When Lin Beifan walked in, he was stunned:"Your Majesty, why are you lying on the bed?"

I saw the empress at this time, with disheveled hair, wearing a golden nightgown, lying on the dragon couch, covered with The quilt is not thin, just like a sick beauty.

You know, the empress was fine just now.

Just as soon as he came in, it became like this, which made Lin Beifan completely unable to deal with it.

After seeing Lin Beifan come in, she coughed twice:"My dear, you're here!"

Lin Beifan blinked:"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

The empress shook her head slightly and said in a weak voice:"The imperial doctor said, it's nothing. The problem is, I just worked too hard today, so my head was a little swollen, so I went to bed early! My dear, you also saw it, it’s not that I don’t want to see you, but that I can’t help you!"

Lin Beifan blinked again:" Your Majesty, which imperial doctor saw you? You look like this, and you think it’s nothing serious?"

"It was Dr. Wang from Tai Hospital who saw it. His medical skills were so good that he shouldn’t have misdiagnosed me!"The empress said weakly, and made an excuse at random.

Lin Beifan said expressionlessly:"Your Majesty, Doctor Wang has retired and returned to his hometown due to his old age!"

"Ahem……"The empress coughed:"I'm sorry, my dear, I'm confused, I may have remembered wrongly! It was not Dr. Wang who saw it, but Dr. Liu who saw it!"

Lin Beifan remained expressionless:"Your Majesty, Dr. Liu is on leave today and is not on duty!"

"Ahem……"The empress coughed again:"I may have remembered it wrong again, it should be Imperial Physician Zhao... Imperial Physician Zhao!"

At this moment, an old man in official uniform walked in.

The empress was stunned when she saw this person:"Why are you here?"

The person in front of her was none other than Dr. Zhao, whom the empress had just mentioned.

Imperial Doctor Zhao saluted and said:"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister said that Your Majesty is feeling unwell and may have some emergency, so he specially ordered the minister to come and have a look at Your Majesty!" The empress glared at Imperial Doctor Zhao angrily.

After finally putting on a scene, I was exposed by this bastard.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Beifan, and when he met his half-smiling eyes, he said with some guilt:"Oh! Maybe I was too tired today, so I forgot everything! Look at my head.……"

Lin Beifan did not expose it. After all, as the master of the world, he had to give some face.

Exposing it would do him no good at all.

Besides, it’s not easy for everyone to act like this, so we need to be more considerate.

So, Lin Beifan asked Imperial Physician Zhao to go through the process, take the Empress's pulse and check her body. In the end, he found that there was nothing serious. She might have been overworked. After prescribing some medicine, he said goodbye and left.

The empress's eyes flickered:"My dear, since there is nothing to do, please resign, I want to rest!"

"Your Majesty, I just want to ask a few questions when I come here. After I finish asking, I will leave without delaying anything! Lin Beifan cupped his hands and said.

The empress was so panicked. The thing she had been avoiding was finally coming! She really wanted to escape, but where could she escape now?

This was the first time she had seen such a scene. What should happen next? What should I do?

Wait online, urgent!!!

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask……"


The empress called out:"Eunuch Liu, please step aside for now!"

The old eunuch glanced at Lin Beifan, lowered his head and smiled secretly:"Yes, Your Majesty!" This old slave will resign now!"

They all left with the serving maids and eunuchs.

In the room, only Lin Beifan and the empress were left.

The empress was extremely guilty and shy:"Ai Qing, if you have anything to do, just ask!"

Holding the quilt tightly with both hands. Once he couldn't hold it anymore, he immediately grabbed the quilt and covered his head and face to hide his shyness.

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask, is it me that you choose as the royal wife? Lin Beifan asked in a serious tone, staring closely at the empress on the dragon bed, waiting for her answer.

The empress became even more frail and shy. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Lin Beifan, and said in a voice like a mosquito ant:"Yes.……"

Although the voice was very low, Lin Beifan still heard it.

After receiving such a positive answer, Lin Beifan didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

I am happy that I am really attracted by the empress!

This empress is the most powerful woman in the world, and she is stunningly beautiful and gorgeous. She is the dream lover of many men, but she was captured by him in the end!

The sad thing is that although the empress is good-looking and powerful, such a woman has always been very domineering!

When you get married in the future, will you have less freedom?

Can't continue wandering?

"Your Majesty, when did it start? Lin Beifan asked again

"Since when?"The empress' eyes were a little dazed, recalling the past with Lin Beifan. Together they secretly fought for the great martial arts and benefited the people. There were laughter and tears... The two of them can be said to be monarchs and ministers, friends, and walking side by side. Comrade-in-arms...

She couldn't figure out where to start. Lin Beifan had quietly entered her heart and occupied an important position.

The empress thought about it seriously and said:"It should have been a year ago!"

A year ago, the matter between the little princess and Lin Beifan came to the palace, and she settled it.

That day, after Bai Guanyin reminded her, she seriously considered the relationship with Lin Beifan, and felt that it was time to take a step forward.

Because , she can't live without Lin Beifan, Dawu can't live without Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan screamed in his heart.

A woman's mouth is a liar!

A year ago?

It was obvious that she had been eyeing this little piece of meat since I entered the palace.!

"Your Majesty, can I refuse this marriage? Lin Beifan said

"you dare!!!"The empress jumped up angrily.

While Lin Beifan was dumbfounded, she lay back weakly.

However, she still glared at Lin Beifan fiercely:"Ai Qing, look at me, I'm so angry with you that I'm going insane! My dear, marriage is not a trivial matter! One of you and I is the current Supreme Being, and the other is the current Prime Minister. Only by joining together can we benefit Dawu! Otherwise, rifts will inevitably arise in the future, the court will be turbulent, and the country will be unsafe! Besides, I have wronged you by committing myself to you?"

"Your Majesty, it is my great honor that you have chosen me! However, marriage is not a trivial matter, and the same applies to minor ministers! So we have to make a three-part agreement, otherwise I will not be able to obey my orders! Lin Beifan said loudly.

The empress almost laughed out of anger!

My majestic empress, the current ruler of the world, wants to marry you, which is a blessing you have cultivated for several lifetimes!

In the end, you still have to make a three-part agreement with me to negotiate terms?

"good! Dear, if you have any conditions, just tell me!"The empress gritted her teeth.

Lin Beifan pretended to be invisible and said:"Your Majesty, although you are the lord of the world and rich in the world, if we are united, you can only have me as a man, and no second man is allowed to appear!"

The empress smiled, she didn't expect this little man to be so domineering!

The empress said cheerfully:"Okay, I promise you! In fact, apart from you, I don’t look down on anyone else! Lin

Beifan added:"Secondly, Wei Chen has several confidantes among the people with very deep feelings. Wei Chen once promised to give them a status!" Therefore, even if we get married, I will never abandon them. Please forgive me!"

The empress smiled again. This little man is really passionate and long-lasting!

He is a kind and righteous person who is worthy of being entrusted to him for life!

"good! I promise you too!"If you are a fastidious person, I will still look down upon you!""The empress smiled.

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty! Lin Beifan bowed:"Third……"

Lin Beifan glanced at the Empress with a guilty look:"Third, Your Majesty, as the saying goes, no one is perfect, no one is perfect, and people will inevitably make mistakes! So no matter what I have done in the past, I hope you can forgive me!"

Empress I secretly smiled mentally, this was obviously something I did behind my back, looking for a gold medal to avoid death!

I’ve even thought of a way out, haha!

"Okay, I promise you!"The empress said loudly.

Lin Beifan was shocked. Can you agree to this?

It seems that the empress's love brain is a bit serious, and she is indiscriminate!

However, I like it!

Jie Jie Jie Jie!!!

Three conditions in a row, The empress agreed so readily, Lin Beifan's mind became active. The empress's love brain was hopeless, could he... could he put forward a few more conditions?

This opportunity must not be missed, and it will never come back!

So, Lin Beifan said:"Your Majesty, Wei Chen still has conditions!"


"Wei Chen hopes that from now on, Your Majesty, you will only be kind to me. You must pamper me and don't lie to me! Do everything you promise me! Everything you say to me must be sincere!"

The empress thought for a while, isn't this how it should be between couples?

Then she said:"Okay, I promise you! Lin

Beifan felt secretly happy and took the opportunity to say:"And your Majesty, when others bully me, you must stand up and help me as soon as possible!" When I'm happy, you have to be happy with me! When I'm unhappy, you have to make me happy!"

The empress thought about it again and felt that it was normal for husband and wife to be like this.

So she agreed wholeheartedly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Lin Beifan kept up his efforts and continued:"In addition, Your Majesty, you must always think that I am the most handsome and unrestrained. You must also see me in your dreams. In your heart, I am the only one."……"

"Okay, I promise you!"


In this way, Lin Beifan put forward several conditions in succession.

The empress agreed well at first, but the more she heard, the more uncomfortable she became, because these conditions became more and more excessive!

This guy is clearly trying to push his limits!

The intentions are too sinister!

So, the empress shouted angrily:"That's enough, my dear! You have gone too far. Do you really think that I am so easy to fool?"

Lin Beifan said with unfinished meaning:"Since Your Majesty thinks that enough is enough, I won't say anything anymore!"

The empress looked at Lin Beifan's successful face and wanted to punch him.

"Since there are three chapters in the agreement, if you put forward conditions, I will also put forward a few conditions!"The empress sneered.

"Your Majesty, please speak!"

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