At this time, the whole world was worried because of the sudden extreme cold weather.

The cold weather will kill people. Last year, they suffered a once-in-a-century ice disaster, which directly caused their population to drop by 20 to 30%, seriously reaching 30 to 40%, and the entire country collapsed.

Although the current cold level is not as high as last year, many people will still die.

If too many people die, the country will become unstable.

Look at how many countries have changed dynasties from last year to now?

How many countries have collapsed?

Only then did they realize how prescient Dawu was, and they felt regretful.

"If I had known earlier, I would have learned martial arts!"

"At first, I laughed at them for being too cautious, but I didn’t expect that I was the fool!"

"Alas, it's too late to say anything now!"


At this moment, only Dawu, Daxia and Xieyue who were well prepared sat firmly on the Diaoyutai without panicking at all.

Xianyue Dynasty, in the royal palace.

Empress Ziyue looked at the heavy snow falling outside the window, felt the cold wind blowing out, and secretly rejoiced.

"Fortunately, preparations were made in advance and cold-proof materials were distributed, otherwise this winter would be a bit difficult! Could it be that this enemy is the reincarnation of the Dragon God, who can see the weather so accurately?"

In the Daxia Dynasty, in the palace.

The Emperor of Daxia, who had just ascended the throne, was also looking at the heavy snow outside the window. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled proudly:"Fortunately, I have taken precautions, otherwise many people will die this winter!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"All the officials said in unison.

In the Dawu Dynasty, the imperial study room of the palace.

At this time, Lin Beifan and the empress were correcting memorials, discussing state affairs, and wedding matters.

Because the weather was cold, Lin Beifan drank in the study room to keep out the cold.

He drank It was the best wine. The wine was slowly cooked on the charcoal stove. The rich aroma of the wine wafted out and filled the entire study, making people feel tipsy and very comfortable. At this time, the empress couldn't help but turn her head. Looking out the window, he asked with some worry:"Ai Qing, how long do you think this heavy snow will last? Lin

Beifan laughed while drinking:"Your Majesty, don't worry, this heavy snow will only last for two weeks!" After two weeks, the snow stopped, the wind stopped, and it wasn’t that cold anymore!

The empress breathed a sigh of relief:"It's only two weeks, not bad!""

We are not afraid of the cold weather, but we are afraid that the weather will continue to be cold.

Last year's great ice disaster lasted for nearly three months.

Except for wealthy families who have enough charcoal fires for the winter, how can others survive that long?

What's even more frightening is that the snow is too heavy It's too thick, and transportation is very difficult, turning every city and village into an isolated island. The sky is not responding to the calls, and the earth and the earth are not functioning properly, which leads to irreparable losses. Now there are only two weeks, bite the bullet and get over it Got it

"Your Majesty, there is really no need to worry! Lin Beifan poured a glass of wine for the Empress and said with a smile:"In last year's ice disaster, we were able to reduce casualties to the lowest level in history!" Now it is just a short period of extremely cold weather, and it will pass soon!"

"What Aiqing said is absolutely true!"The empress laughed, and her whole body relaxed.

They survived the once-in-a-hundred-year ice disaster!

It was just a small extreme cold weather, how could they not survive it?

The empress drank and gloated:"I heard that the seven-nation coalition led an army of 2 million people and has marched five hundred miles into Great Yan, approaching the hinterland of Great Yan! But now that the snow is falling and the ice is falling, I wonder how they will survive?"

"How are they doing? They are so sad! Lin

Beifan said with a smile:"I have just received news from the front. The Allied Forces of the Seven Nations have reached Luohua City, which is less than 100 miles away from the hinterland of Great Flame!" As a result, a heavy snowfall trapped them, unable to move forward or retreat. It was very embarrassing! Ha ha……"

The empress also laughed, knowing their predicament just by thinking about it.

"My dear, you are the general marshal of our dynasty, and you are like a god in using troops. How do you think this war is going to go?"

"Okay, I will tell your Majesty now! Lin

Beifan took another sip of wine and said with a smile:"Although the Seven-Nation Alliance has 2 million troops and seems to be powerful, food and grass are a huge problem!" It is not easy to provide food and clothing for an army of 2 million people every day! Therefore, the supply line in the rear cannot be cut off, otherwise it will collapse!"

The empress nodded and signaled Lin Beifan to continue.

"Normally, this problem is easy to solve! There are many capable people in the Seven-Nation Alliance, so this problem is not a problem! But a heavy snowfall ruined their good situation! Your Majesty, you also know that it is very difficult to travel in the ice and snow, let alone transport food and grass, and it is to supply food and grass for an army of 2 million!"

The empress nodded.

"Therefore, this heavy snow interrupted their supply line! According to Wei Chen's understanding, the food and grass they have now can only last about a week if they eat sparingly, but this snow will last for two weeks!"

"In addition, they also have to solve the problem of keeping warm and keeping warm!"

"Transporting grain and grass is already so laborious, and it is even more difficult and almost impossible to solve the problem of keeping out the cold and keeping warm! The place where they are now is another small town with limited resources.……"

Lin Beifan clicked his tongue and shook his head:"They come from seven countries, and seven countries have seven hearts! They were united because of common interests to defeat Great Yan! However, now that materials are in short supply, in order to survive and for their own interests, they They would quarrel because of this, and even kill each other! So, they have been defeated without a fight!"

"If I were Great Yan, I wouldn't need to move at all, just sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, and then send troops to deal with them after they collapse! It can be said that the Seven-Nation Alliance has completely killed itself! They shouldn't send troops, they shouldn't send troops! Lin

Beifan laughed happily.

The empress thought about it seriously and said:"The Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces advanced all the way and approached the hinterland of Great Flame. However, they collapsed due to weather conditions. They gained nothing but lost 2 million soldiers and horses!""

"Dayan lost a lot of territory. Although he might regain it in the end, he also lost a lot of soldiers and horses! So who won this war?

Lin Beifan shook his head:"There is no winner!" In this war, there are no winners at all, all are losers! If I had to find one, it would probably be our Dawu!"

"The Seven Kingdoms and Great Yan all suffered heavy losses, providing us with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! When spring comes next year, we can gather our troops and go all the way south to expand our territory again!"

The two looked at each other and laughed heartily.

At this time, the trapped Seven Nations Allied Forces, just as Lin Beifan expected, started making trouble.

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