"This beautiful woman, I see that you have insufficient energy and blood, and your face is sallow.

You should be suffering from infertility!

Have you had at least 7 abortions? I think you should plan for the rest of your life as early as possible.

Either try to find some old Chinese medicine doctors to take some old prescriptions to recuperate your body, or go to the hospital for a thorough check-up and treatment to see if there is any chance.

Or go to the orphanage to adopt a child as soon as possible.


A couple walked past the balcony, and he said to the woman.

After hearing what Yang Tian said, the woman stopped immediately, with an angry look on her face! But there was a trace of panic in her eyes. Sexy. How did the other party know that she had had 7 abortions?

"Am I infertile? Could it be that I have had 7 abortions and am no longer fertile?"The woman was terrified in her heart. But she did not express it on her face. Instead, she stared at Yang Tian with an angry face and gritted her teeth and said,"Are you sick? Nonsense! I am only 24 years old, why am I infertile?"

"Husband, look at him, look at him. This person said this to me, eh eh eh……"As he spoke, he shook his boyfriend's arm violently.

At this time, this man saw that this scumbag actually said that his girlfriend was infertile, and he was really angry to death!

"Boy, are you looking for a beating?"The man glared at Yang Tian. His bad temper was rising!

Yang Tian chuckled, gently crushed half of the bricks with his hands, and said in a nonchalant manner:"That's it for now, you guys. Just pretend I didn't say it"

"Husband, look at him, he still hasn’t apologized!"The woman shook her boyfriend's arm vigorously

"Ahem... My dear, let's not argue with this lunatic. Let's go eat Malatang!"The man was shocked when he saw Yang Tian crushing half of the bricks with one hand. He no longer wanted to trouble Yang Tian.

"You, you coward, what are you afraid of!"Women are generous

"Let's go and eat Malatang. Don't get mad at your body. What if he is injured and he touches us?"The man continued to make excuses


In the end, the man pulled the woman away.

At this time, the man secretly thought, is his girlfriend really infertile? She has had 7 abortions? His girlfriend is quite beautiful. It is said that she She has ridden in a BMW and a Porsche before, but in the end she chose a good man who drives a battery car!

She feels that she has no regrets and is very happy!


"Hey, another one!"After Yang Tian watched the couple go away, he looked at the completion level of the task and found that it had reached (28/30)

"Two more to go!"

In the past two hours, Yang Tian boldly diagnosed the crying passerby. Regardless of whether you want it or not, he only had to tell the other person's physical illness to complete the task.

Of course, this way Everyone looked at him angrily when he was sick, and many people even wanted to teach him a lesson, but they were intimidated by his strength. If it were the bad old man next door, no one would dare to trouble him. He must have been beaten to death!

At this moment, Yang Tian did not know that his behavior was being closely watched by a beautiful woman.

Not far away, Wu Mengxin watched Yang Tian fooling one patient after another, plus the one in front of the stall. The sign said something about a miracle doctor coming to earth. As a doctor preparing for internship, her medical ethics and sense of justice suddenly burst out in her heart!

"As a quasi-doctor, we cannot let such people fool passers-by and let them run around for examinations. Fortunately no one has been fooled yet."Wu Mengxin murmured to herself. She could see that those passers-by didn't listen to Yang Tiandao's deception at all. If they all listened to Yang Tian and thought he was sick, Yang Tian's next step would probably be to deceive you that I can cure you. , how much does one pill cost?

Well, don’t ask her why she knows, because that’s how she acted on TV!

"Humph, I must expose such a person!"Wu Mengxin, who had a strong sense of justice, decided to go over and expose the true face of Yang Tianshengun.

At this moment, a young and beautiful woman in her twenties was supporting an old man in his seventies and walked by.

"Granddaughter, no, I'm dizzy. Find a place to sit."Zhou Zhengmin waved his hands with difficulty and said to his granddaughter Zhou Lulu next to him. He and his granddaughter took a walk nearby, but as they walked, he felt dizzy, his chest was a little tight, and he couldn't breathe. Same

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Zhou Lulu asked with a worried look on her face.

"It's nothing, just a little dizzy and a little chest tightness. Maybe it's because the weather is too hot. It's okay, just take a rest."Zhou Zhengmin gave the other party a reassuring look.

"Could it be heat stroke? Zhou Lulu said hurriedly

"Maybe, even though it was night, the floor was still hot."Zhou Zhengmin didn't know if it was true or not, so he found a place to sit down.

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