I am a god in another world

Chapter 34 Strike while the iron is hot

Strike while the iron is hot.

Gavin did not give Anna any chance to regret. As soon as the sun rose, he set out and rushed to the city of Berdusk without stopping.

Here, Gavin fulfilled his promise and helped Anna find a suitable caravan. He sent a letter to her parents and teacher, and then found a suitable caravan here and joined as a fellow traveler.

After arriving at Asblewen, this caravan will go north along the distant mountains, pass through the Sunset Mountains from Horusvar, along the Goblin Border, through the Thun Swamp, the Far Sea Swamp and the Rocky Land, and arrive at Gavin's destination, Tifton, to put an end to this journey of more than 3,000 kilometers.

This is the closest of the three trade routes to Tifton, but it is the most difficult and dangerous trade route. Once you pass through the Sunset Mountains and arrive at the Goblin Border, the trade routes along the way are no longer dominated by humans, but various monster communities.

Gavin chose this road because he was most familiar with it, having walked it at least three times, one of which was as a slave.

In his previous life, he was sold to the Zhentarim through this trade route, and this trade route is also the focus of the Zhentarim's future development.

When he walked this trade route in his previous life, the time point was basically close to now.

Therefore, the most dangerous trade route in the eyes of others is the safest in Gavin's eyes. At least, he knows where the mines are and where there are profits to be made.

The most important thing is that his short-term goal will be placed on the rocky land of the last journey. By taking the opportunity to walk it again, he can dig deep into his memory while making a new round of plans.

The caravan went very smoothly on the road before Heruvas, and humans still dominated here.

When arriving at the west entrance of the Sunset Mountains, the caravan itself was almost in harmony.

In Gavin's opinion, this caravan was still on the same level as a whole. All the independent merchants were veterans who had been doing business for many years. Many of them had traveled three or four times on this trade route and were very experienced. Most of the hired guards were also familiar acquaintances. On the contrary, Gavin and his two companions were completely new faces.

Fortunately, in this caravan, Gavin met an acquaintance whom he had met on the way north. This merchant had many acquaintances here, and these acquaintances naturally became Gavin's acquaintances very quickly.

In Heruvas, they ran into another caravan. Although they did not merge, they were one in front and one behind, and the distance was no more than 20 kilometers, so they could take care of each other.

Usually, all merchants are in a competitive relationship, but when faced with external threats, they can often unite and fight danger together.

When crossing the Sunset Mountains, there was no danger.

This kind of surprise was not caused by the monster group, but by the landslide caused by the heavy rain. Except for smashing a few carriages and the goods on them, there was no loss of life.

Since they joined as fellow travelers, Gavin and his companions were relatively free to move around in the caravan. Even if they left the team for a while and then returned, there would be no problem.

The premise is that they can still catch up with the caravan. After all, the itinerary of the caravan is not fixed. They stop and go, and sometimes they are forced to take a detour. Everything is decided temporarily according to the weather and road conditions.

This situation is the most challenging for the business experience of the caravan leader and those merchants. A wise decision will avoid a devastating disaster.

In this regard, Gavin thinks he is not as good as those merchants.

Therefore, he rarely intervenes and makes random suggestions, and tries to reduce the number of times he leaves the team as much as possible. Even if he leaves the team, it will not exceed three hours each time. Even if the caravan has left, the traces will be very fresh and easy to track.

Gavin still went with the idea of ​​making friends. He tried his best to help those who could provide help. It didn't matter whether it was for money or not. The most important thing was to make more friends.

He didn't sell the wild animals and wild vegetables he hunted and dug even if there were any extra, but instead invited a bunch of people to eat and drink on the spot.

They are not really friends, but there are a lot of friends who only care about food and drink. As long as it is not too much, the whole caravan is willing to open the door for Gavin and his friends.

During this journey, Gavin spent most of his time on self-cultivation. This time he was no longer alone, and Vic and Anna accompanied him.

After being influenced by the journey, Vic, who was originally like a puppet, finally found his life goal, which is to become stronger. He can't say that he dominates his fate, but at least he doesn't want to fall into the original slave life of starvation.

Driven by this life goal, he absorbs all the knowledge around him like a sponge, including physical training and close combat skills that are not important to warlocks in the eyes of many people.

He is willing to learn, so Gavin is naturally generous in teaching. He specially picked out some flexible fighting skills that meet his physical conditions and taught them to him.

If possible, Gavin still wants to get two dwarf muskets or hand cannons for self-defense.

As for the one in Gavin's hand, it's not that he was reluctant to give it to him, but the recoil was too powerful, and he had a hard time using it. With Vic's small physique, he would probably break a bone every time he fired a shot.

Unfortunately, the caravans he met along the way basically had no connection with the dwarves of Lantan Island, and none of them sold goods there. He could only entrust them to keep an eye out in the future. If he could get such goods, as long as the price was right, he could ship them to Tifton and he would buy a lot of them.

This is purely the idea of ​​casting a wide net and fishing diligently. No matter if there are fish or not, cast a net first. It would be best if you can catch fish, but it would not be a big loss if you can't.

Anyway, Gavin doesn't have much hope for this. The dwarves of Lantan Island are notoriously isolated from the world. He has never seen many firearms from there in his previous life, not to mention that Tifanton is thousands of miles away from Lantan Island, and the possibility of goods being shipped is even smaller.

Rather than pinning hopes on trade, it would be faster to wait until you settle down and find a suitable craftsman to develop and imitate the one in your hand.

As for another companion, Anna is even more so.

She is like a bird out of a cage now, not to mention how happy she is, and her energy is extremely abundant.

In addition to following Gavin for high-intensity training, she still has the energy to run around, look at this, touch that, and is full of curiosity about everything, with a studious spirit of breaking the casserole to get to the bottom of things.

In addition, she is naturally simple, kind, helpful, and has a pleasing face, making her more popular in the caravan than Gavin.

Gavin made friends with those merchants with some utilitarian thoughts. He has decided to take root in the rock land, and these merchants are old people on this trade route. There will be more and more opportunities to deal with them in the future.

Anna has no other thoughts, but simply likes to help others.

Although her healing spells have strange side effects, her ordinary medical methods are absolutely impeccable. Minor illnesses and disasters can be cured with medicine.

She did not brag about herself. She is really good at mixing healing potions. With the various medicinal materials collected in the wild along the way, she can easily mix a lot of potions for treating minor injuries and minor injuries.

The treatment effect is quite good, with only a small flaw - after drinking the healing potion she mixed, the whole body is not warm and comfortable, but itchy and numb, as if countless insects are gnawing at the bones and flesh in the body.

It can last for a few seconds at the mildest and more than ten seconds at the worst. Only those who have used it know the feeling of being on the verge of death.

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