Now that Bai Zhen is ready to take them with him, it proves that this is another great opportunity. They have already had the first experience, so they will do better than the first time when they face such an opportunity!

Just when Bai Xiao and the other five elders felt that they didn't need to rush to improve their cultivation, they heard Bai Zhen say, "Bai Xiao, Bai Yun, Bai Bai, Bai Qian, Bai Na, the five of you continue to practice hard as I said before!"

"That, clan leader, do we not need to prepare for the upcoming opportunity?" Bai Xiao asked timidly.

"Just follow my instructions. Is there any need for so much nonsense?"

Listening to Bai Zhen's words, they were also a little timid. When Bai Xiao was about to apologize, Bai Zhen said, "Breaking through the Hunyuan Jinxian before the great opportunity comes is more important than the so-called great opportunity. I hope you don't put the cart before the horse! Except for the five of them, the rest of you should adjust your status as soon as possible and prepare for the upcoming great opportunity!"


Listening to the unanimous agreement of the Daluo Jinxian, Bai Zhen nodded with satisfaction. Suddenly, Bai Zhen realized a problem and said again, "This time, I will only take the Daluo Jinxian and the creatures with the cultivation of Hunyuan Jinxian. As for those who are not strong enough to be Daluo Jinxian, they will wait for the opportunity to come in Qingqiu!"

Then Bai Zhen took Bai Mei and Bai Meng to deduce the place that can be observed most clearly when the Heavenly Dao is born!

After searching for the most suitable place, Bai Zhen calculated the distance and finally decided to stay in Qingqiu for a while before going out!

During the waiting period, the third elder Bai Xiao also successfully broke through to the Hunyuan Jinxian. Now it is not long before the Heavenly Dao is born, so Bai Zhen directly accelerates Bai Xiao's process of stabilizing his cultivation by discussing with each other.

After helping Bai Xiao to stabilize his cultivation, Bai Zhen noticed that the fifth elder Bai Bai also showed signs of breakthrough. In order to prevent Bai Bai from breaking through on the way to the place where he could only observe the Heavenly Dao, and eventually delay this great opportunity, Bai Zhen decided to take a group of Daluo Jinxians to the destination he speculated.

Bai Zhen drove the cloud very fast, and it didn't take long for him to arrive at the place Bai Zhen speculated. After Bai Zhen arrived at the place, he found that many Daluo Jinxians and innate gods and demons with the strength of Hunyuan Jinxian had already arrived.

Shen Ni came here with a group of beasts, and the high-ranking officials of those races that bordered the Beast Dynasty and often fought with the beasts also arrived at the scene. The two sides had a deep blood feud, so the atmosphere between the two sides was a little tense, but neither side wanted to miss the opportunity in the near future, so even though the atmosphere was extremely tense, there was still no intention of fighting!

Bai Zhen just wanted to wait for the opportunity to come peacefully and didn't want to get involved in trouble at all. Then, after arriving at the place he deduced, Bai Zhen found a place at random and arranged a defensive formation to cover up the people in Qingqiu!

However, when there were less than ten Yuanhui left before the birth of Tiandao, the fifth elder Bai Bai accumulated enough and began to break through the Hunyuan Jinxian, and the vision of breaking through the Hunyuan Jinxian also directly exposed the traces of Bai Zhen and his party.

However, there is not much time left before the Heavenly Dao is born. Now no innate gods and demons are willing to take care of this matter. After all, wouldn’t it be better to try to adjust their own state and welcome the coming of the Heavenly Dao?

When Bai Bai successfully broke through to the Hunyuan Jinxian, there were only a few years left before the Heavenly Dao was born. This period of time was just a flick of a finger for the innate gods and demons with infinite lifespans.

To be honest, if the time for her successful breakthrough was not so tight, Bai Zhen might have helped him consolidate his cultivation, but there were only a few years left, and Bai Zhen was too lazy to help. After all, compared to helping Bai Bai consolidate his cultivation, Bai Zhen felt that the gift given by the Heavenly Dao when it was born was the most important.

A few years passed quickly like a flick of a finger, and the Heavenly Dao also came out as promised at the end of the eighth calamity!

The strange phenomenon of the emergence of the Heavenly Dao was like the beginning of the Great Dao's retreat. Purple air came from the east for 30,000 miles, flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses emerged from the ground. As time went on, the Heavenly Dao Wheel also began to solidify from its original illusion like the Great Dao. At the same time, a huge pressure gradually emerged, overwhelming the entire prehistoric world.

At the moment when the Heavenly Dao Wheel was completely solidified,

Bai Zhen only felt that all the laws in the prehistoric world began to become active, gradually emerging in the eyes of all living beings.

It is as easy for all living beings to comprehend the laws of heaven as drinking water. Many creatures in the prehistoric world who could not feel the laws of heaven at all had some understanding at the moment when the laws of heaven became active, and finally achieved the Golden Immortal with the help of the laws of heaven.

Bai Zhen had seen the Great Dao Wheel, and now he saw the Heavenly Dao Wheel. By comparison, Bai Zhen also saw that the Heavenly Dao Wheel was missing something compared to the Great Dao Wheel. Bai Zhen couldn't help but sigh that this might be the so-called Great Dao Fifty, Heaven's Forty-Nine!

In addition to the understanding of the laws, Bai Zhen also discovered a major thing. When Bai Zhen comprehended the Heavenly Dao Wheel, he actually had a causal relationship with the Heavenly Dao.

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