I am a god in another world

Chapter 7 It’s hard to act realistically

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A crisp knock on the door sounded.

"The door is not closed, come in!" Zalanda's slightly tired voice came from the room.

Gavin pushed the door open and walked in, saying, "I saw that the captain didn't go downstairs to eat, so I brought your portion up."

After Gavin came in, Zalanda didn't even turn her head.

With her perception, she recognized Gavin three meters in front of the door, otherwise she wouldn't be so relaxed.

At this time, Zalanda had taken off her armor and changed into a casual outfit. Even the loose clothes couldn't cover her proud figure. The large amount of exercise she maintained all year round made her thick where she should be thick and thin where she should be thin. It was a unique part of women, with a proud peak, but not too exaggerated. The saying of the ancients on Earth, one point more is too fat, one point less is too thin, is very appropriate for this moment and this scene.

The fiery red waist-length hair was simply tied up and spread behind her. The candlelight reflected her smooth face, which seemed to emit a trace of pearl light, with a trace of fatigue and weakness that was not usually seen.

"Put it aside first, I will eat it later!" Zaranda was almost defenseless against Gavin, who she had watched since childhood, and waved her hand without turning her head.

"I know what the captain is worried about. As long as you finish the food, I will have a plan to offer!" Gavin's delivery of food was fake, but his plan was real.

"Oh!?" Zalanda was finally interested. "Tell me first, what am I worried about? If I guess right, I will consider your proposal!"

"Okay." Gavin agreed readily. "Sister's retreat plan is based on completely defeating the goblin army outside the castle. Even a simple defeat is not enough. It must be a complete defeat, so that they flee and dare not chase us, even if they see us leaving the castle with our families. But defeating is easy but defeating is difficult. Now the captain has no good strategy and is worried about this matter. I wonder if my guess is right? Or not?"

"Eat first, eat first. When I'm full, I'll listen in detail to what strange things you have in your little head and whether it is worth learning from." Zalanda smiled happily and answered Gavin with practical actions.

Gavin could clearly feel the doubts in Zalanda's eyes.

There was no way. The two of them were too familiar with each other. Their relationship was between brother and sister, master and apprentice, and master and servant. Everything he knew, at least before the age of sixteen, was basically taught by Zalanda. Although he had shown intelligence since he was a child, he was far from being a demon.

Zalanda was extremely troubled by this matter, and it was no wonder that he was worried when he suddenly came out to offer advice.

But now, Gavin could not care about so much, because he knew very well the direction of the next few days.

Zalanda did achieve countless brilliant achievements in the future, and was victorious in every battle. She was called the Queen of Strategy, but that was tempered by countless wars and failures, and definitely not the battle of Notburg.

In this battle, Zalanda did not lose, because she did lead the army out of Notburg and sent the people here to Dalauma. If we ignore the price paid in this process - at least two-thirds of the people of Notburg stayed on the road of retreat, and Gavin was one of them.

After becoming the queen, Zalanda still regretted this matter, thinking that the strategy she adopted at that time should be more cautious and safer.

At that time, Zalanda only defeated and dispersed the goblin army, and then hurriedly set out on the road of retreat with the team. Unexpectedly, the goblin warlord of this goblin army was also a figure. In less than half a day, he organized a pursuit force and killed the retreating team of Notburg along the way.

In addition, there were many more small troubles and disturbances during the retreat than Zalanda had imagined.

The most important thing was that Luo An, the idiot, disrupted the situation, turning the previous victory into a tragic victory, and losing more than half of the cavalry.

When the mobile force was severely damaged, even if the enemy was defeated, there was no way to pursue the victory. They could only walk all the way, abandoning the women, children, and disabled who fell behind. When they arrived at Dalauma, they had already lost a lot of people.

This time, because of Gavin's efforts, all the cavalry had been saved, and there was a disagreement on the way.

Zalanda ate like a man, just like going to war, but with the elegance of training, and quickly cleared the food on the plate. At this time, even if she was given a hero banquet summoned by magic, she would still find it tasteless.

She was desperate and didn't expect Gavin to have any earth-shattering insights. She just wanted to help her out with opinions and stimulate her withered inspiration to see if she could come up with any good tactics.

In other words, she still didn't have much expectation for Gavin. As I said before, the two of them were too familiar with each other, so familiar that Gavin could know everything he wanted to do when he lifted his butt. At this time, it was good for someone to talk.

"Although we have decided to abandon the fort, the enemy doesn't know we are going to do this. We can create an information gap and do something inside to consume the enemy's manpower as much as possible." Gavin didn't hide anything and directly threw out his ideas.

As expected of the future queen of strategy, Zhalanda understood it immediately. She slammed the table, stood up and said, "Why didn't I think of it before? We now have not only enough bows and arrows, but also a group of heavy infantry. We can open the city gates and lure them to attack. When their vassals and cannon fodder are almost exhausted, it will not be too late to take the initiative to attack.

If there are not enough goblin vassals, even if some of the goblins escape, they will not have the courage to continue chasing us. Even if they come, our cavalry team has enough strength to drive them away, or even kill them all!

It is not difficult to lure them to attack. The leader of this goblin tribe has a low command level. Just open the city gate, and those goblin fools will rush forward without thinking.

Three archer teams of ten must be arranged here, three here, and five here. It is enough to put a team of ten heavy infantry here, and then put another one here.

And those vehicles can be used as obstacles to form an arc-shaped convoy. Arrange more civilians with long spears in the back to cooperate with those medium-armored infantry to protect their safety and exert considerable combat effectiveness.

Come on, come on, summon all the captains of the ten-man team to me, I want to have a meeting! ”

“I'll call people now! "Gavin walked out quickly, but after two steps, he fell back and kindly reminded, "Sister, I suggest that you change your clothes first. Wearing a nightgown to hold a military meeting is a bit damaging to your image."

"Got it!" Zalanda waved her hand impatiently. She was so focused on tactics that she probably didn't hear what Gavin said clearly at all.

"Alas... my tactics of luring the enemy into a trap, catching the turtle in the trap, my tactics of driving the sheep away..." Gavin shook his head and sighed as he walked.

Before coming up, he had planned for a long time.

Not only did he deduce the plan for a long time, but he also thought of the name of the tactics. He was ready to show off in front of Zalanda, so as to attract a few different looks and satisfy his little vanity.

As a result, he just made a start, and they pulled the rope, He pulled out all the people behind him, even to the deployment of troops, which made him feel so depressed that even Gavin IV was a little depressed.

This kind of depression came quickly and went quickly.

Because this person was not someone else, but Zhalanda who had taken care of him since he was a child. The other party's quick reaction showed that she did have a unique advantage in this regard.

He was not afraid of Zhalanda's strength, but was afraid that the other party was not strong enough, so that he could leave with peace of mind.

Since the other party had enough talent in this regard, should he add fuel to the fire in this regard?

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