I am a god in another world

Chapter 26 The Law of the Jungle

Vic's image of eating perfectly illustrates what it means to eat voraciously.

Even the chicken bones were chewed by him with a crackling sound. He tilted his neck and swallowed them directly. He rolled his eyes when he was choked, but he didn't care.

Gavin had only eaten half of the half chicken in his hand, and Vic ate ​​all the food in his arms. His red eyes swirled around the half chicken in his hand, and finally stopped at the chicken bones that Gavin threw not far away. He pounced on them without hesitation and was about to put them into his mouth.

"Wait." Gavin's voice of stopping was far slower than Vic's eating speed. He swallowed the chicken bones into his stomach with a few clicks.

At this time, Vic turned his head and looked at Gavin.

Gavin clearly saw a hint of pride on Vic's ugly face, as if to say, you called too late, I have already eaten, this is mine.

Gavin sighed and said, "There's enough food here. If you're not full, just let me know."

While speaking, Gavin tore off a rabbit leg, which was bigger than the half chicken before, but not smaller. This time he didn't hand it directly to Vic, but looked at him.

Vic looked at the rabbit leg, then at Gavin, and then at the rabbit leg again. He was a little confused at first, and seemed to remember something. He whispered tentatively, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." This time, Gavin preached with actual actions and handed over the rabbit leg.

After receiving the rabbit leg, Vic didn't know if there was anything in his stomach. He wasn't that hungry anymore, but he still couldn't believe that food was so easy to get. Vic looked at the food in his hand, looked up at Gavin, looked at the food in his hand again, and then tentatively said, "Thank you."

Gavin said unhappily, "Don't be too smart. I'm not full yet. I can't give it all to you. Wait until you finish eating."

Seeing that he didn't get more food, Vic immediately started to eat it in a hurry. He quickly stuffed the big rabbit leg into his stomach. He didn't know if he was full or the rabbit leg bone was too thick and not easy to chew. He didn't chew it all together this time.

After licking the last bit of meat on the rabbit leg, Vic looked at Gavin with the eyes of a puppy begging for food and said, "Thank you."

This time Gavin didn't say anything. He just twisted off the rabbit head with little meat and threw it over.

No matter how big Vic's appetite is, it is still limited by his body size. His weight is probably not as big as two rabbits. With so much food stuffed in, he has long been bloated and has lost his initial energy. Instead, he chews slowly and stuffs it into his stomach bit by bit.

He is asking for food now simply because he is tired of being hungry from the previous intermittent meals and greed is at work.

Sure enough, even if it is a rabbit head without much rabbit meat, Vic will only eat a bite after a while. When he finishes eating the rabbit head, Gavin is basically full. There is almost half a hare left, and half a roast potato and a sweet potato. As a lunch, it is barely enough. Fortunately, he prepared a lot, otherwise, he would have to start a new fire at noon.

After packing all the food, Gavin handed it to Vic and said, "You keep the food."

Only when the stomach is full can there be civilized guests. Gavin believes that as long as Vic understands that there will be enough food in the future and he will not be hungry, his bad habits in this regard will gradually change.

Vic seems to be a little bit unbelievable holding the food in his hand.

"Don't stand there, we still have a long way to go, pack up and get on the road." Gavin urged, he was afraid that if he wasted too much time, he would have another chance encounter with the soldiers and civilians of Notburg, which would be embarrassing.

The road Gavin was taking now was also the only way for Zalanda and his men.

There was only one road to Dalaoma, and Dalaoma was the largest city within hundreds of kilometers.

Gavin wanted to go to the North, and only here could he find enough and large caravans.

Even if he had become a legendary warrior in his previous life, Gavin had always avoided traveling alone, because in the wilderness, no one knew what he would encounter in the next moment. If he encountered those monsters that freely entered and exited the ether, or the shadows and the astral world, the legendary warriors would also be defeated.

Following the armed caravan on the main road was the best choice for most travelers in Faerun.

Before arriving at Dalaoma, Gavin would always keep a distance of 20 to 30 kilometers from the soldiers and civilians of Notburg and move forward in parallel.

If he really encounters a fatal danger that cannot be solved, Gavin will retreat immediately without saying a word and seek shelter from Zaranda. Even if he dies, he will die in front of Zaranda or let her know the news, because in this world, the only one who may spend a lot of money to revive him is Zaranda.

Fortunately, so far, there have been only minor troubles, especially today, and even minor troubles have not been seen much. Whether it is a group of goblins or roadblocks, I have not encountered any after walking for a long time. Instead, I have encountered several carriages, all of which are heading towards Dalauma. They don’t look like merchants, but like the soldiers and civilians of Notburg, fleeing.

The eyes of these carriages looking at Gavin are full of vigilance, and they can’t help but tighten their weapons.

This is the normal reaction to encountering strangers in the wild in Faerun, because no one knows whether the stranger opposite is kind or evil, a passerby, or a bandit.

Gavin brought a goblin with him, which made the situation worse.

This kind of distrust is two-way. Gavin doesn’t know their origins, and he doesn’t want to cause trouble.

The best option is to get away as soon as possible.

This situation also shows one thing, that they have entered the influence of Dalaoma City, and there are often patrols from Dalaoma here.

After confirming this, Gavin no longer stopped and walked like he did yesterday, but instead accelerated his pace.

He arrived one day earlier than Zalanda and the others, so he had more time to find a suitable caravan. Things might not be so coincidental that he could find a suitable caravan.

Before Zalanda arrived at Dalaoma, if there was no suitable caravan, Gavin would have to take the risk and take Vic on the road alone to try his luck in the next city.

At noon, Gavin and Vic met the first patrol cavalry from Dalaoma.

This patrol cavalry obviously had a mission. They just glanced at Gavin and Vic and galloped away.

Gavin more or less guessed what this patrol cavalry was going to do.

Not far behind him, there was a large team following - a team that was getting bigger and bigger.

Not only the Notburg family was harmed by the goblins in the mountains. Although the disaster in the eastern region was relatively light due to the Mir Forest, the people were panicked just by those who fled over.

Many people wanted to flee to big cities like Dalaoma for refuge, but they were still hesitating.

Some of them did not have the decisiveness of Zalanda to abandon their families and careers.

Some of them were not strong enough and did not dare to go on the road alone.

When Zalanda led a large army passing by, he directly helped those who were hesitant to make up their minds, especially those who thought they did not have the strength of Notburg. Most of them would join the retreat. Even if the local lord did not leave, some of the people would follow. At least the village of Kami, which was previously rescued by Zalanda, joined the retreat.

Now the team led by Zalanda has 3,000 people, including people and vehicles, and the momentum is even greater. The team has dragged out a full kilometer.

Let alone Zalanda, who did not communicate well with the city of Dalaoma in advance. Even if he did communicate well, the ruler of Dalaoma would have to worry about such a large team rushing over.

This is also the chain reaction caused by Gavin, the little butterfly, flapping his wings.

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