However, Director Yang has already said this, asking them to follow Yang Tian, an intern, to perform surgeries and learn from them. It is difficult for them to refute.

Although they didn't know what Yang Tian's level was, they had no chance to do this kind of surgery for pancreatic head cancer in their small hospital. One reason is that their skills are limited and their medical equipment is limited, so major surgeries of this kind are basically transferred directly to large hospitals.

Even if they encounter such a patient, they have no chance to do it.

They come to such a large hospital for further training in order to observe the operations performed by elite doctors from large hospitals. They can watch and learn on the spot. Of course, there is also training. In the second half of the training stage, they can even perform real operations in person!

If you study in a hospital, you mainly take the path of practical learning. If you study in a school, you basically take the theoretical and cultural route.

Next, Yang Tian took the three of them to the operating room. As they walked, they introduced each other.

To be honest, Feng Jin also had doubts about Yang Tian's ability despite his talent. Can an intern really perform level 4 surgery?

Isn't this too exaggerated? Could it be that he has been an intern for more than a year and has not been made a regular employee yet?

"Well, Dr. Yang, I wonder how long you have been practicing?"Feng Jin couldn't help but ask.

"The internship has been a little over two months!"Yang Tiandao

"What, just over two months?"Suddenly, the three of them were all shocked after hearing this. Can they perform level 4 surgeries after only two months of internship?

This, this, this!

You know, when they graduated, they worked as interns for only half a year. They have the opportunity to perform some minor surgeries such as wound suturing. As for the first-level surgeries, they only have the opportunity to do them when they become the attending physician.

In the small hospital they stay in, they can only do the second-level surgeries at most. As for the third-level surgeries, which are more difficult and risky. They basically have no chance to do surgery. As for the ultra-difficult and ultra-high-risk level four surgery, they have never had the opportunity to do it except in the textbook videos!

"Doctor Yang, which medical university did you graduate from?"Zhu Youcai felt at this moment that maybe Yang Tianshi graduated from a famous university. Did he start learning various surgeries during college?

"Jiangbei Medical University"

"That’s it, a famous medical university"

"Top students, envious"

"By the way, Dr. Yang, you were able to learn to do some surgeries in college?"Feng Jin couldn't help but ask.

"No, when I was in college, I only performed some surgeries that were not even first-level, such as suturing, ligation, and hemostasis. There is also anatomy. Level 1 skills can basically be learned during internships."Yang Tian explained

"hiss……"The three of them were shocked after hearing this.

Can we perform level 4 surgery in just over two months?

Well, maybe they themselves have learned very advanced basic knowledge in college, and they were also very diligent and talented during their internships, so they have made such rapid progress.

But it also reflects a side issue. After interning and studying in a large hospital, I really made rapid progress.

So now the three of them are full of longing for this learning trip!

Maybe after this training, their strength will also increase greatly. In the future, they may be able to leave the small hospital where they stay and go to work in a big hospital in a big city... in the operating room.

Everything used for the operation is ready: abdominal bag, gastrointestinal bag, automatic abdominal hook, deep vascular forceps, right-angle forceps, vascular clamps, long electrosurgery...

Anesthesiologist Liu Qiang also gave the patient general anesthesia + endotracheal intubation.

The operation begins.

Yang Tian started the operation while explaining:"The incision location for pancreatic head cancer is in the right upper abdomen through the rectus abdominis incision or under the right costal margin."

Yang Tian's movements were neither fast nor slow, and the incision was just right.

This level of control made the three doctors look stunned.

The automatic retractor exposes the surgical field. The suction head sucks out the ascites. Exploration and understanding of the liver, omentum, and hepatoduodenal ligament……

"Take a look, what's wrong with the abdomen?"

The three people all leaned over and looked carefully. Everyone said something, but none of them hit the point.

Yang Tian smiled and said:"Is there any lymph node metastasis around the celiac artery and the pelvic cavity? Now we can The surgical plan has been determined."

Next, Yang Tian learned about surgery while popularizing science.

Every movement was smooth and smooth, without any sloppiness or mistakes.

The use of various tools simply refreshed the world view of the three people. It turns out that these surgical tools can still be used like this At the same time, they were also shocked by Yang Tian's surgical skills!

It was so amazing during the operation, they felt like Yang Tian was not an intern at all, but a famous surgeon!

"Are all the interns at Jiangbei First Hospital so awesome? So wouldn’t those official doctors be going against the grain?"_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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