I am a god in another world

Chapter 612 Shadow Duel Arena

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Anything with enough weight and volume will show extraordinary lethality, and the bone bomb is no exception.

Any monster that is unfortunate enough to be in the place where it lands, no matter if it is a goblin, a hobgoblin, or a huge troll, will be knocked to the ground by a bullet without exception. Even if it is not turned into meat paste on the spot, it will become a meat pie, and most of them will die on the spot.

That's not all. These skeleton shells are not solid. They are wrapped with extremely compressed negative energy. When they are hit violently, these negative energies will lose their original stability and explode, carrying those bone fragments, sweeping all creatures within a radius of ten meters.

Even bones, driven by powerful kinetic energy, will become an absolute killing weapon, easily tearing their skin and flesh, and deeply nailing them into their bodies, accompanied by negative energy erosion. Those places scratched and nailed by bone fragments will rot at a speed visible to the naked eye and spread to the surroundings.

If it is just a limb, if you cut it off quickly, you may still be able to survive.

But if the injured part is the body, neck, head and other vital parts, then there is basically no hope, and the negative energy will directly damage their internal organs.

For flesh and blood, highly condensed negative energy is the most potent poison, with strong medicinal properties and short onset time. Unless it is the undead who are purely composed of negative energy, there is only healing but no killing.

The range damage of the skeleton shell, whether in terms of power or coverage radius, is far above the fireball spell cast by an extraordinary wizard.

What is the concept of a radius of ten meters?

A full three hundred and fourteen square meters, even if people are two or three meters apart, can squeeze in a hundred or so people, not to mention the crowded army formation, which is even denser than this.

The 300-meter range of the skeleton cannon far exceeds the effective range of most lethal spells (the casting distance of the fireball spell is generally 150 to 200 meters, which increases with the caster's level. The longest range of the fireball spell cast by the legendary spell can reach 400 meters). These monsters have not yet consciously dispersed and carried out a scattered charge.

Of course, the effective casting distance, killing radius, effective range, etc. described by all spells are just theoretical values, just like the effective range of guns. The most important thing to look at is the actual situation when using it.

In the case of sparse personnel, the killing radius of the skeleton cannonball is definitely more than 10 meters, but in the case of such a dense population, an average of 5 or 6 meters is good.

The monsters that bear the brunt will become the meat shields of the outer monsters, helping them to block most of the splash damage, including the subsequent spread of negative energy damage, which will be partially blocked.

Even so, a skeleton cannonball can kill as few as a dozen monsters, and as many as dozens.

What's even more brutal is that many corpses that were severely corroded by negative energy actually stood up again. Of course, they were not resurrected, but transformed into zombies on the spot, launching mindless attacks on the surrounding teammates, creating subsequent chaos for the monster army.

Moreover, the attack frequency of these skeleton cannons is also amazingly fast, with an average of two shots per round, which is twice the attack speed described by its special ability.

This extra shot is a wonderful chemical reaction after combining with the dark tree man.

These dark tree men have the ability to take root in the shadows and absorb negative energy for regeneration. What limits the regeneration of these skeleton cannons is the speed of negative energy absorption. Originally, they needed to transfer from the Vizeme Manor, but now there are more dark tree men to assist.

This attack speed increase will only take effect when the dark tree man is rooted. If the dark tree man attacks while moving, the skeleton cannon will return to one shot per round.

The lethality displayed by the eighteen skeleton cannons is more than twice that of nearly two hundred heavy crossbow vehicles.

For the monster army, the attack of the heavy crossbow cart is just a knife-like wound, which is very easy to heal and does not feel much loss.

The skeleton cannon is a standard heavy hammer. After one hammer, even if it is covered by the monster behind, it is much sparser than before, just like the uneven coverage of a bald head.

This is just a long-range attack, not to mention the medium and short-range attacks.

The second before the monster army hit the side car formation, countless red light spots rose from behind the formation, flying larger and larger in the air.


Mortar heavy artillery on the battlefield.

There is nothing surprising about this. Even on the battlefield where hundreds of people are fighting, they can be seen, not to mention the battlefield where tens of thousands of people are fighting. If there is no fireball to ignite the sky and the earth, it will make people uncomfortable.

It’s just that the fireballs rising in the conqueror army are too many and too dense.

They were densely packed, like arrows, covering the entire sky. There must be at least 300 of them, if not 500.

They directly covered the entire 100 meters in front of the pioneers' vanguard positions, turning this place into a fiery purgatory. There was no place to hide. The wisest choice was to lie down on the ground and accept the impact and baptism of the fireballs.

Otherwise, it is likely that not one, but two or three fireballs would cause damage to them. The shock wave generated by the explosion of the fireballs might roll them into the coverage of other fireballs.

The horrific scene directly made the entire battlefield speechless, and everyone looked at the battlefield after being baptized by hundreds of fireballs.

Less than half of them were still able to stand, and most of them were injured. They smelled of smoke and fire. Whether they were goblins, gnolls, hobgoblins or orcs, their eyes were a little dull.

This was completely inconsistent with the propaganda and mobilization they heard before the war. Wasn't it said that this was an immigrant army? The entire team had less than 10,000 troops, and the rest were all as weak as lambs. As long as they tore off the outer shell, the tender meat inside would be left for them to enjoy.

Their fierce firepower made them feel that they were not facing an immigrant team, but the Purple Dragon Legion of the Kingdom of Cormier. Only this perverted country would equip its army with so many battle mages and assemble spellcasters into a corps for use.

The enemy hasn't even been touched yet, and most of their teammates have already fallen?

How to fight this battle?

There was also a three-meter-high car wall in front, which was full of densely packed spears.

They were not given much time to think. In front of the already mobilized human wave tactics, they had no chance of retreating. The monsters coming up from behind would push them forward.

And the longer they stayed here, the longer they were in danger, because the Conqueror Army's medium-range and long-range attacks were not only fireballs, but also thousands of arrows, densely covering the entire battlefield.

The continuous rain of arrows was perfect for harvesting the remaining blood enemies after the baptism of fireballs. Many of them were lying on the ground, gasping for breath, and had no way to defend and dodge.

However, even without this wave of arrows, their chances of survival were very small. The monster army that kept coming up from behind would mercilessly step on them regardless of whether they were dead or not. It wouldn't take long before they would be trampled to death alive. It would be a relief to die early under the rain of arrows.

"Kill! Go in, kill all those humans, all the wealth is ours."

"Kill all the men, rob all the wealth and women."

"Victory belongs to us!"

Those monsters rushed to the conqueror army after great hardships under the bombardment, arrow rain and magic bombardment, but were blocked by a huge wall of cars.

Strictly speaking, this was the first time that the sidecar formation was put into actual combat.

In the defensive counterattack of the Blood Canyon, the main force was not the sidecar, but the building chariot. At that time, a hundred building chariots were deployed to fill the entire Blood Canyon. The sidecars built the second line of defense behind them and played a supporting role.

These sidecars printed from the same mold, when connected head to tail, with the side with the car facing outward, soldiers with spears standing on the chariots, looking down from a high position, can not only shoot through the reserved shooting space, but also use the spears to stab downwards to suppress the enemy outside the wall.

There are monster soldiers like Goliath and Madwug who can jump three meters high, but they are few in number.

And the result of doing so will only make them die faster.

Most of the spearmen in the front are new recruits or those with less courage. They rely on the wall of the car for defense and just poke blindly with their eyes closed.

The real elites are squatting in the back row of the side car or under the side car, waiting for those powerful monsters to break through the wall and then quickly harvest them.

After they jumped in rashly, they would definitely not face a one-on-one duel, but a group fight.

Until the front of the side car wall was densely packed with people, the entire wall was pushed and swayed, and the fireballs in the monster group began to rise one after another, the second round of fireballs fell fiercely, and the number was no less than the first round.

The conqueror army can have such terrifying firepower thanks to Amus of Evanso. This guy is worthy of being the evil beast ghost of the greedy and desire devil archduke Mamman. He has taken greed to an extreme. In his portable dimension cave, he has hoarded more than a thousand wands and more than a hundred magic staffs, of which 800 are fireball wands.

The price of a single fireball wand is not expensive, only five or six thousand each. It is easy to get one or two, but it is more troublesome to get ten or eight in large quantities.

Many forces regard it as a strategic material reserve and will not make a move at all. As for making it yourself, at least six wizard levels are required to fully understand the principles of fireball magic. Each wand takes at least eight hours to make.

Hundreds of hoards, either you have enough time to accumulate little by little, or like the Kingdom of Cormier, there are enough intermediate wizards for you to deploy - as for warlocks, most of them are spell users, and if they want to make magic items such as staffs and wands, they have to spend a lot of time researching and learning the corresponding magic principles and production processes.

And wizards who are proficient in the production process of magic items are exactly what Gavin lacks the most. The six female wizards sent to him by the Roinhern family with ulterior motives must be treated as treasures.

With these 800 fireball wands, the Conqueror Army is equivalent to having 800 more heavy machine guns with a capacity of 60 rounds - Gavin has always paid great attention to the training of battlefield casters. The difficulty of level 3 is not high. Just follow the Conqueror Army and you will get a higher professional level. The difficulty is that they didn't have so many wands before.

Unexpectedly, this shortcoming was made up by the necromancer of Avanso.

I guess even if he was beaten to death, Arms never imagined that the wealth he had accumulated for centuries would all be given to the conqueror's army.

The Conqueror Army used their actual actions to explain what it means to become stronger with more fighting.

This is also the reason why the Conqueror Army did not show too much fear from top to bottom when they knew that there were a bunch of enemies waiting for them in the Goblin Border.

They had too many cards in their hands. What they considered from beginning to end was not whether they would fail, but how to reduce their losses as much as possible, especially the loss of personnel, and then gain more benefits from the enemy.

Looking at the situation below, Ximanmeng's face was extremely ugly. He was not distressed about the monster soldiers being slaughtered below. This thing has never been part of his power, just like weeds on the roadside. On the continent of Faerun, as long as you have power and financial resources, you can really have as many as you want.

What made him unacceptable was the irreversible situation. The monster army of Dark Castle was not facing the entire Conqueror Army, but at most one-third of it. After thousands of casualties, they just barely rushed to the front of their camp.

And there has been a meat grinder, and the monster army will rush forward one after another to kill them.

Until the casualties reach a certain critical point, the entire monster army will completely collapse, and that will be the moment when their heavy cavalry will attack. In the wilderness, two legs cannot outrun four legs.

If the Lizard Queen is killed by the other side again, the Lizardmen Army of Thun Swamp will collapse across the board.

As long as they hold the Bridge of Gods and Humans firmly in their hands, they will block these Lizardmen in Thun Swamp.

And the Legendary Ghost Assembly of the Far Sea Swamp will be alone and can only retreat to the Far Sea Swamp.

At that time, the other areas of the entire Goblin Border will be left to be kneaded and cut by the Conqueror Army. In a short time, the Dark Castle will be driven out of here.

This is still the most optimistic development. If the Lizard Queen is scared by them, or the Legendary Ghost Assembly of the Far Sea Swamp throws itself into the arms of the Conqueror Army, the situation in the Goblin Border will be completely out of control and slide in a direction that even Ximanmeng cannot predict.

This possibility is not just there, but very large.

Because the black fog created by the other party was unusual, Ximanmeng felt more and more that something was wrong, because as the war continued, strands of black fog were constantly joining in.

At the beginning, when the number was small, it was not easy to detect.

When the war at Xiqiaotou broke out completely, the Conqueror Army began to harvest the lives of those monsters in large numbers, and countless black fog floated out from the battlefield at the same time to join in. Even ordinary people noticed something strange.

It was not black fog at all, but souls, belonging to those dead monsters.

The souls that were supposed to go to the City of Judgment, waiting for judgment and guidance, were actually kidnapped alive. The meaning of this was a bit shocking. What ability did the commander of the Conqueror Army use? If the Lizard Queen was killed there, would she still have the ability to revive?

But there are rumors that the little baron has the ability to prevent the enemy from resurrecting. Could it be this ability?

If this is true, the Lizard Queen will have a lot of fun.

Ximanmeng didn't know that his estimate was still a bit too optimistic.

Gavin's ability is not just to prevent resurrection, but also to control it in his own hands and control the lizard army.

From the beginning to the end, the Lizard Queen and her Lizard Army were the first target of the Conqueror Army. The previous feint to the east and attack to the west was completely prepared for them, in order to stagger the time of fighting with the other two forces and fight the Lizard Queen alone first.

This has nothing to do with the Crown Princess' previous transaction request. It is completely based on the interests of the Conqueror Army and Gavin's special abilities.

The existence of the Lizard King's Court is destined to be centered on the Lizard Queen. From top to bottom, they are absolutely loyal to her. No matter what order she gives, they will obey unconditionally, even if it is to turn the original enemy into their ally.

This is simply the perfect opponent for the Undead Revenge Domain. As long as it is killed and transformed into the Night Shadow state, the original three-on-one will immediately become two-on-two.

And there is a Shadow Duel Field on the newly acquired Bitch Terminator, which is really suitable for this kind of place.

It was just that he didn't expect that this black dragon was fat but not stupid. It had been hiding under the river to manipulate the huge waves and sent its cannon fodder to test repeatedly.

The Shadow Duel Arena only had one chance to be used every day. Without a 100% sure situation, Gavin didn't dare to take action easily. Once this guy was startled, he would go back to the Border River and sneak back to the Thun Swamp. It would be ten or a hundred times more difficult to find a chance to kill her.

In desperation, he could only show weakness to the enemy. Even with a lot of means in hand, he didn't dare to use them easily. He let her send her cannon fodder army to the Bridge of Gods and Humans. Until she felt that she had a certain chance of winning and couldn't help but jump out, that was the moment when Gavin took action.

Before the Lizard Queen released the first strong acid dragon breath she had carefully prepared, she was pulled into the Shadow Duel Arena by Gavin.

This shadow duel arena is very similar to the shadow duel that Gavin had in Avanso and that he had with Arms in the City Hall. It entered the gap between the material plane and the shadow plane, a dimensional space temporarily opened up with shadow energy. This space was separated from the material plane, but relied on it, just serving as a vague background.

That is to say, Gavin and the Lizard Queen are still on the Bridge of Gods and Humans, but this bridge is infinitely long and infinitely wide.

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