After get off work, Yang Tian took Liang Ying to eat hot pot.

Since several nurses in the emergency room had to work night shifts, they were unable to come over for dinner and her birthday celebration.

So there were only Yang Tian and Liang Ying during the meal.

When we finished eating the hot pot, it was already past eight o'clock.

Liang Ying looked at the time:"Shall we go to Blue Point KTV now? It's almost time to get there."


"By the way, how many friends are coming to your birthday party this time?"

"Three best friends from high school and one female best friend from college. That’s all. Oh, by the way, the boyfriends of three high school girlfriends are also here. The girl from college doesn’t have a boyfriend yet, hehe... Do I want to introduce you to him later?"Liang Ying said to Yang Tianda with a smile.

"Ahem...forget it."Yang Tian touched his nose, not sure if she was pretty or not. What should I introduce?

When Yang Tian drove Liang Ying to the Blue Point KTV and parked the car, Yang Tian Tian remembered that he had not prepared a gift for her. As his roommate. , as a colleague, as a friend, he should give someone a gift on their birthday.

"Liang Ying, you go up first, I'll buy a pack of cigarettes before I go up."Yang Tian made an excuse.

"Okay, hurry up, my best friends are almost here. The private room is 508."Liang Ying knew that Yang Tian smoked, so she didn't suspect anything.

"OK, I'll be there soon. Yang Tian nodded.

After seeing Liang Ying enter the Blue Point KTV, he continued to drive to the nearest large shopping mall. This shopping mall was only a five-minute drive away.

After arriving at the mall, he Go to the luxury goods area.

He plans to give Liang Ying a bag. Don’t women like bags? So he just buys a bag. He doesn’t know what type of cosmetics and skin care products she likes. I bought cosmetics and skin care products, so I chose a Tiger Balm bag.

When I went to the LV counter, I picked out a new, stylish and limited edition LV bag. This bag cost 35,000 yuan. The price is nothing to Yang Tian at the moment. He can still buy it without hesitation, mainly because he is grateful to Liang Ying for taking care of him these days. After living together, the floor is always clean and can be used as a mirror.

The toilet is also clean. Before, his toilet would probably not be cleaned once every three months.

Also, there was Liang Ying. In such a small life, without being able to eat delicious food, it is almost like marrying a virtuous Xiaojiabiyu.

"Sir, WeChat or credit card?"The sales girl saw that Yang Tian picked a thirty-five thousand bag after just a few glances, and her smile became even brighter.

In fact, many girls come to buy bags, and most of them choose the five- to six-thousand-dollar bag. LV bags priced in the early 10,000s, after all, LVs priced at several thousand or more than 10,000 are also LV.

Only people with a little more money would choose bags worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.

"WeChat."Yang Tian took out his mobile phone and started to pay.

Soon, after paying the money, Yang Tian said to the sales girl:"Do you have any gift boxes here? Can you please pack this bag for me? It’s my friend’s birthday today."

"Yes, I will package it for you right now. How about the packaging of the selected fans? Is it for your girlfriend?"The sales girl looked like I understand.

Well, if you say girlfriend, just say girlfriend, we are too lazy to explain.

Ten minutes later, the LV bag was packed in a beautiful packaging box. He took the packaging box I rushed to Blue Point KTV.

At this time, several of Liang Ying’s best friends and her best friend’s boyfriends came.

Like this, the women were familiar with each other, and the men were not familiar with each other. Naturally, they were divided into two sides. The women chatted about sex, while the men smoked, drank, and showed off their cigarettes. On the table, the one who drove the car put the car keys on the table.

Even among best friends

, the relationship between best friends is actually very fragile.

Of course, many women think that the friendship between best friends is very important. In fact, in the end, best friends may cheat each other and play bad tricks on each other.

Don’t you see that many women are accompanied by their best friends when they get divorced?

Don’t you see, after a woman quarrels with a man, there is I thought about getting divorced, but I didn’t really want to get divorced. But in my best friend group, I kept saying that men are bad, so they ended up getting divorced.

But after the divorce, your best friend will give you happiness for the rest of your life. Rescue?

So, the bestie group these days is actually very poisonous!

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