I am a god in another world

Chapter 94 Is there still justice?

This is the most brutal contract for the devil, second only to the devil's real name being mastered.

Once he is enslaved by others, it will not only be as simple as losing his freedom, but even his growth will be greatly restricted.

In more popular terms, at least half of the life force he gains from gnawing will be shared with the contractor.

This contract is deep in the soul, and there is no way to cancel it even if he dies.

The only way to cancel it is to dissolve the soul and rebuild it again. If it really comes to this, even if it is a devil, it is not the original devil.


He absolutely does not accept this contract. No one, no one can enslave him.

He finally escaped from the damn goblin lich in the Tassaima mine. How could he accept more humble slavery?

He, Andrew, will never be a slave.


The dog demon, who had just gathered some spirits and prepared to fight against the soul slavery contract, felt that his head was shot again.

It was that damn mental attack again, which turned his brain into a mess and collapsed.

At this time, the goblin warlock's spell was also completed. The soul fluctuations of the two were tending to the same pace, establishing a mysterious connection. A light visible to the naked eye appeared between the two. It can be clearly seen that a stream of red substance is constantly flowing from the dog demon to the goblin warlock - this is the essence of the dog demon, the power of hell.

Gavin, who had been prepared for a long time, pulled the dying dog demon out of the obviously thinning holy water and threw it at Vic's feet.

Both of them roared at the same time.

With the infusion of a large amount of hell power, the goblin warlock's body was stretched by an invisible force, at least more than ten centimeters taller. The skinny body even began to show the outline of muscles, showing obvious signs of demonization. His eyes changed from scarlet to the same orange-yellow as the dog demon, and a pair of short sharp horns emerged from his forehead, indicating that he was marked by the power of hell.

No wonder it is difficult for people to resist the temptation of demons and devils, even if they know that their future fate will be miserable, because the process of gaining power is too fast and too simple, without any training or effort, just a simple contract.

The dog demon is just the opposite. The body of the dog demon corroded by holy water is becoming further dehydrated.

One is because his essence has been extracted by the goblin warlock.

The second is to use this opportunity to repair the severely damaged body, and the four legs are growing again.

This time there is no extra life force for him to use, so he can only use his own capital.

When the two sides stabilized, the dog demon had shrunk to the size of an ordinary wolf.

The goblin warlock not only gained enhanced growth in his body, but also raised his professional level by one level to level seven.

Although his body returned to normal, the dog demon's body was extremely weak. He lay beside the goblin warlock and didn't want to move even a step.

Looking at Gavin, there was no resentment at all, only endless fear.

The half-elf in front of him was too scary. Even the devil couldn't imagine what he did to him.

If possible, the dog demon didn't want to stay with him for even a second.

But the problem was that he had no choice now. From now on, he would be a slave to them, not only without any benefits, but also paying for it.

Is there still justice? Is there still law?

If he had known earlier, he would have stayed in the Taesaama Mine. Although the goblin lich's methods were cruel, at least he could barely accept it within the scope of normal people.

Gavin didn't even look at the dog demon. Even though he was a devil, after all this trouble, he didn't have the energy and courage to do things behind his back.

The best way to deal with a devil is to always be stronger than him and make him fear you forever.

Gavin still has this confidence.

This is why he dared to let the goblin warlock take risks. If it was a chaotic and unreasonable demon, Gavin would have sent it back to its home in the abyss long ago. That kind of funny guy is just like Erha, don't think of training it into an obedient police dog.

"How do you feel?" Gavin's eyes stayed on the goblin warlock from beginning to end, holding the magic sword tightly.

If Vic showed any abnormality, even if he didn't kill him, he would first have to rest his arm to make him temporarily lose the ability to cast spells.

The goblin warlock's orange-yellow eyes, which were a bit like the devil, flashed for a moment, and he squeezed his long hands, which looked a bit like the claws of a dog demon, and said: "Chief, I'm fine, better than ever before. I feel that power is filling my body, and I'm stronger than ever before."

When Vic spoke, wisps of smoke came out of his mouth, with a faint smell of sulfur, the smell of the devil. This kind of demonization is not just about the appearance, but also invisible changes in the body.

Seeing that the goblin warlock was still rational, Gavin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't be fooled by this feeling. This is just an illusion of sudden power infusion. Don't let the power control you. Instead, you have to control this power. Only in this way can you become a truly strong man."

"Yes, I will work harder in the future." The goblin warlock said respectfully.

At this time, Gavin turned his gaze to the dog demon who was pretending to be dead and said, "Where did you come from? How did you enter the material plane?"

It would be difficult for evil alien creatures like the Dog Demon to enter the main material plane without a summons and invitation, especially Toril.

Although Toril is part of the multiverse, the gods have sealed off the crystal wall, making plane travel a relatively difficult task, especially for evil alien creatures.

For those strong men who aim to pursue power, this matter does bring them a lot of inconvenience.

But for most ordinary residents, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, as they don't have to face most of the monsters and monsters of the multiverse.

"If you keep pretending to be dead, believe it or not, I will let you take another holy water bath. Although the rest will be less effective, it will still be enough to deal with you now." Gavin snorted coldly.

Completely ignoring the resentful look cast by the young priest next to her.

Her bathtub was a bathtub that she had only used a few times. The black and white positive and negative energies in it were still conflicting, and a few sulfurous bubbles appeared from time to time. Could she still use it in the future?

This time, Gavin did not ignore Anna anymore, and comforted him in a low voice: "This bathtub of yours is too bulky, and it is inconvenient to fetch water every time. In a few days, I will discuss it with Zach and give you a whole bathtub." There is an automatic spray bath equipment, coupled with a natural bluestone bathtub. Once turned on, hot water will come out, which is no easier than fetching bath water. "

"Really?" Anna's eyes were a little suspicious, but she sounded very happy.

"Really, more real than real gold." Gavin promised, "When have I ever lied to you?"

"Hmph!" The young pastor pouted and hummed. Gavin had indeed never lied to her, but he did trick her a lot. He dug a hole for her to jump into, and happily counted the money for him afterwards.

The dog demon did not dare to pretend to be dead anymore. He reluctantly raised his head and said feebly: "I escaped from the Tesyama mine. The number two person there, an orc shaman, sold his soul to the devil and often summoned various people. If the devil comes, I will take the opportunity to run out."

"The Tethyama Mine? The Tethyama Mine in the Mokou Mountains? The one that was lost from the hands of the dwarves?" Gavin involuntarily raised his voice.

Even though he is as experienced and steady as he is, at this moment, he is somewhat out of his element.

Because if the Tesyama mine mentioned by the two is the same, then they have found a treasure, and the dog demon will be the largest source of information.

Gavin has a big plan in mind. If this plan is stirred up, it will not only change the rocky land, but the entire Heartland region and even the entire Faerûn.

Among them, retaking the Tesyama mine is also a part of his grand plan.

Although it is far from time to put the plan into action, it would be good to know the information about him in advance.

"Besides the Tesyama mine, is there another one?" The dog demon's answer confirmed this.

"Very good, I think it is necessary for us to have in-depth communication." Gavin smiled meaningfully.

Gavin's smile made the dog demon shiver involuntarily, as if he had a bad premonition.

This time, the dog demon's premonition was probably correct. Gavin's next questions were all about the Tesyama mine. Of course, the dog demon had no need to hide it, because it did not involve his own interests, and it was not even a betrayal. They were called to come.

After Gavin collected the information about the Tesyama mine, he said to the dog demon: "Now there is a task for you."

The loyalty of the goblin warlock Vic is unquestionable, but his execution ability is obviously very lacking. Now that the dog demon is there, it makes up for this lack, and he can be given some tasks appropriately.

"What mission?" The dog demon's spirit has obviously recovered a lot.

"Your favorite mission is to go to the Spirit Crystal Mine and provoke those goblins to attack the Black Well Tribe."

The dog demon has a very high IQ. Gavin just said a simple sentence, and he completely reacted, "You want to drain the blood of those goblins during defense, and then seize the mine."

"I underestimated the value of the spiritual crystal mines. Some of them are too big to fall off. I must correct them now." Gavin nodded appreciatively and said: "Over there, I don't care what you do, and I don't ask. I only want the final result."

"Okay, I'll go. When will it start?"

"Right now."

"Let's go." The dog demon turned into a warg again and bent his knees beside the goblin warlock.

Before being enslaved, he didn't care about being used as a mount by goblins, or in other words, this was a way for him to control goblins.

Now that he was forced to sign a soul slavery contract, he didn't even care about this. To be more precise, he just wanted to escape as soon as possible, and escape from the group of guys in front of him who were covered in kindness but were darker than the devil inside.

"Who said Vic will go too? This matter is your own mission." How could Gavin let Vic and the dog demon be alone for a long time? Never underestimate the power of a demon's seductive words.

"Shall I go by myself?" The dog demon obviously didn't expect that Gavin would let the reins go so long.

"What, you don't want to?" Gavin smiled enigmatically.

"Yes, yes." The magic power around the dog demon began to gather, and his body began to loom. In order to escape as soon as possible, he directly used his magic-like ability, any door.

When it appeared again, the dog demon had already appeared hundreds of meters away from the Black Well tribe.


The dog demon couldn't help but look up to the sky and howl.

There is both the excitement of surviving the disaster and the catharsis of grief and anger.

The bright sunshine fell on him.

Andrew was in a trance, as if he was in another world.

Thinking about it, the dog demon was sad. He obviously had the most escaping spells, such as Anywhere Door and Flash.

If he was restrained by a restraining spell like Dimension Anchor, he would have accepted it.

But from beginning to end, none of them could be cast, and they were restricted by physical means.

This was the first time that the dog demon knew that if physical means were used to the extreme, there would be such a magical effect.

This kind of opponent is not something he can contend with. The best way is to follow the opponent all the way to the end.

Besides, the soul is in the hands of others, and the dog demon has no choice.

As soon as the dog demon left, the young priest couldn't help asking: "Mr. Gavin, why did you assign him such a task? Aren't the goblins over there in the spirit crystal mine out of food? Just wait for a few ten days, and they will collapse on their own."

Not only Anna, but even Vic's eyes flashed with doubts.

Gavin patiently explained, "Let alone several ten days, even one or two ten days is too long for us.

Don't forget that there is a large goblin tribe, Blood Claw, next to us. They have a natural influence on the goblin tribe. Once they get the news, they will take the lead, annex the spirit crystal mine, and occupy it. If we want to take it down, the difficulty will rise sharply.

To support the Eagle Cliff Cave against the Harpy, we also need to knock out this unstable factor.

Instead of passively waiting, it is better to control the rhythm of the war in our own hands."

"I see." Anna showed an expression of confusion.

"The Black Well Tribe is now too mixed, combining more than a dozen dog-headed tribes. Don't think the whole tribe is mixed together. If you observe carefully, there are still some people who are close to each other and who gather together. After all, they have been together for too short a time.

There are two ways to change this phenomenon. One is to dilute everything with time, and what we lack most now is time.

The other way is to temper with blood and fire. When you have fought on the battlefield together, shed blood together, and shared life and death, the relationship will naturally become close." Gavin added.

Anna couldn't help but widen her round black eyes: "Mr. Gavin, you have too many twists and turns in your mind. Do you think so much about such a plan?"

Vic added lightly from the side: "Chief, it has always been like this."

"Can I take your words as a compliment?" Gavin joked.

He also didn't say that if you want to change the cowardly nature of the dog-headed people, you also need a brilliant victory to forge it.

The goblins in the Spirit Crystal Mine are destined to be the stepping stone for the rise of the Black Well Tribe. Now it is just the time to kick this stepping stone forward.

"Mr. Gavin is as thick-skinned as ever." Anna made a face at Gavin and jumped out. "Since the war is about to start, I will hurry up and collect more herbs and prepare more healing potions."

When she reached the door, the young priest turned around and waved her little fist at Gavin and said, "I will take the bathtub that Mr. Gavin promised after the war."

"No problem." Gavin waved his hand perfunctorily, probably starting to think about how to arrange the troops and get the most glorious victory with the least casualties.

When the dog demon Andrew arrived at the Spirit Crystal Mine, the goblins here had become a mess.

Not only was the food that should be traded intercepted by the Black Well Tribe, but the leader of the tribe, Andy, had disappeared for several days.

Even with Gavin's deliberate management, the Black Well Tribe, which was merged with multiple tribes, was a bit messy, not to mention the Spirit Crystal Mine, which was even worse.

These goblins temporarily surrounded Andy because he controlled the Black Well Tribe's food trading line. In fact, most of the goblins surrounded their original tribal leaders.

The dog demon, Andy's mount, had just returned to the Spirit Crystal Mine and was criticized by the goblin leaders.

"Where is the great leader Andy? Where did he go?"

"Why did the Black Well take back the food we bought?"

"What happened?"

Although they were chattering, the goblin leaders dared to stand far away, surrounded by a group of goblin tribesmen.

Not only because the dog demon was notorious here, but also because after he came back, the remaining dozen or so goblin wolf knights immediately found their backbone and surrounded him at the first time.

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