Wasn't the reason why they rebelled because they didn't have enough money?

If they could get back the military pay they owed before, they would be willing to take a few beatings!

Anyway, we are here this year, so we don’t suffer enough?

They are all soldiers, with rough skin and thick flesh that can withstand beatings!

When Daniel saw everyone's expressions, he knew that everyone was moved, and felt that it would be more appropriate to handle it this way, so he nodded and said:"Okay, I will do as you say! However, if I find you going back on your word, I will never forgive you!""

"Don’t worry, you don’t have this chance! Lin

Beifan smiled and said:"Now, you can go, I only give you one day!" After one day, I will ask the court to issue a wanted order to arrest you! Think about it for yourself, how to save your life!"

Da Niu nodded with a heavy face.

He also knew that after he killed the imperial official and led the soldiers to rebel, the imperial court would definitely not let him go.

Giving him a chance to escape now would be considered a mercy outside the law.

But he He also believes that he will never be caught and brought to justice so easily.

He not only has to live for himself, but also for his brothers.

Only if he stays alive and is not arrested can he shock everyone, and his brothers will be safe and will Get the treatment you deserve.

So he turned to everyone and said:"Brothers, I'm leaving, everyone take care of yourself!"

"Boss! I'll go with you!"



Everyone was reluctant to leave.

Daniel hugged several people vigorously, patted each other on the back, and said with a smile:"I'm not leaving forever! Don't worry, we will still have a chance to meet in the future!"

Then he looked at the brothers fighting side by side with some nostalgia. They waved their hands and walked decisively towards the forest.

"etc!"Lin Beifan shouted again

"What else is going on?"Da Niu turned around and came back.

Lin Beifan took out a piece of silver and threw it over.

Da Niu caught the silver and said puzzledly:"What do you mean?"

"Our court has clear rewards and punishments. Although you made an unforgivable mistake, you have also made contributions to our court! This money is the military salary owed before, and it will be used as travel expenses for you! Lin Beifan said.

Daniel gave Lin Beifan a deep look:"Now, I somewhat believe in your promise!""

"In addition, I would like to advise you not to seek refuge with other princes, nor to do anything treasonous or illegal again, otherwise you may be facing swords with your brothers in the future! Lin Beifan said

"Don’t worry, I definitely won’t!"

Da Niu accepted the money, looked at everyone with nostalgia again, and then broke into the forest without looking back.

The rebels still faced Lin Beifan, covering Dan Niu's departure until an hour later.

Lin Beifan smiled and said :"Is it okay now? With the opponent's skill, he should be able to run very far in an hour! Even if we send people to chase, it will be difficult to catch up!"

The rebels looked at each other and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now, put down your weapons! Then 10 people form a group, and 10 groups form a team, crossing the river one by one! Lin Beifan shouted

"Wow!……"All the weapons fell to the ground.

Then, the rebels crossed the river in batches of 100 people and 100 people.

"The military law will be enforced now, each person will receive 10 sticks, and military pay will be reissued after the beating! Lin Beifan said again.

Immediately, 10 rebels threw themselves on the ground and were dealt with by military officers.


The sticks saw flesh, and screams came one after another.

Everyone couldn't bear to hear it.

The little princess couldn't bear it and said:"Lin Beifan, why don't we forget it, they were all forced……"

Lin Beifan looked indifferent:"It's impossible not to fight! Although there was a reason, they violated military discipline and betrayed the court after all. This is an unforgivable sin! So not only must we fight, but we must also fight hard to let them remember this lesson."! If you do this, you won’t do it again!"

After one round, the buttocks of the 10 rebels were beaten to pieces, and half of their lives were missing.

"Well, the punishment is over, welcome to re-enlist! Lin Beifan asked someone to bring a pot of potion with a strange taste and said:"This is the best medicine for bruises and injuries. Apply it yourself. You will feel better in a few days!""

"in addition……"

Lin Beifan took out a few large pieces of silver, divided one piece for each person, and said,"This is the military salary the court owes you. You all should keep it!"

Although the beaten rebels were in physical pain, they were ecstatic inside.

The trembling hand gently grasped the silver and said with great gratitude:"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir."……"

"You're welcome, you deserve it! Lin Beifan patted one of them on the shoulder and said with a smile:"After you go back, take good care of your injuries and return to the team as soon as possible. The country needs you and Dawu needs you!""

Looking at Lin Beifan's bright smile, the rebel's eyes were in a daze.

Is this really the corrupt official that everyone hates?

When the other soldiers saw it, they also became excited.

"I really got military pay! That’s a lot of money!"

"Next round, let me do it first!"

"Let me come and you line up!"


So, everyone rushed up.

Although the stick was still very heavy and everyone still screamed, the atmosphere at the scene was not solemn at all, but rather cheerful anyway.

Because after the fight, they will get the money!

Nearly a year's military pay, how much money is that, enough to improve their lives!

And he can continue to serve as a soldier and continue to make money!

Life is full of hope again!

Looking at the crowd who were screaming and happy, Lin Beifan said with emotion:"Actually, they don't want much! I just gave them back what belongs to them, and in the end they were thanked a thousand times! I don't know. Those bitches, why are they greedy even for the things they exchanged for their lives? They are really worse than animals!"

Magistrate Liu nodded with deep sympathy:"What Lord Jijiu said is absolutely true! Some money can be greedy, but there are You must not be greedy for some money, otherwise you will be repaid! However, this money seems to be yours. Lord Jijiu spent it……"

Lin Beifan waved his hand carelessly and said with a smile:"It's okay, it's just some small money! As long as it can appease the morale of the soldiers and solve the mutiny, what is a small sacrifice?"

Magistrate Liu gave a thumbs up in admiration:"Master Jijiu, You really understand the righteousness, I admire you!"

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Look back, I will copy it from the Ministry of War!"

Magistrate Liu:"Oh shit!"

Magistrate Liu looked at the young man in front of him in shock!

I had always heard that Lin Beifan, the new top scholar in the imperial examination, was so fierce that he dared to embezzle money from all the officials in the imperial court. Now I finally saw it!

After losing a little money, he actually wanted to ransack the home of an official from the Ministry of War, and he didn't show any concern at all!

By the way, I heard that he even ransacked the home of an official from the Ministry of Industry!

Twice in a row!

Magistrate Liu shivered!

Not only was it fierce, it was so fierce that it was a mess!

This person must not be offended!

Lin Beifan blinked his eyes and said:"By the way, Mr. Liu, the homes of the generals and generals were not confiscated, right? Your Majesty ordered me to handle this matter with full authority. Please, Mr. Liu, please take me with you later. This is their mansion. I want to Loot their home and bring back the blood!"

Magistrate Liu:"Oh shit!"

The mutiny was solved so easily. Magistrate Liu breathed a sigh of relief and was very happy. He prepared a sumptuous dinner and entertained Lin Beifan and others in a grand manner. people.

That night, everyone felt at home.

Because he solved the most important problem, Lin BeifanAfter ransacking the homes of General Bing and others, he planned to stay in Tangzhou for two days and go back after having enough fun.

Magistrate Liu specially took time to accompany him.

But along the way, I didn't have all the fun. Instead, I found many beggars on the streets.

His face was dusty, his clothes were in tatters, and his body was skinny. He looked particularly pitiful.

In some cases, several members of the family were there, begging collectively.

"Master Liu, look here! Lin

Beifan pointed at a group of beggars and said with a half-smile:"As far as I know, although Tangzhou is not as prosperous as the capital, it is still a prosperous place. There is no problem in providing food and clothing for the people!" But there are so many beggars in your jurisdiction, far beyond my imagination! It seems that under your rule... it's not working!"

"Magistrate Liu, have you expropriated and embezzled people's money? Hurry and get real, or I will tell the Empress Sister to punish you!"The little princess shouted.

Magistrate Liu held up his hands and said with a wry smile:"Master Jijiu, Princess Yunying, you really misunderstood the official! Although the official is not a good official, he can still be regarded as a conscientious official. At the very least, he still has a conscience and will never disregard the people!"

"So tell me, what's going on?"The little princess asked

"These beggars, they are all refugees from Northern Hebei, coming here to beg for a living! It’s just that I don’t have a place to live at the moment, so I can only live on the streets! Because there are too many people, I can’t arrange it!"

"Coming to Jibei?"Mo Rushuang and Marshal Guo were stunned.

"Yes, they all come from Northern Hebei!"

Zhifu Liu said:"I don't know what happened during this period, but a large number of refugees came here from northern Hebei with their families to seek life! The officials once asked why, and they told them that a group of robbers had arrived in northern Hebei!"

"This group of robbers is greedy and extremely arrogant. They often go around robbing everything of value, no matter whether it is the homes of merchants or ordinary people! Due to too many robberies, the people in northern Hebei could no longer survive, so they had no choice but to come to Tangzhou!"

"Don’t they care about the government in northern Hebei?"Mo Rushuang asked urgently

"If we could take care of it, they wouldn't come here! Magistrate Liu shook his head and sighed:"After all, if you have a choice, who would like to leave their hometown?""

"You can find King Jibei! The prince is kind-hearted and considerate of the people, and he will never ignore it!"Mo Rushuang said again.

Magistrate Liu shook his head:"I don't know about this! After all, the prince is a big shot and has many important things to do, so he may not even notice these little things! Okay, let’s not talk about the prince’s affairs. Let’s continue to visit Tangzhou. Don’t let these things ruin everyone’s enjoyment!"

Then, Magistrate Liu continued to introduce the scenery of Tangzhou to everyone.

However, Mo Rushuang and Guo Shangshuai were too preoccupied to listen.

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