Seeing this, C realized that his guess was right, so he began to expand his power. Gradually, the surrounding innate gods and demons began to follow suit and build their own forces because of a sense of crisis. However, after discovering that the more subordinates he had, the faster he could practice, he also entered the scope of madly expanding his power. As time passed, more and more innate gods and demons formed their forces.

At the arrival of the middle of the seventh calamity, the inverted ancestor decided to establish the first dynasty in order to enhance the cohesion of his power. After a period of preparation, the inverted ancestor announced the establishment of the inverted dynasty to the avenue in the 10,004th Yuanhui of the seventh calamity.

The avenue also responded to the sacrifice of the inverted ancestor and bestowed a certain amount of merit. For some reason, the inverted ancestor did not absorb the merits bestowed by the Great Dao to improve his cultivation. However, it was precisely because the inverted ancestor did not absorb these merits that the inverted ancestor narrowly escaped the beast's calamity.

Other innate gods and demons saw the inverted ancestor offering sacrifices to the Great Dao and told him that the act of establishing the inverted dynasty had gained merits, so they began to imitate one by one. For a time, most of the Taiyi Golden Immortals established dynasties, but the most famous ones were the inverted dynasty, the Qiankun dynasty, the Yinyang dynasty, etc., which were less than 20 dynasties.

Yangmei knew that only the first one to eat crabs could get the most merits, and as for those who imitated them later, they could only get a little merit at most. In addition, he also disliked the trouble of managing subordinates to establish a dynasty, so the great immortal Yangmei did not establish a dynasty.

As for Qingqiu where Bai Zhen was, because Bai Zhen had explained in advance that he would ignore all the movements in the outside world, Qingqiu did not establish a dynasty. As for Hongjun, he used the fragments of the Jade Disc of Creation to calculate for a long time and came to the conclusion that this era did not belong to him, so Hongjun was patient and stayed there to practice in Yujing Mountain.

When Bai Zhen was reversing the ancestor's sacrifice to the avenue, the sound spread throughout the prehistoric world, so Bai Zhen was also awakened and woke up directly from the state of practicing the physical body. Bai Zhen did not care about this matter, so soon, Bai Zhen entered the physical body practice again. At the eleventh epoch of the seventh calamity, three more voices spread throughout the prehistoric world.

"The Great Dao is above. I am the Blue Sky (Huang Tian/Cang Tian), formed by the condensation of the law of the sky. I was born here, in charge of the stars in the sky, the treasure of the starry sky, the stars are printed, the stars return to their positions, and the prehistoric heaven is determined!"

After these three voices spread throughout the prehistoric world, the 365 ancient stars in the starry sky appeared, and the stars in the sky also took their positions and began to operate in an orderly manner. For a time, the power of the stars spread throughout the prehistoric land.

After the Great Dao was born in Santian and the Zhoutian stars returned to their positions, merits were given. Santian was unlucky, and after the merits were divided, they were used to improve their own cultivation. Because the amount of merits was not much, and they were divided among three people, the merits they finally got only improved their cultivation by a small realm, allowing the three of them to improve their cultivation from the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian to the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

For Santian's high-profile birth, Bai Zhen cursed them in his heart. Bai Zhen had to admit that Santian did a good job. After all, the first bird to come out will be shot. Bai Zhen was not very clear about the final outcome of San Tian. After all, there were not many records in later generations. When San Tian was born, he had already told them the origins of the three people. The thirty-three days in later generations were transformed by the pure air of the sky. It was not difficult to judge that San Tian had all fallen before the Lich Calamity. After thinking about this, Bai Zhen no longer paid attention to San Tian. After all, there was nothing to talk about with people who were destined to die.

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