Lin Beifan turned around and said in surprise:"Miss Ziyue, how did you come here?"

The person in front of him was Princess Ziyue.

She was still wearing purple clothes, with a purple veil covering her face, revealing only a pair of enchanting purple eyes. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, judging from her graceful figure, she must be a stunning beauty.

When had these people from Baixiang Kingdom seen such a beautiful woman?

For a moment, I was so dumbfounded that I forgot to work.

Princess Ziyue came in a hurry, her figure was light and airy, as if she was carrying the wind.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Lin Beifan.

He raised his head slightly, with a pair of purple eyes, and said with a smile:"Of course I came to see Mr. Lin. I miss you so much after being apart for more than a month! So I couldn't help but come over!"

Such a beautiful voice made the surrounding Baixiang Kingdom The people were fascinated

"This is not the place to talk, let’s talk somewhere else! Lin Beifan smiled.

Princess Ziyue looked around, nodded and said,"My lord is right!""

So, the two people left talking and laughing.

The people around them couldn't help but discuss it as they watched them leave.

"This woman in purple is so beautiful, like a fairy in the sky!"

"Yes, she is more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen in my life. Who can have her?"

"Needless to say, she must be the Prime Minister’s confidante! Didn't you see that the fairy looked at the Prime Minister with eyes full of admiration and love? The two of them looked like a golden boy and girl when they stood together, a perfect match!"

"Haha, what woman in the world doesn’t love a man like the Prime Minister?"

"makes sense! Forget it, don’t think about it, let’s keep working!"


About a cup of tea, the two came to the river.

There was no one around, so Lin Beifan asked again:"Your Highness, what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

"Military advisor, didn’t I say so?"Princess Ziyue looked over with her beautiful eyes, and said with some annoyance:"I am here just to see you as a heartless person!

Lin Beifan was confused:"A betrayed person?" Where to start?"

Princess Ziyue said angrily:"Military advisor, look at you, you have been in Wuxi for so long and you haven't even told me, you don't even have me in your heart! I only found out about this through other news channels! You said, what are you if you are not a heartless person?

Lin Beifan waved his hands repeatedly:"Your Highness, you have misunderstood!" I came to Wuxi to carry out a mission, to solve the problem of civil unrest in Baixiang and to promote grain production in Wuxi. I was very busy!"

"Moreover, Your Highness Princess, you are busy with the great cause of restoration in Dayue, and you really have no time to care about him! Therefore, I did not disturb you, and please forgive me, Your Highness the Princess!"

"I understand very well, so I came here in person! Sir, are you surprised?"Princess Ziyue raised her little head slightly, as if she was coming to praise me.

Lin Beifan said happily:"Of course it's a surprise! Your Highness, did you bring some specialties? I prefer yellow and white things, commonly known as gold and silver! If these are not available, some valuables are acceptable! The most important thing for me to make friends is knowing each other. As long as they are what you want, I can accept more or less money! Princess

Ziyue was a little angry:"Military Advisor, I have come all the way to see you, but you are only thinking about money!" Could it be that, in your eyes, my money is not important? Do you like money that much? Lin

Beifan shook his head:"Your Highness, you misunderstood, I don't like money, I'm not interested in money!"

Princess Ziyue was a little confused:"You don't like money?" Lin

Beifan:"Yes, because I like rich people!""

Princess Ziyue:"……"

Lin Beifan glanced over:"I like women who are good-looking and rich like you, Your Highness the Princess!"

Princess Ziyue chuckled:"Military advisor, you are really good at talking, listen. I am so happy! You must have deceived many women because you are so eloquent and smooth-talking, right?"

Lin Beifan felt very innocent:"Your Highness, you have misunderstood again! Men like me are always very popular, why do I need to deceive? Women are like moths to the flame, and they can't stop them!"

Thinking of the beautiful flowers in Lin Beifan's family, Princess Ziyue nodded with deep approval.

"Especially a certain woman……"Lin Beifan's eyes glanced over:"They always use their hands, feet and mouth against my will. I don't even have a chance to resist, so I can only surrender without mercy!"

"military adviser!"Princess Ziyue said angrily, a shy smoky red color appeared on her face, she looked particularly beautiful.

"Is what I said wrong? Lin Beifan asked.

Princess Ziyue snorted:"Strategic Advisor, what you said is right!" However, you did remind me!

Lin Beifan was confused:"Remind you what?""

"Remind me to do what I need to do!"Princess Ziyue rushed over and hugged Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan looked hopeless, this woman is here again! She can't wait every time, and doesn't give me a choice!

Forget it, I can't resist, I can only enjoy it Oh!

Huh! If I hadn't hidden my cultivation, how could you succeed?

The two hugged each other for a while before reluctantly parting ways.

Princess Ziyue talked about Dayue's affairs. So far, everything is going well.

Princess Ziyue He led his troops to light fires everywhere, while the Dayue Dynasty was busy putting out fires everywhere. The country was in chaos, and the situation gradually became uncontrollable.

Lin Beifan nodded and said with a smile:"Your Highness, the situation is really good, Restoration Slope The month is just around the corner!"

"What the military advisor said is absolutely true! If there is no external intervention, I am confident that we will be able to overthrow the Dayue Dynasty within half a year and restore me, Xianyue!"Princess Ziyue said ambitiously.

Lin Beifan cheered continuously.

"At that time, I will be the empress of Xieyue Dynasty, and you, the military advisor, will be the prince of Xieyue.husband! Let's manage Xianyue together, and then a group of princes and grandsons will emerge! Military advisor, how about we give birth to 10 children?"Princess Ziyue was leisurely and fascinated.

Lin Beifan said:"Your Highness, you are thinking too far. You have even considered the children!

Princess Ziyue looked serious:"Military advisor, I have to think about it!" Our Xianyue royal family has a weak bloodline, so we can only rely on us to carry on the family line and propagate the bloodline! Lin

Beifan sweated profusely:"There's no need to give birth to so many, two or three are enough!""

"There must be so many babies! Not only for the Xianyue royal family, but also for an important reason!

Lin Beifan asked:"What is the important reason?""

Princess Ziyue touched Lin Beifan's cheek and said,"Commander, you are the best and smartest man in the world I have ever seen! Your bloodline is so excellent and must be passed on, so you must have more children!"

Lin Beifan was so sweaty that I've become a breeding pig!

Lin Beifan sighed deeply in his heart.

It's really difficult for such an outstanding and beautiful man like me to not be able to get married freely!

The two of them continued During the conversation, they talked about the affairs of the Baixiang Kingdom.

Princess Ziyue turned her beautiful eyes:"Military advisor, are the affairs of the Baixiang Kingdom really that simple? I don’t believe that I can bother you with such a trivial matter. Just send an official to handle it! Lin

Beifan smiled and said:"Your Highness, you really understand me very well!" Of course there are more than just these reasons, I’ll tell you, but don’t tell anyone!"

"Military advisor, please tell me quickly, I will never leak it out!"Princess Ziyue poked her head over curiously.

So Lin Beifan told the plan of swallowing the elephant.

After hearing this, Princess Ziyue was greatly impressed:"As expected of a strategist, he can even think of such a clever plan! Although the plan has just begun, I already have a hunch that this will happen 80% of the time! Lin

Beifan smiled and nodded.

Then, Princess Ziyue became jealous:"How can that woman be so virtuous and capable that she can get such help from the military advisor?""

That woman, of course, refers to the empress.

"After all, no matter how you say it, I am still a minister of the great martial arts. I have to bear the emperor's salary and worry about the emperor, so I naturally have to serve the empress! Moreover, she has treated me well in the past two years, so I should help her with some things! Lin Beifan smiled and said

"Military advisor, you are not wrong! But you have to be careful now, because the contribution you have made is so great that not only the prime minister and the general marshal of the Dawu court, but also the prince, you have no reward! The so-called great achievements are not just words! Looking at all the dynasties in ancient and modern times, few people who have climbed to this position have a good ending!"

"Moreover, you have offended the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty. Once something happens, they will definitely add insult to injury! Lin

Beifan nodded:"I know this, I will be careful!""

He always knew his situation, so he was always ready to run away.

"Be especially careful with that woman, she doesn't look that simple!"Princess Ziyue said fearfully:"Although I have only met her once, I have a strong intuition that this woman is absolutely beautiful.No small matter!"

Lin Beifan also nodded. As he got along with the empress more and more, Lin Beifan gradually discovered that this empress was indeed not simple and quite different from what she seemed on the surface.

She was not as mediocre as outsiders said.

Some things were true. She made a mess, but she handled some things just right.

She was the kind of person who was confused about small things but shrewd about big things.

Especially with the fall of the three feudal lords, she became more and more shrewd and handled many things in an orderly manner.

She often agrees with him on various national affairs.

At present, the most stupid thing she does is to be too greedy for men.

Lin Beifan touched his face.

Any smart emperor will do the emperor's thing. Technique to balance the court, so that he can firmly control the power and let the civil and military officials work for him.

No matter how much he favors someone, he must have a good balance to prevent himself from being ignored.

As a result, the empress was good, and she gave all the All the power was given to him. He was the prime minister, he was the marshal, and even the prince was his, and they all supported him. They gave him too much, and it made his scalp numb.

If he is really a powerful minister, he is greedy for power. , the empress is finished long ago!

"Military advisor, Dawu is not safe! Only Xianyue is your eternal destination!"Princess Ziyue said again.

Lin Beifan nodded:"Your Highness, I understand!"

If you really want to run away in the future, Xie Yue is a good place to go.

The only person I have to deal with is Princess Ziyue.

This woman is too greedy. She wants to have 10 children. How can I survive?

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