At this moment, a soldier hurriedly ran to King Wuxi and reported the situation.

The same situation exists on the side of the Dayue Dynasty.

After King Wuxi heard this, his face became solemn and he shouted to the people on the opposite side:"Let's stop fighting for the time being and don't let outsiders take advantage! Let's use this as the dividing line to search for treasures each and not step into the other's territory!""

"King Wuxi’s words are very much in line with my wishes!"The general opposite nodded.

In this way, the battle was temporarily stopped.

However, both sides sent heavy troops to guard it, forming a clear dividing line.

At this time, the innate masters had already broken into the Qinglong Mountains.

However, the Qinglong Mountains It is very big. Even if the treasure points to the location of the dragon head of the Qinglong Mountains, and even marks the place with four cliffs, it is still very difficult to find the treasure in this place.

However, they are all veterans, and they will know how to do it with a quick thought. Just follow the army of King Wuxi.

King Wuxi has many people and is a local snake, so it will definitely be easier for them to find the treasure.

Once the treasure appears, just grab it, it is simple and hassle-free.

So, everyone squatted on the King Wuxi's army was nearby, waiting to take advantage.

King Wuxi raised his head and looked at this group of innate masters coming and going. He was very angry and crazy.

Because of this group of people, ordinary soldiers and horses were of no use to them.

To deal with them, They can only send out the innate strong ones.

However, there are too many innate strong ones on the other side, and they cannot be defeated at all.

Even if they can be defeated, it will be difficult for them to catch up once they hide deep in the mountains, and they are particularly difficult to deal with.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"Mr. Military Advisor Feng Chu asked cautiously.

"Ignore them for now!"King Wu Xi waved his hand in frustration.

"However, there is still a group of warriors squatting under the mountains, about 3,000 of them!"Mr. Feng Chu asked again.

"Block me, don't let them come up! If you can't deal with Xiantian, you can't deal with them?"King Wu Xi said angrily

"Yes, Your Majesty!"Mr. Fengchu smiled bitterly, feeling very pessimistic.

It can be blocked for a while, but it won't last forever!

There are only more than 3,000 people below, but there will be more and more people.

When the number reaches tens of thousands, or even 20,000, their soldiers will Can the horses still block it?

When the time comes, there will inevitably be huge casualties!

The price is too high!

However, if they are allowed in, it will be even more dangerous and the casualties will be even greater.

Because, in the mountains and jungles, this group of warriors can exert their utmost Their own advantage is that they can use their light skills to move around, conduct sneak attacks and assassinations, but their soldiers are unable to move easily, so they become living targets, which is very disadvantageous.

Therefore, they can only block them out, relying on the size of the army. Advantage, suppressed them.

In this way, two days passed.

Just as Mr. Fengchu expected, the warriors gathered more and more, and finally broke through tens of thousands of people.

They joined forces and tried two sneak attacks, but they were repulsed Go back.

However, for King Wuxi, the situation is getting worse and worse.

At this time, the experts from the six doors have arrived here.

Look at the situation in front of you and analyze the pros and cons.

"When I came here before, the chief arrester had already given the order. The treasures of this operation were secondary, and the main purpose was to seriously injure the strength of King Wuxi's army. Now there is an excellent opportunity!

The six-door master who was responsible for leading the team was ruthless and said with a smile:"Look here, the two sides are now facing each other, and the situation is like fire and water!" We can lead this group of warriors to break through the blockade, and we will definitely defeat King Wu Xi’s army!"

"Lord Qingqing is absolutely right, what should we do next?"Everyone nodded.

"Let's wait for two days until there are more warriors before we take action! In addition, our operation is relatively secretive this time. Mr. Thousand-Faced Man, you will put on makeup for everyone!"

"Okay, boss!"A young man with an average appearance nodded.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and more and more warriors gathered here, reaching 15,000.

The pressure on King Wuxi's side was increasing, and he had to send an additional 100,000 The army.

A total of 400,000 troops, firmly guarding the Qinglong Mountains.

Liumen felt it was time to take action.

So, they disguised themselves as passers-by and stood up

"Dear heroes, I don’t think we can wait any longer!"

Qingqing shouted loudly:"King Wuxi's army is guarding all the major roads and we are not allowed to enter! Innate masters can come and go as they please, enter the Qinglong Mountains as early as possible! The other end of the Qinglong Mountain Range is probably the same! Sooner or later, Xianyue's treasure will fall into their hands. Can everyone be willing to do so? Could it be that everyone comes here just to watch others get treasures and return empty-handed?"

"What can I do if I don’t give in? King Wuxi is heavily guarded, but our strength is low and there is no way we can get through!"

"Without innate strength, as soon as you get close, you will be pricked by their arrows and become a hedgehog!"

"Treasures are important, but life is more important!"

"There is nothing we can do about it!"


Everyone is complaining

"Dear heroes, I understand everyone's difficulties, so we might as well go all out! We have innate strong men here. Let our innate strong men take the lead in breaking through and carve out a bloody path. You will follow closely, so that you can break into the Qinglong Mountains!"

Wuqing shouted loudly, and then showed his cultivation

"You are an innate strong person!"Everyone exclaimed.

Then, four more people stood next to Qingqing, showing their cultivation.

"It’s all innate! 5 innates!"Everyone was shocked

"Dear heroes and friends, let us lead the team and lead everyone into the Qinglong Mountains! Wu Qingyi said solemnly:"I plan to divide the troops into five groups, each led by an innate, so that we can kill King Wuxi's army!""

Dividing the troops into five groups instead of concentrating them can cause huge damage to King Wuxi's army.

The warriors at the scene looked at each other and were a little moved.

This is indeed a good idea. Although they knew that the other party had ulterior motives, they were all willing to do so. Be exploited

"good! I agree!"

"Only in this way can you have a chance to enter the Qinglong Mountains and obtain treasures!"

"Then I'll trouble my five heroes!"


Everyone responded one after another.

Liumen and others made eye contact, showing a slightly proud expression.

"etc!"A mediocre old man stood up with his hands raised.

Six Doors and others stared at each other with ruthless eyes, and smiled:"Hero, do you have any different opinions?"

"There are only 5 innates, how can it be enough? The old man chuckled and said:"Then King Wu Xi's army already has five more innates. If they take action, they will definitely be able to stop you!""

"What does senior mean?……"

"In fact, I am also a genius, I can drive all the way! In this way, we have 6 people, wouldn't they just focus on one thing and miss the other?"

As he spoke, he held his head high and chest out, releasing the powerful aura belonging to the innate strong man.

"Another innate strong man!"Someone exclaimed.

A happy smile appeared on Qingqing's face:"Then I'll trouble you, senior!"

"etc!"Someone shouted again.

Everyone turned around and saw an ordinary middle-aged man, who asked ruthlessly:"Hero, what can I do for you?"

"How could such a good thing be missing from me?"The other party came out carrying an ax and said with a smile:"Actually, I am also a genius! How about you let me drive all the way?"

A powerful innate aura followed!

"Another innate!"Someone exclaimed.

The smiles of Qingqing and others became even brighter:"Of course, you are very welcome!"

"etc! I also want to participate!"Another Xiantian stood up and released a powerful aura.

"I can do my best!"The fourth one appeared innately

"I can't stand King Wu Xi, so I'm a part of this good thing!"The 5th one appeared innately.

Then the 6th, 7th, 8th... one after another appeared innately.

Everyone was shocked!

Even the people in the six doors were stunned!

Good guy!

There are 15 innates in total!

In addition to the 5 innates from the six gates, there are 20!

Everyone never expected that there are so many innate masters hidden among this group of acquired warriors!

Every one of them is The old scumbag is just waiting for this time to come out and harm people!

Many people are trembling with fear!

So powerful and so sinister, it is getting harder and harder to get involved in the world!

Let’s do a simple summary, let’s start with the 5 strongest One Xiantian rushed into King Wuxi's army, attracted the opponent's Xiantian masters, and then dragged the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, the other 15 Xiantians each led a group of troops and charged into King Wuxi's army.

In this way, not only could they kill through The army would also cause huge losses to the opponent.

After discussing it, everyone decided to take action immediately.

The five most powerful innates rushed directly into the army with a whoosh. With a casual slap, they took away dozens of lives.

"This is an innate strong man! Quickly invite five of you to worship!"

In the military camp, the five innate strong men rushed out immediately.

"It's so shameless to use a big one to bully a small one!"

"I'll meet you!"


One person fights against the other, and the fight is indistinguishable.

At this moment, the other 15 innate experts were dispatched.


Like sharp swords, it penetrated directly into King Wu Xi's army, killing people and turning them upside down, cutting a bloody path.

The other Houtian strong men saw it and fought their way in, howling along this bloody road.

It was a bloody and bloody journey, with rivers of blood flowing!

However, King Wu Xi no longer had any innate masters here, so he could only watch helplessly as they fought their way in.

"It was really fun to kill today! The arrogance I've been feeling these past few days has finally come out!"

"King Wuxi, you also have today!"

"Qinglong Mountain Range, I’m here! Ha ha!"

"The Xianyue treasure is mine!"


Everyone broke into the Qinglong Mountains and disappeared.

Only corpses on the ground were left, as well as the earth stained with blood.

That night, this group of warriors not only penetrated King Wuxi's army defense line, but also took away the lives of 100,000 troops, causing King Wuxi to suffer heavy losses!

When King Wu Xi received the bad news, his face darkened and he almost vomited blood.

"very good! This king has been tricked!"

"Damn it!"

"You all deserve to die!"

That night, King Wuxi went into a rage and smashed everything in the military tent.

On the other side of the Qinglong Mountains, in the Dayue Dynasty, a similar thing happened at this time.

Innate masters from the Xieyue Dynasty's old tribe disguised themselves as masters from other countries. , led the heroes, broke through the defense line of the Dayue Dynasty's army, and broke into the Qinglong Mountains.

The Dayue Dynasty suffered heavy losses of more than 80,000 people!~

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