After hearing Bai Zhen's words, Zizhi couldn't help but nod, and said, "I am indeed interested in alchemy. I wonder if the immortal is willing to teach me?" "Yes, but I don't have the time to teach you recently, and your current cultivation has not reached the limit of the world at this time, so your most important task is still to practice." After hearing Bai Zhen's words, Zizhi thought that he was unwilling to teach him alchemy, so he begged again: "When the immortal is making the elixir, just let me watch!" "Zizhi, I don't know how to do it. I don't mean to stop you from learning, but I want you to have a higher level of cultivation. Besides, even if I want to teach you now, I need to wait until I have summarized my experience in alchemy before teaching you.

In addition, I have a use for the basic spiritual medicines I just took away, and I can't let you use them during training. As for the basic spiritual medicines in the Herb Atlas, I have already consumed them. Therefore, even if I teach you now, you have no spiritual medicines to practice. "

After Bai Zhen finished speaking, Zi Zhi understood Bai Zhen's inner concerns, but Bai Zhen was right. He did not have spiritual medicines for alchemy now. At the same time, Zi Zhi suddenly thought that he did not seem to have an alchemy furnace for alchemy!

At this time, Bai Zhen spoke again: "I just remembered that you don't have an alchemy furnace for alchemy, you don't need to worry about this. When I am ready to teach you, I will prepare an alchemy furnace for you. "

"Thank you, Immortal Bai Zhen!" Zi Zhi said with gratitude.

The reason why Zizhi was grateful to Bai Zhen was very simple. He didn't know how to refine weapons, so even if he had top-level spiritual materials, he couldn't refine a furnace, not to mention that Zizhi had never left Qingqiu, and he didn't have any spiritual materials for refining weapons!

"You continue to consolidate your cultivation, I won't bother you!"

After saying this, Bai Zhen left directly. After Bai Zhen left, Zizhi returned to his cave to consolidate his cultivation. Because he got a lot of basic spiritual medicines in the medicine garden, Bai Zhen had materials for alchemy, so Bai Zhen returned to his cave to start his journey of alchemy.

Time passed, and dozens of Yuanhui passed. The medicine that Bai Zhen brought back from the medicine garden was refined by Bai Zhen not long after, but fortunately the basic spiritual medicines in the Baicao Atlas were also mature, which allowed Bai Zhen to continue for so long.

After the basic spiritual medicines were consumed by Bai Zhen again, Bai Zhen thought of Zizhi's desire to learn alchemy from him. Although Bai Zhen had some understanding of the principles of alchemy, if he was asked to teach, Bai Zhen really didn't know where to start.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Zhen decided to write down his insights on alchemy, and then let Zizhi learn by himself. If he didn't know, he could ask Bai Zhen for advice!

After making a decision, Bai Zhen directly summoned the book that recorded the Heavenly Fox Heart Sutra. After sorting out his thoughts, Bai Zhen engraved his summary of alchemy on the book of the Heavenly Fox Heart Sutra.

After summarizing the content of alchemy, Bai Zhen began to summarize the knowledge of formations. The reason for doing so was also very simple. Recently, Bai Zhen had no important things to do, and even if he was in seclusion, his cultivation would not make much progress. Therefore, instead of being idle and doing nothing, it is better to supplement the content of the Heavenly Fox Heart Sutra. As the saying goes, reviewing the old will lead to new things! Perhaps when summarizing, a flash of inspiration will come, and Bai Zhen may be able to enter a state of enlightenment.

After the knowledge of the formation was engraved, Bai Zhen began to summarize the knowledge of refining equipment. After summarizing these three essential skills in life, Bai Zhen began to supplement the Heavenly Fox Heart Sutra. As for the supplementary content, it was also very simple. It was the content of Bai Zhen's own practice of the soul and the body. After all, Bai Zhen had practiced for so many years and always had some small insights and small skills in practice.

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