I am a god in another world

Chapter 673 Sword Centipede

After removing the dead hunting lord from his body and throwing him away, Gavin waved at the war predator again.

The war predator flew towards him with the hunting lord who was still holding it tightly. The moment Gavin touched the war predator, he burst into a terrible roar, "Let go!"

This roar was mixed with a terrifying crazy will. All those who heard this voice felt an uncontrollable tyranny and madness, which spread wildly in their hearts. All the creatures in front of them were like their mortal enemies, and they wanted to tear them into pieces.

Some were still struggling, trying to get rid of this weird idea and thought.

Some had already taken action, rushing towards the nearest creature and launching the craziest attack.

Those who were still struggling and hesitating launched a counterattack without hesitation. They could not sit back and watch themselves being killed.

For a moment, the scene fell into extreme chaos.

The sound of crazy sacrifice.

The group battle skills on the war predator.

It is very useful to disrupt the battle, especially when facing Mala believers. Most of them are evil beastmen, easily dominated by their inner madness and bloodthirsty impulses. Now this special ability is magnified to the extreme. Very few can survive with their own will.

The remaining two hunting lords are the second.

The two looked at each other, nodded involuntarily, and rushed to Gavin on the left and right.

The different church beasts of Mala believers are not particularly friendly, especially the two hunting lords, who have a strong competitive relationship. Although they will not hunt or kill each other, they will compete for Mala believers.

Now they realize that they cannot defeat the conqueror in front of them by themselves, and they must join forces.

Although the two have never worked together, they have such a tacit understanding, whether it is the pace of attack or the grasp of the attack distance.

The attack between the two is real and fake, and they try to create opportunities for each other to attack.

Gavin did not dare to be careless. Even the damage reduction of 25/∞ was not omnipotent. The claws of the true beasts in the hands of these hunting leaders, which had a certain chance of breaking through the damage reduction, were the effects at the law level and were the biggest nemesis of this ability.

Previously, he was able to withstand the crazy tearing of the hunting leader because he still had the extra life bonus brought by the touch of the vampire on his body. Even so, he was almost beaten to a residual blood.

Low vitality is Gavin's biggest shortcoming now, which is partly compensated by the powerful damage reduction ability of the battle armor. Otherwise, he would not have a chance to fight head-on. Guerrilla warfare is the king.

When the two hunting lords made up their minds to play a guerrilla battle with him, Gavin could not do anything to them for a while. Although they were not small in size, they were not low in agility.

The power of the war predator is indeed huge, but the weight is full, which means that its pre-swing time is too long. By the time he opened his posture, the two hunting lords had already retreated far beyond the attack range of the war predator.

Since there was no way to kill the two hunting lords in the shortest time, Gavin simply adjusted his tactics and began to trim the branches and leaves, attacking those ordinary Mala believers, and trying to cause as much damage to them as possible during the period when the crazy sacrificial sound controlled them.

Gavin's lethality to these Mala believers who were under control could be said to be full. Regardless of whether they were extraordinary or not, it was just a matter of one hammer. The size and strength were absolutely lethal.

"You dare!!"

"I will kill you!"

The two hunting lords roared in anger and dared not continue to fight. One on the left and one on the right, they rushed up again, trying to restrain Gavin.

Don't think that when the hunting lords appeared, they started with a crazy killing of their own people. In fact, it was just a deterrent method for them. They had a good sense of proportion. They mainly attacked those beasts, especially those native beasts that were assimilated by the projection of the Kingdom of God. They rarely attacked those real Mala believers, unless they really made a stupid move to turn around and run away, which had already caused blasphemy to Mala.

Although the Mala believers are extremely brutal in their methods of killing prey, they are relatively united internally and will not easily hurt each other, because they know that in this world full of enemies, each other is their greatest support. Only by uniting together can they hunt bigger prey.

The hunting lord also has a special feeling for the Mala believers below. They are not only his herd, but most of them are also his harem and his offspring. The basic group of the Mala believers' church is called a herd. It is not just that the structure is like a herd, even the living habits are extremely similar. Most males do not have the right to mate and reproduce. Only the most powerful leaders have it, in order to ensure the excellence of the genes of the entire race.

This also leads to the expansion of Mala faith being very similar to the expansion of herds. When those young males grow up, they either challenge the old hunting lords and become the new leaders of the herd, or leave the herd and build their own herds in other places to obtain their own breeding rights.

The possibility of success for the former is very slim. After all, they are not real beasts. Fighting does not rely solely on physical strength, but also on wisdom, professional level, etc. The old ones are always the wisest. These young Mala believers themselves grew up in this group of beasts. How could they possibly succeed in the challenge?

Unless he leaves the herd to grow for a period of time, gets better opportunities outside, becomes stronger quickly, and returns to challenge the old hunting lord, there is a possibility of success. However, when it really comes to this step, those young males usually don't do it, because they have achieved more brilliant achievements with their own strength, and have obtained greater power or herds. The original ones are a little despised. As long as it doesn't involve bloody dramas such as revenge, even wild beasts will not easily attack their fathers.

This family-based development model certainly makes the Mala beast nest unusually united, rarely has traitors, and their whereabouts are more secretive, but it also makes their development speed extremely slow, often more than ten years or even decades.

When a hunting lord loses all Mala believers, his lord is no longer worthy of the name, and the beast nest can no longer be called a beast nest. He will become a lone wolf, and it will take a long time to build a new beast nest, or challenge other hunting lords to replace him.

However, the latter is very risky. Once the challenge fails, the challenged hunting lords have the right to launch the Supreme Hunt against him. After his death, he will directly enter the kingdom of Mala, but not as a hunter, but as the hunted, and accept endless hunting. Hunting can only be called hunting when there are both prey and hunters. This is also true in the kingdom of the hunting god. Compared with hunting those weak prey that do not know how to resist, how can hunting these prey transformed by the hunting soul be more challenging?

Rabbits kick eagles to death and stags kill wolves. This is common in the Mala kingdom. Once this happens, the identities of the enemy and us will be reversed immediately. When they die next time, the prey will be reincarnated into the hunter race, and the hunter will be transformed into the prey race. Unless they can prove that they match the title of hunter again with their strength, no matter how many times they die, they can only live as the prey race and live in an endless life of being hunted.

They come to hunt, not to be hunted.

However, the miscalculation of the enemy's strength caused the situation to slide uncontrollably into the abyss of the hunter becoming the prey.

But even if they wanted to change their tactics, they had to get through this stage. If those who were still sane escaped, the fate of those crazy Mala believers could be imagined. They could not withstand the crazy killing of the killing god in front of them.

Chi Chi Chi!

The crazy cutting sound came from behind. Gavin only felt a tingling sensation on his back, as if his physical strength was greatly weakened and he was paralyzed.

Nerve paralysis toxin!

The sneak attacker behind him not only had a powerful toxin attack, but also had a terrifying attack power that could cut through the powerful protective layer of the battle armor.

The opponent's attack speed was terrifyingly fast, comparable to that of the six-armed snake demon. In just a few seconds, Gavin felt that his back was hit by more than a dozen knives, and each knife was fast and fierce.

If this set of combos landed on an ordinary legendary warrior, even if there was no way to send him away on the spot, it would probably be controlled on the spot, and the rest would be at the mercy of others.

Unfortunately, Gavin is not an ordinary legendary warrior. He is a chosen one, a human spokesperson chosen by the gods. The power of the goddess of strategy flows in his body. While the power gives him the power of the chosen one and the grace of the gods, it also gives him immunity beyond all mortals, including toxins.

Originally, Gavin thought it was all toxins, until he saw the poisonous arrows shot by Zexier's fangs. Even the shadows and gods could not be completely exempted from it, let alone a chosen one. It can only be said that there is no such thing as absolute in this world. Everything is divided into realms. The immunity of the chosen toxins is only for the material and mundane class.

Although the nerve paralysis toxin that invaded his body is strong, it belongs to material toxins.

However, it was not the power of Ms. Strategy that took effect first. The power of the road in the road of destiny connected to his soul consciousness reacted more quickly. His own blood vessels were the best road, and the surging power of the road instantly spread to every corner of Gavin's body.

Borrowed things are borrowed after all. Not only is the reaction speed not that fast, but it is also more easily restricted.

Mala's projection of the kingdom of God can cut off Gavin's connection with the Vizeme Manor, making it impossible for him to draw the shadow power from there, but it can't cut off Gavin's connection with the road of destiny, let alone block the power of the road, because it was born by him, and the two are already inextricably tied together.

This confrontation formed by the immune system is not slow, only a few tenths of a second.

But for the two Mala hunting lords who are proficient in close combat, it is enough.

It is enough for them to get close to Gavin and hold his plundering and destroying arms on the left and right.

After fighting for such a long time, the details of both sides are almost known.

The conqueror's own strength is not particularly strong. His own arms are only auxiliary. His real combat power comes from these two extra arms. As long as they are restricted, his strength will be greatly reduced.

This really touched Gavin's weakness. His own strength is not matched with the plundering and destroying arms. When he only uses the plundering and destroying arms to attack and fight, it is indeed 33 points of strength (two points of bonus brought by the large body).

But when it comes to physical strength confrontation, it is calculated according to Gavin's own body. All the internal and external bonuses are counted together. His own strength is less than 30 points. He has no advantage against any giant werewolf, let alone being held by two at the same time.

The two hunting lords did not try to attack, but just desperately held Gavin and handed the attack to the sneak attacker.

Even if the nerve paralysis toxin could not take effect, its attack power should not be underestimated. At least the damage reduction of the combat armor alone could not completely prevent it. Although it only left a series of thin wounds each time, causing five or six points of damage, it could not withstand its amazing attack speed. Gavin's life bar dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even the regeneration necklace with ten points of regeneration ability could not withstand it.

Fusion of arms.

Gavin activated the most useless ability of the plundering and destroying arms, allowing them to be infused and blessed into his arms in the form of divine power.

The two hunting lords, who originally focused on grabbing, plundering and destroying the arms, not only greatly reduced their control over Gavin when the main object of the grab disappeared, but also left themselves wide open, exposing themselves directly in front of him.

In this world, there is no useless ability, it depends on how the owner uses it.

Plundering Arm.

Destruction Arm.

How could Gavin let go of such a great opportunity? He threw away the War Plunderer, Death Roar and Crown Shield, and directly used his thick and incredible arms to hold the left arm of the hunting lord on the left, and sent his own true beast claw into his body.

The violent destructive power flowed into his body, exploded, and directly opened his belly, blowing away most of the sternum and ribs, exposing the huge, dilapidated bright red heart.

Gavin's other big hand, which was wrapped in the plundering power, grabbed the heart, and with a little force, he pulled it out of his body.

This is a typical double critical hit. Even the trolls with terrifying regeneration ability will fall into a state of suspended animation on the spot, and it will take a long time to repair themselves. This hunting lord obviously does not have this ability and died on the spot.

One-time animal companion (special ability) - You plunder the animal companion that the hunting master has carefully cultivated for many years for your own use. It will obey your orders and fight for you. Once this animal companion dies, you will lose this special ability. You only have the ability to control it. You can't continue to provide blessings for it like a druid. It can't be strengthened as your professional level increases.

Plundering and destroying arms have made new contributions again, plundering new abilities for Gavin, which is surprisingly one of the signature abilities of a druid.

However, this kind of plundering is not omnipotent. It is not so strong that it can directly deprive a profession of its professional ability, especially the animal companion of the druid. In fact, it is like the magic pet of the mage warlock and the spiritual crystal servant of the psionic warlock. The reason why they can become powerful is that their masters have infused a part of their soul and professional power into them, forming a stronger as the professional level increases.

If Gavin is unwilling to pay this, let alone the animal companion, even the spiritual crystal servant that has been shaped, it will have to be broken and merged back into his soul.

He now belongs to the animal companion that the hunting leader has cultivated and formed. It is equivalent to plundering a part of his soul and blessing it on himself. Naturally, there will be defects such as inability to grow and loss of ability after death.

When the hunting leader died, the crazy attack from behind stopped immediately, and established a spiritual connection with Gavin.

The sneak attacker was the animal companion of the hunting lord.

At this time, Gavin had the leisure to take a look at the sneak attacker who almost brought him a catastrophe.

Red head and black back, flat body with dozens of sections, each with a sharp claw, it was a centipede.

But this centipede was a little too big, four meters long, thicker than an adult's thigh, the most unique thing was its claws, flat and metallic, like a dagger, Gavin had just tasted their power, the battle armor was cut like a sieve by them, not to mention ordinary people, even those warriors wearing heavy armor, it only needs to jump up and wave its dozens of sword claws to cut them into pieces.

Sword centipede.

This is not a natural creature, but a magical creature cultivated artificially. It is difficult for them to reproduce in nature. It is not that they have no fertility, but that there are too few of them and it is difficult to find a breeding partner.

Because the process of cultivating sword centipedes is too cruel, just like raising Gu, it requires tens of thousands of giant insects to kill each other before one can be cultivated.

Those druids who worship nature will never use such means. Only Mala followers who worship the survival of the fittest and similar evil druids will use this method.

This is also the uniqueness of Mala followers. They are obviously hated by the gods of nature, but they can have the ability of animal companions like druids and bless them with their own professional level.

This proves the inclusiveness of nature and proves that the power of druids does not come from the gods of nature, but from nature itself. The hunting way advocated by Mala represents the furious side of nature and is also an important part of nature. It has its own value of existence.

The sword centipede was just as ferocious as it was against Gavin before, and it was just as evil when it turned around and dealt with those Mala followers.

Its killing speed was not much slower than that of the six-armed snake demon, especially when facing those enemies who were far less powerful than it.

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