I am a god in another world

Chapter 604 Help from the God of Roads

"What about dividing the water? Let the spellcasters unite and divide the water of the entire Bianhuang River to form a channel across the river bed."

"No, this method is more dangerous. By then, most of the water downstream will have flowed away, but the water upstream will accumulate more and more. Even if the magic used can resist it, how can you ensure that the enemy will not Use counter magic? Once it is broken, the flood will immediately sweep away the troops crossing the river, not to mention that the river bed must be muddy and there is no way to pass quickly. "

"Any magic effect that can be restrained or dispelled has safety risks, and they are not within the scope of our consideration this time."

"Where do miracles come from without the use of magic?"

"Can you use the prayer technique to pray directly on this river for a real bridge across the river?"

"Even if it is a prayer spell, it is not omnipotent. It will determine whether the spell is successful based on the size of the project. If the Bianhuang River is just a small ditch more than ten meters wide, then there is 100% no problem, but as a A bridge spanning more than half a kilometer across the river is probably far beyond the ability of the prayer technique. Even if it succeeds in the end, it may not be what we expected. A single-plank bridge is still a bridge. "

"Indeed, creation is always more difficult than destruction. A wish spell can easily destroy the fog barrier of a city, but there is no way to build a bridge across the river."

"Even if it is cast, it is not safe. This means that the enemy's wish spell can be countered. The fortress chairman Manmeng of the Dark Castle was already a quasi-legendary mage many years ago. It is not known that he has it now. What strength?"

"Going round and round, the problem is back to the original point. Any method that can be restrained by magic will not work. But the problem is, not only magic will not work, but ordinary methods will not work either. The opponent only needs to concentrate firepower and bombard them with magic. It will destroy the bridges we have worked so hard to build.”

"Isn't there a way to take a detour? Just cut across the river and cut directly into the rocky ground without fighting them."

"There is no way. The Distant Sea Swamp and the Stormhorn Mountains are merged together. Some of the remaining veins even go deep into the swamp. They are indistinguishable from each other. We must either cross the swamp or open a mountain road in the Stormhorn Mountains, no matter where it is. Everything is an impossible task. "

"That's right, our method of rapid road construction is only suitable for plain wilderness. Whether it is swamps or mountains, our method is not suitable. The previous wasteland trails are proof. Our vanguard army only built a small area on the original basis. We tried our best to widen the area that was inaccessible to some floor-type chariots. We were almost overwhelmed. We wanted to get through the nearly 100 kilometers of mountains. It is estimated that it will take us several years. No matter how abundant our supplies are, it will not be possible. It took so long.”

"How about defeating them in advance? Lead them to this side of the river. As long as their main force is destroyed, we can cross the river calmly."

"This is even more whimsical. Which of the forces we face this time has low IQ? Those believers of the God of Conspiracy? Or those legendary hags? The only one who is not famous for treachery is the Lizard Queen, even if she defeated one of them One, and where are the other two?”

"If I had known better, we would not have crossed the Border River and gone straight north along the Sunset Mountains. We would have made our own way to the high road, so we wouldn't have had such a headache."

"If we do that, we will have a headache, but it is not just a deserted river, but the entire road section. The size of Thun Marsh is not static, but shrinks with the rain, and it will also be affected. The rainy season of Cormanso has affected it, and now it is the largest area. Many places have been submerged. These places look like a piece of grass from a distance, but when you walk over, you will find that it is a mire. In addition, monsters frequently attack, and there are also Before we get even halfway through, we will have to significantly reduce our numbers, instead of losing only one person as we do now.”

"I know. I participated in the original military meeting. I just complained casually. You don't need to take it seriously."

"I'm not being serious with you. I'm worried about the situation between Thun Swamp and Distant Sea Swamp. Is this the same situation?"

"This is too much to worry about. The reason why this area is not submerged by the swamp and becomes part of them is because it belongs to the remnants of the Stormhorn Mountains that are hidden underground. The terrain is relatively high, and the other side is covered by the Gray Observer Mountains. Supported by the remaining veins, the Bianhuang River is forcibly surrounded, so it is relatively fast and the terrain is low, making it difficult to cross. "

"This puts me at ease, but there is still nothing we can do about crossing the river."

The high-ranking officials of the Conqueror's Army were quite imaginative, building bridges over ice, dividing water to cross rivers, etc. It was not only the great power of countless people united together, but also the full use of magic.

If, like before, they are just fighting against the sky and the natural environment, no matter which method is used, it is feasible, it just costs a little more time and energy.

But when surrounded by enemies, there was nothing we could do.

Strategy is only an auxiliary means, not omnipotent. At least it cannot create a bridge out of thin air for the conqueror's army.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, a staff officer came in to deliver a message to break the deadlock, "Lord, there are dozens of knights outside asking for an audience. They call themselves the Knights of the Shadow Sword and are followers of the Wind Slave."

Slave Wind is another name for Shanda Kor, the god of travel and exploration. He is also known as the God of Roads in Faerun. Since the God of Wealth Volkin disappeared and no longer responded to the prayers of his believers, many believers and merchants of the Goddess of Wealth have turned to him and prayed to him for shelter and assistance on the road.

When Gavin heard this name, he jumped up from his seat and laughed: "We only consider things from a mundane perspective. How can we forget the gods? Let's go, let's go, let's go and see what kind of assistance and surprises these believers of the helping hand have brought us? Ms. Catherine, let's go together. The road priesthood of Slave Wind is complementary to that of Ms. Strategy. Only with unobstructed roads can we more conveniently mobilize troops on a large scale. This is an excellent opportunity to expand your relationship with His Highness."

"Okay." Catherine responded readily.

The Helping Hand is another nickname of Shanda Kol, because his followers rarely stay in one place, but during the journey on the road, they will provide selfless help to the merchants on the trade route, allowing them to go further and more smoothly. Over time, he naturally won this reputation.

In fact, when he was in the Giant Plains, Gavin had already felt the attention of the God of Road to them. Although they did not migrate in the name of the God of Travel and Exploration, their migration and the opening of a new trade route of thousands of kilometers alone were the best honor for this god.

If Shanda Kol did not pay attention to this, it would be a dereliction of duty. He would have fallen long ago, and would not have been sitting firmly on the throne of this god.

He is also an evergreen among the gods of Faerun, one of the oldest gods. He has never changed as the god of travel and exploration, which is related to his taciturn and lonely personality. He is not only well-known among mortals, but also maintains a good relationship with many gods. After all, there are few conflicts of interest. The goddess of the night, Shar, and the goddess of doom, Benshaba, are the only two gods he has an enemy with.

The former is because of the conflict of priesthood. The slave does not like to hide secrets, but prefers to make them public. He will take the initiative to guide the public to explore those unknown secrets. This is his priesthood duty.

The priesthood of the goddess of the night is to keep secrets, but Shar did not mean to slap Shanda Kor to death, because whenever a secret is kept, there will inevitably be explorers and exposers. This is inevitable. In the end, it depends on whose means are more clever.

It was impossible for Shar to have this relative priesthood in her hands at the same time, so instead of killing Shanda Kol and letting the exploration priesthood fall into the hands of a more powerful god, it was better to keep it with him, as long as she was stronger than him and could suppress him.

The latter was because Ben Shaba once used the name of the God of Road to stir up discord among various tribes in an area called the Wild Bull Desert. To this day, people there still curse the Slave Wind and call him a "dangerous lurker in the sand", and the two sides fought fiercely because of this. Although Shanda Kol tried his best to protect those merchants from bad luck, Ben Shaba still often succeeded and caused those merchants to fall into various misfortunes - natural disasters, man-made disasters, car accidents, monster attacks, etc., all of which were caused by the God of Doom.

Shanda Kor once possessed medium divine power, but after the fall of Mythronor, the City of Songs, he began to decline and fell to weak divine power. It was not until last year that Vol'jin, the god of merchants, had problems and a large number of believers turned to him, and he began to develop again. He has always lacked a key medium point to show his divine power to the world again and announce his return - people do and gods respond, which is one of the core operating laws of the multiverse.

If people do not do it, gods cannot act rashly, otherwise it will have a counter-effect and may cause their own divine power to fall.

Of course, this situation is limited to the material plane. If it is in the upper plane, especially in the kingdom of God, the gods will not have so many restrictions, but it is meaningless. In their own kingdom of God, everything requires the consumption of faith and divine power, and the material plane is their main source of faith.

These laws have only one purpose, to prevent the gods from acting recklessly and pushing the entire material plane to destruction, leading to the collapse of the multiverse.

In other words, the material plane is the core underlying structure of the multiverse. Without it, what remains is a castle in the air and will not exist for long.

"I am Gavin*Nott, the commander of this army. Welcome to the followers of His Highness the Slave Wind. Your arrival is our greatest honor." Gavin expressed his respect to him as soon as they met.

This Shadow Sword Knights is actually composed of halflings whose height is less than Gavin's waist. They are all dressed as adventurers, and most of their figures are wrapped in dark cloaks.

This is not surprising. The entire race of halflings has varying degrees of wanderlust, just like the Anbaochuan Village. Their entire village uses boats as their home. The roads are not limited to land, and waterways are also considered one. Many halflings are attracted by the teachings of Shanda Kor and become his believers and priests. It is natural.

"Kim, leader of the Shadow Sword Knights, greets the general. Following the oracle of our god, we have come to lend a helping hand to the general to help you overcome the difficulties." The leading halfling priest Kim was a rare straightforward person, and directly reported the main purpose of this trip.

"Talk inside, talk inside." Gavin naturally had to be careful of eavesdroppers, as the next thing might involve their military secrets.

"By the way, we met a unique friend on the way here. He claimed to be the general's friend and brought him information about the Far Sea Swamp. Please judge for yourself." Kim pointed to a place not far away.

A tall figure emerged from nowhere, but this person was covered with spotted long hair, with a stout and slightly hunched body, yellow eyes, round nose, protruding face, and a mouth full of sharp fangs. He was a gnoll.

The most unique thing was that this gnoll's eyes did not have the greed and cruelty of ordinary gnolls, but only endless peace and tranquility, just like a high monk.

"Flynn." Gavin called out the other party's identity, and his face showed a heartfelt joy, and he said repeatedly, "He is indeed my friend, come in together, come in together."

Flynn's gnoll monks are counted throughout the whole of Faerun, and I'm afraid he is the only one.

It was the unique Flynd Gnoll who took the initiative to cooperate with them on the Gnoll Warband Black Death.

The last time he contacted me, he once revealed that he was staring at the Yeenoghu Fang in the Far Sea Swamp, saying that the Gnolls had revived in the Far Sea Swamp and asked me for help.

I once sent the Ede Reconnaissance Team to find him and try to establish contact with him, but his means of hiding were too clever. Not only the enemy could not find him, but even the friendly forces could not find where he was.

After entering the Goblin Border and clashing with the Far Sea Swamp forces this time, Gavin also thought about looking for him to see if he could get information about the Far Sea Swamp from him.

Among the three major forces faced by the Conqueror Army, the two major forces of the Lizard Queen's Court and the Dark Castle in the Thun Swamp, they basically have a concept, including the types and numbers of their troops, and have a general guess.

Only the forces of the Far Sea Swamp are still in a state of fog.

This place is even more isolated than the Thun Swamp. In addition to the swamp, it is also shrouded in hundreds of meters of fog all year round. If you go deep into it, you can't see anything ten meters away at all, and it is seriously misleading. Outsiders can easily get lost in the fog. Coupled with the many dangers in the swamp, this place is naturally more deadly.

This fog was produced last year. Before that, there was not much difference between the Far Sea Swamp and the Thun Swamp. This change is probably related to the descent of the gods.

The Conqueror Army's current intelligence on the Far Sea Swamp is limited to the fact that a legendary ghost gathering controls the power here. The rest, such as whether they will send troops, the composition of the troops, how many troops there are, etc., are all unknown.

Flynn, who has been watching here for half a year, is also considered a local snake. He must have a lot of information. I didn't expect that the idle pieces he threw out at the beginning would actually be in the Conqueror Army.

After everyone sat down, Gavin couldn't wait to ask the believers of the God of Road: "I wonder what kind of help Lord Kim has brought us?"

Compared to the information about the Far Sea Swamp, the information from the God of Travel and Exploration is more important, because it is probably related to the difficulties they are facing.

"His Highness Slave Wind is willing to build a bridge across the river for the general to help the entire army cross the river." Captain Kim answered directly.

"A helping hand is worthy of being a helping hand. It always extends a helping hand when people need it most. With the help of His Highness Slave Wind, our difficulties will be solved."

"That's great. We didn't even think of asking His Highness Slave Wind for help before. It's really wrong."

"After passing this level, we must build a huge temple for His Highness Slave Wind to tell the world that he is willing to help others and that he deserves people's belief."

The senior leaders of the entire Conqueror Army became extremely excited. They had been worried about this matter before.

As for the time of building the bridge, no one asked. Just kidding, this was done by a god himself. Even if he only had a little power left, he was a true god, and the bridge would definitely be built in an instant.

"What does your highness need us to do?" Catherine was one of the few people who did not show excitement. As a voter of Lady Strategy, she knew more about the gods.

Even for the gods, it was not a small project to create such a cross-river bridge out of thin air, especially to allow the entire conqueror army to pass quickly. It required a huge amount of divine power, and even had to use divinity.

This was not the crux of the problem. The key was that Shanda Kol was violating the rules by doing this. As mentioned before, people do what gods do, and this restriction has become more serious since the turbulent years.

They did nothing, and the God of Travel and Exploration airdropped a cross-river bridge for them. This was definitely a big pit. Either Shanda Kol was pitting himself, or he was preparing to pit the conqueror army.

Kim nodded kindly at Catherine and smiled, "His Highness also said that he was only responsible for responding. Whether this cross-river bridge can be raised and to what extent it can be raised depends on you."

The words of the halfling priest were somewhat mysterious, and many people did not fully understand them.

It was Catherine, the first voter of the strategy lady, who was the first to react. With sparkling eyes, she asked, "You mean, let our entire conqueror army start the prayer ceremony of His Highness the Slave Wind on the edge of the river, and use the power of faith we contribute to build a cross-river bridge? Build a bridge of faith?"

If that's the case, it makes perfect sense.

This is a typical case of people doing what the gods want. When fighting against the root of the gods outside the city of Dalaoma, Zalanda used this method, mobilizing the entire Dalaoma army and civilians to pray, and summoned the incarnation of the lady of strategy to fight to protect them.

Of course, the gods can respond to this summoning or not, unless the benefits are huge, otherwise it is generally the latter.

If both sides of the war pray to Tempus at the same time, the god of war can't send his incarnation to both sides and let himself fight against himself, right?

Although he can do it, it is meaningless and will cause losses to himself.

Not helping each other, even if this kind of prayer cancels each other out.

Not praying is not enough, who knows if the god of war will send his incarnation to the side that prays.

The gods are not stupid. If they don't work and can still get the most benefits, of course they will choose to watch as much as possible.

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