The envoy of Dayue quickly went back and came back soon.

He brought a person with him to verify the authenticity of the dragon bones, and then discuss the grain trade after confirming the authenticity.

The other party was contaminated with a little dragon bone powder, and he smelled and looked at it very carefully.

Finally, he said excitedly:"Master Liu, this is indeed a dragon bone!"

Envoy Dayue said in shock:"Really?"

"Absolutely true!"

"This is of course true, can I still trick you? King Wu Xi looked over curiously:"What makes me wonder is, have you ever seen a dragon bone? How can you identify it?""

The two ministers, Dayue, looked at each other and smiled proudly.

They have not only seen each other before?

How many taels of dragon bones does Dayue also own!

The dragon bones are real, and then the two sides began to bargain.

Focusing on these two taels of dragon bones, what is the exchange rate? How much food is appropriate?

For King Wuxi, the more the better.

But for Dayue, the less the better.

Finally, after a week of bargaining, the Dayue Dynasty was willing to provide about 30 million kilograms of grain, which was about the Wuxi Army Two months of food and grass were enough to last until the autumn harvest.

However, after the autumn harvest, King Wuxi had to raise troops.

In this way, Dayue got the coveted dragon bones, and King Wuxi got the food for development, and both parties were happy.

Military Advisor Feng Chu The gentleman cupped his hands and said with a smile:"My lord, I am so happy!"

"Military advisor, where does the joy come from?"Wang Wuxi asked

"Your Majesty, the food problem is not only our problem, but also the problem of the rat army! Their troops are getting stronger day by day, but the food problem is becoming more and more prominent. If they don't have food in their hands, they will inevitably fall into chaos and self-destruct!"

"What the military advisor said is absolutely true!"

"Now, we have solved the food problem and can safely wait until the autumn harvest! But, what can the rat army do? They have no land in their hands, so they can only rely on robbing or transporting food from the outside world! However, the external channels for transporting grain were cut off by the imperial court to the east, and cut off by us to the west. It was impossible to transport grain to the south or north at all!"

Mr. Feng Chu handed over his hand again:"So, Your Majesty, now we can adapt to all changes without any change. As long as we guard our own food and guard our own fields, we can defeat them without a fight. Win!

King Wu Xi said with great joy:"Well said!" Don't let our army move around, don't give them an opportunity! As long as we guard our own grain and fields, we can drag them down and let them destroy themselves! Ha ha……"

"Your Majesty is wise! Mr. Feng Chu said with a smile.

"But the keel……"King Wuxi felt distressed and never forgot:

"Prince, please relax! Mr. Feng Chu whispered:"My subordinates have secretly contacted Mr. Lin and learned from him that he still has three taels of dragon bones under his hands!" Under the persuasion of his subordinates, he was willing to part with two taels of dragon bones, but he asked for 4 million taels!

King Wu Xi took a breath of cold air:"4 million taels!" It’s twice as expensive as before! He is too greedy!"

""My lord," Mr. Lin said, the keel has flown away, and there is no chance of getting the keel again! He has the only remaining dragon bone in his hand. Things are rare and expensive, so the asking price is naturally not cheap!"

King Wu Xi looked very confused.

Mr. Fengchu persuaded again:"Your Majesty, if he is not greedy, we will have no chance!"

"That's true!"King Wu Xi sat down boldly, with his brows furrowed, his face uncertain, and his fists clenched tightly. He was obviously making a major decision.

After a while, he said:"Take all the gold, silver and jewelry in the palace. Give it all to him! If it's not enough, grab it from other people and be sure to get 4 million taels for me! Mr. Feng Chu was shocked:"

Your Majesty, if you give them all, we will have no money!" this……"

King Wu Xi waved his hand:"We don't need money now! As long as we wait until the autumn harvest and the rat army collapses, we will immediately send our army eastward. We will have whatever we want. Why do we need to care about that little silver?""

"What the prince said is absolutely true!"

So, a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry were secretly transported to the Lin Mansion in the capital.

At the same time, Wu Xi's army began to shrink its front and no longer ran out. Instead, it was heavily guarded, guarding granaries and fertile fields at every level, preventing Xianyue's army from taking advantage of them. machine.

This matter was quickly learned by Xianyue Army

"Your Royal Highness, King Wuxi secretly colluded with the Dayue Dynasty, obtained food support from the other party, and began to shrink the front and heavily guard it! Looking at them like this, they obviously want to bring us down!"

Princess Ziyue nodded solemnly:"Fortunately, we were prepared! What about those rabbits and bamboo rats?"

"Your Highness Princess Qi, after receiving your order, we have transported a large number of rabbits, bamboo rats and other highly reproductive animals to the two major mountain ranges! After careful observation, I found that their reproductive ability can be described as amazing!"

"It’s only been half a month since there were fish, and their number has already increased more than 10 times! It also grows very quickly and can be eaten in a month or two! According to the reproduction and growth rate of these animals, they can definitely supply our entire army!"

"Very good!"Princess Ziyue had a bright smile on her face, and the food problem that had been weighing on her heart was finally solved.

With enough food rations, she can be bold enough to work hard, and the great cause of restoration can be expected!

"Since King Wuxi has shrunk his front line and has no chance to strike, we will take a temporary rest, train and strengthen our troops, dig more tunnels, and raise more rabbits and mice to prepare for the future!"

"Yes, Your Highness the Princess!"

After arranging everything, Princess Ziyue returned to her humble boudoir and wrote a secret letter. She asked her confidant to take it back and give it to Lin Beifan in the capital.

In Lin Mansion in the capital, Lin Beifan looked at Princess Ziyue's letter. , and looking at the gold and silver jewelry sent by King Wuxi, he almost understood the situation in Wuxi.

King Wuxi must have used the dragon bones to exchange for a large amount of grain from the Dayue Dynasty, and then guarded the grain and fertile land to maintain stability. In response to the ever-changing situation, he escaped from the Xianyue Army.

But little did he know that the Xianyue Army had already received his guidance and cultivated a large amount of food and meat in the two mountain ranges.

Now the two sides are not fighting, they are just comparing consumption and waiting for opportunities.

"After the autumn harvest, it was time for King Wuxi to raise his army! This time, King Wu Xi had no choice but to rebel! Because if he doesn’t rebel, there will be nothing left!"Lin Beifan chuckled.

King Wu Xi has been pushed to the end of his rope!

The entire palace and Wu Xi's money have been emptied by him!

The food, soldiers and horses can only last a few months, and there are also diagonals. The Moon Army often fights against the autumn wind, killing people and robbing food!

Under such unfavorable circumstances, if you don't fight hard, you will be doomed!

Lin Beifan looked to the north:"After the autumn harvest, King Jibei's group of warriors have basically been trained! With the imperial hegemony just around the corner, the King of Northern Hebei will certainly not be able to sit still and will raise an army!"

"And the King of Jiangnan will also raise troops after the autumn harvest!"

"At this time, Jiangnan was in ruins! The original commercial economy is out of the question, population loss is serious, and there is a severe food shortage! If you don't fight, you will be finished!"

"Therefore, after the autumn harvest, civil war will break out!"

Lin Beifan wrote 8 big characters on the paper: If there is no destruction, no establishment, the world will return to power!

In the end, Lin Beifan burned it to the ground!

"However, the most important thing now... is greed for money!"

Lin Beifan chuckled and brought out a beautiful porcelain jar, which was filled with dragon bones.

Since the dragon bones flew away in full view,Everyone has deep faith in the keel.

He is even more convinced of the efficacy of keel.

All the powerful people, especially the emperors of various countries, are crazy about collecting the dragon bones. Because they suspected that the secret of immortality was hidden in the dragon bones.

If they want to live forever, they want more dragon bones.

Therefore, the only dragon bones left in Lin Beifan's hands became a rare commodity, and the price became higher and higher.

He has no idea that Lin Beifan can have as many of these things as he wants.

"This keel is a treasure. You must sell it slowly, bit by bit, and you will definitely make more money in the end!"

This is what Lin Beifan will do for the rest of his life!

At this moment, a young eunuch came to the Lin Mansion and summoned:"Master Zhongyong Mansion Yin, Your Majesty asked me to summon you and other ministers to the palace!

Lin Beifan said in confusion:"There is nothing important now, so why are you summoning all the ministers?" Can you tell me something? The little eunuch lowered his head and said:"

There is an overseas alchemist who came to Dawu. It is said that he has great abilities, strange methods, unpredictable powers, and can even refine the elixir of immortality!" Your Majesty attaches great importance to it, so please come and see it!"

"So that’s it!"Lin Beifan's eyes became strange.

An overseas alchemist who can refine the elixir of life?

Can the elixir he refined be eaten?

Someone actually tricked him. He really needs to meet him!

Lin Beifan followed. He followed the little eunuch to the palace.

In fact, the ministers were also here. They nodded slightly to Lin Beifan, and then made way for Lin Beifan to stand in front.

Lin Beifan was now not only a second-rank official of the imperial court, but also had a title, which could be said to be He is the first person in the court, so he should stand in the first place.

He turned around and looked down, and saw a Taoist with a fat head, big ears, dark circles under his eyes, and a mustache.

He had the strength of the fourth level peak, and his hands There was a fly whisk on the top, and he looked rebellious.

Lin Beifan asked around, and someone answered:"This man calls himself Taoist Kong Kong. He comes from overseas. He has unpredictable powers. It is said that he can refine the elixir of immortality!"

Lin Beifan nodded:"That's it!""

When everyone arrived, the empress smiled and said:"Dear ladies, I am summoning you to introduce you to this Taoist Master Kong Kong! He is a strange person from overseas who is said to be able to refine the elixir of life!"

"Can you really refine the elixir of life?"An old minister questioned.

The other party shook his fly whisk, gave a slight blessing, and said with head held high:"Your Majesty, all the other adults are well, I am polite! Over the years, Pindao has been searching for the recipe for immortality, and now he has returned with success! Feeling the great favor of the Emperor, I came here to refine the elixir of life for Your Majesty. Please give me your permission!"

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