Because these memorials all came from the border, all countries were preparing to attack the border, and the situation was very tense.

Along with these memorials, there are also letters of credence sent from various countries, all for the sake of dragon bones.

In the certificates of credence, the kings of each country clearly stated that the divine dragon bone is the most precious treasure in the world and should be owned by everyone in the world. The Dawu Dynasty has no right to exclusive use! If you don't hand over the dragon bones, we will fight each other!

The empress immediately held an emergency meeting.

At the court meeting, the empress was furious:"Dear dear friends, all countries have sent letters of credence, asking us to hand over the dragon's bones, otherwise we will fight with each other! This is simply outrageous and unreasonable, bandit logic!"

"The dragon bone was found in our court, which means that it was sent by heaven to our court. How could it be shared? But now, countries have deployed troops on their borders, and the situation is very tense! Dear friends, do you have any good advice?"

As the guardian of the dragon bone, Lin Beifan actively stood up and said loudly:"Your Majesty, they are just bluffing, don't pay too much attention!

The empress asked:"My beloved, why do you say this?""

"Your Majesty, we had a battle with the Great Xia Dynasty before! In this battle, we paid a very small price, defeated the Daxia soldiers and horses, and captured 600,000 troops, as well as the prince Xia Qiong, and achieved an unprecedented brilliant victory, showing the majesty of our great military force and shocking the world. Deterrence all around!"

"Under such a situation, various countries actually dare not move!"

"First of all, Daxia didn’t dare to move! They have just been defeated, their morale is low, they have no intention of fighting anymore, and they will lose if they fight again! Moreover, the prince is in our hands. If they dare to move, we will kill him!

The empress nodded:"Ai Qing's words make sense!""

"Daxia didn’t dare to move, and neither did Dayan! Because they are afraid that they will be defeated like Daxia, and the consequences will be too serious! A war between great powers is no child’s play!

The empress nodded again:"That's right!""

"The two major dynasties did not dare to move, and naturally other small countries did not dare to move! Lin Beifan smiled and said:"So, they are more of a bluff. We must not be frightened by them and get into trouble!""

"But what if they really call?"An old minister asked

"If they want to fight, we will fight!"

Lin Beifan said with overwhelming arrogance:"After receiving compensation from Daxia, our Dawu has enough food and materials to support many wars! Moreover, we have just defeated Daxia and our morale is at its peak. Why are we afraid of what they will do?"

The enthusiasm of the officials was aroused.

"Yes, we now have abundant supplies and high morale. What are we afraid of them doing?"

"If you want to fight, fight. We are the powerful dynasty. Who are we afraid of?"

"We dare to fight, but do they dare?"


Lin Beifan continued his impassioned speech:"Your Majesty, the situation in our country has just improved, and the people can live a good life! Under such circumstances, if they dare to fight, they will be in trouble with the people!"

"If you can't live with the common people, you can't live with the world. Everyone in the world will support our government and win this battle! How can there be any reason to be invincible if we work together with one heart and one mind to achieve victory?"

The officials were once again excited.

"If we are united and united, how can we be invincible?"

"Fight, we will win!"


"The most important thing is that we have the keel in our hands!

Lin Beifan's face flushed with excitement:"The dragon bone is facing me, what does it mean?" It shows that God’s way is in me, God’s will is in me, and God favors me! Even God is on our side. We will win this battle, so what are we afraid of? beat!"

"Want keel? Don't say that I don't agree, it's just the common people of Dawu.……"

Lin Beifan roared:"I will never agree!"

The officials followed and roared:"I will never agree!"

The momentum was like a rainbow!

The sound shook the sky!

The woman watched with fear, this guy's deception skills are getting stronger and stronger!

In other words, Dragon Bone's interests are too great. All interests are tied together and they will fight to the death!

The empress was also very excited and said loudly:"Okay! What you dear ladies are saying is absolutely true! If they want to fight, then fight! We have the dragon bone in our hands, and the law of heaven is mine. With one heart and one mind, how can we be invincible?""

"Your majesty is wise!"All the officials said in unison.

So, Dawu's reply quickly spread back to the countries: If you want to fight, then fight. If you want the dragon bone, it is absolutely impossible!

Look at the arrogant appearance of Dawu's court urgently mobilizing troops and horses. On the contrary, he did not dare to act rashly.

As Lin Beifan said, military matters are by no means trivial! The current Dawu is no longer the former Dawu!

The current Dawu can even defeat the Great Xia Dynasty at its peak. The momentum is booming, and the food is Enough!

With the keel in hand, the army and the people are united, and the strength is unprecedentedly powerful! If you want to defeat the current Dawu and take the keel, you must pay a heavy price!

If they lose the battle, the loss will be even greater!

So they changed He found a way to encourage the martial arts people in his country to go to Dawu Capital City to seize the dragon bone, so that he could fish in troubled waters.

As a result, there were more and more martial arts people around Guanlongtai.

Not only from Dawu, but also from People from Daxia, people from Great Yan, and other countries looked at the huge dragon bones on the Dragon Watching Platform with eager eyes.

"Is this the keel? With such a huge body, it looks like it is not an ordinary thing at first sight!"

"Yes, this bone is bathed in the holy light, and flowers bloom! Sometimes sweet rain falls from the sky, sweet springs surge from the ground, and the faint sound of dragon roars can be heard... What kind of divine object in the world can compare with this bone?"

"I heard that this dragon bone has miraculous effects. Carrying it on the body can turn evil into good luck, cure all diseases, and save a person's life in critical moments! It is even possible for people to... become immortal and ascend to immortality!"

"These are all rumors! But one thing is certain, that is, some people have realized the great way of heaven and earth from the dragon bone, which has the greatest promotion effect on their own martial arts!"

"who is it? Who is that lucky guy?"

"It is Lin Beifan, the governor who has been living next to Long Gu! It's a pity that the other party is a scholar and not proficient in martial arts, otherwise he would have the opportunity to learn the supreme skill from Dragon Bone and become the ultimate hero in the world!"

"well! Pity!"


Experts from all walks of life are ready to make a move.

If it weren't for the protection of many experts under the Dragon Viewing Platform, they would have snatched it long ago.

Seeing this scene, Lin Beifan decided to give them a little stimulation.

Looking at the various sects, he saw a silly little monk and said with a smile:"Haha, it's you!"

Lin Beifan used the Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique, and a spiritual will came to the little monk.

"Dense purple air, the I Ching cleanses the marrow, and the Yang heat air……"

The little monk was confused and fell into an epiphany.

At this moment, a ray of sunshine came down from the sky and shone on the young monk, making him look so solemn.

This magical scene shocked everyone

"This, this, this... what on earth is going on?"

"What happened to Tianbao?"

"Why is there such a vision?"


Lin Beifan walked over with a smile on his face:"Masters, don't panic! This little master looks like... he seems to have had an epiphany! He may have realized the wonderful principles of heaven and earth from the top of the dragon's bones!"

"Epiphany!"Everyone was surprised again.

Although they had already learned from Lin Beifan that this dragon bone can make people realize their enlightenment and improve their cultivation level!

But today, this is the first time to see it in person!

It's really amazing!

"quiet! quiet! Don't disturb Tianbao!"The presiding abbot said loudly.

Everyone nodded and held their breath for fear of waking each other up.

Then at this time, an even more magical scene appeared.

I saw that the little monk's momentum was actually rising steadily, and his internal strength was rising. It became stronger and stronger, and finally it seemed that the shackles were broken, with a bang, the strength reached another level!

The onlookers were very excited

"Breakthrough! He broke through!"

"From a ninth-level warrior to an eighth-level warrior! What a speed!"

"Dragon bones can indeed increase strength!"


After about half a stick of incense, the young monk's aura stabilized and the holy light on his head disappeared.

He opened his eyes drowsily and was frightened by the scene in front of him.

He was surrounded by people, and everyone looked at him eagerly, as if they wanted to devour him.

The young monk was frightened and immediately hid behind the Shaolin Master:"Master, what's going on? Why is everyone looking at the young monk? Is there any flowers on the young monk's face?" The

Shaolin Master said with a kind face:"Tianbao, don't be afraid. Everyone just cares about you! Tell me, my master, what you have experienced just now, and why did you achieve a breakthrough in strength?"

Only then did the young monk realize that his strength had indeed broken through unknowingly.

Before I had time to be happy, I found that everyone's eyes were more eager and greedy.

He shrank his head and said tremblingly:"Amitabha! The young monk didn't know what he had just experienced... At that time, the young monk was reciting the Heart Sutra, and his head suddenly went blank, and a huge and majestic voice sounded,"Buddha comes from heaven, he As if the Dharma was being preached, the young monk fell asleep unknowingly! When the young monk woke up, he saw you all!"

"What kind of Dharma is he teaching? Tell me quickly!"Someone said anxiously.

The young monk trembled and recited:"The dense purple air, the I Ching cleanses the marrow, and the hot air of Yang……"

It was less than a hundred words, but it made the experts present suddenly enlightened and very excited.

"This is definitely a masterpiece!"

"There are only less than a hundred words, but every word is precious, and I have benefited a lot!"

"This dragon bone can really help people realize enlightenment!"


"What about behind? What's behind?"Someone urged.

The young monk shrank his head in fright and whispered:"There are no more ones behind, the young monk only remembers so much! Amitabha!"

"Little monk, are you hiding it on purpose? Someone questioned loudly.

The Shaolin host stepped forward and said confidently:"So what if I hide it?" This is what I, the Shaolin disciples, have realized. It belongs to my Shaolin Temple. What does it have to do with you?"

"Shaolin presided over, that’s not right!"

"Although this is what you, a Shaolin disciple, realized, the Dharma was taught by Dragon Bone and should belong to everyone present!"

"Do you want to take Shaolin Temple privately?"


Seeing everyone quarreling, the little monk was about to cry:"It's really gone. Monks don't lie!"

Seeing that the little monk didn't seem to be lying, everyone was disappointed.

He looked at the huge keel next to him again, his eyes more eager than before!

Dragon bone can really help people realize the Tao and improve their cultivation!

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