I am a god in another world

Chapter 64: Substituting one thing for another (please read later)

The rolling stones rolled down the hillside were as big as a millstone and as small as a fist.

The former is a meat grinder. Regardless of whether it is a goblin or a pair of goblins, as long as it is run over by such rolling stones, the goblin appearance will basically not be visible and the flesh and blood will be blurred.

The latter are heavy stone bullets that break wherever they hit. Those who are unfortunate enough to be hit in the head or chest will only be left with no air in them, even if they are not killed on the spot.

"Collapse Beast, this is the hunting area of ​​Collapse Beast. Damn it, those group of kobolds deliberately plotted against us." Bloodclaw's face turned livid.

They were so excited that they didn't realize that they had entered the hunting area of ​​the Collapse Beast.

On the hillside, the large boulder-like avalanche beasts stood up one after another. Maybe there were too many goblins below. They did not rush down with the rolling stones and join in the melee fight. Instead, they kept shaking the hillside, shaking more rolling stones. Come down.

When there are no suitable rolling stones in an area, they immediately switch positions.

Some of the goblins who chose to rush forward soon rushed out of the hunting area of ​​the Collapse Beast.

But before they could be happy, countless kobolds came out and pointed their spears at them diagonally.

Behind the kobold army formation, stood a thick, tall and strong half-ogre, shouting loudly and energetically: "I am the roar of the Black Well Tribe... The Trap Tribe is now protected by us. , If anyone dares to take a step beyond this point, kill him without mercy!"

With an order, a large number of spears were thrown out from behind the kobold spears.

The dozens of goblins who were unable to advance or retreat were impaled on the ground on the spot.

The distance between the two sides was too far, and the Bloodclaw tribe could not hear what the half-ogre was saying, but his actions had already shown their attitude.

Definitely not a friend of the Bloodclaw tribe.

"Asshole, these little reptiles have colluded with other tribes to set traps for us." Bloodclaw finally figured it out at this moment.

Maybe the other party was running ahead loomingly, just to lure them into taking the bait and deliberately set a trap for them.

Bloodclaw looked at the Collapse Beast on the hillside and hesitated.

These magical beasts are very cunning. When they saw that there were still a large number of enemies below, they did not rush down rashly. They still lurked on the hillside. Anyway, there were enough goblins killed below. After the enemies retreated, they would not come down to feed again. Late.

If Blood Claw and the others rush in rashly again, these greedy guys will not mind creating a few more rounds of rolling stones to add a few more dishes to their table.

The most important thing is that Bloodclaw doesn't know who his enemy is now, and how many kobolds are waiting for him on the other side of the valley.

"Chief, the Trap Tribe has been expelled by us. We have won the victory. There is no need to fight an unknown war here." A hobgoblin next to Bloodclaw suggested softly, "When we have prepared the army, we will check the asylum." Who is the enemy of the Trap Tribe? It’s not too late to start a war again.”

Bloodclaw understood what the hobgoblin said, but it was a little difficult to swallow. But in the current situation, he had to swallow even if he didn't want to. He waved his hand heavily and said: "Withdraw."

The goblin pursuers came quickly and retreated decisively.

Whoosh, whoosh, and within a few minutes, they were all gone.

There was not even a glance at the wounded who were still moaning at the bottom of the valley. No goblin would risk being attacked by rolling stones to save these wounded goblins.

It wasn't until the goblin pursuers withdrew for half an hour that the collapsing beasts slid down the hillside to eat. They showed no mercy to the injured goblins who were pressed by the rolling stones, stabbing them all to death with one kick.

Nearly half an hour later, a sneaky kobold emerged from the mountain not far away from where Bloodclaw and the others had stayed. He looked around for a while and shouted behind him: "Quick, quick, quick. , right now, hurry through this rocky area, there are people from other tribes on the other side to meet us, don’t start a war with these collapse beasts..."

This sneaky kobold is none other than Susie, the leader of the Trap Tribe.

Before she finished speaking, a kobold with the same scale color as her came out from behind her and ran towards the other side of the valley.

The half-eaten Collapse Beast was suddenly startled. Its tentacles and long necks all stood up, and it involuntarily climbed up the hillsides on both sides. If it was not necessary, they would not engage in close combat, even if the opponent seemed to be far weaker than themselves.

As soon as the Trap Tribe took action, the kobolds on the other side of the valley emerged again and ran towards the Collapse Beast. The one who took the lead was the half-ogre who shouted, "Wherever you run, eat my net."

The half-ogre took long steps and jumped a few times before appearing in front of a Collapse Beast, with a huge fishing net covering it.

The Collapse Beast's eight sharp claws exerted force at the same time and suddenly bounced back, showing agility that was not consistent with his bloated body.

But the half-ogre Roar was not fighting alone. There were countless kobolds behind him, and they jointly covered it with large fishing nets.

It dodged the first one and the second one, but failed to avoid the third one and was covered tightly.

The eight crab claws kept stabbing, but for the rope net full of holes, it had no effect at all. It just made the fishing net tighter and tighter. The eight crab claws were a bit difficult to use.

The anxious Collapse Beast began to run towards its most familiar territory, the hillside, dragging the kobolds who were holding on to the rope heads and refusing to let go.

"Let me do it." The half-ogre jumped up with big strides, snatched the ropes from the hands of several kobolds, put his feet firmly on the ground, and pulled back desperately. The collapsing beast's running posture suddenly changed. slow.

More kobolds swarmed up, dragging the net and casting the net.

In the blink of an eye, the collapsing beast was submerged in the fishing net. There were at least three layers of nets inside and outside, and it had become a mess of nets. The harder it struggled, the tighter it was and the less strength it needed.

"Pour it for me." The half-ogre's muscles bulged high, and he shouted loudly, knocking the collapse beast to the ground, dragging it around and running wildly, shouting as he ran, "Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

The remaining kobolds threw their fishing nets at the nearest collapse beast, turning around and running away regardless of whether they were caught or not.

The two largest collapse beasts threw away their eight long crab legs and chased them. The other three smaller ones, after getting rid of the entanglement of the fishing nets, instinctively ran up the hillside.

But by the time they ran up the hillside, not only the kobolds from the Black Well had been evacuated, but also the kobolds from the Trap Tribe had all successfully passed through their hunting zone.

The two larger collapsing beasts only caught up to the edge of the hunting area before stopping.

Gavin, who was waiting carefully, smacked his lips with regret. If they dared to rush out, he wouldn't mind catching one more.

Gavin walked up to the team of the Trap Tribe and said to Susie who finally passed through the hunting area: "Congratulations, Leader Susi, you completed the retreat mission brilliantly and brought your tribe out safely. The remaining Leave it to us.”

"From now on, there is no Susie leader, only Susie who is willing to serve you." Only now, Susie's tense nerves were slightly relieved, and she bowed to Gavin sincerely and said, "Our tribe can all The members escaped safely, relying solely on the leader's stealing skills..."

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