In the land of northern Hebei, the prince's mansion.

Looking at the large balloons and hovercrafts that failed again and again, King Lei of Northern Hebei was furious:"Military advisor, tell me, it has been more than three months, and the imperial court has already built hundreds of large balloons. There are thousands of hovercrafts, why can't I build one so far? Tell me what the reason is!"

Mr. Zhuge, the military advisor, was so frightened that he shivered and his face turned pale!

This prince is usually not angry, but once he gets angry, he will be absolutely terrifying!

There was once someone who did something poorly and angered the prince, and was torn in half by the prince. It was very bloody!

In recent years, in order to create the character of a corporal who is eager for talents and courteous to the virtuous, he has cultivated his moral character, put away his original temper, and is kind to everyone.

However, having followed the prince for decades, he knew his character very well!

In fact, he hasn't changed at all!

Once you get angry, the consequences will be disastrous!

Mr. Zhuge bowed his hands and said:"Your Majesty, since we obtained the method of manufacturing large balloons and hovercrafts, we have recruited all the craftsmen in the country and worked intensively to manufacture large balloons and hovercrafts. We have never been slack for a day! Please be aware of this, Your Majesty!""

"So why does it still fail?"The prince said angrily.

For these two things, he spent millions, and the palace was going bankrupt! He also spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and gave enough time!

As a result, nothing has been done yet. You ask how he can not be angry? He already has the intention to kill!

Mr. Zhuge said tremblingly:"Prince Qi, according to what the craftsman said, whether building a big balloon or a hovercraft, the key lies in the air bag! But the airbags they made were not durable, so they failed!"

"Why is it okay if it comes from the imperial court? The prince became even more angry:"

In the battle a few days ago, two masters flew in a big balloon to a height of 300 feet and were still safe. My big balloon was completely destroyed when it was less than 30 feet. Tell me what happened." thing?

After thinking for a while, he asked loudly:"Did you cut corners and steal money from it?"

Mr. Zhuge was horrified:"My lord, you are wronged!" We know the importance of these two important weapons to the prince, so we keep an eye on them day and night, and absolutely no one dares to reach out! The craftsman suspected that there was something wrong with the manufacturing method! Using this manufacturing method, it is impossible to make a qualified and durable airbag!"

"Is there something wrong with the manufacturing method?"The prince frowned, and there was a cold light in his eyes:"The manufacturing method came from Mr. Lin. Could it be that he tricked me?"

To be honest, he always felt that there was something wrong with Lin Beifan.

Although the other party got things done properly every time, he also took a large amount of money from him every time.

His prince's palace was so poor..

He is a dignified prince. How has he ever been so wronged?

If Lin Beifan hadn't been so useful, he would have sent someone to kill him!

"Shouldn't it be possible?

Mr. Zhuge said:"No matter whether the manufacturing method is true or not, he gave it to the champion, and he is no longer involved!" In this case, why do you still do such a thankless thing, offending both the court and the prince?"

"That's true!"The prince nodded. No normal person could do such a thing.

Mr. Zhuge secretly broke into a cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

He has always been the one who strongly recommended Lin Beifan. If something goes wrong with Lin Beifan, then He was also finished.

Therefore, he had to put in a good word for Lin Beifan and clear him of his suspicions.

"The subordinates suspected that something must have gone wrong!"

"What went wrong?"

"It should still be a problem with the manufacturing method! Mr. Zhuge said:"

According to the craftsman, the manufacturing method has many procedures and the proportion of materials is very particular. There is no chance of making any mistakes!" The imperial court directly appointed Zhuangyuan Lang as the supervisor, so he was able to produce a large number of large balloons and hovercrafts in a short period of time! But we don’t have the number one scholar here, only ordinary craftsmen.……"

"What to do? Can we still kidnap him?"The prince spread his hands and said loudly

"Your Majesty, this method will naturally not work. In this way, the number one scholar will be exposed, which will be detrimental to our great cause! However, we have people by his side. We can send people to slowly inquire, correct and improve the manufacturing method, and one day it will be done!"

"In addition, we can also think of some ways to steal a few air bags from the court! Wouldn't it be easier to succeed by comparing each other like this?"

"It seems……"The prince put his hands behind his hands and sighed:"That's all!"

So, King Jibei conveyed the matter to Lin Beifan through Mo Rushuang and the others.

Lin Beifan was very angry after hearing this.

Pointing at his head, he roared:"I am loyal to the prince, and I have done so many things to lose my head for the prince. You still doubt me now? Your conscience has been eaten by a dog? Let me tell you, you You can insult my conscience, but you must not insult my loyalty!"

"Master, that’s not what you meant!

Mo Rushuang said anxiously:"We and the prince did not doubt you!" It's just that we have been unable to make a usable airbag using your manufacturing method, so we ask this question!"

"This situation is so normal! Lin

Beifan said calmly:"We are all people, and we have read the Four Books and Five Classics. Why do some people pass the Jinshi Examination and the top scorer in high school, while some people fail to pass the exam all their lives?""

"Why do everyone in the same sect practice the same technique? Why do some people become masters at a young age, while some people practice all their lives and find it so difficult to break through even a small realm?"

Mo Rushuang and the two were speechless.

"That's the difference! The differences between people are sometimes even greater than the differences between humans and dogs! Even in the work department workshop that I have been keeping an eye on, 5 out of 10 airbags are scrapped! Lin

Beifan stood with his hands behind his hands and concluded:"The reason why they can't make it is because the people are not good enough, or someone cuts corners. This kind of thing is too normal!" After all, there are moths everywhere!"

Mo Rushuang and the others asked again and again, and Lin Beifan insisted that the manufacturing method he gave was absolutely true. The reason why they couldn't make a good airbag was because they were not good at it, not his problem.

Mo Rushuang and the others asked again, can they We can't get a few airbags made by the imperial court so that we can take them back for reference.

Lin Beifan shook his head:"Don't think about it! Since the two leaks, the court has attached great importance to this area. Pai Lin has sent heavy troops and experts to guard it closely. No one can bring out a gas bag! And private manufacturing is not allowed, otherwise people will lose their heads!"

Mo Rushuang and the two returned disappointed.

King Jiangnan's side.

King Wuxi's side.


Wait, they sent people over to ask.

But Lin Beifan gave the same answer. It's not that his method is not good, but that your level is not good enough. Don't rely on me.

In this way, everyone only needs to focus on the air bag of the Dawu Imperial Court.

But after suffering two losses, the Dawu court has now learned the lesson and focuses on guarding the airbag manufacturing workshop.

There are 30,000 well-trained troops on guard every day, and many experts patrol day and night.

To obtain the imperial air bag is more difficult than reaching the sky.

So, everyone once again turned to Lin Beifan.

"For the great cause of the prince, I have already risked beheading twice, and I finally saved this life! I really have no choice this time, please ask someone else!"

Facing Wang Fugui, the envoy sent by the King of Jiangnan, Lin Beifan said evasively.

"Lord Jijiu, it’s really impossible for you not to help me this time! Wang

Fugui said in a panic:"Now that we have been unable to produce qualified airbags, the prince is very angry and has cut off the heads of several people!" If it fails this time, the heads of the common people will not be saved! Lin

Beifan pointed to his head:"But if I help you, my head will not be saved!""

"Master Jijiu, please do your best, you are the only one who can help me!"Wang Fugui stuffed a dozen silver notes into Lin Beifan's hand:"This is a little bit of your prince's wishes, please accept it! There will be a huge reward after the deed is accomplished!"

Lin Beifan lowered his head and looked, good guy, 300,000 taels!

This King of Jiangnan knows his heart so well!

As the saying goes, a thousand pieces of gold are easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find!

As the saying goes, etiquette is light but affection is important!

As the saying goes, money comes from afar. , what a joy!


So, Lin Beifan stuffed the money into his pocket.

He was very embarrassed and said:"To be honest, if you want me to take out the air bag, I really can't! However, I can create an opportunity for you to get the air bag. It depends on whether you can catch it or not!"

Wang Fugui was overjoyed. :"Okay! It's better to have a chance than no chance!"

Next, Lin Beifan secretly met with other people.

He said no every time, but as soon as the other party took out the sugar-coated bullets, Lin Beifan immediately gave in.

For each person, there are as few as 200,000 and as many as 500,000.

After just one round, Lin Beifan easily made over 5 million yuan.

"The opportunity will come soon, just wait for my good news!"

So, during the morning court meeting on the second day, Lin Beifan stood up.

"Your Majesty, I have my own instructions!"

The empress was very surprised. This little bastard is so unprofitable that he can't afford to go early! He usually spends his time fishing in the morning, and pushes away whenever he can when he encounters problems! He is so active today, has he made money again?

"Dear, what's the matter with you?"The Empress asked expectantly.

Lin Beifan said loudly:"Your Majesty, in the past three months, I and my colleagues from the Ministry of Industry have been working hard day and night, and finally built a thousand hovercrafts, a powerful water weapon! I think it’s time to hold a long-distance arms transportation exercise! Firstly, it is to test the effect of the hovercraft, and secondly, it can enhance the prestige of our country and shock the world!"

This is a very reasonable suggestion, and the officials did not object. The empress nodded in approval and said with a smile:"Ai Qing's words are reasonable! Now that there are enough hovercrafts, it's really time to have a military exercise! Firstly, it can test the effect of the hovercraft, and secondly, it can really enhance the prestige of our country and deter enemies from all over the world! This military exercise will be left in charge of...Li Aiqing, Minister of the Ministry of War!

Li Kaiguang, Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up and bowed:"I obey the order!""

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