The king of the kingdom, the king of the kingdom.

When Bai Zhen heard that Hongjun did not clearly express his views, he also understood a little. Hongjun definitely had no good intentions just now. Otherwise, he would just make a statement. Would those innate gods and demons still chase after a lonely man like him?

Who on the mainland does not know that the dynasty is powerful and powerful? If you really offend those innate demon gods who do not establish their own power, those innate demon gods will definitely not mind shaking the foundation of the dynasty and fighting guerrilla warfare with the lord of the dynasty!

The dynasties near this dynasty will definitely not mind adding insult to injury. After all, the dynasties have fought to the death for luck, and they have accumulated a lot of hatred. Now that there is a way to avenge their hatred, how can they bear not to retaliate against each other?

As for the scene that touched Hongjun, Bai Zhen also had some guesses. Since the establishment of the dynasty, the polarization of the prehistoric world has become more and more serious, especially those creatures at the bottom, who do the hardest work and get the least reward.

On the contrary, those at the top do not have to work but get the most cultivation resources, which makes countless creatures jealous, but they are powerless. Who made him weak and only worthy of living at the bottom?

In addition to the contradictions within the dynasty, there are also external contradictions. Many creatures at the bottom of the dynasty like to go outside the dynasty to bully other weak lives or races.

For example, the inverted dynasty, the entire inverted dynasty began to rot after its prosperity, and now the inverted dynasty is rotten. The inverted ancestor is greedy, selfish, and evil...

His crimes are innumerable and he has done all kinds of evil things!

The inverted ancestor is extravagant and lustful, loves women and reverses black and white. In the territory of his dynasty, all races had to pay tribute to him with female cultivators. In addition, he also sent people to capture female cultivators outside the dynasty.

If it was just a love of women, it would not be a big deal. After all, many lords of dynasties were greedy for women, and the female cultivators of the prehistoric world did not have a heavy psychological burden for relying on the strong. Who made them weak and beautiful!

As the saying goes, a man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure. If he is not strong enough and has a breathtaking beauty, that is the original sin. Since he cannot resist, he can only accept it.

The inverted ancestor is very cruel and cruel to the female cultivators who serve him. If the female cultivators do not do what he wants, they will suffer misfortune. If the female cultivators do what he wants too much, they will also suffer misfortune.

Some female cultivators who do not meet the aesthetics of the inverted ancestor will be directly used as tools for cultivation by the inverted ancestor, and they will be sucked dry at one time. Those who look like the inverted ancestor will be left there and tortured slowly.

In this way, the races in the dynasty offer a batch of tributes every once in a while, and the dynasty's minions will capture a batch. However, even so, the number of female cultivators around the inverted ancestor is not much more, from which we can know how much evil the inverted ancestor has done.

In addition to the female cultivators, the inverted ancestor is not much better to male cultivators. The male cultivators of the inverted dynasty, especially the lower-level male cultivators, are oppressed all day long, and their lives are not as happy as those below the strength. The male cultivators of the inverted dynasty are all distorted by the oppression!

When the inverted dynasty is external, it likes to bully the weak, and it is in the name of justice. Every place that has been conquered by the inverted dynasty can be said to be a river of blood and corpses everywhere.

Back to the point, Bai Zhen and Hongjun chatted there for a while, and then Bai Zhen took Hongjun to some unimportant places. After that, Hongjun proposed to leave!

When Bai Zhen learned that Hongjun was leaving, he was extremely happy. After all, Bai Zhen had accompanied Hongjun for so many days, and he had played so many tricks that he didn't want to do it anymore. If he didn't want to have a grudge with Hongjun, Bai Zhen would have kicked him out long ago!

When Hongjun left, Bai Zhen only symbolically tried to keep him, and then watched Hongjun leave Qingqiu. After watching Hongjun leave, Bai Zhen returned to Qingqiu and asked Bai Mei and the others to go back and practice honestly.

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