The old man was very happy.

On the way back to Qingqiu, Bai Zhen found that the number of creatures active in the prehistoric continent had increased a lot. Bai Zhen's face became serious about this change. After all, the number of prehistoric creatures is far less than that of fierce beasts. In addition to destroying the environment and even the spiritual veins of the prehistoric world, those fierce beasts also hunted down the prehistoric creatures like mad dogs.

On the way back to the prehistoric world, if Bai Zhen encountered fierce beasts chasing after newly born creatures, as long as it was not the kind of beast tide that Bai Zhen could not stop, Bai Zhen would still save it. After all, only if these creatures survived, the pressure on the fox clan would be less when fighting against fierce beasts in the future.

Because Bai Zhen saved many creatures that were almost killed by ferocious beasts on his way back to Qingqiu, these creatures felt Bai Zhen's kindness, and for a time, Bai Zhen became famous.

Some top-level innate demon gods who practiced in seclusion had heard of Bai Zhen's reputation, but they sneered at Bai Zhen's behavior, thinking that Bai Zhen was a person who was seeking fame and reputation. After all, the creatures saved by Bai Zhen were just ants to them, just like leeks, which were cut one after another.

Bai Zhen didn't care too much about the evaluation of those top-level innate demon gods, after all, Bai Zhen had gained substantial benefits!

Every creature will get a certain amount of luck after being born in the prehistoric world, and the amount of luck represents the depth of the blessing of each creature.

Bai Zhen's ability to save these creatures means that Bai Zhen has a connection with these creatures. After all, those creatures with low luck can't survive until Bai Zhen saves them.

Bai Zhen saved these creatures, and he was very kind to them. Moreover, these creatures were also blessed in times of trouble. Because of the difference in strength, these creatures were unable to repay Bai Zhen for saving their lives. In addition, they did not have the spiritual treasures to suppress their own luck and protect their own luck, so their luck would be reduced to a certain extent. As for the luck reduced by these creatures, it was collected by Bai Zhen.

Although each creature rescued by Bai Zhen could give Bai Zhen very little luck, but a little added up to a lot. Before Bai Zhen even left the West, he had already improved his luck by nearly 10%.

Although Bai Zhen's luck and fortune had been improved a lot, Bai Zhen's own fortune had been consumed a lot during the previous treasure hunt. With insufficient fortune, Bai Zhen naturally did not find any top-level treasures or even spiritual treasures that moved Bai Zhen!

As time passed, although Bai Zhen's speed was not very fast, after years and months, Bai Zhen still got his old nest Qingqiu.

Bai Zhen has been traveling alone for many years, and has no intention of traveling outside for the time being. Because the Qingqiu clan protection formation was basically arranged by Bai Zhen himself, Bai Zhen did not alarm anyone when he came back. After returning to Qingqiu, Bai Zhen went straight into his cave and prepared to start practicing in seclusion.

Bai Zhen knew very well that with the pressure exerted by heaven and earth on himself, it would be possible to improve his own cultivation only in the middle of this catastrophe. At this moment, there is still a long time before the middle of this catastrophe. In order not to waste this time, Bai Zhen decided to comprehend the law during this period.

Bai Zhen comprehended many laws, among which the deepest ones were Bai Zhen's life law and soul law, followed by the charm law, dream law and other laws.

Bai Zhen knew his own soul law, and it was difficult to make any progress in a short period of time, so Bai Zhen had no intention of comprehending the soul law.

After traveling for many years, Bai Zhen found and studied many innate formations, and also arranged many formations. Therefore, Bai Zhen's understanding of the great way of formations has been rising rapidly. At this time, Bai Zhen's understanding of the law of formations is almost on par with the law of souls.

As for the great way of instruments and the great way of elixirs, Bai Zhen's understanding of these two great ways is not very deep because he has not practiced them much.

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