I am a god in another world

Chapter 607: People do

The Lizard Queen is not only different in size from an ordinary black dragon, but also has a lot of abilities that are different from ordinary dragons. She has the special ability to dominate other creatures to obey her, including jumping into her mouth and becoming her food without resistance.

She is not just satisfying her greedy appetite, but also waiting for her army to gather. As more and more black dragon half-dragon lizardmen, evil-toothed lizardmen, and black-scaled lizardmen gather behind her, the water of the Border River stops flowing strangely, constantly gathering around them, forming a huge wave that is more than ten meters high, entangled around the Lizard Queen. The appearance of the wave is very similar to that of the Lizard Queen, completely violating the laws of physics. The huge wave goes upstream, carrying the Lizard Queen and her lizard army to the upper reaches of the Border River.

This is the third extraordinary special ability displayed by the Lizard Queen, but this special ability obviously does not belong to an individual, but to a group. If she wants to use it, she must rely on the group power of the Lizard Army.

But it must be said that this is an excellent ability to march in the water. It can not only maintain the formation of the entire army, but also save the physical strength of the lizardmen soldiers. With only a small effort, they can follow the entire army upstream.

This kind of manipulation of water flow and the speed of marching upstream is not particularly fast, but it is particularly spectacular. This spectacularity comes not only from the upstream waves, but also from the countless monsters of astonishing size lurking in the waves.

The unknown is the most terrifying. Now outsiders do not know the size of the Lizard Queen and her soldiers, nor the specific number of her troops.

If it were an ordinary army, after receiving the intelligence about the army of monsters in the Thun Swamp, it would probably be scared to death.

But the Conqueror Army did not. They were rushing towards the Border River in a very orderly manner. Unlike the previous journey, this time they were not in a long snake shape, but three cars were staggered side by side. The benefits of doing so were obvious. It directly shortened the length of their caravan by two-thirds, from the original ten kilometers to the current three kilometers. Once they were attacked, they could quickly deploy and form a huge car camp.

Even if the cars were full of heavy stones, the Conqueror Army's marching speed was not slow. It could maintain about eight kilometers per hour. It would set off in the morning and reach the Border River at noon.

But when the Conqueror Army was 20 kilometers away from the original scheduled location of the Border River, it suddenly changed its route and no longer headed northwest, but changed to the southwest, that is, the direction of the Thun Swamp.

When the news came, the Lizard Queen had just led her army across the middle of the Border River, and was exactly about 20 kilometers away from the location where the Conqueror Army was going to build a bridge.

The fat black dragon couldn't help but float his head out of the water and roared loudly: "I hate liars, I hate all liars, these bastards are playing tricks on me again, I will tear you into pieces and swallow all of you into my stomach without leaving a single one."

She didn't need her think tank to analyze it at all, she already knew what was going on.

The location for building the bridge and the road that the other party had previously decided were all acting for her, in order to attract her out of the Thun Swamp and to the middle and upper reaches of the Border River.

Then they turned to the real crossing point in the middle and lower reaches to build the bridge.

The benefits of doing so are obvious. First of all, they will avoid being attacked from both sides by the two major forces of Thun Swamp and the Far Sea Swamp.

The second is that the Lizard Queen and her lizard army will be attacked from both sides, with the Conqueror Army on one side and the ghost force from the Far Sea Swamp on the other.

This fully utilized the discord between the three local forces in the Goblin Border. Even if the Lizard Queen had ten thousand guts, she would not dare to turn her back to those insidious, cunning, and profit-seeking ghosts. In this way, the forces that the Conqueror Army needs to face did not change from three to two, but to one and a half.

"I will not let you get what you want. Let's see whether you run faster on the road or I swim faster in the water." The Lizard Queen roared, staggered into the air, flew from the head of the army to the tail, and shouted, "The front army becomes the rear army, and the rear army becomes the front army. Kill them back."

The huge waves that originally went upstream directly reversed and began to surge in the direction they came from, and the speed was doubled. After all, when they came up, they were upstream and needed to overcome the speed of the river itself. Now they are downstream, and the speed of the river water becomes their own helper.

The Conqueror Army should only be about 20 kilometers away from the Border River, but the Lizard Queen's side is nearly 60 kilometers away because of the winding river channel, which is three times farther.

But the Lizard Queen still has the confidence to get ahead of the Conqueror Army.

First, they have the water flow as a boost.

Second, in order to confuse them, the Conqueror Army did not build the road in the next section. Even if they have an extraordinary road-building speed, they can only build a two-lane road that allows two building-type chariots to run in parallel, instead of the four-lane road that has been specially widened now.

Third, the most core problem is that even if they get to the Border River before them, they can't cross the river without a bridge.

If you want to build a bridge across the river, a bridge over 500 meters long, even with the help of a lot of magic, it can't be done overnight.

Even if it was built, it would not be easy for the Conqueror Army to cross the river with such a large size, and it was not only himself who took action, but also the Dark Castle.

Like himself, they had obviously fallen into the Conqueror Army's trap and moved their main force to the Far Sea Swamp.

It was just for comprehensive consideration that they still had some tribes scattered in other areas, and this part of the troops should be able to cause some obstruction to the Conqueror Army.

It was not just the Lizard Queen who was disrupted by the Conqueror Army's move, but also the ghost women in the Far Sea Swamp were caught off guard.

After all, the crossing point chosen by the Conqueror Army was relatively close to them, and they could reach it in a few steps as long as they rushed out of the swamp.

Now, the marching distance of 20 kilometers has become 70 or 80 kilometers, and they are a combination of navy and army.

The gnoll army can run wildly on land, but those swamp troops can only take the river at the border. But the problem is that the lizard queen's lizard army is still in the middle, and they dare not get too close.

Don't use common sense to measure those chaotic evil people. They ignore the original established targets and attack potential friendly forces instead. This is their common operation. Only they can do it to harm others but not themselves.

What's more, there is a fierce competition between the Thun Swamp and the Far Sea Swamp. If there is a chance to eat the Far Sea Swamp, it is hard to say whether they will abandon the Conqueror Army and turn around to attack them.

The mutual distrust between the three major dark forces is their biggest shortcoming.


"Is this what the war says about making a feint to the east and attacking in the west? I didn't expect that a simple feint would make them so confused and completely disrupt their military deployment. It's easy to get into trouble when they are in a hurry, and they may make mistakes in every step next." Yalusel sighed sincerely.

They are not in the High Horn Castle now, but in a 3,000-man Purple Dragon Legion, advancing along the new road just opened up by the Conqueror Army. The distance is exactly 30 kilometers.

This distance is just right, and it will not touch the bottom line of the Conqueror Army. However, if there is a major change in the Conqueror Army, they can arrive in time, take remedial measures, or get a share of it.

The Kingdom of Cormier, a country that is known as a kind force, will not easily attack the Conqueror Army, but it does not mean that they will not take advantage of it. Especially when the Conqueror Army is defeated by the monster force, they will intervene to rescue and gain both fame and fortune.

"They have really reached the pinnacle in the use of strategy and tactics, but the river in the wilderness cannot be solved by strategy and tactics. Do they really want to build a bridge there? Even if there is magic involved, it is impossible to do it so quickly." The Crown Princess grasped the key to the problem tightly, and her beautiful eyebrows were almost twisted into a knot. Until now, they have not found a more suitable way to cross the river, nor have they been able to analyze what means the conqueror army is going to take. They only know that they prayed to the God of Roads, drew blueprints for a cross-river bridge, and mined stones in the Storm Cape Mountains overnight.

All signs indicate that they are preparing to build an artificial bridge.

But their construction speed is definitely not as fast as the enemy's destruction speed.

Could it be that the artificial bridge is also the same as the previous road construction, a trick of making a feint to the east and attacking the west, and in fact, they have prepared other ways to cross the river at other locations?

"Yes, unless they have the help of God to create a miracle, how can they build a bridge across the river so quickly?" Yalusel couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Perhaps because of her simple mind, or perhaps because she had been in the Conqueror Army, she had a certain sense of identity with the Conqueror Army and was more worried about their fate.

"Miracle?! Pray for a helping hand?!"

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Yalusel's words exploded in the Crown Princess' heart like a flash of lightning, making her feel that she had touched the truth of the matter, "You two follow me."

The Crown Princess summoned the griffin mount that was hovering above their heads, turned over and jumped on it, and called Yalusel and Kaladenai at the same time.

As for the Purple Dragon Legion, there is naturally a special deputy commander.

This situation is not unique to the Purple Dragon Legion. In fact, most legions are like this. The real commander of the battle is not the army commander but the deputy commander.

This is because the commanders of the armies are often the highest combat power of the army. Once these high-end combat power are allowed to go wild, they may cause large-scale casualties to the army. They can only send their own high-end combat power to entangle or try to defeat them.

The victory or defeat of many wars is not determined by these armies, but by the victory or defeat of these high-end combat power.

If the high-end combat power is defeated, even if the army below wins, the war will often end in failure, and vice versa.

As the commander of the Conqueror Army, Gavin is mainly responsible for formulating military strategies. He does not command battles directly. Most of the time, he is looking for core targets to start with and execute decapitation tactics.

"What's wrong?" Yalusel asked curiously while instigating the Royal Griffin to follow the Crown Princess, "Did the Queen think of how they plan to cross the river?"

"I thought of it a little, but I'm not sure. Let's verify it. Maybe we can really witness the birth of a miracle." The Crown Princess was vague. The longer this idea rolled in her mind, the more she felt that she was right.

The Conqueror Army has come all the way here and has stirred up too many things. The huge benefits not only make people excited, but even the gods are excited.

During the migration, praying to the God of Road is a normal thing, but when this prayer is not one or two people, but nearly 50,000 people pray together with the same wish, it is a bit extraordinary.

This wish, this thought, will become stronger with the desperate situation they are in.

The Conqueror Army is now a desperate people fighting a desperate battle. If a bridge can be built on the Border River, they will have a broad sky and a vast world, allowing them to go anywhere they want.

If this bridge cannot be built on the Border River, their steps will stop here, and their thoughts and expectations will all be in vain.

With the guidance of a thoughtful person, the Crown Princess no longer dared to imagine further, because Gavin was such a thoughtful person. He had an extraordinary ability to bewitch people. Otherwise, there would not be so many people following him on the migration road. Even though they knew that there was a river in the wilderness blocking them and it was difficult to cross, they still followed them forward.

When the Crown Princess and her friends rode the Royal Griffin to the sky above the Conqueror Army, they personally felt the bewitching nature of Gavin's speech.

He was riding a unique Pegasus with black, white and green colors, shuttling over the Conqueror Army at a uniform speed.

"The unknown future did not stop us from heading north to the valley to find a better life.

The two-headed trolls in the Giant Plains could not stop us even if they brought in the demon army. Instead, we broke through the entire Giant Plains.

The evil necromancer of Avanso was just a stumbling block at our feet. We kicked it away at will and won the recognition of countless people, especially the citizens of Avanso who had suffered many disasters. They chose to trust us and joined our ranks.

The dark forces of the Dragon Coast united and tried to put pressure on us, but they could not crush us.

Now the evil forces of the Goblin Border have once again stretched out their claws to us. How can we bow our heads so easily? What do you think we should do?

That's right, we should smash them and use their corpses and their flesh and blood to pave our way forward.

If there is no road, we will open up the road ourselves.

If there is no bridge, we will build it ourselves.

This time, we are not going to build an ordinary bridge, but a bridge of will that embodies our indestructible will and a bridge of faith that embodies our belief in pursuing a better life.

This belief is not only derived from the reverence for the gods, but also from the pursuit of a better life and our spirit of never giving up.

Please believe in the kindness of the helping hand. He has built a bridge across the river on the border for us to pass, and this bridge is the blueprint you saw earlier.

It is an unprecedented bridge of faith, and the faith of each of you is the most solid foundation of this bridge.

For you, for me, and for all of us, please shout the same name with me, Sandakol. "




I don't know how long the other party's speech has lasted, and the entire conqueror army, from top to bottom, is shouting the same name in unison.

The stones loaded on the trucks all emitted a faint white light, and invisible lines connected them to the immigrants around them. There was a small platform carved above them, which was the altar of the God of Travel and Exploration.

Their migration was the most sacred prayer ceremony for the God of Roads, especially at this moment, when they prayed to this helping hand without distractions under the guidance of Gavin, their faith was particularly pious and their beliefs were particularly concentrated.

Countless subtle winds blew out from these simple stone altars, coiling around the stones, carriages and the immigrants, making their steps lighter and moving faster.

This is the origin of the title of Shanda Kornu Windman. He can easily control the wind for his own use, and his believers are all good at using the power of wind.

At this time, the Crown Princess and the others discovered that all the large and small vehicles of the Conqueror Army were equipped with small sails like sails, all of which were bulging forward.

Therefore, even when the truck was loaded with heavy stones, the ruts were not that deep, and the speed was very fast, as if they were doing it with ease. They were far from reaching their fastest speed, and what was limiting their progress was the speed of their road construction.

And all these signs told the conquerors that the god of travel and exploration, Shanda Kor, had not only heard their prayers, but had also begun to respond.

This naturally boosted the enthusiasm of the immigrants to pray.

As Gavin said in his speech just now, they were not praying for the god of travel and exploration, but for themselves.

For others, for the country, for the world, for the gods, etc., these are all empty, and it is impossible to be more sincere and do your best for yourself, because this is the instinct for survival.

If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. This is the truth.

The moment she finished listening to Gavin's speech, the Crown Princess was 100% sure that there was a bridge across the river waiting for them.

"Bridge, bridge, look, there is really a bridge." Yalusel shouted in surprise, pointing to the distance.

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