
The terrifying thunder was brewing in the sky and would pour down at any time.

Taoist Master Kong was really happy and worried!

Fortunately, the thunder disaster was coming, which proved that he had really refined it just like the first time. A magic elixir!

What's worrying is that this lightning disaster is too terrifying!

The last time, he was chopped half to death, and it took two months to recover.

Now if it happens again, I don't know if he can withstand it.

The look in his eyes Several iron pillars were erected slightly to the side, hoping that they could withstand it. If they could not withstand it, he might have to sacrifice his life.

At this time, masters from all over the capital, Watching the thunder in the sky is about to move.

Before they came to snatch the magic medicine, they all knew that when the magic medicine was released, it would cause a thunder disaster.

From just now to now, they have experienced the evil wind, dark clouds, heavy rain, and the current thunder, and the first The magic pill was perfectly refined the first time, which means that Taoist Master Kong Kong has refined another magic pill this time!

After eating this magic pill, one may live forever, become an immortal, or have greatly increased skill...

In short, All kinds of miraculous effects may happen.

Everyone's eyes became hot, and they secretly approached the palace, ready to snatch the magic elixir.

With everyone's expectation, the thunder from the sky finally struck down.


Counting 10 thunder and lightning, they all went to the palace to greet them.

Taoist Master Kong was a little green!

When he refined the magic elixir for the first time, Lei Lei always took his time. Why did he come all the way this time?

It really cost me my life!

"Oh my god!"

Sooner than later, Taoist Master Kong Kong threw up the alchemy furnace and couldn't wait to escape.

However, how could a person's speed be faster than the thunder?

The thunder finally hit Taoist Master Kong Kong.

Those who led the thunder None of the thunder pillars worked, they were all smashed into pieces!

The alchemy furnace was also smashed into pieces, making a deafening sound!

However, no matter how loud the sound was, it could not compare to the screams of Taoist Master Kong.

In the greeting of the terrifying thunder Next, Taoist Master Kong was ripped apart by the explosion, and even his bones were visible. He fell to the ground and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

However, everyone did not notice the miserable state of Taoist Kong Kong, but all looked into the sky.

There was a bright golden bead there. , floating in the air without any support, looked very magical.

Everyone who had seen it once before couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is...the elixir of life!!!"

No one can resist the temptation of the elixir of life!

Just when everyone was preparing to snatch the magic elixir, there was another crackling sound in the sky.

It turned out that there was another thunder brewing.

Emperor Dayan shouted:"This is Thunder disaster! He wants to destroy my magic medicine, help me stop him! I can't let the thunder destroy my magic medicine!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

All of a sudden, all the masters in the palace took action.

The Qi was condensed in their hands to resist the thunder falling from the sky.

The masters outside the palace also secretly helped.


, the terrifying thunder fell.

The masters unleashed their innate energy to compete with the thunder falling from the sky.

Then with a bang, a shocking explosion occurred!

The masters were either bleeding or pale, and almost all suffered a little. He was slightly injured and looked quite ugly.

But fortunately, the divine elixir saved him!


The thunder condensed again.

This time, Emperor Yan didn't need to speak, and the masters gathered their true energy again.


The thunder fell again.

The masters fought hard and paid the price of injuries to save the magic elixir for the second time.

After blocking the thunder calamity twice in a row, God seemed to be enraged and brewed an even more terrifying thunder.. Everyone only saw that the thunder gradually evolved from blue-purple to black-purple.

The lethality in it made even the grandmaster feel a fatal threat.

Everyone felt desperate and secretly said:"It's over!"

Under such a terrifying thunder, it was a question whether their lives could be saved, let alone the Guardian God Pill.

Emperor Dayan, who was still thinking about it, seemed to have suffered a huge blow and was on the verge of collapse. He wailed unwillingly to the sky:"God , are you going to ruin my dream of immortality?"

At this time, as if he heard the call of Emperor Dayan, Lin Beifan smiled slightly, and a golden dragon shadow broke away from him and flew towards the elixir of life.

Everyone exclaimed in surprise at such a spectacle.

"Look, what is that?"

"dragon! That's a dragon! What is he going to do?"

"Does he also want to snatch the magic elixir?"


Under the gaze of everyone, the golden dragon shadow flew into the sky above the magic pill and hovered.

At this moment, now the thunder is falling


The terrifying thunderbolt hit the divine elixir, but the elixir was not damaged at all.

Because, the thunder was blocked by the golden dragon shadow

"That dragon...is protecting the divine elixir!!!"Everyone exclaimed again.

Next, the thunder continued to fall, but it was blocked by the golden dragon shadow, and the divine elixir was safe and sound.

In this way, God seemed to give up, the wind stopped and the rain stopped, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the thunder It is no longer visible, which seems to mean that the thunder tribulation is over.

Only the divine elixir is still shining brightly, floating in the air

"The dark clouds have dispersed. Is the thunder tribulation over?"

"That divine elixir... was saved? Was it saved by Jinlong?"

"Does it mean this?"


At this time, the golden dragon shadow guarding the divine elixir gradually became smaller and then merged into the divine elixir.

It adds a touch of golden dragon pattern to the magic elixir, making it look even more magical.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes were red!

This is the elixir of immortality that has survived the thunder tribulation, and it is also the elixir of immortality that is protected by the golden dragon!

After eating it, the effect must be even more extraordinary, right?

Take action without hesitation

"The magic pill is mine!"

"nonsense! It should be mine!"

"See the real chapter in your hand!"


Emperor Dayan was furious:"How dare you snatch my magical elixir? Call all the armies and all the masters to protect the magical elixir for me! No matter who it is, anyone who dares to get their hands on the magical elixir will be killed without mercy!!!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So, a monstrous battle was staged in the Great Yan Capital.

Rivers of blood were shed, corpses were scattered all over the place, and the blood floated on the oars...

Lin Beifan was like a god, watching this war coldly from the air.

In the end, The killing lasted until dawn before it finally ended.

The Dayan Dynasty paid a heavy price and finally wiped out all the incoming attacks and saved the elixir of life.

Although the sacrifice was heavy, it was all worth it for Emperor Dayan!

"quick! Give me the magic medicine quickly!"Emperor Dayan shouted

"Your Majesty, please use it slowly!"

The magic pill was presented to Emperor Dayan.

Emperor Dayan couldn't wait to grab the magic pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

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