Zhao Kuo had no choice but to shut his mouth.

Lin Beifan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Princess Ziyue knew the basics and didn't say his name, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to play anymore.

Next, Princess Ziyue, who had been promoted to empress, entertained all the guests.

It was not until evening that everyone felt at home.

However, Lin Beifan was left behind.

They were the only two people left in the entire Jinluan Palace.

Empress Ziyue sat on the dragon chair in the Golden Palace, looking at Lin Beifan standing below, and proudly showed off:"Military advisor, you see, after so many years of hard work, I finally restored the dynasty and sat on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.!"

Lin Beifan smiled and nodded:"Yes, it has not been easy for Her Royal Highness along the way... No, you should change your name to Your Majesty now, haha!"

"However, I still like to call you military advisor! Empress Ziyue happily flew down from the dragon chair, came to Lin Beifan's side, and said with a smile:"Military advisor, you also have a share of this dragon chair, come and sit and take a look!""

With that said, he pulled Lin Beifan towards the direction of the dragon chair.

"Ah...how is this so embarrassing? I'm not an emperor……"Lin Beifan was a little embarrassed

"Military advisor, please sit down for me!"

Lin Beifan was escorted to sit on the dragon chair. Empress Ziyue sat next to him and asked with a smile:"Strategic advisor, how do you feel? Lin

Beifan looked left and right and said,"I don't feel anything at all, it's just a chair made of gold!" However, countless people work for it and fight for their lives. It is not uncommon for brothers to kill each other and fathers and sons to kill each other, but in the end they become nothing but dust!"

"For example, Emperor Dayue, who had only served as the Dragon Throne for more than 20 years, was taken down by you and his head fell to the ground! Therefore, this dragon chair is really hard to sit on. Once you sit on it, you will be alone! Although I have the world, I have nothing. If I don’t live as comfortably as ordinary people, it’s better not to do anything! Empress

Ziyue sighed:"Yes, if it weren't for the responsibility that I carry on my shoulders, I wouldn't want to sit on this dragon throne!" It is difficult to conquer a country, but even harder to defend it! So, Military Advisor, stay, I need you very much, and Xianyue also needs you very much! Lin

Beifan smiled bitterly:"Your Majesty, I also want to stay, but I can't help myself in the court."……"

Empress Ziyue sneered:"Stop making excuses, are you reluctant to let go of Dawu's woman?"

"Which woman?"Lin Beifan asked pretending not to understand.

"snort! Of course she is the empress of Dawu! Empress Ziyue snorted and said with jealousy:"Military advisor, stop pretending to me, I already know what's going on between you!" At the beginning of the year in the Lin Mansion, I met Empress Da Wu, and I could tell at a glance that her heart has long been in your heart! Moreover, you are all starting to prepare for the wedding now. The wedding will be held in a few months. Am I right?"

Lin Beifan panicked. How could Empress Ziyue know so clearly?

How could she be fooled now?

"But I also understand! Empress Ziyue caressed Lin Beifan's face and said with some obsession:"You are such a rare talent in the world as a military advisor, and that woman is not blind. How could she let you go?" Lin

Beifan immediately nodded happily.

As long as you understand, long live your understanding!

"But flies don't bite seamless eggs!"Empress Ziyue sneered:"If you weren't a military advisor and you were attracting bees and butterflies, constantly releasing your charm, how could that woman be targeting you?

Lin Beifan argued:"Your Majesty, you are a bit arrogant."……"

"Shut up! You big carrot! You also said that I was arrogant... Calculate how many women have appeared around you so far? Empress Ziyue said angrily:"Every one of them is stunning to the country and the city, and every one of them is unparalleled in beauty!" Good guys, you will catch them all in one fell swoop, and you won’t pull any of them away! Lin

Beifan's face turned into a bitter melon:"Your Majesty, calm down, I just made a mistake that all men in the world make!""

"Are you still reasonable? Is it still reasonable?"Empress Ziyue pinched Ling Beifan's soft flesh angrily.

Lin Beifan grimaced in pain.

Why are these women always the same when they are angry?

They all like to pinch people, it really hurts!

After she was angry, Empress Ziyue again Feeling distressed:"Military advisor, does it hurt? I'll rub it for you!

While rubbing it, he said:"That woman likes military advisors, and I also like military advisors!" I wish I could have my military advisor tied to my side for 12 hours, so that I can get along with him day and night, day and night! But, Military Advisor, you obviously can’t bear to part with those women in Dawu! Military advisor, you have always been resourceful. How do you think we should solve this problem?"

Lin Beifan is so panicked. This is simply the problem of the century in love!

Ask me whether I should choose her or you! If you choose one party, you will definitely offend the other party!

But if you don't choose, you will be over!

Fortunately, Lin Beifan is an old driver who has been driving for many years. Driver, drive very steadily.

Lin Beifan asked seriously:"Your Majesty, do you love me?"

Empress Ziyue nodded seriously:"Love!"

Lin Beifan asked again:"How much love do you have?"

Empress Ziyue said affectionately:"I love you very much!" Lin

Beifan snapped his fingers:"That's right, love is sharing!" Your Majesty, you should share your beloved things with others. It is better to enjoy it alone than to enjoy it with others!"

Empress Ziyue:"……"

Then he angrily pinched Lin Beifan's soft flesh.

"Nonsense! It's obviously an excuse for his love interest. Isn't it enough to have so many women?

Lin Beifan said pitifully:"Of course it's not enough!" As the saying goes, multiple friends mean multiple paths, multiple women mean multiple homes! I am an orphan, lonely all my life, I long for several families……"

Empress Ziyue pinched Lin Beifan again:"You're such a playboy! How many boats can you step on to make it reasonable?"

Lin Beifan immediately shook his head:"I'm not lazy, I'm just seasick! Only if you step on a few boats can you feel like walking on flat ground!""

"Pooh! It's all nonsense!"


They went on like this for a long time.

Lin Beifan saw that it was getting late, and the most important thing was that his body couldn't bear it anymore, so he resigned:"Your Majesty, it's getting late. I have to leave. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it tomorrow!"

Empress Ziyue sneered:"Let's go ? Where are you going? This is your home! Just stay with me tonight!"

Lin Beifan was so panicked that he felt like something was going to happen tonight.

"Your Majesty, wait, I'm not ready yet!"

"But, I have already done it! Empress Ziyue said earnestly:"Military advisor, the dynasty has been restored, and I have also sat on the throne. It's time to think about the future!" The dynasty cannot have no heirs, so the important task of propagating the bloodline can only be left to us!"

Lin Beifan suddenly felt a heavy responsibility weighing on him. He couldn't refuse this!

If the dynasty was left without an heir, he would become a sinner!

Empress Ziyue lifted Lin Beifan's chin and exhaled like blue:"Military advisor, today You belong to me tonight!"

Then, Lin Beifan was kidnapped into the dragon couch, needless to say, he had a romantic night.

Then, the foreign envoys who attended the enthronement ceremony left one after another.

However, Lin Beifan still stayed. As soon as he came, the slanting moon The dynasty has just been restored, and everything is waiting to be revitalized.

Empress Ziyue basically has no experience in governing, and there is a lack of talents, so it is not easy to manage this newly established country. Therefore, Lin Beifan was retained to help Empress Ziyue make plans. National policy, handling state affairs, so that the Xianyue Dynasty can get on the right track as soon as possible.

Secondly, the royal family cannot have no heirs, otherwise the court will be unstable and the country will be in turmoil.

Lin Beifan knows the great responsibility, so he has to stay and work hard and contribute to the dynasty Light and heat.

On this day, after spending several days and nights, Lin Beifan finally handed over the formulated national policy for the development of Xieyue Dynasty to Empress Xieyue.

"Your Majesty, this is the 10-year development national policy I have formulated based on the actual situation of Xianyue! As long as you follow the above plan, the Xianyue Dynasty will be able to restore its former glory in ten years!

Empress Ziyue was very satisfied after reading it:"Thank you for your hard work, military advisor. I am very satisfied!" From now on, our Xianyue national policy will be based on the above! I hope that in 10 years, as the military advisor said, the past glory will be restored!"

"Your Majesty, as long as you are satisfied! Lin Beifan said eagerly:"Look, I have formulated so many national policies for you. Isn't it expensive to charge you a few million taels?""

Empress Ziyue rolled her eyes in anger. It's already this time, but she still remembers to ask for money!

This military advisor has really fallen into the money hole!

Empress Ziyue grabbed Lin Beifan's waist and ran towards the dragon bed.

Hello Lin Beifan Panic:"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

"Military advisor, don’t you want money? Empress Ziyue said with a smile:"I have no money, so I have to pay the debt with money... with my body!" Lin

Beifan was very sad and angry:"I knew that talking about relationships hurts money, and there will be no money to make in the future!""

Empress Ziyue laughed proudly.

More than half a month had passed like this.

Since Lin Beifan had not returned to Dawu for a long time, the empress who was in charge of the Dawu court became a little uneasy.

"Could this playboy be so fascinated by that vixen that he couldn't bear to come back?"

The empress immediately learned about the situation at Xianyue through her own secret channels. She came to the conclusion that it was not that Lin Beifan was reluctant to leave, but that he was most likely to be forced to stay by that woman and would not be able to come back.

"This is really unreasonable! The empress was angry:"What a heartless and unjust fox!" I have good intentions to help you restore your country, but you want to kidnap my man?"

I immediately repaired a letter and sent it 800 miles to Empress Ziyue in Xianyue.

After Empress Ziyue received the letter from the empress, she immediately smiled:"That woman actually wrote to me? Most of them want to ask me to return the military advisor! Haha, that’s so funny!"

With a sense of pride that I don't know where it came from, I opened the letter and read it.

The more I read, the more solemn my face became.

Finally, cold sweat broke out, turning into a helpless smile.

"I really looked down on this woman, it turns out she knows everything! The favor I owe her is so great!"

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