After Xia Qiong, the prince of Daxia, left Tianlao, he was immediately picked up and quickly disappeared into the capital.

Needless to say, the person who picked up the Prince of Daxia must be his cronies.

This scene was quickly seen by interested people, and the news quickly spread throughout the world.

"Dawu let Prince Daxia go!"

"The Dawu court is really too treacherous! Letting go of the Daxia Crown Prince at this time is obviously to add fuel to the fire to Daxia's court and let them fight to the death!"

"The idea is wonderful! However, now Daxia's East Palace forces have been almost defeated! Whether the Prince of Daxia can go back alive is a question!"

"Just wait and see what happens, there are quite a few people who want Prince Daxia to die!"

"Yes, his brothers will not let him go!"

"If I were the prince of Daxia, I would definitely take the opportunity to run away far away and never show up again!"


In the Daxia court, after the prince's royal brothers learned of the incident, they immediately sent many masters to hunt him down.

There is also a reward on the black market, and the reward is as high as 10 million taels of silver.

Just to prevent the Prince of Daxia from returning safely.

However, since leaving Tianlao, the Prince of Daxia has disappeared without a trace.

How easy is it to kill him?

On the other side, in Daxia’s prison.

The former national preceptor, Taoist Master Kong Kong, was imprisoned here.

Because he refined a fake elixir of life and killed the Emperor of Daxia, he committed an unforgivable crime. Therefore, he was caught in the sky prison before he could escape and has been imprisoned until now.

Logically speaking, a sinful person like him should be executed.

However, maybe the fight in the Daxia court was too fierce, or maybe the previous alliance army distracted everyone's attention, so it seems that he was forgotten and has not been killed until now.

Even the unscrupulous Taoist priests should just accept their fate. Just lie down and die, and live one more day.

At this moment, there was a huge noise outside.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest who was lying on his back suddenly stood up, pricked up his ears to listen, and whispered:"What happened outside, so noisy?" You know

, this is a powerful place in the prison, and there are many experts guarding it.

Logically speaking, it should be safe and sound, with nothing major happening.

But now, there was such a violent fight coming from outside, which made the unscrupulous Taoist priest smell something different.

At this moment, only a roar was heard.

The door to the prison was broken open, and an old man wearing plain white clothes broke in.

Seeing the unscrupulous Taoist priest, he shouted happily:"National Master, I am here to save you!" The unscrupulous Taoist priest was very surprised:"White Dragon King, are you here to save the poor Taoist?" The unscrupulous Taoist priest recognized the person in front of him. He was worshiped by the imperial court beside Emperor Dayan, a powerful master.

The old man in white stroking his beard smiled and said:"Exactly! I have been ordered by His Majesty to come to rescue the Imperial Preceptor! Imperial Preceptor, please come with me, and we will rescue you right away!"

"OK OK! Help the poor and get out of here!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest nodded happily.

Then, the old man in white slashed out a few sword energy, and smashed all the copper and iron walls that trapped the unscrupulous Taoist priest. The unscrupulous Taoist priest ran out of it with great joy, and followed the old man in front of him. They fled the capital all the way and disappeared without a trace.

About an hour later, they fled to a ruined temple in the mountains.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest dusted off the dust and straw on his body, changed into a clean Taoist uniform, and tidied up a bit messy hair, and then bowed respectfully to the old man in front of him and several others:"Thank you to the White Dragon King and all the heroes for saving me! If Pindao is useful in the future, just let me know and Pindao will do his best!"

Everyone at the scene was flattered.

"You're welcome, the Imperial Master is welcome!"

"Imperial Master, there is no need to pay such a great courtesy. Isn’t this a disgrace to me?"

"It was His Majesty who asked us to rescue you. If you want to thank us, just thank Your Majesty!"


The unscrupulous Taoist priest bowed again:"Your Majesty, I want to thank you, and I also want to thank you all for risking your lives to save me! If you hadn't come to rescue me first, I would have died in Daxia! Immeasurable God!"

Everyone exchanged polite greetings for a while.

Then, the White Dragon King asked in confusion:"National Master, it is said that you also refined the elixir of immortality in Daxia! But why...the emperor of Daxia died after taking the elixir of life?"

Everyone was very worried. I was curious about this question, so I pricked up my ears and listened.

"well! Because that medicine is fake!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest sighed.

"Fake?"Everyone was stunned

"It’s not windy, it’s not raining, there’s no thunder, it’s naturally fake!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest said

"Since it is fake, why……"

The unscrupulous Taoist priest sighed:"Because, since Pindao was kidnapped to Daxia, the Emperor of Daxia has been forcing Pindao to practice calligraphy and elixir of immortality. If he doesn't agree, Pindao will be killed!""

"But you must know that loyal ministers have nothing to do with the two masters! The unscrupulous Taoist priest said with awe-inspiring righteousness:"

Although I am a local person, I know this truth very well!" Under the force of the other party, Pindao had no choice but to refine a fake elixir of life to fool him!"

"As a result, the effect of the medicine was a bit too strong. The Emperor of Daxia was weak and could not replenish his deficiency, so he died after taking the medicine. As a result, Pindao was tied up by Wu Hua Da and imprisoned!"

"So that’s it!"Everyone suddenly realized.

The White Dragon King smiled and said:"Your Majesty guessed this, so you asked me to rescue the national master! The national master not only possesses superb alchemy skills, but also possesses an unbreakable patriotic heart! After returning home, I will definitely report this matter to Your Majesty and ask Your Majesty to reward the Imperial Master heavily!"

"His Highness the White Dragon King is so ridiculously complimentary, I am too ashamed to deserve it!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest said humbly, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

I fooled you so easily, you are so smart as me!


At this time, the White Dragon King sent out an invitation:"National Master, please follow me back to the university now. Fire it! After more than three months of separation, Your Majesty misses the Imperial Master very much! At the same time, we have prepared medicinal materials. Please ask the Imperial Master to start the furnace again to refine the elixir of life!"

"Want to refine the elixir of life?"The unscrupulous Taoist priest's eyes bulged out in shock.

You know, he had just refined an elixir of immortality not long ago, and ended up eating the Emperor of Daxia to death. Now he has to make an elixir again. What if he can't make it? What if he can't make it?

Emperor Dayan was eaten to death, what should we do?

"Master, do you have any questions?"The White Dragon King asked puzzledly.

"Of course... no problem!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest pretended to be confident, but he wanted to cry in his heart.

He knew that these people also came for the elixir of life.

If he dared to say that there was a problem, he might not be able to go back alive.

But after going back, How to fool him?

If he can't fool him, he will also be torn to pieces!

The heart of the unscrupulous Taoist priest is numb!

He feels that since he refined the elixir of life, he can no longer control his life!

The White Dragon King smiled and said:"Since there is no Question, the Imperial Preceptor should go back with me, Your Majesty is impatient with waiting!"

"Okay... let's go back now!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest nodded like a mourner.

"Imperial Master, we are preparing to return to Dayan. Why do you look a little unhappy?"Someone asked

"Pindao is very happy!"

"Since you are happy, why don't you smile?"

"Am I not laughing?"

The unscrupulous Taoist priest cracked his mouth and smiled like he was crying.

Then, under the"escort" of the White Dragon King and others, the unscrupulous Taoist priest"happily" went to Dayan.

At the same time, Da Xia Prison was robbed, The news that Taoist Master Kong Kong was missing quickly spread throughout the world

"The Taoist Master Kong who killed the Emperor of Daxia actually ran away?"

"Someone must have wanted to live forever, so they kidnapped Taoist Master Kong who could refine the elixir of life!"

"I guess so! Daxia must be going crazy now!"

"Yes, it was a great shame for them that the culprit who killed their emperor escaped!"

"well! Daxia is really getting worse and worse, being stepped on by so many people!"

"It has the name of a dynasty, but no real dynasty!"


Everyone saw Da Xia’s joke.

But at this time, everyone in Dawu seemed to be in no mood to pay attention to the outside world.

Because it’s the annual autumn harvest time again.

How this year's grain harvest is is directly related to the national destiny in the coming year, whether the people in the country can have enough to eat, and the stability and prosperity of the entire country.

For Dawu, this autumn harvest season is even more important.

Because since the beginning of the year, they have planted Taiping rice all over the country. This is a high-yielding rice that can adapt to various droughts and cold weather. Now it is finally time to accept the results.

If this rice cultivation is successful, it means that they can lead tens of millions of people out of famine.

This means that they can make everyone rich quickly.

It also means that the country will become stronger and more prosperous.

This is an exciting time!

So this morning, the empress led the civil and military officials to the farmland near the capital.

Then, she saw golden rice fields spreading out one after another.

The empress was overjoyed:"My dear friends, look at how well these rice seedlings are growing. They are already as tall as a mature man. You can stand under the rice seedlings to enjoy the cool air! Look at these rice ears again. They look like little brooms. There must be something inside. There is a lot of food! My dear, what is our food output in the capital this year?"

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Your Majesty, since the beginning of the new year, we have built many new water conservancy facilities, promoted various fertilizers, and also planted high-yield crops. Taiping rice! Due to good weather and good weather, Taiping rice is growing very well! According to preliminary estimates, our regular grain production has more than doubled compared to last year!"

"More than doubled production!!!"Everyone took a breath of cold air.

You know, if the grain output can increase by 10% or 20%, it can be considered a good harvest year!

But now, it has doubled. How much grain is that?

Just think about it, It’s so exciting!

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