I Am a Football Agent

Chapter 199 Talent

"Penalty kick! Xue Yang made a penalty kick!" the anchor Huang Haiming exclaimed.

"Sure enough, Xue Yang is still strong. Facing Henan Jianye's heavy defense, he still seems to be taking small steps."

"Henan Jianye's players have nothing to do with him! Xue Yang's dribbling ability is too strong!" Huang Haiming praised Xue Yang.

"His breakthrough is not only sharp but also looks very casual. No wonder he is praised by so many people. It really makes sense."

Seeing that the referee awarded a penalty kick, the players of Henan Jianye stepped forward to protest.

They thought it was a reasonable physical confrontation, and the penalty kick was a bit too harsh.

At that time, he was silent with his waist in his arms. He knew that he had indeed fouled the ball.

His brain was also hot, and he couldn't control himself for a while.

At this moment, after he calmed down, he began to regret it.

The Shanghai SIPG players saw Xue Yang make a penalty.

Everyone was very happy, Wu Lei rushed towards Xue Yang, then patted Xue Yang's shoulder with a smile.

"Xiao Xue! Yes, this ball!" Wu Lei praised Xue Yang.

He was also amazed by Xue Yang's extraordinary performance, and he could see it clearly from the side.

Although his teammates praised him, Xue Yang actually had some regrets.

If he hadn't been pulled down, Xue Yang could have hit the door directly.

And he also has the confidence to score, and now it's just a penalty.

This makes him more regretful, he is a little short of his first goal in the Super League.

As for this penalty kick, it was definitely not Xue Yang who took the penalty.

Konka, the team's first kicker, will take the penalty, and he came to the penalty spot.

Goalkeeper Wang Guoming focused on Kongka, hoping to see some flaws.

But Conca looked very relaxed, he started running and kicked the ball.

Kongka's penalty kick was actually not fast, but his previous actions made Wang Guoming guess that he would hit the left side.

But he was obviously cheated by Conca, and the football penalty went to the other side.

Kongka scored a penalty kick and Shanghai SIPG led Henan Jianye 1-0.

When seeing the penalty kick scored, the few SIPG fans cheered excitedly.

On the other hand, Henan Jianye fans seem relatively quiet.

In fact, Cai Jian still admires Henan Jianye, and Henan Jianye is one of the few clear streams in the Super League.

Henan Jianye has never had any stars, whether it is foreign aid or local players.

Among the players starting today, Yin Hongbo is the closest to the national team.

But Henan Jianye can always do big things with a small amount of money, and even won fifth place in the Super League last season.

And the football atmosphere in Henan is actually quite good.

Today Henan Jianye put up a 3-5-2 formation, but in fact it can also be regarded as a 5-3-2 formation.

Because the two wingers are actually full-backs, their defense is relatively stronger.

Their biggest role as wingers is to pass the ball and find high points in the penalty area.

Of course, Henan Jianye does not want to lose at home, even if the opponent is the powerful Shanghai SIPG.

So Henan Jianye launched a counterattack, hoping to equalize the score as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Shanghai SIPG's defense is not bad, and Li Jun's performance is particularly stable.

Since returning to the Super League last season, Li Jun has been the most trustworthy player in Shanghai SIPG's defense.

His performance is even more stable than foreign aid Kim Joo-young. In fact, in terms of strength, Li Jun is indeed stronger than Kim Joo-young.

Henan Jianye frequently played high balls, but Li Jun resolved the problem again and again.

Compared with the opponent's two foreign forwards, Li Jun was more worried about So Wu.

Because this foreign aid forward has a height of 1.92 meters.

So he focused more on So Wu, and So Wu was helpless in the face of Li Jun's defense.

With a stable defense, Shanghai SIPG's offense is still sharp.

At this time, Shanghai SIPG's full-back Sun Xiang stepped in and got the football on the left side outside the penalty area.

He wanted to pass, but Yang Kuo was defending with all his strength, so he couldn't pass the ball at all.

So he could only choose to pass back, and at this time he saw Xue Yang.

Although Xue Yang is much younger than him, but for some reason, he is very relieved of Xue Yang.

So he passed the football to Xue Yang. After Xue Yang received the pass, players from Henan Jianye quickly defended him.

Seeing Xue Yang suddenly leading to the front right, Feng Zhuoyi quickly defended him.

But Xue Yang's first step was too fast, and Feng Zhuoyi was thrown to the left by him.

Seeing this, the foreign aid midfielder Ivo hurried to defend from the side.

But Xue Yang pulled his right foot towards the football, pulling the football to his left front.

This pull made Ivo, who was supplementing the defense, helpless, and successfully avoided Ivo's supplementary defense.

And Xue Yang was still dribbling towards the penalty area. Central defender Gomez faced Xue Yang who was about to break into the penalty area in the penalty area, and lowered his center of gravity.

Xue Yang didn't get nervous just because the opponent was a foreign aid, he was still very firm in his heart.

I saw him stepping on his bicycle continuously facing Gomez, and Gomez could only back away.

He didn't dare to stretch his legs rashly, because Xue Yang had already broken into the restricted area.

He was worried that he would trip Xue Yang after stretching his legs. If Xue Yang was given another penalty, then this match would be difficult.

After all, it was only the first half, and the time hadn't passed halfway yet.

At this time, Xue Yang suddenly stopped, and then pushed the outside of his right foot towards the football.

Looking at Gomez who was defending him, he was knocked down by Xue Yang's sudden stop.

Although he didn't fall to the ground, he still staggered two steps.

Another central defender, Li Xiaoming, wanted to defend, but at this time Xue Yanghuang opened up the space after Gomez, and he chose to hit the goal directly with his right foot.

He kicked the football hard with his right foot, the goalkeeper Wang Guoming was very focused on Xue Yang the whole time.

When he saw Xue Yang hit the door, he quickly fell to the ground to save him.

He hoped to throw the football away, but Xue Yang's shot was not only fast but also deliberately angled.

Moreover, Wang Guoming's ability is not strong, he has never touched football.

Shanghai SIPG leads Henan Jianye 2-0!

"The goal has been scored! Xue Yang scored the goal!" Huang Haiming shouted excitedly.

"It's too strong! This Xue Yang is too strong!"

"This extraordinary man is too good! Henan Jianye's players have nothing to do with him."

"And it was one-on-one with him, but Henan Jianye's foreign central defender couldn't defend Xue Yang one-on-one!"

"Who is the foreign aid! Why do I feel that he is better than Kongka!" Huang Haiming praised Xue Yang.

In fact, not only Huang Haiming, many spectators who watched the game also thought so.

Now that the game has progressed, Xue Yang's performance is indeed more impressive.

They have never seen this level of excellence in local players, and of course foreign players rarely do it.

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