I am a god in another world

Chapter 998 Advanced Super-State Transformation

It seems that this matter is very random.

To be more precise, this is caused by Gavin's inadequate control of the divine power of killing.

If he uses the divine power of killing to forge his own road foundation, and his control over it reaches 100%, how to strengthen the territory will be at his disposal.

But in this matter, Gavin is impossible to compromise, and can only choose the best.

This time he did not hesitate for too long and directly chose the third option.

Compared with the upper limit of the capacity, Gavin pays more attention to the speed of bursting troops, which is the essence of the war of attrition.

As for another very practical advanced troop, Gavin has found an alternative method-using the soul pool to purify the essence to strengthen.

After two soul pools with the same specialty are merged, the specialty troop summoned from this soul pool will become an elite troop, and the skeleton soldier will become a super troop. If two more soul pools with the same specialty are put into the same soul pool, the specialty troop will become a super troop. Although the skeleton soldier is still a super troop, the level will be +2.

This alternative method can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that you don't have to waste precious divine enhancement on this.

The speed of obtaining this ability is not slow, nor fast, and it is never enough. Who knows if there are more powerful enhancement abilities that have not been opened.

The disadvantage is that this kind of enhancement is not like divine enhancement, which belongs to the whole territory enhancement and can be transferred and expanded with the transfer of the territory.

It only works on the enhanced soul pool, and the soul pool is fixed in one place and cannot be transferred with Gavin's territory.

At least it can't be transferred at present.

Whether the divine enhancement will enable the movement of the soul pool or open up new soul pool abilities in the later stage is unknown.

Therefore, you must be cautious when strengthening.

There is no need to say more about the preciousness of the soul pool purification essence. There are too many places where it can be used, and this resource is relatively scarce. Whether it can be regenerated is an unknown.

At present, Gavin has not completely fixed his territory, so this method is just a taste.

After completing this wave of defensive counterattacks, Gavin did not rush to continue expanding, but instead gathered his own think tank team - dog demons, two skeleton lords and three real shadows.

They are Gavin's subordinates, and their intelligence is only over 12 points.

Although high intelligence does not mean high IQ, low intelligence is definitely a mentally disabled person.

The Bone Plains uses the undead as the main species, which has both advantages and disadvantages for Gavin.

The advantage is that he can do whatever he wants without worrying about their feelings.

Especially those experiments that are extremely cruel to intelligent creatures, such as killing, devouring and evolving, he does not need to have any psychological burden.

If it were other species, even the demons of the bottomless abyss, Gavin would not be as open as he is now.

The disadvantage is that after almost a month of development, his own think tank team does not exceed ten, and most of them are accumulated in the first half of the month. In the second half of the month, there is basically no big gain.

This situation is not because Gavin was lucky at the beginning, but it is related to his development direction.

The center of the Bone Plain is also a war isolation buffer zone consciously created by four high-level Undead Lords. The closer you go to the center of the Bone Plain, the fewer soul pools there are, the less soul power there is in the land, and the fewer powerful Undead there are.

Death Patrollers and Corpse Hounds, these Undead with relatively limited intelligence, are among the top powerhouses.

Not to mention those high-level Undead Lords, even in the hands of slightly stronger Undead Lords, they exist as war machines.

"Our topic today is the future development direction of the territory. We have almost plundered those ownerless soul pools. If we want to develop next, we can only snatch food from the tiger's mouth and take it from the hands of the four high-level undead lords."

Gavin directly set the main tone for today's topic, "Which high-level undead lord should we attack first?"

Bradford, the skeleton lord, spoke first: "I think we should first eliminate the Burning Flame Queen. Her territory produces a large number of undead related to various flames and spirits. Our current troops are mainly physical attacks. We have no advantage against them. If we are not careful, we will lose troops and generals."

The Burning Flame Spirit who drove him out of the soul pool left him with an indelible and powerful impression. When he heard that the one leading there was a more powerful Burning Flame Spirit Lord, he was full of fear of this direction, even though he was an undead.

"She really shouldn't be our first choice." Gavin affirmed the opinion of the skeleton lord.

In fact, he had already done so instinctively. When the territory was transferred, he took the initiative to avoid the direction of the Burning Flame Queen.

Let's not talk about other things for now. So far, Gavin has not figured out a good way to deal with the Burning Flame Spirit.

This kind of undead has both the characteristics of virtual creatures and the terrifying high temperature of flame creatures. They have no fire immunity and special abilities against virtual creatures. If they fight with them in close combat, they will be easily roasted alive.

The stealing tactics like dealing with the Death Patrol, that is, dealing with brainless wild low-level undead lords, are greatly reduced when dealing with those organized, systematic and highly intelligent high-level undead. They will not leave their rear empty.

The dog demon also couldn't wait to speak: "Although the current strength of the lord is not bad, there is still a big gap when facing the high-level undead lords.

We must win the first battle, take as much meat from him as possible to strengthen our own combat effectiveness, and then welcome the opponent's counterattack, just like we did before.

Only by seizing the opportunity to seize the territory of a high-ranking undead lord can we barely gain a foothold in the Plains of Bones. "

Gavin nodded lightly and said, "Continue!"

The other undead lords are just adding to the problem. What he values ​​most is the advice of the dog demon. He has an overall view that others do not have.

After all, before following him, these undead lords were just low-level undead lords trapped in one or two soul pools, fighting life and death with the surrounding low-level undead lords. Many of them didn't even know the situation two or thirty kilometers away, let alone What pertinent suggestions are made.

Inviting them to participate in the meeting is more appropriate than allowing them to provide reference opinions, rather than broadening their horizons.

"We must use our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. Not only do we have to avoid the Flame Queen, but the Lich is also not a suitable first target.

A spell-casting type like this must attach great importance to the use of spells and the recruitment of spell-casting subordinates. It is not surprising that his territory has a soul pool for recruiting undead spell-casting souls, and we have not yet faced a powerful wizard. Demonic abilities. "

The dog demon followed the temptation well, and despite his terrifying appearance, he thought he was a strategist waving a feather fan just by the sound.

After a slight pause, seeing that Gavin had no intention of refuting, he continued: "Excluding these two, we can only choose between the King of Giant Bones and the King of Skeleton Dragons.

These two are similar to us. Not only are they similar in difficulty, they also hold important resources that the lord urgently needs, high-quality skeletons.

Whether it's a giant's or a dragon's skeleton, it can be used to strengthen the death hunter and corpse hound, or it can be used to make a strong and durable skeleton cannon. This is our most powerful weapon at present. If it can be produced in large quantities .

When we have to face the Lich and the Flame Queen in the future, we also have certain trump cards. At worst, we can use cannons to blast them. Although physical attacks are greatly reduced against spiritual bodies, they are still very lethal when used in large quantities. . "

"If it were you, which one would you choose between these two?" Gavin's question was a disguised endorsement of the dog demon's analysis.

"King of giant bones!" The dog demon replied without thinking, "Even if the giant dragon turns into a skeleton undead, it is still possible to fly. This is also our shortcoming.

Relatively speaking, the advantage of this King of Giant Bones to us is not too obvious. After all, the Super Skeleton Minotaur is also of a large size. Compared with those lower-ranked giant skeletons, the disadvantage is not obvious.

And I very much doubt whether the specialty giant soldiers there are actually made of real giant skeletons?

Or are they pseudo-giant skeletons like trolls and ogres?

If it's the latter, they can't compare to the Super Skeleton Minotaur!

After all, in their skeletal state, they no longer have the powerful special abilities they had during their lifetime.

It doesn't matter even if they are real giant skeletons. As long as the strategy and tactics are played well, with the Lord's ability, he can seize a corresponding soul pool before they can react, level the gap between the two sides, no, even create a specialized soul pool. Our own special arms, let them become our advantage! "

"Okay, let's start with this giant bone king." Gavin laughed and knocked on the board.

"Lord, you are wise." The dog demon praised sincerely. Although Gavin never said anything, he knew that the other party had already made a plan in his mind before the meeting, and now he was just confirming his thoughts. That's all, the two of them coincided with each other.

"Before that, help me do a test first!"

"Please give me your orders, Lord Lord."

"Transform into hobgoblin state."

"As commanded."

Although he didn't know what Gavin wanted to do, the dog demon did as he was told. His bones cracked and he transformed into a naked, majestic goblin in the blink of an eye. He had no sense of shame and didn't care about being seen. Light.

Transforming into a goblin-like creature or a wolf-like creature is the innate ability of the dog demon.

In the material plane, he spends most of his time transforming into a giant wolf. After all, being a devil is very frowned upon.

Only in the abyss do we have no such scruples.

A devil appearing in the Abyss, or a demon descending into the Nine Hells, is nothing to be alarmed about.

Only those demon lords or devil princes who are deeply bound to the laws of the plane will cause a sensation and attention when they appear in the opposite territory.

"Transform back!" Gavin ordered again.

The dog demon didn't know why, but he did as he was told, but he could clearly feel that a powerful and familiar spiritual power had enveloped him, not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

That is Gavin's psychic ability.

When the dog demon started to transform, those spiritual powers were even more pervasive, seeming to be describing every change in his body.

A strange scene happened.

Gavin's body shape also changed with his, almost in the same pace.

If it weren't for his appearance, the dog demon would have the illusion of looking in the mirror.

By the time the dog demon returned to its original shape, Gavin had also transformed into a dog demon. He was three points stronger than the real dog demon, with a more elegant body and smoother fur.

"Is this the Lord's super-transformation?" The dog demon asked tentatively, "No, the Lord did not have this ability originally. Is this a higher level of super-transformation?"

"Yes." Gavin admitted openly, "This is a ninth-level psychic power advanced super-transformation, which can transform 100%. Not only can it transform the appearance, but it can also obtain all the special abilities and supernatural abilities of the form.

The disadvantage is that I not only need to have seen this kind of creature, but also need to have seen their abilities performed, otherwise it cannot be done 100%.

Like now, simulating your transformation process is the easiest."

In the past month, not only has the killing territory been expanding wildly, but Gavin's professional level has also entered the fastest growth in history. He directly jumped two levels and reached the total professional level of 21, officially entering the ranks of quasi-legends, and can cast nine-ring spells and ninth-level mental spells at the same time.

Because he knows the dangers of the abyss, Gavin no longer plays with long-term interests this time. He directly converts all the experience of the fate milestone into professional level experience and takes off directly on the spot.

You have to know that he controls the fragments of the Godhead of Killing. Even those Killing Undeads infused with the Godhead of Killing will gain extra experience points, not to mention him.

He has already obtained a full 24,000 Godhead of Killing, and the extra professional experience points are no less.

This is the fundamental reason why people in the world are still flocking to evil forces even though they know the harmfulness of evil forces.

This kind of rapid growth is addictive. If Gavin is not in the Abyss, but in the material plane, he will be regarded as an invader, butcher, and executioner for starting such a large-scale war for no reason, and will be spurned and resisted by countless people.

Even though Gavin has suppressed the fragments of the Godhead of Killing in his left arm and transferred all the Godhead of Killing out of his body and invested it in the Territory of Killing.

But he always feels that the other party is subtly influencing him, making him more and more warlike and more and more accustomed to the means of killing.

The dog demon on the other side was eager to try: "Lord, do you want to have a fight?"

"This is exactly what I want." Gavin certainly wanted to try this new ability to see how it differs from super-transformation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This is the sound of the flesh of two dog demons colliding.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

This is the sound of them manipulating bones.

The dog demon felt that his battle was like looking in the mirror. The other party had all the abilities he had.


This was a battle he could never win.

Because the other party had all the abilities he had.

What the other party had, he didn't have.

Strength, greater than his own.

Speed, faster than his own.

He was able to fight back and forth with the other party for several rounds because the other party was adapting to a new body and a new combat mode.

If he got started, he would activate a series of enhanced abilities and a legendary body.

The battle would end as soon as it started.

The other party could slap him away with a slap, and then press him to the ground and tear him into pieces.

After thinking it through, the dog demon immediately understood his position and began to honestly display the dog demon's unique fighting skills in front of Gavin, as well as how to use his innate talents.

This is the only thing he can show in front of the other party.

But it is only temporary. He will master it completely in less than two times in front of the other party, and even surpass the master.

Again, the other party has something that he doesn't have - mental magic.

The other party surprisingly integrated low-level spells such as flash and any door perfectly, and his elusiveness far exceeded his.

While testing, Gavin commented: "Although your speed is good, your ability in teleportation is still a little lacking. When you have the chance, destroy and purify a few Balor Flame Demons or Six-Armed Snake Demons to see if you can use their demon essence to enhance the short-distance teleportation ability."

It seems that he is not talking about the top demons in the Abyss, but the most inconspicuous skeleton soldiers on the roadside, who can be killed and dominated at will.

The dog demon was overjoyed and believed it, because the other party did have this ability. He hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, Lord. I will do my best to assist you and will never let you down."

The short-distance teleportation that high-level demons can use at will is exactly what he dreams of. With it, his strength will reach a new level.

"Start the preparations for the war. Clear out and drain all the ownerless forces around and make them part of our strength." Gavin took the initiative to cancel the dog demon transformation and issued a new war order.

Since they are now in the dark and have the initiative in the war, they naturally want to maximize this advantage and make everything here the most beneficial to themselves.

The abyss will counterattack of the Bone Plains is not directly transmitted to the entire level.

It is centered on Gavin's killing territory and extends in all directions.

This is not so much a conscious manipulation as it is a twitch and automatic counterattack of a giant after being stimulated.

This is not a question of whether the Bone Plain takes it seriously or not, but that it is not under control at all.

Let me give you a very simple example. If a person is infected with a virus, it is difficult for him to realize it.

Even if he realizes it, he cannot control it. He can only respond automatically with the body's immune mechanism and use the various defense cells in his body to fight a special war with these viruses.

For the Bone Plain, Gavin is the virus, and the undead soldiers living here are its various defense cells.

It is still in the early stages of the virus invasion, and the Bone Plain has not yet made an effective response to transmit the counterattack signal to all defense forces to launch a comprehensive counterattack. (End of this chapter)

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