Therefore, in order to realize his dream of immortality, Emperor Dayan, regardless of the life and death of the people under his rule, went all out to collect genius treasures and refine the elixir of immortality regardless of the cost.

As a result, people's livelihood is boiling and resentment spreads everywhere!

"Life has been so difficult, why are you still thinking about your dream of immortality?"

"Your Majesty is definitely bewitched by evil spirits and has lost his mind!"

"In order to realize his dream of immortality, he wastes money and people, regardless of the life and death of the people... A foolish king! What a foolish king!"

"There is no hope for Dayan. He can't survive this day, so he might as well turn against him!"

"right! Against him!"


As a result, farmers all over the country revolted one after another, and war swept across the country.

Emperor Dayan was very angry and sent a large army to suppress it.

At this time, the monarchs of various countries knew that Big Eyes had also refined the legendary elixir of immortality, so they sent masters and spies one after another to the Great Yan Capital to inquire about the news. They must find out how to refine the elixir. Got it.

The first person who couldn't sit still was the Emperor of Daxia.

He is already quite old and has only a few years left to live. Especially after experiencing an ice disaster, my body is not as good as before, so I am very eager to get such a magical elixir to delay my life span and even gain immortality.

So, he sent a grandmaster and many innate masters to the Great Yan Capital to wait for the opportunity.

The emperor of the Dayue Dynasty also did the same and sent many masters.

Even the king of the White Elephant Kingdom, although he was not strong enough and the country was already in chaos, but his desire for immortality did not die, he still sent some masters to Dayan.

There are also some ambitious people, masters, etc. in the world who dare to come.

The world's storms and storms all converged on Dayan Capital.

They learned that although the last elixir refining failed, Emperor Dayan was not willing to accept it and wanted to collect medicinal materials to refine the elixir of immortality again, so they also collected medicinal materials.

Whatever Dayan collects, they collect accordingly.

Not only to facilitate his own alchemy, but also to prevent Emperor Dayan's dream of immortality.

They learned that the elixir of life was refined by Grand Master Dayan.

Because he went against the will of heaven, he is currently seriously injured and living in the palace to recover from his injuries.

As a result, they sent masters one after another to sneak into the Great Yan Palace, hoping to persuade Taoist Master Kong to leave with them.

There were also signs that the Grandmaster broke into the palace at night several times.

In order to prevent people from other countries from succeeding, Emperor Dayan sent many masters, and even a court minister, to guard the national division Master Kong Kong Daoist for 12 hours day and night.

Taoist Master Kong has no freedom at all.

Even when I was urinating, I felt like someone was watching me from behind, and it was very difficult to urinate.

How can the capital city of Dayan be described with just a random word?

Even the empress got a headache after watching it

"A fake elixir of life actually shook up the world! Lin Aiqing is so capable of messing around! Every time he made a move, it was a big move, and he deceived people all over the world over and over again!"

"If I didn't know the truth, I probably wouldn't be able to bear it!"

"Fortunately, Lin Aiqing is mine and her heart is towards Dawu! If he was from another country, then my Dawu would probably be finished long ago!"The empress thought with lingering fear.

The more she got to know Lin Beifan, the more she knew how terrifying he was.

The other party obviously had tremendous strength, and he could push him down with strength.

In the end, he chose not to play with strength but with conspiracy.

Every time he made a move, it was earth-shattering. It's hard to guard against. People often know it's a trap, but they still jump into it.

In terms of people's hearts, they are very calculating, which is really scary!

"Fortunately, he is mine!"The empress looked proudly towards the cabin.

There, Lin Beifan was diligently reviewing the memorials.

Although he was not the emperor, he had almost exercised the rights of the emperor.

Since the advent of the elixir of life, in order to realize the dream of immortality, the kings of various countries, regardless of the lives and lives of the people, wasted their lives and wasted their money. The genius collected treasures, and the world became even more chaotic.

In this chaotic world, only Dawu was stable and peaceful, and the world was at peace, like a piece of pure land in the chaotic world.

As a result, more people from other countries poured into Dawu to make a living.

There are also many aspiring scholars and martial arts practitioners who have come to Dawu, hoping to show off what they have learned and make contributions.

Dawu is accepting people and talents from all over the world with an inclusive and open mind.

As long as you have a skill and are willing to work hard, you can You can come to Dawu.

As long as you have good knowledge, outstanding abilities, and are willing to contribute to Dawu, you can also come to Dawu. The overall quality of Dawu's citizens is slowly improving, and everything is going well.

But at this time, Lin Beifan is still with The empress and the others were very happy while patrolling Dawu by boat and enjoying the mountains and rivers.

After a few days, they finally arrived at the land of Jiangdong.

The land of Jiangdong has always been firmly in the hands of the imperial court. There were fewer disasters and the most support from the court, so it seemed particularly prosperous and wealthy.

The empress and others were quite satisfied with this along the way.

The empress smiled and said:"This is what Dawu should be like! If the whole world is like Jiangdong, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, peace and prosperity will not be far away! Ha ha……"

"Your Majesty, the situation is too small!"Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Now that our armed forces are unified, our society is stable, and the government and the people are united, we are in the midst of unprecedented changes. As long as we develop steadily, our lives will only get better and better!

The empress laughed and said ambitiously:"Ai Qing, you are right!" Our days will only get better and better! I want to create a peaceful and prosperous world through my own hands!"

At this moment, they saw a situation.

They saw a group of people lining up to enter the hospital, looking very painful.

"What's happening here? Who can tell me?"

Everyone looked at the local magistrate, who also shook his head and said,"I have just learned about it, and I don't know the reason. Please forgive me!"

The empress didn't blame her. As a prefect, she had too many things to do, and it was impossible to cover everything.

"Come on, let’s go take a look!"

Everyone came to the medical center with even more surprised expressions.

Because there were many patients not only outside the medical center, but also inside the medical center, and they all seemed to have the same disease.

This situation... seemed a bit serious.

At this time, due to The empress and others paid a private visit incognito, so the patient did not recognize them.

The prefect waved and asked an official to come in.

Soon after, a doctor with a white beard came out.

Seeing the prefect, he was shocked and quickly saluted:"Grandpa See you……"

The prefect stopped him:"Now is not the time to salute! Come and explain to me and these distinguished guests what is going on?""

"Yes, my lord!"The doctor bowed again.

He took a look at Lin Beifan and others. Although he couldn't recognize them, it could be seen from their luxurious clothes and noble temperament that they were definitely rich or noble people. They could also be accompanied by the prefect in person, and their status It was absolutely beyond his imagination and should not be offended. He immediately explained:"In the past few days, we have received a large number of consultations from people in Xiuhua Village! Their conditions were generally similar, including fever, cough and asthma, abdominal pain and diarrhea, etc. There were about 50 of them! At the same time, we also learned from the patients that there are about 30 people in Embroidery Village who have this symptom! Due to mobility issues, I didn’t come!"

"In the same village, there are nearly 80 people suffering from the same disease. The matter is serious! Lin Beifan's face became solemn:"What kind of disease is this? Do you have any conclusions?"

The doctor shook his head slightly:"Since the symptoms are similar, there is no conclusion yet!" However, we have united with several doctors in the city to study this disease, and I believe we will reach a conclusion soon! At the same time, I also reported the matter to the government, hoping to attract the government's attention!"

"I'm afraid this matter is no small matter! The empress said seriously:"Take us to the Embroidery Village!""

"Yes, Your Majesty!"Your Majesty, the prefect pays homage to

"His Majesty?"The doctor was a little confused.

"The person in front of me is His Majesty Dawu Shengwu!"The prefect introduced me.

The doctor was shocked:"It's your Majesty. Oops! The common people are blind and do not recognize the Holy Eucharist. Please forgive me!"

"Those who don’t know are not guilty. Let’s go to the Embroidery Village and have a look!"The empress urged

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So, the prefect summoned the more well-known doctors in the city to go to the Embroidery Village to see a doctor and understand the situation.

After half an hour, everyone finally arrived at the Embroidery Village.

At this time, there was a doctor staying under the thatched shed in the Embroidery Village. , treating the patients here.

Lin Beifan glanced over and found that there were nearly 50 people, 20 more than the doctor said.

Most of them were young people, and their symptoms looked similar, including coughing, asthma, and abdominal pain and distension. diarrhea

"Alas, these are new patients! It was fine last night, but it turned out like this one night later. It's really a sin!"The doctor said

"It looks really serious! If it is not resolved in time, it will cause panic among the people and endanger the people in the city! What is the conclusion now and the treatment method? Lin Beifan asked seriously

"It's still not completely clear at the moment. As for the treatment method, it can only vary from person to person! However, after discussion among several of our doctors, we suspected that everyone disease!"

"Gu disease? Lin Beifan frowned.

"Gu disease is also called poison!"Behind the Elbow" records: This is due to the imbalance of cold and heat during the year, and the dampness and poisonous qi hurt people. It gradually spreads to the internal organs along with the blood and qi in the meridians, like a disease poison injected into the home.……"

After quoting the scriptures, the other party said:"When I was young, I traveled and helped the world with Xuanhu. I once found that this disease was quite popular in the Jiangnan area, so I came to this conclusion!"

"Yes, I also think it’s a worm disease! It’s just that this disease is more common in summer and autumn, and usually appears in the south of the Yangtze River! But it’s only spring now, and it happened in Jiangdong, so we haven’t dared to draw conclusions!"

"But looking at this situation, it is indeed a worm disease!"


Doctors expressed their opinions one after another.

The more Lin Beifan listened, the weirder he got. Why did this thing sound so much like... schistosomiasis?

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