The three brothers were in a desperate situation when facing the siege of the innate gods and demons. After all, no matter how powerful the three people's combined attack skills were, they were still no match for the group fight of the innate gods and demons. Although they wanted to break through and escape to heaven, they were surrounded by the innate gods and demons inside and outside.

San Tian knew what he had done before. If they were caught alive by this group of innate gods and demons, they would definitely not have a good end, not to mention that the dignity of the innate gods and demons did not allow them to live in humiliation. In the end, after the three brothers sighed "God does not bless me", San Tian chose to self-destruct directly.

Because San Tian had been preparing there for a long time, when the signs of self-destruction appeared, the fact that San Tian self-destructed could not be reversed.

Because Santian was determined to die, each of them wanted to drag someone to be buried with them, so even if the innate gods and demons wanted to run, they couldn't escape.

Because many innate gods and demons could not dodge effectively, in the end, those innate gods and demons who did not have good quality defensive spiritual treasures were killed by Santian's self-explosion.

In addition, except for a few innate gods and demons who ran faster, the rest of the innate gods and demons were all injured to varying degrees, especially the innate gods and demons who were closer, each of them was seriously injured and needed a long time to recover completely.

For the sake of their own lives, these innate gods and demons with more serious injuries did not dare to stay on the battlefield for a long time. After all, unless the innate gods and demons were born together, they could only have a relationship of interest. They might have been teammates before, but now the enemies who needed to be eliminated were dead, and they were ready to start distributing the spoils. Naturally, the disabled were the first to be cleared!

Those innate demons who were not seriously injured or not injured at all were also very satisfied to see those innate gods and demons leave very consciously one by one.

After the self-destruction, Santian directly traced back to the source and became the original source of heaven. To be honest, Santian was born at the wrong time. If he had waited until the Heavenly Dao was born, he would have been supported by the Heavenly Dao with his own source and would definitely not be weaker than Hongjun! After all, compared with Hongjun, the source of heaven is more compatible with the Heavenly Dao!

When the Xiantian Demon God was considering how to distribute the spoils, he saw three groups of the source of heaven wrapped in the star seal and rushed directly to the top of Zhoushan Mountain.

The Xiantian gods and demons were unwilling to let the cooked duck fly away. One by one, they wanted to stop it, but they felt the great terror between life and death, as if they would face death at any time.

As for the remaining two spiritual treasures, the star map and the star-derived disk, they took advantage of the time when the Xiantian gods and demons were stunned and dared not move and flew directly to the starry sky.

Looking at the empty space in front of them, the faces of the Xiantian gods and demons were extremely ugly, but what could they do? Some innate gods and demons who were unwilling to give up wanted to go to the starry sky to find the star-deriving disk and the star map, but as soon as they arrived at the Nine-Layer Sky Gang, they understood why Santian had never thought of escaping back to the starry sky until his death. The Nine-Layer Sky Gang was too powerful. Just the first layer required a physical body at the early stage of the Golden Immortal.

Although the innate gods and demons of the prehistoric world now cultivate both the soul and the body, cultivating the body is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and resource-intensive. Basically, there are not many innate gods and demons who are willing to focus on both.

When these innate gods and demons who went to the starry sky came back one by one in disgrace, they found that the group of innate gods and demons who did not go to the starry sky had already divided up the basic resources of the Santian Dynasty and the few innate gods and demons who died, and left one by one!

Bai Zhen, who was in retreat far away in Qingqiu, also heard Santian's words "Heaven doesn't bless me" and the sound of their self-explosion. Regarding Santian's sigh, Bai Zhen could only say that they were indeed a little ridiculous. Now their so-called "Heaven" has not yet been born. Everything in the prehistoric world is presided over by the Great Dao. The Great Dao is impartial. He doesn't care what your origin is. If you choose the wrong team, who can you blame?

Today's prehistoric world is presided over by the Great Dao. The spatial stability of the prehistoric world is the best. Even if Santian self-explodes together, it still does not cause much damage to the prehistoric world.

However, damage is damage after all. Although the self-explosion place can be repaired sooner or later with the repair ability of the prehistoric world, it is still necessary to be able to intervene artificially to accelerate the repair of damage.

Although Bai Zhen has comprehended the law of creation, Bai Zhen has only comprehended the fur of the law of creation. It is really too difficult for him to help the prehistoric world repair the damage! After all, he is really not good at dredging and repairing spiritual veins!

Bai Zhen wanted to act, but he had no ability to act. In the end, Bai Zhen could only

He had no choice but to give up his wish, but Bai Zhen would have to take action sooner or later. After all, Bai Zhen didn't want Honghuang to follow the old path and continue to decline.

Bai Zhen's intuition told him that Honghuang would definitely be the center of chaos in the future. The era of the Chaos Demon God had passed. If Bai Zhen wanted to achieve the Great Dao, he had to ensure that Honghuang was moving in a good direction!

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