their faces and ate it into their stomachs.

Not only did they feel warm in their stomachs, they also felt warm in their hearts.

This man was afraid of comparison with other warriors who were all wet and cold. In comparison, what they are enjoying now is simply heaven-like treatment, and they are extremely satisfied in their hearts! They secretly thought that this money is worth spending!

The other warriors look at it with greed!

They are the ones who are getting wet, and they really need to drink They were the ones who warmed the porridge, and they were the ones who really needed to get rid of the cold, not this group of dry people sleeping in tents.

Someone asked greedily:"Master Lin, can you serve me a bowl?" I'll give you money!

Lin Beifan shook his head:"Sorry!" This is the treatment of VIPs, you have no share!"

The VIPs who spent money once again felt a sense of superiority!

"Mr. Lin, this porridge is delicious. Give me another helping!"

"I want it too!"


Lin Beifan smiled and said:"We have everything. I guarantee that you will drink until you are full, haha!"

This scene was so exciting that everyone felt sour in their hearts!

Why is this person so different from other people?

They also want to live in a spacious and comfortable tent!

They also want to lie in a warm bed!

They also want to change out of their wet clothes!

They also want to drink warm porridge!

They also want to enjoy VIP treatmentI don’t want to be so embarrassed!

Some warriors finally couldn't bear it anymore and said to Lin Beifan:"Master Lin, I want to reserve a tent for tonight!"

"Sorry, sold out! Lin Beifan spread his hands.

The other party was dumbfounded, and everyone was dumbfounded:"Why is it sold out?" You haven’t sold it yet!"

"Who said it wasn't sold? As soon as I arrived, all the orders were sold out by the regular customers in the tent! Lin Beifan pointed at the tent.

"Mr. Lin, how could you do this? You should at least take care of us!"The other party is anxious

"What you said makes no sense. Why should I take care of you? Lin Beifan said angrily:"The people living in the tents are paid quickly and quickly, and they are also regular customers. If I don't take care of them, how can I take care of poor people like you?""

Everyone was speechless and felt aggrieved.

They just cursed secretly:"Dog officer!"

In the next day and a half, Lin Beifan tried his best to get money out of the hands of these martial arts people.

Every time he got what he wanted, everyone was angry, hateful, and helpless.

I just hope that this master duel will start soon, They no longer want to be exploited by this corrupt official.

At the same time, more and more martial arts people arrived here, ready to witness this battle outside the world with their own eyes!

However, without any surprise, they were all stabbed by Lin Beifan and pulled out. A lot of money.

Everyone hated Lin Beifan. If they hadn't taken care of the old monk behind him, they would have already attacked him.

At the same time, Lin Beifan had more and more money.

It had exceeded the 30 million mark, and North Korea Steady strides toward 40 million!

"These martial arts people are really too fat. I will look for opportunities to cut off some more in the future!"

Night falls, and a full moon gradually rises.

The much-anticipated battle outside the sky is about to begin!

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