I am a god in another world

Chapter 681 Bear Hunting Clearing

Compared to him, the people she knew had a certain degree of rigidity in their ideas, allowing them to only focus on the interests within their cognitive scope. When they were fighting over each other for a small profit, Gavin had already jumped out of the circle. , to reap greater benefits. Even if he knows where his interests lie, there is no way to fight for them, because he has an advantage that they do not have in his hands, which is irreplaceable.

Take the Swamp of Thun for example. It was like a roadblock, blocking the western gate of the Kingdom of Cormyr for centuries, preventing them from expanding in this direction.

It's better now, the entire Thun Swamp has become the opponent's fish pond, and the black-scaled lizardmen have become fishermen who raise fish for him, and they are grateful, because compared to the reign of the Lizard Queen, Gavin was both strong and soft. The ruling methods are more than a hundred times more sophisticated. While extracting benefits from them, it also greatly improves their quality of life.

This is just the beginning. With the large-scale purchase of Stark bushes and the opening of fish feed processing plants, they have changed from pure fishing to a mixture of fishing and breeding. The number of fish caught will further increase significantly. , the loyalty of these black-scaled lizardmen is still rising, and Gavin's dominance there becomes even more difficult to shake.

The Kingdom of Cormyr has directly become his biggest leverage point. He is using his unique business methods to conquer their kingdom, but they are still willing to do so. They wish that the other party could conquer it more thoroughly, because in this process, from top to bottom, , the entire Kingdom of Cormyr is profitable.

If Tainarasta saw Gavin's true thoughts, she would definitely be shocked again.

She just jokingly said that he was suitable to be the chosen one of the Goddess of Trade, but she didn't expect that he didn't intend to become her chosen one, but wanted to replace her.

"Actually, I'm thinking about what else we can gain from this large-scale invasion by the Tukan nomads?" Gavin's thinking was as active and out-of-the-box as ever, "To be able to understand this crisis as clearly as you, Your Highness?" I'm afraid there aren't many people, especially in the valley, and in this kind of large-scale war, food is indispensable. Regardless of whether we need to send troops to assist in the end, the countries on the front line of the war will all face food shortages. , combat supplies, and magic materials are in short supply, can we prepare a batch in advance and transport them to the front line? Even if we do not make war fortune, we can gain a good reputation. "

In fact, this was the opportunity Gavin had prepared for himself to rise. Ever since the ghost wine auction, he had been stocking up on a large scale in the Land of Three Rivers. As long as it was grain and the price was right, he would accept it.

Others thought that the food he was hoarding was for the kobolds in the Rocklands and the large-scale immigrants from Tethyr. However, they did not know that he was preparing for the Tukan invasion and was preparing to make a huge profit from it.

War is always the most profitable business.

Many goods that are usually worth only one gold coin are considered a loss if they are shipped to the war front if they are doubled ten times. It is not uncommon for them to be doubled dozens of times or even hundreds of times.

But as the means of making money increase, Gavin's current needs have changed. Compared with money, a good reputation is more important to him, and that will become the foundation for becoming a god.

If you simply want fame, there is no need to live alone. Being tied to the Kingdom of Cormyr will stir up even more trouble.

"General, everything is open to business." Crown Princess was startled by Gavin's brain circuit again. A war disaster that may affect the entire Faerûn continent has become an out-and-out business deal with him.

But it is undeniable that there is no problem with his proposal. Not to mention that Tukan's army is still on its way to the west. Even if the war does break out in the east, it will take time for many people to realize this threat. After all, they are located in Fei The center of Lun is as much as two thousand kilometers away from the mainland border, and there is a sea of ​​falling stars in the middle. Many people are afraid that this matter has nothing to do with them.

And the time difference of this news is an excellent opportunity for them to collect war materials. Whether it is for personal use or for sale, it is a sure profit business.

After thinking about it for a moment, Tainarasta shook her head and said: "This matter involves too many things, and I can't make any promises to you. After you arrive in the royal capital, you should discuss this matter with your father in person. Trust him. Will be very interested in this matter.”

"Then when will we go to the royal capital?" Gavin knew that this matter was beyond the Crown Princess's authority.

In fact, many things cannot be done before the formal meeting with King Asan, because the relationship between the two parties has not been completely settled, and he is still an outsider.

"We have been delayed for too long along the way, which has brought a lot of trouble to the general. We will set off for Susal tomorrow and go to the Purple Dragon Palace. My father can't wait to see the general." The Crown Princess is somewhat disappointed. Sorry, this time against the Secret Hunting Cult, if it weren't for Gavin, she would have shed a layer of skin even if she was not dead. After all, the opponent's plan was too targeted, and they just seriously misjudged Gavin's strength.

"I also have a small personal request."

"General, please speak."

"I hope His Highness can send someone to protect the bear hunting clearing, which has become a sacred land for the Maura. We can try to build a natural temple here, especially the blue bear totem, to declare the independence of the predatory bear to the world. Returning will further weaken Maura’s power in this aspect.” The bear-hunting clearing Gavin mentioned was naturally the forest land where Gavin and the others slaughtered the predatory bear, the incarnation of Maura’s beast.

If Maura had succeeded in hunting previously, it would have been transformed into a blasphemous holy land for the God of Hunting, symbolizing his success in corrupting the Secret Hunting Cult. A great victory, he would have taken the opportunity to drag everything there, including Luji Town, into his own. In the Kingdom of God, you will become the prey of countless violent hunters. It may even become an anchor point for the hunting land of the Kingdom of Maura. It will be opened at a specific time, and the hunting beasts in the hunting land will surge. When you go out and start unscrupulous hunting in the King's Forest, the souls of all prey will be dragged into the hunting ground, transformed into new prey, and hunted forever.

But the situation at that time was exactly the opposite. Not only were all the three major hunting herds of Maura successfully counterattacked by Gavin, but even the plundering bear appearance was plundered by Gavin. Although he would not let him completely lose his priesthood in this area immediately. and ability, but it also weakened him to the extreme in this regard, and the desecrated holy place was transformed into a sacred holy place.

From now on, this place has become a forbidden area for Maura and his followers. Once they enter this territory, they will be hostile to all natural creatures, including the forest. Their power will be suppressed to the extreme. It is connected with Maura's belief here. will be automatically cut off, and any sacrifices related to Maura will fail.

This characteristic is not unique to this place, but may appear after all similar situations occur. Most holy places on the material plane come from this.

"There is good news that I haven't had time to tell you yet. Regarding the bear hunting clearing, I have asked my father to reward the place to the general as a symbol of our friendship in fighting side by side. The official reward will be in Susal's side." Tynarasta witnessed Gavin depriving the blue bear totem spirit from the plundering bear.

Although she didn't know how he did it, nor did she know the true role of the blue bear totem spirit, she did know that this hunting place was definitely of great significance to Gavin and was closely connected to the blue bear totem spirit. of.

As the crown prince of the Kingdom of Cormyr, the Crown Princess possesses not only IQ but also emotional intelligence, so this kind of favor will naturally be given to her.

Upon hearing the news, Gavin's face was indeed filled with joy that he couldn't hide. Of course he knew the value of that open space to himself. However, due to the fact that it was not his own territory, he could not initiate some of his actions rashly. After all, once he left If there is something gained above, it will be easy to have a dispute with the Kingdom of Cormyr over ownership rights. Apart from anything else, if he uses enlightenment here to enlighten the tree people, what should belong to him? Or does it belong to the Kingdom of Cormyr?

Now with this reward, these problems can be easily solved.

"Then I will thank His Majesty and His Highness here in advance. If there is nothing else, I think I will spend the next time in the bear hunting clearing, doing some finishing work, and see if I can get along with that He used the space to establish closer connections and develop other abilities. "Gavin did not hide his purpose. In other people's territory, he would do as little as possible.

Crown Princess said with regret on her face: "Although I really want to see the General's other abilities, but there are too many things that I need to handle personally, so I can't accompany the General."

"I just went there to verify my idea. I don't know whether it will succeed. If there is good news, I will share it with His Highness as soon as possible." Gavin told the truth.

"Excuse me, General." Princess Crown didn't ask any more questions.

Gavin didn't waste any time and directly activated the teleportation technique, accurately teleporting into the bear-hunting clearing. Although Luji Town was only a few kilometers away from the clearing, the teleportation technique had secret characteristics. He was now considered to be a minor in Luji Town. If a small celebrity appears in front of everyone, he will inevitably attract a lot of attention. Although he has a ghost cloak, there is no teleportation technique that is simple and trouble-free.

The bear hunting clearing was squarely located in the middle of the trail between Luji Town and Dadeluk Town. At that time, Dadeluk Town was also within the scope of the projection of the Kingdom of God, but Ma La consciously let them out. Using hints similar to dreams, he fed them the news about the disappearance of Luji Town and asked them to pass on the news. As expected, Siobel attracted the Crown Princess and Gavin. At this point, the Secret Hunting Cult colluded with the hunter God's conspiracy was considered a success, but his biggest mistake was misestimating Gavin's strength, which put him in dire straits.

Having said that, they are not the first to misjudge Gavin's strength, nor will they be the last. Because of his growth rate, let alone others, even Gavin himself sometimes looks back and makes careful calculations. , were all shocked by themselves. In less than a year, they had done so many things and acquired so many equipment and abilities.

This newly opened forest clearing is not small. It is at least as big as ten football fields. It is enough to build a new small village or a large horse farm. After all, this clearing was used for predatory bears at that time. One bear was as long as seventeen or seventeen years old. The eight-meter behemoth was prepared for battle.

Gavin's general's escort was not in Luji Town, but camped here, guarding next to the corpse of the plundering bear.

Gavin hadn't figured out what to do with it before, so he kept it here.

Even if it has been left for a day and a night, not to mention that this huge bear corpse has not changed at all. Even the blood flowing out of it has not solidified. What it looked like when it first flowed out is still what it looks like now.

Gavin and the others did not cast any spells on this corpse, but its own uniqueness was at work.

This is not an ordinary corpse, not even an incarnation of divinity in the ordinary sense, but a totem spirit.

It is true that it takes on a material form, but its essence is shaped by faith and divine power. This power is higher than material, so it will be separated from the laws of matter to a certain extent. For example, the time for decomposition and decay will be far longer. It exceeds ordinary matter. If no one takes the initiative to deal with it, its existence time cannot be said to be permanent. At least it will be longer than ordinary stones until powerful enough creatures come to eat it - at least ordinary microorganisms and insects. Beings without consciousness will not breed on it. Even ordinary hunters will not dare to approach and will be scared away.

A figure with slender legs that almost reached Gavin's chest, took a unique step, and jumped in front of Gavin in just a few steps. The long emerald green hair on his forehead swayed, and he asked excitedly : "Lord, how is the negotiation going? Have you taken down this forest land? Can we start enlightenment?"

This person is none other than Luna, the half-moon horse druid who transformed into a human form.

She was more concerned about this matter than Gavin, because when she fought against the Predatory Bear, she gained a lot of experience points, which brought her professional level to level ten, and also opened the The ability of enlightenment.

Influenced by Gavin, she is full of expectations and enthusiasm for this ability. She really wants to see what the animals and plants she has enlightened by herself look like. She has been preparing for this for a long time. She has thoroughly understood the basic knowledge and is just waiting. This ability is turned on.

On the contrary, Gavin's experience gain from this incident was almost zero. This time, it was not the destiny milestone that caused the demon, but the ability to destroy plunder. At first, Gavin thought that activating this ability was free of consumption. Who would have thought that? What this thing consumes is not ordinary matter and energy, but the power of destiny, but experience points.

It’s normal to think about it. How could there be no ability to consume in this world?

Especially this kind of almost demonic ability, which can even plunder the abilities of the incarnations of gods, consumes more than ordinary energy, and the consumption is not ordinary.

You need to be careful when using this ability in the future.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the choice this time. Even if he chooses again, Gavin will not choose professional level or destiny milestone, but plunder Maura's beast totem spirit incarnation, because this is not simply opening up a new path. , this is still a process of ebb and flow, strengthening itself and weakening Maura, the god of hunting.

"Things went more smoothly than I expected. Before I even mentioned it, the other party directly awarded me this land, as if they knew I was planning on this land." Gavin previously told the Crown The princess took the initiative to mention that hunting the bear clearing was his roundabout way.

"They are quite smart. Now this land can only play its greatest role in the hands of the lord." Luna was full of confidence in Gavin.

"Stop flattering." Gavin scolded with a smile, walked directly to the predatory bear and sat down cross-legged, "You go over there, the most important thing about enlightenment is to follow the trend, let nature and feeling take you, don't try to let Putting your own will above nature will only be counterproductive."

Gavin's current experience in enlightenment can be regarded as a master level. After all, he has enlightened more than ten tree people and hundreds of enlightened trees. Many druids have not enlightened as many as him in their entire lives. .

"Understood, I am a Druid." Horse girl Luna held her slender neck high, and her erect horse ears twitched involuntarily. This was a sign of her lack of confidence. After all, she was a half-hearted Druid. But he didn't do a few things that a druid should do.

"Let's start!" Gavin calmed down his emotions and started to activate the enlightenment technique.

The object of enlightenment is none other than the tree stumps under the predatory bear.

There are precedents for the success of Broken Thorn, Five Willow, and Thunderwood. Gavin knows that the reason why a tree man can become a tree man is mainly determined by its inner original soul, not simply the appearance of the tree body, even if the tree body is destroyed. It doesn't matter, trees are not ordinary life, dead trees can still bloom in spring, not to mention that they still retain their huge roots, and they will give birth to new bodies in the next year.

Of course, a unique tree body is also indispensable. Thunderwood's ability comes from its unique tree body.

The uniqueness of Gavin's first tree-man, the Broken Thorn, comes from the fatal blow it dealt to the legendary aircraft carrier bug.

No matter how powerful the legendary aircraft carrier pet is, it is just a magical beast, and the Plunder Bear is the appearance and incarnation of the two gods. Just causing damage to it is already legendary enough, let alone soaking it now. In the divine blood of the incarnation of divinity, enlightenment into a treant is a sure thing, it just depends on how it is displayed.

The moment he started the enlightenment, Gavin knew that this was possible, because he clearly felt the initial consciousness of the trees, and it was extremely powerful, the strongest among all the trees Gavin had enlightened, but different from the shyness and quietness of the initial consciousness of the trees he had sensed before.

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