Next, Lin Beifan still stayed in Baixiang to deal with the remaining issues of Baixiang Kingdom.

There were so many problems. Fortunately, the people in Baixiang were more understanding and cooperative, so many things were gradually cleared up and became orderly.

Princess Ziyue knew that Lin Beifan was coming and took the time to come over.

Her eyes were filled with resentment, and she said jealously:"Military advisor, you have helped that woman conquer two territories, when will you help me? It's very hard for me to be alone in Dayue!"

Lin Beifan shook his head and smiled:"Your Highness Princess, haven't I helped you a lot? You know, I have risked my head and lost my head to help you with advice for more than two years! Moreover, if Dayue is defeated, this territory will be incomparable. How many times bigger is the white elephant? Isn’t that enough?"

"That's true!"Princess Ziyue became happy.

In the past two years, the military advisor has indeed risked beheading to advise her.

Moreover, if Dayue is really defeated, this territory will be as vast as Bai Xiang and Doluo combined. There are more, and she is much richer!

With this one, she is far better than that other woman!

"It seems that the military advisor still has my heart in mind!"

Princess Ziyue came over, put her hands around Lin Beifan's waist, leaned her head on Lin Beifan's chest, and said with a blue breath:"Strategic Advisor, when will you go to Dayue with me? As long as you come, our Xianyue treasure and this palace... are all yours!"

Lin Beifan was shaking with anger, this woman is here again!

Don't you know I can't resist the temptation?

"Your Highness, this matter is not urgent. We will wait until we knock down Da Yue!"

"Well, when I knock down Da Yue and ascend the throne as emperor, you must come to Xie Yue and become my prince!"

Since the restoration was at its last moment, Princess Ziyue only stayed with Lin Beifan for two days before hurried back.

Lin Beifan continued to stay in Baixiang and Wuxi to deal with the affairs of Baixiang.

This suddenly added 5 million people to the population. , food, clothing, housing and transportation are a huge problem. If it is handled well, it will be a help, if it is not handled well, it will be a burden.

Therefore, Lin Beifan had to work harder.

During this period, he discovered something ridiculous.

That day, Lin Beifan was dealing with On official business, a group of people from the White Elephant Kingdom are petitioning and are very anxious.

"Prime Minister, something bad has happened!"

"The food we grew was eaten by a group of furry animals. Others said they were rabbits!"

"There are too many rabbits. Even if they run fast, we can’t catch them. So what should we do?"

"If it affects the autumn harvest, it’s over!"


At that time, Lin Beifan had not yet reacted:"Where did the rabbit come from?"

"It's a rabbit that ran down from the Qinglong Mountains! We sent people up to have a look and found that there were too many rabbits, one after another! We all can’t figure it out. How come there are so many rabbits there in just one year?"

Lin Beifan suddenly felt dumbfounded. He was the cause of this incident.

At first, the Xianyue Army was short of food and could not supply the army. Princess Ziyue came to ask him specifically.

So, he suggested that rabbits that can breed especially be introduced to Qinglong and Let them multiply in the Phoenix Mountains, thus solving the ration problem of Da Junjun.

Now a year later, this group of rabbits not only survived the once-in-a-hundred-year ice disaster, but also began to multiply crazily, threatening the Food under the mountains

"Take me to see it!"

Lin Beifan followed the local people and came to the farmland under the mountains with great interest.

He found that there were indeed a lot of rabbits, which were fat and flexible. They were eating grain and were being chased by a group of farmers. The scene looked a bit funny.

Lin Beifan smiled:"Fellow folks, this is not a bad thing, but a great good thing!"

"Good thing?"Everyone was confused.

"A good thing indeed! Lin Beifan smiled and said:"This rabbit is a good thing!" Not only are they delicious, but they are also rich in nutrients. You can definitely catch them and eat them!"

"Is this rabbit edible? Is it delicious?"The people are a little confused.

These people are all from the Baixiang Kingdom.

There are no rabbits in the Baixiang Kingdom, so they don't know whether this thing is edible or how it tastes.

"Won’t you know if you try it? Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Everyone rarely eats meat, so we can grab some rabbit meat to replenish it!" This thing reproduces very fast. It can give birth to a litter in one or two months. There are seven or eight rabbits in a litter, and they can grow up in less than a few months, so you can catch them without worrying about catching them all!"

When the common people heard this, they were happy.

"What a good thing!"

"It’s true that I haven’t eaten meat for a long time, so I can catch them to make up for it!"

"I have never eaten rabbit meat, so I must try what it tastes like, haha!"


Many people are already eager to try

"Plus, there’s a huge benefit! Lin Beifan smiled and said

"What are the benefits?"Everyone couldn't wait to ask

"You can also make rabbit meat into jerky, which is convenient for storage and transportation. In this way, it can be sold all over the country. Wouldn’t you have an extra livelihood?" Lin Beifan said with a smile.

The eyes of the common people were brightened. This is really a great thing!

This is really a great thing!

Lin Beifan waved his hand:"Tonight, we will catch some rabbit meat to try!"

That day, under Lin Beifan's organization, local people went into the mountains to catch rabbits, and then made various rabbit delicacies. After eating, they were all full of praise. At the same time, they also saw a way to make money from the rabbits.

So, there Farmers and hunters with certain skills spontaneously formed a rabbit catching team, went into the mountains to catch rabbits, and then made dried meat, which was sold all over the country through local merchants.

Lin Beifan was naturally happy to see this, and taught some drying and The pickling method makes the dried rabbit meat more delicious.

After the White Elephant matter was dealt with, Lin Beifan returned to the capital to resume his duties.

In the capital court, Lin Beifan loudly said:"Your Majesty, fortunately, we have captured the White Elephant Kingdom. And the local people have been properly resettled, and they support our Dawu very much!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Aiqing! Empress Long Yan was delighted:"I already know about the White Elephant Kingdom!" My dear, you paid a small price to win the White Elephant Kingdom, and once again opened up a vast territory for me, I am very happy! However, I don’t know what to reward you anymore. If you need anything, just go to my private treasury to get it!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness! Lin Beifan said loudly:"Your Majesty, although the land of Wuxi is barren, it also has delicious food!" Wei Chen specially brought a delicacy from Wuxi to present to His Majesty!

The empress became curious:"My dear, what delicious food did you bring to me?" Lin

Beifan asked someone to bring it up, and it turned out to be a pot of fragrant dry meat.

The empress became even more curious:"Ai Qing, what is this?"

Lin Beifan smiled:"Your Majesty, this is rabbit meat!" Suddenly there are many rabbits in the Qinglong and Phoenix Mountains, eating food! This was originally a great harm to the farmland, but Wei Chen saw that he was big and fat, so he ordered people to make dried meat, which tasted very delicious! So I brought some back for His Majesty to have a taste!"

The empress was stunned. The rabbits on the Qinglong and Phoenix Mountains?

Wasn't it the woman who raised them?

The empress didn't care much and said with a smile:"Ai Qing, it's rare that you have such a heart, please let me have a taste!

When the rabbit meat was presented, the empress grabbed a piece and bit it gently, nodded and smiled:"It tastes really good, I like it very much! My dears, you should try it too!""

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So, everyone tasted it and found that it tasted good.

Then Lin Beifan publicized the matter.

He said that the rabbit jerky from Wuxi was full of praise when the empress ate it and asked all the officials to taste it...

This is the biggest advertisement in the world today!

After all, which celebrity is better than the empress of the dynasty?

As a result, Wuxi rabbit meat quickly became popular, and everyone wanted to try the rabbit meat that the empress was full of praise for. What exactly is it ? What does it look like and how does it taste?

The rabbit meat industry in Wuxi was directly taken up by Lin Beifan. In the following days, Lin Beifan stayed in the capital, handling government affairs with the empress during working hours, and playing with the daughters in his free time. Life is low-key and fulfilling.

It is already summer, and the Taiping rice sown all over the world has grown vigorously.

Whether it is the fertile land of the capital, the land south of the Yangtze River, the land of Jiangdong, or the relatively poor land of northern Hebei, Wu In the Western Land, Taiping rice is growing very luxuriantly.

Lin Beifan is very much looking forward to what kind of yield it will achieve during the autumn harvest.

But at this time, whether it is Great Yan, Great Xia or Great Moon, it is now becoming more and more chaotic. The Yue Dynasty was basically caused by Princess Ziyue.

Relying on the advanced revolutionary theory taught by Lin Beifan, the princess led the peasants to uprising everywhere and made the revolution popular. It has swept the entire Yue Dynasty. The dynasty will change this year.

The two dynasties of Great Yan and Great Xia were mainly troubled by the elixir of life.

Emperor Dayan witnessed the birth of the elixir with his own eyes, so he became very crazy. He ignored the suffering of the people and ignored the government, and collected geniuses and treasures all over the world. , once again preparing to refine the elixir of life and realize his dream of immortality.

The Emperor of Daxia was also obsessed with immortality because he would not live long. It was okay if he could not see hope before, but now he can see it, so he has become very crazy. Hope He can refine the elixir of life, extend his lifespan, and continue to rule the world.

As for other small countries, they have not recovered from the ice disaster, so they continue to be in chaos.

At this time, a major event happened in Dayan that shocked the world..

One dark and windy night, many masters suddenly broke into the Great Yan Palace.

Among them, there were forty innate masters, and there were actually three grandmasters.

This terrifying force could completely overthrow anyone in the dynasty. country.

However, they did not come for Emperor Dayan, nor did they come for the rare treasures in the palace. They actually came for Taoist Master Kong Kong.

They caught Taoist Master Kong Kong and left immediately, Unknown.

Emperor Dayan roared for three days, and countless heads fell to the ground.

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