Attacked from the front and back, and losing their top combat power, the soldiers and horses of the Daxia imperial court finally couldn't bear it anymore. They were killed by the alliance army led by Lin Beifan and fled in panic, leaving behind their helmets and armor.

Eventually, the Allied forces captured the White Tiger Fortress.

Then, Lin Beifan continued to lead the alliance army, breaking through to the northeast with united determination and high morale.

At this time, after two consecutive defeats, the Daxia court could no longer organize a strong resistance. It could only watch its land fall and gradually lose its sovereignty.

After another half month, nearly 1/3 of Daxia's land fell.

The whole world was shocked by this achievement

"This alliance army is so fierce! In just one month, more than 30% of Daxia's territory was captured!"

"This speed is really too fast, unimaginably fast!"

"Could it be that Daxia is really going to end?"

"As one of the three great dynasties in the world today, Daxia could be destroyed so easily?"

"Mainly because the princes, grandsons, ministers and generals in the country are all competing for power, and there are other soldiers and horses guarding other border fortresses, so there is no way to concentrate their forces against the Alliance Army!"

"However, if the fight continues, Daxia will definitely fight hard!"

"I also think that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so Daxia will not be finished so easily! However, this is also a shame that is difficult to wash away for them! Ha ha!"


People all over the world continue to pay attention to this battle.

He secretly speculated in his mind about how far the alliance army could reach and what kind of damage it could cause to Daxia.

But at this time, Lin Beifan felt it was time to stop.

First, the battle line was stretched too long.

Although their army has suffered considerable losses so far, they still have 1.5 million soldiers and horses. With so many soldiers and horses, the supply of food and grass is a big problem.

Once this supply line is cut off, it will be an unbearable burden for their alliance.

Secondly, if they continue to fight, they will encounter Daxia's crazy counterattack.

As one of the three major dynasties in the world today, Daxia's military power is still very strong. The reason why the current performance is so poor is because there are too many problems in the country, so there is no way to concentrate forces to deal with the Alliance Army.

But if the fight continues and reaches the hinterland of Daxia, they will definitely not remain indifferent.

They will definitely unite and go all out to deal with them.

At that time, their casualties will rapidly expand.

Thirdly, they have been fighting for a month, and the soldiers are beginning to get tired of fighting. Some of them have become acclimatized, and their combat power has been seriously reduced.

So, it's time to go back.

So, Lin Beifan announced in public:"Generals, it's enough to fight until here. We have gained enough territory and benefits. It's time to go back!""

"Why stop, Marshal?"

"Our journey has been smooth sailing, and we can continue to fight!"

"We can also gain more territory!"

"Opportunities like this are rare. We should seize this opportunity and bite off more meat from Daxia!"

"Marshal, we continue to send troops and attack Huanglong!"


Everyone is still not satisfied.

Lin Beifan smiled and shook his head:"I know what the generals are thinking, but we really can't continue the fight. It's time to stop!"

Then, Lin Beifan expressed his analysis.

After listening, everyone nodded rationally and agreed with Lin Beifan's decision.

"Since all the generals agree with this king's decision, after two days of rest, we will lead the army back! However, before we go back, let us divide this land first!"Lin Beifan smiled.

The generals suddenly became excited.

Didn't they tell fortunes and come to fight for the land of Daxia?

Now, it's finally time to pick the fruits!

For such a large piece of land, even if you only get a little bit of it, what's the point? They also made a lot of money!

Everyone entered the tent, and Lin Beifan spread out the map, which showed the land of Daxia.

The part marked with red lines was the land they had just laid down.

Looking down from the map, there was already a huge area. A piece of land was occupied by them.

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Generals, according to our original agreement, whichever country contributes more and sacrifices more will get more land! Moreover, according to the size of the merit, the one with the greatest merit has the priority to allocate territory! I have already asked people to prepare statistics.……"

Lin Beifan took out a notebook.

This is a war merit book, which records the war achievements of various countries and the number of sacrifices.

Lin Beifan opened the war record and listed the contributions of each country.

"Ranked first is the Dapeng Kingdom, which sent a total of 700,000 troops this time and killed more than 450,000 people! According to the previous agreement, we have priority land allocation rights and can divide ××10,000 acres of land!"

"Ranked second is the Desert Country, which sent a total of 600,000 troops this time and killed more than 320,000 people! According to the previous agreement, 10,000 acres of land can be divided!"

"Ranked third is……"


Lin Beifan read them one by one.

Interestingly, Dawu did not send the most troops this time, but ranked second from the bottom.

The number of sacrifices was not the highest, ranking directly from the bottom. The total number of sacrifices was less than 30,000, not even a fraction of others.

Therefore, according to the contribution agreement agreed in advance, Dawu was ranked directly at the bottom.

However, Lin Beifan didn't care at all and said with a smile:"So, among the coalition forces that conquered Xia, the one who contributed the most is the Dapeng Kingdom! So according to the agreement, the representatives of the Dapeng Kingdom are invited to divide the territory first!"

After saying that, he raised his voice first. Come on.

Under the leadership of Lin Beifan, other generals also applauded.

The generals of the Dapeng Kingdom were very excited. They had the highest military exploits and could gain the most land. They could more than double the size of their country!

This is a great cause of territorial expansion!

It can definitely leave an extremely dazzling mark in the history books!

Moreover, after he goes back with this merit, he will definitely be promoted to a higher position, and given the title of wife...

The more I think about it, the more beautiful I feel!

"Thanks! Thank you!"The general of Dapeng suppressed his inner excitement and walked out with his head held high.

Then he took Lin Beifan's brush and was about to write on the map and"cut the cake."

But at this time, he stopped and held the brush in his hand. The pen was returned to Lin Beifan.

Then, he said in a deep voice:"I feel that Da Wu should be the one who has made the greatest contribution and made the greatest contribution to the great cause of conquering Xia! Because, without Dawu’s persistence and hard work, there would be no current Vaxia Alliance! If it were not for the Marshal to lead the troops in the war, we would not have achieved such a huge victory! If it weren't for the powerful soldiers who took the lead, we wouldn't have been able to capture such a vast territory! Therefore, I believe that the one who deserves the greatest credit should be Da Wu, who must first divide the territory! At the same time, we Dapeng are willing to carve out ×× acres of land to Dawu!"

Everyone secretly thought to himself,"Old Fox!"

Everyone knew in their hearts that the one who made the greatest contribution to the summer expedition alliance was actually Dawu!

Their contributions and merits were just exploiting loopholes in the rules and taking advantage of the rules.

If we really have to follow the rules, Even if Dawu doesn't say anything, they may still hold a grudge against them.

You know, they have already offended Daxia thoroughly.

If they offend Dawu again, there is no need to play, just wait until the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed..

Therefore, the greatest credit and benefit must be given to Dawu no matter what.

First, let Dawu eat meat, so that he will not miss the soup under their hands.

"General Zhao, what you said is absolutely true! I also believe that Dawu should be the one who deserves the greatest credit this time, so Dawu will divide the land first! In addition, we in the desert are willing to split up ×× acres of land and give it to Dawu. Thank you to Dawu for your care and support these days! General Liu of the Desert Country said loudly

"I also feel that the one who made the greatest contribution is Da Wu, so Da Wu should be chosen first! We, Daliang, are also willing to allocate ×× acres of land to Dawu!"The general of Daliang Kingdom shouted

"I also agree……"


Next, generals from various countries expressed their opinions.

It was decided that Dawu would be allocated the land first, and at the same time he was willing to give up part of his land quota to Dawu.

Lin Beifan was flattered:"Generals, how can this happen?"

"Marshal, why can't this be done? It is you, Dawu, who has made the greatest contribution, so naturally you will be chosen first!"

"Marshal, if you regard me as a friend, then don't refuse our kindness!"

"Please don’t refuse, Marshal!"


At the insistent request of the generals, Lin Beifan was very moved and accepted their kindness with tears in his eyes.

"Since the generals are sincere, I will not refuse!"

"Marshal, that's how it should be, haha!"

In this way, they, Dawu, have the first right to allocate land, and also have the largest share of land.

Lin Beifan picked up the pen and carefully marked on the mapWhen you pull it up, you can just draw in the Far East.

It was exactly the same as their original goal of Dawu.

However, the price they paid was much less.

After finishing the painting, Lin Beifan was very satisfied:"Okay, this is the land we Dawu want! Next, it's the turn of the Dapeng Kingdom! General Zhao, please!"

With that, he handed over the brush in his hand.

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