Although the description takes a long time, it only took about ten seconds for this thing to happen!

When Yang Tian got in the car, he saw Huang Zhengrong and Liang Ying looking at Yang Tian like monsters!

That kick just now really shocked them.

"Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and drive."Yang Tiandao

"Oh oh oh……"Huang Zhengrong came to his senses at this time, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped out!

Finally, after hurrying and hurrying, it took 9 minutes for the ambulance to finally arrive at the hospital.

Since the hospital just informed us in advance, everything is ready.

Li Jun was pushed directly into the operating room.

The person who came up was Yang Jinrong.

"What is the specific situation?"Yang Jinrong asked Yang Tian

"The nerve damage in the middle of the calf was severe, the blood supply to the entire calf was poor, the soft tissue in the middle of the calf was severely bruised, and there is a tendency for limb necrosis. Yang Tian said while putting on sterile gloves.

"At present, the blood in the upper limbs of the calf cannot be retained in the lower limbs of the calf. The arteries in the middle are severely damaged and difficult to repair. Even if it is repaired surgically, it will take more than 3 hours. So now I can only connect a blood transfusion tube from the upper end of the artery to the lower end, trying to ensure that there is blood supply to the lower end of the calf. Arterial and vascular repair……"

"Is the situation so serious? In this case, the leg is almost unsalvageable and has to be amputated. What you do is in vain."As a senior director of the emergency department, Yang Jinrong encounters many situations like this every year. This kind of blood cannot be supplied to the lower half of the body, and there are also large areas of nerve damage, soft tissue bruises, and fractures. It is almost impossible to save.

Even if you can pump blood to the lower half, what can you do if the nerve is damaged? Even if the nerve is damaged, your leg will not be able to move because it requires nerve control. Movement.

Not to mention soft tissue injuries.

Of course, Yang Jinrong knows nerve repair, which is an important part of the comprehensive treatment plan of nerve repair and is an important treatment method to enhance the functional recovery of the nervous system based on the original nerve anatomy and function.

On the other hand, it promotes the regeneration, repair and remodeling of destroyed or damaged nerves, reconstructs neuroanatomical circuits, regulates and improves nerve signal conduction, and ultimately achieves nerve function repair.

Nerve repair mainly includes micro-butt suturing, autologous or allogeneic tissue. And/or cell transplantation, tissue engineering-related biomaterial implantation, electromagnetic stimulator surgery, drug local micro-release device (pump) implantation, etc. According to the treatment object, it is divided into peripheral nerve repair and central nerve repair..

Undoubtedly, nerve repair is a complex and extremely difficult operation.

It also takes a long time!

He is afraid that the patient's entire leg will be completely necrotic before he can repair the nerve. Even if the nerve repair is successful, It’s too late!

Not to mention that the bones still need to be reattached and the soft tissues need to be repaired…

In other words, there is simply not enough time!

"Director, give it a try."Yang Tian pulled Yang Jinrong to the corner and whispered. Suddenly, Yang Jinrong was in awe!

Because Yang Tian told him that the patient was injured trying to save a little girl. There was also something in his pocket. Four medals! It makes my heart heavy after listening to it.

"Hey~ Let’s give it a try."Yang Jinrong nodded solemnly.

"I'll help him connect an external blood transfusion now. Is there anyone from the orthopedics department? Let the doctor over there straighten the bones of his leg first, and then I'll repair the blood vessels. Then you come to nerve repair and soft tissue repair. By the way, do you want to call a neurosurgeon to do nerve repair?"Yang Tian said as he began to perform external blood transfusion surgery.

This kind of surgery is similar to battlefield surgery.

Many field doctors like to do this, and it can only be said that it is the best solution among all options.

"No need, I also majored in neurosurgery before."Yang Jinrong shook his head. In the emergency department, especially the director of the emergency department, he knows something about almost every field.

After all, the emergency department will encounter all types of patients! So the doctors in the emergency department definitely have the most complex knowledge.

At this time, Yang Tian knew very well that even if he continued to follow this process, Li Jun's leg would definitely not be saved because it was too serious. Just like what Yang Jinrong said just now, Yang Tian Everything he is doing now is in vain. This leg cannot be saved and can only be amputated!

"Since there is no miracle, then create a miracle!"While Yang Tian was sitting operating, he was distracted and opened the system mall and started to select medicines.

He now wants a medicine that can prevent the calf from necrosis! Buy time for all their surgeries!

"I hope there are medicines for this."Yang Tian knows that there is no such medicine in the world at present. I wonder if there is an epoch-making medicine in the system mall!_

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