I am a god in another world

Chapter 697: The net covering the rocky ground

"Oh? Our ghost wine has this unique effect?" Gavin was very interested. "Then you, the clan leaders, should try these three barrels of ghost wine. This is a new product this year. The ghost index reaches two, which is twenty times the concentration of the previous batch. We only dare to sell it to professionals. Ordinary people dare not let them taste it at all."

The divinity of the Weizeme Manor has been greatly improved, and the benefits are all-round, including this product that makes it famous all over the world.

Gavin can now even be luxurious and invest a few points of divine power in those spirit cellar wines, so that the concentration of negative energy there is completely constant according to his needs, that is, consumption and replenishment, and the fermentation speed of ghost wine will naturally increase significantly.

This kind of ghost index is two, which is only a mid-range product.

There are three types of ghost indexes above, three, four, and five respectively. Every time the index increases by one, the number will be reduced by half. Currently, there is only one spirit cellar with a ghost index of five, with a total of two thousand bottles.

When it reaches level 4 or above, it can no longer be drunk as a simple wine. For ordinary people, even if they drink a small 10 ml wine glass, they will turn into a ghost on the spot, which is comparable to strong poison.

"General, what you said has aroused the wine bugs in our stomachs. We can't help but want to taste it." Jihalin said with some impatience.

"I have heard that dwarves are good at drinking. If you can give me some suggestions after tasting it, it would be great." Gavin set up a way for the other party.

"Come on, bring a dozen wine glasses." Jihalin was no longer polite and asked someone to send a bunch of wine glasses.

Soon, another dwarf sent a bunch of wine glasses. They were not small wine glasses for drinking strong liquor, nor were they high-heeled glasses for drinking wine, but large mugs for drinking ale and beer.

Gavin did not stop him, because he knew that it was not whether the other party took his words to heart, but that dwarves were not as particular about drinking as humans. No matter what kind of wine, they all used this kind of wine cup, which was just different in wood and metal, at least in the dwarf clan.

When the ghost wine barrel was opened and the dark wine flowed out from the faucet, a chill spread on the spot, and the temperature in the air seemed to drop by several degrees.

Fortunately, the Iron Clan used wooden mugs instead of metal ones.

Even so, the dwarves who took the ghost wine couldn't help but shiver, and no one dared to rush into their stomachs.

Although the mugs brought by the other party were made of wood, they were not ordinary things. They exuded magical auras. When the ghost wine was injected into them, it automatically cast magic such as detecting toxins.

This kind of magic wine glass is not unique to the dwarves. There are many on the market, and they are very popular. Many cautious people, even when they go to the tavern to drink, do not use the wine glass in the tavern, but use this magic wine glass that can identify most toxins. After all, it is quite impolite to watch the person perform magic such as detecting toxins, but they are not assured to drink the wine prepared by the other party without using it.

This magic wine glass with its own magic effect helps to eliminate this embarrassment.

The magic wine glass in Jihalin's hand is particularly powerful. It was not until he saw that he had no strange color and raised the wine glass to his mouth that the other dwarves drank it with confidence.

"Good, good, good, this is much more powerful than the original one. If I had this earlier, I would have the confidence to make the level of the fine gold armor higher. This kind of wine should not be drunk here, but a sip when we are sweating in our forging room will definitely make our good guys more energetic." Jihalin praised the high-concentration ghost wine. This thing is definitely to the dwarf's taste.

Even he dared only take a sip, not to mention those ordinary dwarves.

After Jiharin asked a group of dwarves to carry away the three barrels of ghost wine, those irrelevant dwarves all left the meeting room, leaving only him and the three dwarves who brought in the adamantium armor at the beginning. This silently indicated that they had confirmed Gavin's identity, and the meeting began to get to the point.

Gavin no longer tried to hide his intentions and went straight to the point. "You should know about the bet with Rockland, clan leaders. I am here to make an alliance. The Iron Clan helped me win the position of Baron of Rockland. I will do my best to assist you in taking back the Taeserama Mine and helping you restore the glory of the Iron Clan."

"You are not the first family to want to make an alliance with us for this matter, and I believe you will not be the last one. But in the end, it has been proven that you want to make an alliance with us just to use our forging ability to work for you for free. When you grow stronger, you will kick us aside. The matter of regaining Taeserama will not be put on the agenda. Clan leader, instead of trusting the power of outsiders, we might as well focus on developing ourselves." The sturdy dwarf next to Jiharin said in a muffled voice.

This man is called Bolin. Although he is not as old as Jiharin, he is not young anymore, and his beard is already white. He is Jiharin's general.

The war to recapture the Tessaima mines in history that Gavin knew about was the Mithril Legion led by him.

Unfortunately, not only did they fail to recapture their homeland, but they also exhausted the little energy that the Tessaima Kingdom had just recovered. Even he himself was left in his former homeland forever and never came out again.

"I wonder if the chief knows who conquered Taeserama? Who rules here now?" Gavin did not answer Bolin's question. This kind of thing is the most difficult to prove. No matter how much he said, it would be empty promise.

He came prepared.

"Are you doubting that our Iron Clan will forget its history and shame?" Bolin glared at Gavin, very dissatisfied with Gavin's question.

"Ms. Strategy said that only by knowing the enemy well enough can we formulate a strategy to defeat them. I don't mean to question it. I just want to confirm whether the information we have about the Taeserama mine is consistent, especially the latest information about it. I have a dog demon servant who escaped from there." Gavin answered truthfully.

"Dog demon servant?! A devil? Can you believe his words?" The four dwarves present changed color, and their good impression of Gavin instantly dropped by several points, because the Kingdom of Taeserama fell into the hands of such a devil and orc coalition.

To be more precise, this special demon played a crucial role in it. After a large number of their elite dwarf warriors died in the battle, their souls were eaten by them, causing permanent losses to the military strength of the Kingdom of Taeserama.

In the war of attrition, the living bloodshed collapsed, and for a long time afterwards, they could not recover, let alone regain their homeland.

Low fertility is a common problem of all immortal species, and dwarves are no exception.

"It is under my absolute control, and its loyalty is not within the scope of our discussion today. You only need to know that I have the latest information about the Taeserama mine, and I will share it with you later." Gavin was not surprised by their reaction, because his attitude towards the dog demon Andrew was not much better than theirs.

Until now, he only uses him, but does not give him too much trust, and some core affairs will marginalize him.

"Let me tell you about this, after all, I've personally experienced it." The face of the wandering dwarf king Jiharin was filled with deep sadness. Talking about the fall of his homeland, it seemed like yesterday. "The monster coalition that captured Taesaama was led by a lich named Great Herndadim, and consisted of orcs, barghests, and summoned demons.

No one knows the real origin of Great Herndadim until now. Afterwards, we traced all his history, and his activities can be traced back to 1,900 years ago.

At that time, the Great Desert of Enorok had not yet expanded in an all-round way, and was only less than one-third of its current size.

No one knows his name, just because he established a goblin kingdom called Herndadim in the Wind Plains, which is now the Sword Desert area of ​​the Great Desert of Enorok north of the Rockland. They had been wreaking havoc here for nearly a thousand years.

In 87 BC of the Valley Calendar, they destroyed the Takhar Valley, which was the predecessor of the Valley.

In 111 BC of the Valley Calendar, they formed an alliance with the orcs. Alliance, conquered and destroyed Anoria, one of the ground countries after the collapse and division of the Netheril Empire.

In the 198th year of the Valley Calendar, they crossed the Rocklands and invaded Cormyr. They burned the city of Arabel and pushed their troops to the vicinity of the King's Forest. It was not until the year 200 that they were defeated by the army led by King Morian and forcibly driven to the Rocklands.

It was not until 268 that the Kingdom of Hrendadim completely collapsed under the invasion of the Great Desert of Anauroch, and an unprecedented civil war broke out. Their ruler, the Great Hrendadim, also disappeared completely. He appeared again in 1104, when the Kingdom of Tethelama fell and the Iron Clan wailed.

Although he has never led his devil coalition out of Tethelama in these years, and it is difficult for outsiders to go deep into it, but we know that the one who rules there must be the devil who sold his soul to hell. "

The Iron Clan naturally investigated their enemies thoroughly and dug out all his past and present lives.

This kind of monster force is very similar to the current conqueror army. It is very dependent on the supreme commander. Everything is born because of him, and everything is killed because of him.

The Helen Dadim Empire is a typical example. It was born with the emergence of Great Helen Dadim and disappeared with his disappearance. The expansion of the Enorok Desert was just an inducement.

If they can implement the decapitation tactic, rush into the deepest part of the Taeserama mine, and kill Great Helen Dadim, the restoration of Taeserama will be a matter of capture.

This is basically wishful thinking. Great Helen Dadim is an old monster that has been roaming this continent for nearly two thousand years. Even some incarnations of the gods may not get any good in front of him, let alone go deep into his nest that has been operating for more than three centuries. It is more likely to deliver food to him.

This is one of the top war dungeons in all of Faerun. Even though Gavin got the dog demon very early, he did not come to contact the Iron Clan because he did not even have the qualifications to be associated with this dungeon.

Gavin said solemnly: "Since you have already found out the origins of Great Herendadim, you should know his influence on the various goblin races in the Rockland, Goblin Borderland and the Anauroch Desert.

Especially among the goblin nomads in the Anauroch Desert, he is almost like an evil god.

Why has the Rockland of the Kingdom of Cormyr not been recovered yet?

This is the root of evil planted thousands of years ago. There are many followers of Great Helen Dadim lurking here. They recruit elite troops for him and control more servant races. As long as he gives an order, he can gather an army of more than hundreds of thousands of goblins for him to use.

Recovering the rock land and governing the goblin borderland is actually the process of clipping his wings.

I have reason to believe that as this matter progresses, he will definitely not sit idly by. It is very likely that he will dispatch the main force from the Taeserama Mine to lead the goblins to launch a comprehensive counterattack.

And this is a great opportunity to cut off some of his forces and pave the way for the subsequent comprehensive counterattack on the Taeserama Mine.

If there is this series of premises, do you still think I will break my promise? "

Gavin's information is not one-sided, but a mixture of many aspects.

It contains both past life and present life information.

Compared to past life information, the present life information is more profound.

The stronger the strength of the development in the Rock Land, the more Gavin feels that there is an invisible giant net covering the sky here. He originally thought that this giant net was laid by the Zhentarim, but later slowly discovered that it was not.

Because the influence of this force, its influence on goblin creatures is far greater than that of other monsters.

For a long time, Gavin regarded the appearance of dog demons among the goblins in the Spirit Crystal Mine and the instigation of those goblins to calculate the Black Well Dogheads as an accidental event.

Later, he slowly discovered that this was not the case at all. It was not that the dog demon Andrew had concealed something from him, but that the number of dog demons among the goblin races in the Rock Land and the Great Desert of Enorok was very high. Astonishingly many.

Andrew thought he had followed his own will and escaped from the great demon cave of the Taeserama Mine. How could he be sure that this was not tacitly approved by the top leaders of Taeserama?

That was the lair run by a thousand-year-old great lich. If he didn't want to, could a dog demon easily escape? After escaping, the mine didn't react at all?

This is just one of the indirect evidences.

The second is that the Kingdom of Cormier has experienced two large-scale goblin invasions.

One of them broke out four years ago (1355), when a large number of goblins and orcs poured out of the rock land and captured the city of Arabel.

In this battle, Lord Mila lost her left arm. Under the obstruction of powerful magic, regeneration was powerless to restore her left arm, and she still wears a metal prosthetic arm.

They ravaged this place for three months until Grand Duke Beru led the Purple Dragon Army to the north and recaptured this place. In the following year, they annexed the city of Tifton.

The other one happened in the future (1371), which was the Dragon's Calamity that almost tore the Kingdom of Cormyr apart.

The reason why the attack was so powerful was not only because the dragon Naravatril was powerful enough, but also because the army he led was equally terrifying. It was said that there were hundreds of thousands of them, and they were also composed of orcs and goblins. Legend has it that the army also came from the Rockland.

Gavin is now the person who knows the Rockland best and has the most say. The Rockland alone cannot support so many orcs and goblins.

The place where the Dragon Oak Territory is located is considered a relatively prosperous place in the Rockland. Although the terrain is relatively rugged and belongs to the plateau and hilly area, at least it is mostly earth hills. , there are grass and trees, and things grown at least grow.

The further north and west you go, the more desolate it becomes, all bare granite. Even Gavin is helpless facing this place, not to mention the unproductive orcs and goblins, and such places occupy one-third of the entire rocky land.

There is a reason why the rocky land has become useless, and it will not change because of Gavin's arrival.

To mobilize an army of more than 100,000 monsters, at least all the monster forces around the rocky land, the goblin border, the Anauroch Desert, the Desert Mouth Mountains, the Storm Horn Mountains and the Thunder Peak Mountains must be gathered.

Gavin originally blamed all this on the Zhentarim, and it seems that they are the only ones around who have this ability.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is that the Dark Intelligence Network did not make much profit from these two things, especially the Dragon Tribulation in 1371.

This year, the struggle between the two factions of the Zhentarim reached its peak. The Mad God Cyric was judged by the powerful God Tribunal because of his madness. Some of his priesthoods were forcibly stripped away, and his strength plummeted. The followers of the God of Tyranny Bane took advantage of the situation and regained power.

In comparison, everything was pushed by the monsters in the Taesaima Mine, which can be explained.

Gavin has reason to believe that if he had not robbed the goods of the Zhentarim and accidentally pressed the pause button on the development of the rock land, he should have fought with the monster tribe affiliated with the Taesaima Mine.

"This is just your personal speculation. Do you have evidence to prove this?" Bolin showed the stubborn side of the dwarf and would not change his opinion because of the other party's inference.

Gavin spread his hands and said, "No, this kind of behind-the-scenes manipulation is the most difficult to prove. We can only make bold assumptions and then carefully verify whether it is true or not. As I officially develop in the Rockland, we will soon know. They will definitely not sit idly by and watch me unify the entire Rockland."


Jihalin waved his hand and interrupted Bolin who was still trying to argue, saying, "One more friend means one more help, not to mention that we may be facing the same enemy now. Why don't we listen to how General Gavin wants to form an alliance?"

"Yes, sir." Bolin could only respond and step aside.

"Alliance does not necessarily start with an offensive and defensive alliance. We can start with a commercial alliance and find cooperation points that are beneficial to both parties.

For example, I have iron ore in the rock land that you don't have, and you have forging technology that I don't have.

For example, you can forge the best adamantium alloy equipment, and I have adamantium.

After my guess is further confirmed, it won't be too late for us to promote a deeper alliance."

From the beginning, Gavin had no intention of annexing the Iron Clan.

This ancient dwarf clan is so easy to be annexed. The Kingdom of Cormyr has done this long ago. Why would it wait until now, let alone wait for me.

Mutual benefit and mutual benefit, each taking what they need, is the kingly way.

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