Although they had run far away, Bai Guanyin still heard what Lin Beifan and the old man said.

His face was so red that he could bleed, and he gritted his teeth:"These two old men are not serious!"

Then he ran further and disappeared without a trace.

After bidding farewell to the old man, Lin Beifan quickly returned to the capital.

However, the impact of this battle has not dissipated, but has become more and more serious.

"Do you know what happened last night?"

"How could you not know? The loud noises were like earthquakes and scared me to death! At that time, I thought it was an earthquake, so I ran out with my child and my wife in my arms!"

"What is going on?"

"I came over there. There used to be a few barren hills over there, but they have all been bulldozed now! I heard from local villagers that these barren hills were fine yesterday, but they turned into this overnight!"

"So what is going on? Is it a duel between two strong men?"

"It's impossible for a strong man to level a mountain in a duel, right? I heard from nearby villagers that the weather was very unusual that night, it was windy and rainy! Vaguely, they saw a five-clawed golden dragon in the sky! I also seemed to see a fairy fighting with a five-clawed golden dragon!"

"Damn it, how could there be a dragon?"

"Why not? There is even a keel. How can there be a keel without a dragon?"


This incident spread like wildfire.

In the court, someone else reported this matter

"Your Majesty, last night, there was a deafening sound coming from the southwest of the capital. Later, Wei Chen sent people to check and found that several hills and forests in Puluo Mountain, about 200 miles west of the city, had been destroyed. It looked man-made but not like man-made."

"According to local villagers, the weather was abnormal that night, with wind, rain, and constant thunder! I vaguely saw a golden dragon and a fairy from the nine heavens fighting on the mountain!"

"I didn't dare to be careless, so I reported the matter to His Majesty! The empress nodded slightly:"

I also felt what Aiqing said last night!""

Looking slightly towards Lin Beifan, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

It's this guy's fault again!

According to Sister Bai, this guy broke through last night and became the only supreme grandmaster in the world. Then he and the other two There was a fight between two supreme masters.

At the end of the fight, he was able to transform into a golden dragon. It was really scary!

This little bastard really made a little noise from time to time, which made people uneasy!

"This incident happened near the capital, so don’t be careless! Then... this matter will be left to Lin Aiqing!"The empress said, she should clean up the trouble she caused.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"Lin Beifan accepted the order.

He planned to just make a show and send some people to investigate.

Then as time went by, everyone would forget about this matter.

At this time, in the distant capital of Dayan, someone wearing a shocking Things in the world.

Taoist Master Kong Kong received the help of Emperor Dayan and was preparing to refine the elixir of immortality for the third time.

This is a serious matter. Taoist Master Kong Kong is the only person in the world who can refine the elixir of immortality. Every move it made attracted the attention of the outside world.

The first time it refined the elixir of life, it was a pity that it was destroyed by God.

The second time it refined the elixir of life in Daxia, the emperor of Daxia was killed. He was poisoned to death.

However, it is said that he was in the Cao camp and his heart was in the Han Dynasty at the time. He did not want to refine the magic elixir for the Emperor of Daxia, so he refined a fake one to perfunctory, and then poisoned the Emperor of Daxia to death. Now, this is the third time to refine the magic elixir, and the chance of success is very high.

No one can be indifferent to the magic elixir.

The world is changing with it.

All countries and forces are sending experts to go Dayan Jingcheng

"Taoist Master Kong Kong wants to refine the elixir of life again!"

"The chance of success this time is very high, we must get the magic pill!"

"Please reveal the secrets of my sect and grab the magic elixir!"


The Great Emperor Dynasty, in the palace.

The Prince of Daxia who received this news... no, it was the new Emperor of Daxia, Xia Qiong, who was filled with rage. He gritted his teeth and said,"That evil spirit not only escaped, but also planned to continue to refine the elixir of immortality? I will never let him go. You! Who is here!"

An old eunuch came in and said respectfully:"Your Majesty!"

The Emperor of Daxia looked gloomy:"The demon that killed my father has fled to the capital of Dayan, and is preparing to refine immortality. Elixir, this is the hatred of the country and the family, and must be avenged! Immediately send me experts to the capital of Daxia to bring back the demon's head!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The old eunuch retreated

"etc!"The Emperor of Daxia shouted again

"Your Majesty, do you have any other orders?"The old eunuch came back again.

"If that evil spirit refines the elixir of life, grab it from me!"The Emperor of Daxia's eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The old eunuch retreated again.

In the Xianyue Dynasty, in the palace.

The ministers went into the palace to report the matter and asked if they would send someone to seize the magic pill.

Empress Ziyue shook her head very calmly:"Ignore it!"

"Your Majesty, why?"The ministers were puzzled.

Immortality is the long-cherished wish of every emperor, so that he can rule the world forever and enjoy wealth and power forever.

Why does their Majesty seem so unconcerned?

"Because we, Xie Yue, have just returned to our country, we are in dire need, and our strength is weak! If a large amount of power is lost as a result, it will affect the country's governance, which is unwise! I can't risk my country and people! Empress Ziyue said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is wise!"The ministers paid their respects, feeling gratified that their country had such a rational emperor.

Empress Ziyue was a little carried away by the admiration of the ministers. In fact, the reason why she was so rational was entirely because of

Lin Beifan.

During the day, he heard an astonishing news from Lin Beifan. The Yaoyin dragon bones used to refine the elixir of life were all bought from him at a high price.

And the dragon bones in his hand were fake and simply There is no magical effect.

Fake dragon bones will definitely not be able to refine the elixir of life.

When she heard the news, she was shocked.

Good guy, her beloved military advisor actually used fake dragon bones to fool everyone in the world. Once again, you are so brave!

"However, although we are not going to snatch the magic medicine, we can send some people to fish in troubled waters and shake things up! Empress Ziyue chuckled:"Only by letting them fight will it be beneficial to us Xianyue!""

"Your Majesty is wise!"The ministers paid their respects again.

Among many countries, only the Dawu Dynasty was relatively calm.

No matter how fierce the rumors were, they just didn't send anyone, as if they didn't take this matter to heart.

But on the night of making alchemy, Lin Beifan was in a daze Leaving the capital, he flew toward Great Yan thousands of miles away with a smile on his face.

"How could such a good thing be missing from me? Let me add fuel to your fire and add to your fun!"

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